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-Mini story-

Today was supposed to be a normal day, at least for us. Our plan was simple: finish the class, go home, and play Smash Bros. But everything was ruined for these words...

Everyone: ...a musical?

Miss Cheerilee: That's right! :D .. I will evaluate your acting classes and your songs next week.

The teacher gave us a guideline: there must be a minimum of six students for each group. Miss Cheerilee wrote the names of everyone on small pieces of paper and she began randomly taking the papers and forming the groups. Our group was made up of Octavia, Vinyl, Lyra, Wallflower, obviously me and...

You: ...?!

Pinkie: *evil stare* hehehe.

You: Im out.

Miss Cheerilee: What was that? Sorry but you have to participate in the musical, otherwise your grade will be an F ... and I must say that your grades are not the best in the class.

You: *sigh* .. fine.

Miss Cheerilee: Students, you can choose the topic you want, in the library you can find something that can help you :). That's all! 

We left the classroom and headed to the library.
In the library, we decided who will be the director, and unanimously, Octavia was the winner. If you ask me, I think she is fit for the job.

Octavia: well guys, fortunately I have the perfect topic for us, and it is-

Pinkie: Sleeping Beauty! :D

Everyone: what?!

Octavia: ... hmm.. not bad. It's a perfect story and it has songs that we are going to be able to interpret. Yes, i like it.

Vinyl: In that case, I'll take care of the music hehe. Oh wait, and the casting?

Octavia: You right. We already have the story and the songs. Vinyl will produce the music, now we would have to see who will play the roles.

Pinkie: Well, Sleeping Beauty has two important roles: Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip.

Octavia: I know, what is your point Pinkie.

Pinkie: We should start with the easiest ... who will play the Prince Phillip role?

Everyone: ... ... ... *they stare you*

You: ...?! ... W-what?! Why me!

Pinkie: duh! Prince Phillip is a male role, and you are the only man here dummy!.

You: I have never acted before and are you going to give me the role of leader?! 

Wallflower: I agree with Pinkie, I trust you :)

Vinyl: yep.

Lyra: Sure, why not xD! 

Octavia: very well, you will be the Prince Phillip.. congrats!

Pinkie: hehe, they all agree with me. You're welcome ^_^.

You: *facepalm* ..
Pinkie has lost her mind. Me? With the role of leader, the F will be the least of our problems :S ..

Pinkie: now, it's Princess Aurora turn ^_^.. You know what happens at the end of the story, right?

Octavia: at the end of the story? Well, Phillip defeats Maleficent and he awakens Aurora.

Pinkie: Yep, and how he awakens Aurora? :D

Octavia: ahm... ... ... ?! .. Ahh!!

Pinkie: hahahah! yeah!! He awakens the princess with a sweet kiss! Awww..


Pinkie: That means that whoever is Aurora, she must kiss him!! :D!

Wallflower: WHAT?!

Vinyl: oops, I didn't see that coming..

I knew it, Pinkie had everything planned to humiliate me again! Dammit! I have to think of something quickly!

Octavia: w-well, failure is not an option, so we must do it.

You: Objection!

Pinkie: shut up dummy...

You: ah come on...
I tried.

A couple of minutes have passed and the girls have not yet decided who will play the Aurora role. We need time to process all this, so we are going to buy a juice... will we really have to kiss one of the girls?! - When I return to the library, Octavia and Vinyl have disappeared.

You: hey Wallflower, where did Octavia and Vinyl go?

Wallflower: I don't know, Octavia asked Vinyl something and they both left the library.

You: too bad, Octavia has the book with the story, all of us need to study the dialogues. Ahm.. N-not that it's of my importance, but.. who will be Aurora? o///o

Wallflower: ah, well... you know...

Pinkie: Hey dummy! what's up! *Hugs you from behind*

You: Gwah!! Get off me!

Pinkie: Octavia and Vinyl are in the classroom next door :) 

You: *sigh* I know this is not going to end well, but.. whatever.

We quickly go to the classroom next door. We can hear Octavia and Vinyl talking ... are they rehearsing the dialogues? We slowly open the door...

You: Hey Octavia, can you-... WOAH!!!
This is certainly something I did not expect! I'm in the heaven? I'm dreaming?!

Octavia: mmmmh.. hmmm.. *kiss*

Vinyl: mmmmnhh.. mmmmnh. *kiss*

The girls are giving each other a big kiss, and I'm  watching this show in the front row!! Holy...!!

Octavia: Your lips are very soft, Vinyl.. hmmmm...

Vinyl: Be careful Tavi!, you tickle me hehe!

I see Octavia's hands slowly lower and touch the glute of Vinyl, while Vinyl raises her hands to touch Octavia's breasts ... hahaha!! Holy mother of Equestria!!! Wait, No!! get out impure thoughts!! - Seriously they still haven't seen me?!

You: *nosebleed* .. agh.. dammit!

Octavia and Vinyl: *they stare you*..

You: ah.. I'm sorry! I didn't want to-...

Octavia: How long have you been standing there, pervert..

You: ..?!...
I can't think of anything ... my mind is blank still seeing that image of Octavia and Vinyl kissing!! Dx!

Octavia: I only wanted to practice the kiss from the final scene, that's all.

You: wait what? .. That means you will be...

Octavia says nothing and leaves the room with Vinyl, leaving me alone in the classroom, immersed in my thoughts. This will be the first time I REALLY have to thanks Pinkie for that beautiful view? O__________O

-END- xD

>About the pic: Well guys! Here is the drawing! The truth is that the scene of the "kiss" between Octavia and Vinyl was not planned when I started the lineart (I did not have a mini-story planned for this drawing), but then I thought better of it, and here is the pics (and one mini-story if you want to read :v) hehe!

Anyway, I hope you like it! Cheers!




Did Pinkie Pie knew about the two kissing, or this another convenience to see something holy Equestria, at a bad time...? Either way, another whack set up by Pinkie Pie. ^^


Oh boy, Pinkie still finds a way to force our protagonist into very awkward situations.

Sour Power

Looks like we interrupted them. They don't seem to mind though.


Practice makes perfect! You know, just to be sure that the group aces the project...

Cyber Phantom

Let’s hope there’s a mini story where Pinkie finally gets what she deserves for messing with us.


I love how, if you want to interpret them like that, the three versions work as a series :)


And there are still many awkward situations for him xD.. Pinkie can be malevolently adorable hehe.


Thanks Stellarator :) . Yes, you can change the order of the drawings and see the sequence as you want :D!

Kevin Forte

Still love Vinyl's "jealous?" smirk.


Heh lovely bud they make a cute pair. Keep up the awesome word dude


I can't believe we're always the one accused of being a pervert when it's the girls who are out of control. But I get it, it's for the flow of the story and girls always revert to that.


thanks Kaitanos :D! I have in mind one more pic like this but with Sunset and Sci-Twi for the future.


hahah hey teacher! They were just rehearsing the dialogues ... I think e_e. I hope you liked the mini-story. It's something secondary, nobody is forced to read it ^_^.

A.F. Unknown

Esas miradas me encantan! Sin dudas votar por ella fue la mejor decisión :'0


DAAAAW!!! Cuddles = ^ ɛ ^ =


But I want to practice with both of them too!


gracias amigo! Ahora estoy trabajando en las alts versions :D. Espero tenerlas para mañana o el Sabado sin falta! ^^