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Hello Everyone!

As the development of the game continues to move along nicely, I must make a confession: I'm very bad at marketing the game lol.

When  I talk with fellow adult game developers, they are unanimous in saying  that proper marketing is very important and vital for a game's success  and of course that I can objectivity understand that notion, but... the  truth is that I'm not really into it, and also I'm a solo developer so  in order to dedicate time to make good marketing I have to stop  coding/drawing and divert my time from these tasks that actually advance  the development, in order to go around the web promoting the game.

It  honestly surprised me how much time and effort it takes to do good  marketing and draw attention back to your game without coming off as  spam, annoying or pushy. I'll be honest, before making games I used to  dislike marketeers in general and used to think that it must be easiest  most effortless job in the word... well, I stand corrected and take back  my words, and give a shout-out to marketing people because I personally  don't have the energy for that task hahaha :-)

This is why the  previous (and only) round of marketing postings that I did for MKM was  more than a year ago, and even then they were mostly me posting a few  gifs on reddit on their appropriate sub-reddits.

Now thankfully  and despite my weak marketing, the fanbase and support for the game has  grown beyond my wildest expectations, mostly due to organic growth via  word-of-mouth; fans of the game make posts and comment on places and  forums relevant to hentai game discussion. 

Some fans even have showed to me some of those, but a good portion of the growth comes from places  that I don't even know about!My dream is to become a full fledged indie game developer, working on  it full-time 6 days of the week and to do that your support continues  to be amazing as it leads me closer and closer to that goal, as  currently I'm making games as a side-job, part-time hobby if you  will.

So I want to thank you very much to all of the anonymous (and  otherwise) supporters who not only lend me their direct patronage, but  also indirect by talking and posting about the game to help spread  awareness of it. Your support, constructive criticism, suggestion and  nice words of encouragement are the fuel that keeps my motivation  burning at maximum capacity!

And finally as an answer to folks who send me nice messages saying  that they love the game but unfortunately they can support me directly  monetarily but they wish they could, a super helpful alternative is to  help spread awareness of the game in the same way as the other fans do:  simply by posting and commenting in discord, sites, forums and threads  around the web you're helping spread the game around!

But please, only do it if you feel in your heart and if you genuinely  like the game and want to help spread awareness of it. I really don't  want to force people to be my marketeers when I myself I'm not doing it  as I should. 

I've created some animation gifs that I'm using for this 2nd round of marketing, and I've linked them in a recent devlog on itch.io's MKM page, as well as a in my blog (both are a copy-past of this post, but have links to the gifs at the bottom).

Well this about wraps it up. Thank you again for your time, and I give you my best regards!



Zawkian Puppy

Yes! I support you on here and also keep your game links in my game's own discord! Really love the your work and dedication, I will spread even more the most I can. So people can see this amazing piece of art. Coding is quite hard, and man I'm doing a visual novel! So I'm not even using the more complex stuff, I would like to talk to ya on discord or anywhere really, just a bit of chit-chat and share ideas. Maybe a crossover who knows! Hahaha! Anyway, keep it up. I'm really stunned how fast you do these updates, I'm a vig fan of the mushroom girl, the ghost, the kobolds and God the werewolf! Hehehehe have a great day!


On behave of your supporters, your game is pure art and we all love it, thank you for making it.

Vik Virtue

So far from humble beginnings, huh? Well, I personally think you deserve every bit of recognition you get. If it wasn't for the fact that your game is already talked about on the couple places I frequent the most, I'd definitely spread the word more. I'm glad I found out about your patreon when you started it out, cause it's been a really fun adventure from day 1, and I'm excited to see where it'll go from here. I hope you do get to do this full time in the future.


Hello from another developer of hentai games, in general, in our case, marketing is quite simple, if you want details, write to me on patrion or we can link in discord, I would be happy to help a colleague Although, looking at $ 1000 a month, everything is going very well for you, even with your current efforts


But in short 1) report the game on the thematic forum, in your case, because there is a many vore - Eka's portal 2) create accounts on pixiv/devianart and publish descriptions of updates there (with thematic tags) 3) make the releases public, but add a connection to patreon to the game (there is the necessary package on the assetstore (although I can give a modified one, there are shortcomings in assetstore solution)) and for a subscription, open locations that are in development. Thus, the game will be constantly updated not only for patrons, but in the public field and will attract more people 4) create a roadmap so that subscribers can see what they are paying for


Thank you! It's always nice to get to know more fellow game devs Hit me up on the dms! Always love to hear about favourite characters as well, I'll keep aiming to make more fun ones!


haha indeed Vik! You're one of the OG's following me form the very beginnings , and I've enjoyed every single talks and discussions we've had about ideas and designs. Your support is deeply appreciated!!


Just as a FYI it might be worthwhile to market the game in Eka's, given its large amount of vore content, and maybe in F95.

Benjamin Campbell

i very much enjoy your game, but how am i able to transfer saves? i downloaded a new version of the game that said there was new content. the game i played before ended at the lizard town, and when i opened up the new version of the game, it still wouldn’t let me go past the lizard town and said the levels were in development


Not the dev but you can't go past the Lizard Town yet. All of the new stuff was added through the Abandoned Mine > Crystal Cavern > Swamp