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Work for the next update is finally getting to a close; each of the new basic enemies have 2 ero scenes for a total of 6 new scenes, and those animations are now completed. Above you can see a small teaser that, to be honest, doesn't do them much justice as I removed all of the details haha. But that is what teasers are for. 

All of them will have an internal-view/close-up, and for the vore you will see Maya being swallowed and sliding down the worm as a huge bulge, and then the inside action after that.

The boss fight against the witch is also done. Coding the logic and behavior for bosses always takes a good chunk of time and this one was no different. The witch has 8 different spells/skills to use against Maya and some are very tricky or annoying to deal with. You'll have to let me know with your feedback if the fight is balanced or if it's too difficult.

What's left right now is to finish the Witch's ero animations, and then plug them all in the game and add the sounds.

I'm not sure if I'll do another dev cycle like this where enemies have double scenes because that adds up way too many animations frames to draw at once, and as I've said in the past, the art side of game development takes the huge majority of my time which prolongs the release of new versions, with this one nearing on two months now.

That said, this next release is still scheduled for the end of this month of June, which probably means that I'll release it on the last day of the month, so please expect it sometime on the 30th.

In other news, I will bring back a custom character poll for next month!

This time around there will be three winners, meaning that the 3 most voted characters will become new basic enemies in the game with your designed ero scene. And then the dev cycle after that will be to add those 3 new enemies into the game.

I will go into more details into a very near future post, but for now I'll go back to work and crunch to finish the rest of this update. As always, thank you so much for you support and encouragement and I'll see you soon!

Best Regards,




You somehow always make me anticipate the update even more than I already do!


I cant keep buying anymore pants my check cant handle it.


Want to take my time and emphazise that you are one of the most reliable devs out there. I supported quite a few devs that tend to postpone updates for more or less reasonable reasons. You really sustain a reputation of making constant progress. I bet it's hard sometimes so I wanted to say this since I am certainly not the only person noticing.

Zawkian Puppy

Oh wow excellent work!!!

Vik Virtue

Alright, I get to work my brain muscles again for that poll coming up. As for the update, hella hyped for it. Got a lot of good contenders this round, and I can't wait to see them in action. And I'm also excited to fight the Witch. I love a good boss battle, and I'm curious to see how she'll use her magic. It's cool to hear the enemies will have 2 scenes packed with them. When you meant that you probably won't do another dev cycle to have 2 scenes for enemies, do you mean that like you probably won't work on 2 scenes at once, or enemies won't get another scene? Also, side note, this new patreon layout is really messing with my head.

Crevan Prowler

Looks fantastic! Thank you for all the hard work.


Wait you are NEAR Completion? WQhy you stopping to Post, FINISH THE GAME DAMMIT!!! I'm kidding of course, funnily I actually came on Patreon to see if there was an update yesterday and then 5 hours later, Update! So good timing, got me keen for content, can't wait.


Better buy some metal pants then; the new characters will cause more to be ruined I guarantee =D


Hey Vik! I'm curious as to what you will come up with this time, or if you'll use one from your list of ideas.4 Regarding what I meant for the 2 scenes, I meant to say that working on 3 enemies that all have double scenes during the same dev cycle is not ideal. From now on, when I create 3 new enemies again then at max only 1 of those might have double scenes, to keep the development time more manageable. And yeah the new UI for patreon is throwing me out for a loop as well. They said that it is to improve usability and engagement, but i guess we'll see if we can get used to it.


Don't burn yourself out working, mkay?