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As you can see in the 1st image above, the witch will have a signature move where she entices any potential prey by attracting them with her voluptuous features. Anyone foolish enough to get closer in order to indulge in some "boing-boing" (insert puffing sounds here or other onomatopoeia) will certainly feel really good just before being trapped by the nefarious woman.

It has been difficult to not go overboard with her skills in battle and thus making it way unfair, and currently I'm coming up and testing unique behaviors and patterns for her attacks against Maya. Then again, she will be one of the last boss battles in the game (in terms of gameplay progression) so she should be challenging. The idea is for her to have different casting animations for different sets of attacks, so that players can know what to expect and be prepared to dodge them.

When it comes to story and theme she fits in perfectly with the rough draft of what I want to do, and I can't wait to conclude this early alpha development in order to start fleshing out the story elements of the game. For now, suffice to say that she will be Haruna's mentor (the shop girl) and will play a major role in the plot.

As a matter of fact, there is another major character, or more specifically antagonist, that is yet to come and will be more or less the main the main villainess of the game. The idea is for her to be the type of antagonist that encounters and fights against the player through the whole game from the start, like rivals. She will be a succubus/demon type of character with the classic horns, wings and tail. Speaking of the tail, well you know me by this point... it will be put to good use against Maya.

But all of that is still reserved for a bit later of course, as currently I have to finish laying down all of the basic stages and enemies, which includes the witch boss and enemies coming in the next update. One of those enemies is the sailor as I mentioned in the previous post and you can see a glimpse from him above; he's the burly type of male character akin to the dungeon brute.

Overall progress on the next update has being moving along nicely these past 30 days or so but there still a heap of work to do that will take another month to complete, so please look forward to it being released by the end of next month.

Best Regards!




Puff puff indeed. I will be anticipating the release 😋


You never disappoint with these updates! Glad to see that the game is progressing quite nicely.

Vik Virtue

Well, I don't think you have to have magic to entice anyone with those features. It's foolproof. The witch is looking really good, and I can't wait to see how her scenes will play out. And even if I'm not into the scene too much, I still want to see how the genderbender one will look. You got a way of making a lot of varied scenes enjoyable. Though it's sad to see that the witch will be one of the last bosses, it's understandable. Don't want to overstuff the game with too much. Though the main antagonist/rival sounds really interesting. I'm eager to see how she'll act with Maya. But yeah, it's all looking really nice and I'm excited to see this update when it's out. Wish you all the enjoyment with working on it.


This witch is too good! I can't wait to be swallowed whole!


Love the witch's design so much~ Looking forward to being to being snacked on.


Witch looks solid, though admittedly I'm not a huge fan of blue skin, but that's just personal preference. I am curious how the 'KO' point for the sex into vore scene is gonna go though, I hope it doesn't just kill after the swallow like the Dwarf and actually kills at the digest part. Overall looks really solid though, really looking forwards to seeing her in game.


Is it possible to make a scene list for al the different maps/transformation list? I think with all the more content being added stuff gets missed tbh. Love the game. I enjoy it so much.


I have plans to add a couple of things in the game regarding that: 1) A scene gallery that will list all of the enemies and their scenes. 2) I'll revamp/redesign the teleportation system to work differently, with an actual map overview of all the stages and potentially the enemies that each stage type contains.


I saw the Gallery in WIP message. But I can imagine it can take a while to make. So I was not sure if there was a total scene list. But good luck with the update. Love the game ^^


Yeh, KO at the digestion part is definitely the best way to do it.


TBH I was always a bit disappointed that the Dwarf just KO's you at the swallow. Maybe her stomach's just strong or smthn? Idk


I hope the rival will have a variety of animations! Including a vore one! (I also hope the cute shopkeeper can eat us in some way~)