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* Fixed ownership flags for the 3 new skills was being lost when Maya fainted and retried

* Facilitated movement from the swamp area to access the new gardens area, by opening the gate at the end of the ruins.

* Added new debug key F9: Updates the teleport screen to contain all current save points in the game (therefore adding the save points that players haven't touched yet)

Download (MEGA) bugfix1 .rar 

Download (MEGA) bugfix1 .zip 

The 3 new skills are completed, along with a new stage and the teased tentacle enemy. The new stage can be accessed on the rightmost part of the swamp area, past all of the ruins, and the tentacle tree can be found around the swamp area as well.

The tentacle tree scene is a bit "different" than usual, both in the grab stage as well as in the ero loops proper, but I hope that fans of the fetish will enjoy it like I did creating it hehe

Regarding the new skills, for a more detailed description of how to use the new skills please refer to the attached text file (bottom of this post) which contains all the information. Don't worry, in the future there will be actual in-game prompts and tutorials that will teach players how to use skills and stuff, but for now the changelog covers all necessary info.

The skills are located in the new stage and there's a puzzle or two in order to get them (as well as some platforming), just to spice things up. In the final game, some skills will be dropped by bosses while others will be optional to be acquired via exploration, but for now they are more or less in the main path of the stage.

The purpose of those skills is to try and cover a few areas in Maya's toolset that were lacking: self-protection, strong long-raged attack and anti-air attack which doubles as a double jump (pun intended).

Other stuff added was alternative internal views for the swamp fairy, when you toggle ON the new advanced option that makes her vore scene become "final". Go to the options menu and then choose advanced options to activate it.

Now water becomes transparent! It's the year 2021 and the technology has arrived, which allows Maya to see underwater when she's inside them. I'm just joking but yeah, this was something that I actually intended to do at some point, but after a great fan of the game suggested it, I decided to go ahead and implement this change. This allows you to see the dangers bellow.

Back to the changelog, as you can see there I ended up spending a lot of time cleaning and fixing some bugs and behaviors that were reported to me. The skills took a bit of time as well to get them where I wanted, tough I still think they are a bit rough, so when you collect all 3 please I would love to hear your feedback on how the feel to use, perhaps against some of the boss rematch as well, just for me to get a feel if their damage is balanced or if they are useful in other ways.

Since for this update I spent a lot of time for bugfixing and the behaviors of the skills, for the next update I'll focus on creating more new enemies and their ero scenes, such as the moth girl and centaur girl.

Best Regards!




Is there any potential way to tp right to the new content or anything? the crimson staff also doesn't seem to unlock all teleports anymore.


So I hope I'm not the only one with a game breaking bug, I got the new skills and got to use them a couple times, but then I changed the mapping of the key and they don't work even when I change it back, even tried resetting to default controls and the key just isn't functioning


ps. I should note that the invincibility works as it's with the defense/mobility key and hasn't had any issues

Vik Virtue

Alright, yeah. Pretty nice update. I'm liking the abilities. Got a good big damage one, a movement one, and an invincibility shield. Looks like the spirit gauge has much more use now aside from dashing. Perhaps if you wanna give the player more of a power fantasy, sometime down the line there could be an item to increase the spirit gauge's regen rate. Or I suppose an item that gives unlimited spirit. Like maybe a reward for a tough near-end game activity. The tentacle tree was pretty good. Though I may have dampened soft ryona for me since a lot of the time I view it elsewhere, it's on the harder end of the spectrum. I did enjoy the climax part of the animation, though. Is there a different area that they're located at? Besides the row of them underwater? Ooh, speaking of that, since we can see underwater now, does that mean you might have plans for an underwater level?

Tom Williams

Love the new update, really like the new areas and some of the new animations (me being a basic bitch and all doesn't like the futa XD) but it's a cool area. If I were to suggest something, some fog in the graveyard would go a long way I think. Just at ground-level, it wouldn't need to apply near the water, and I think it would add some cool aesthetic. Also, I saw a while back there was a mausoleum planned at one point... any chance of getting that at the end of the swamp level? It would fit (a royal grave at the end of the graveyard, maybe containing the bewitched king's family?). We'd get some of that dungeon-esque feels and you could experiment with traps (the environmental kind involving sex, not the person kind of trap). You could also expand the enemy roster, here are some ideas; - Skeleton or ghostly guards (maybe as the 'normal' enemy, akin to the lizard folk) - A stone golem - Enemies hiding in coffins to grab Maya and pull her in. Hope some of this helps, I really look forward to where you take it next!


Ah that's true, I forgot to add the recent save points in the unlock list. Currently only the intended way is available, that is, when you touch a new save point it becomes available in the teleport screen. So the only way to reach the new stage is to go through the swamp and solve the puzzle to open the gate. So I'll open the way to the new stage to make it faster to access, and upgrade the debug list to unlock all TP points.


Heya Vik! SPIRIT BAR: You're absolutely right because I do plan do add things to upgrade it like increased regeneration, reduced spirit usage for each skill, etc. A secret item for unlimited spirit is also in the plans. TENTACLE ENEMY: They are in the swamp as well, spread thorough. UNDERWATER: It's solidly in the "maybe" pile haha. For the longest time I wanted to add an stage connecting the beaches to somewhere deeper in the island, and that would open up enemy ideas like mermaids/sirens, octopuses, vore fish and etc. Tough I can say that there would not be any sort of swimming mechanic or anything; at most I would reduce the gravity there and make Maya more "floaty" movement with higher jumps, something like that.


The fog idea is pretty neat, I'll try it. Yeah I want to have some sort of stage like that, but as development goes on I change ideas based on the feel of the moment, so recently I've thinking of moving that stage concept back to the castle and make a lower level that is a dungeon. We'll see hehe

Zawkian Puppy

Great job guys! Really proud to be a supporter ^-^


how do you access the teleport menu?


You've gotta defeat the boss to the far left of the starting area.


I'd really like to see a support type enemy, one that presents an obstacle of sorts until defeated, be it speeding enemies up, increasing their damage, or making them take less. Hell, give them a glow based on which one they do and you can bring old enemies to new levels and have them perform at that level