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Hey fam! Jake here. As 2022 nears its close, we're looking for your "Campaign 3 so far" questions.

Ask below and we will do our best to get you answers!



Hi gang! 2 Qs: What has been a cinematic moment of the campaign to you? And to Murph / Caldwell, how would the outcome of Sol getting absorbed by the network change the game?

Frank Mastromatteo IV

Should Duck Team be expecting any special guests at any point in the future?


Emily what is your positive new years resolution this year? What about Duncle, Jack, and Pebblepot Marty?



Ben Delahay

What is your favorite development your character has had since the start of the campaign?

Lorelei The Succubus and Kyra her busty Queen

Hey Caldwell I was curious how much of Saul has been influenced by One Piece and how much is all from that big ol brain ya got and if you'll try working a Haki like skill eventually. Also hey Jake do you think Ultress (I think that's the giants name) could take hardwon in a wrestling match?


Murph, So we had one mention of Ultris in C1 just as a passing comment. Did you intend for the for the boobs to deal with him in C1 at all?

Mark Friedgen

Will we ever see the endo-friendos again?


C3 has been amazing! I’m excited for the Duck Team to see the Fey Wild eventually. Do y’all have any predictions on how it has changed since the political turmoil in C1?


This is for Murph. Where do you find yourself sourcing monsters from? Has the living wood and dragon elves been from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons?


question for everyone, do y'all look often at NADDPOD fanfics and fanart?