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Hello again everyone!

I wanted to release a small version update of MKM about now, but gave it some thought and decided to do the normal release instead (closer to the end of the month), because I want to add more stuff and make the content more meaty, in a manner of speaking.

The tentacle enemy is completed and it's design is that of a sinister dead tree which hosts an unknown creature inside. The ero scene became one among my personal favorites so I hope you'll enjoy it as well; I think that fans of tentacle and/or ryona might enjoy this one ;-)

As far as its skills goes, being a static enemy it had to have some tools to try and reach or hamper Maya in any way, so I gave it both a close range attack and a "ranged" one. You may find this enemy to be kinda tricky to deal with, specially when there's more than one of them nearby.

And on the topic of tricky enemies, there's been more and more challenging enemies added for Maya to deal with so she's been needing some new tools to deal with them, and so I will be adding new skills that will come in handy.

The general concept for them is as follows:

  • A powerful slash projectile from Maya's sword, forward moving to hit distant enemies for big damage (also passing through and ignoring terrain).
  • An invincibility shield will protect Maya from all harm and will be useful for players who might be having trouble with certain bosses or enemies.
  • An upwards moving flaming sword attack (Shoryuken style) that can be used to reach and deal huge damage to those hard to hit flying enemies, as well as a means of reaching additional height for Maya; useful as a sort of "double-jump" to better nail down certain platforming sections or reach tall platforms.

As you can see, the idea is for each of those new skills to fill in gaps in Maya's toolset. That said, I'm still brainstorming some of the details on these 3 skills.  For instance, wheter the shield will cost a flat amount of mana and have a set timer, or if it can be toggled on and off at will but drain mana while active instead. For the forward slash, I'm toying with the idea of it being "homing" or at least having an upgrade that makes it become homing, automatically targeting nearby enemies.

Oh yeah, one of the thing I plan on implementing is upgrades for the skills that player's can mix and match. For example you can choose to increase the dash speed, or reduce its mana cost per activation, etc.

In other news, the coming version will also contain the next stage, a new enemy and a lot of bugfixes that have been reported to me, as well as some additional stuff: an advanced option to make all vore be "final" (along with alternative versions of internal views), water-bodies now become transparent when Maya is inside allowing her to see the enemies that were hidden before, the struggle bar now indicates whether an ero scene may lead into an insta game-over or not, to name a few.

Alright, now I'll be diving in back to work because those line of codes won't write themselves and the pixels won't put themselves in place like falling tetris LOL so it is as that old Chinese philosopher once said: "the pixels must flow!"



Vik Virtue

Powerups that serve as a means to attack as well as a means to travel are some of the best ones, so that sword uppercut one I'll be looking forward to. Will those be explorational rewards, buyable powerups, or guarded by minibosses? That tree I can already hear laughing at me, and I'm excited to see what it has in store for Maya.


What exactly do you mean by the option to make the vore scenes 'final'? To my knowledge they're all instant game overs, so do you mean that they'd send you back to the title screen or they'd delete the save file? Deleting the save file after a vore scene could be a neat idea for a "Hardcore" difficulty.

Vik Virtue

"Final" as in if you let the scene play out, it'll be an instant KO, regardless of your HP. There's an enemy in the game right now that has a vore scene, but you escape the grab when the animation is done. It sounds like if the final option is turned on, then that scene and others like that will result in an instant KO from the grab. Be it being digested, or some other kind of fate that ends your adventure. Now that I mention it, maybe this option could affect other non-vore scenes that are instant KOs, like the flower blossom or the werewolf. Maybe have the option listed as "instant KO scenes" or something like that.


In the final game it will be all of the above. For now tough I will just place them on the main path and easy to find, specially because I want players trying them out to see if they feel good to use or if I should adjust their behavior and such.


Are there any plans to add new oral vore enemies to the game (like the snake/lizard girls)? Or..! Perhaps alternate vore scenes for them?

Grady Mcelveen

Hey i saw that one of the polls was for a moth. I havent found a moth yet while playing the game. Is she not in there? And i have a request for the next version. A internal of the werewolf scene. I was a bit disappointed to not see her womb getting inflated.


Hi Grady. The moth is not yet in the game, but she will soon be coming in the next couple of updates. As for the werewolf internal, I'll consider it.