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Heya, Jake again! We're ALSO looking for some holiday themed questions for our Patreon only Short Rest Hearthside. Ask away!





Completely off topic but listen to lacquer head by primus


Favorite holiday foods and drinks!


What is the best holiday meal at mangias?


What are some of Calder’s ice giant holiday traditions?


What’s the most awkward/embarrassing thing to happen to you at a holiday party/family get together?

MeekoCHAOS The Raccoon Boi

favorite way to decorate a Christmas tree? did your families ever try to make it look fancy and go with that boring simplistic only white lights and ornaments on the tree or all colorful lights and every homemade ornaments on it looking like a festive mess? y'all putting a star or something else on top of the tree?


Benevolent players, what’s each person’s stance on candy corn? (You never specified which holiday)


question for everyone, do y'all look often at NADDPOD fanfics and fanart?

Hallie Martenson

If you could choose 5 NPCs from ANY Naddpod campaign (I’m talkin eldermourne, I’m talking bahumia, I’m talking party plane, I’m talking trinyvale) to share a cozy holiday meal with, who would they be and why?


Favorite Christmas memories and/or how each of your characters would celebrate Crickmas?


I wish the holiday questions had stayed on the short rest episode. I feel like any excitement or discussion of the campaign doesn’t happen. It’s a bummer. I love knowing y’all are friends and enjoy each other but I wish the bonus content had more to do with the actual campaign. There used to be a better balance.