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Dungeon Court is back in session! Join Justices Murphy, Tanner, Axford and Bailiff Hurwitz as they continue to pass judgement on your trials at the table!


Get tickets to our upcoming shows at Naddpod.com/Live!


Sound Mixing and Editing by Grace Harper ( IG: @chorlesborkley)

Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller




Where are my military people that eat cold MREs because we don't have enough time?? 🤣


In my experience, you have to be very explicit about what counts as "magical". It's not off instinct. It will say if it's magic or not, and if it doesn't say spell or magic/magical, it isn't. I ran a game with a all-warlock party what got trapped in a prison with an antimagic field over it, and I faced a lot of questions about what did and didn't count. Guess whatt very magical-feeling thing they were allowed to do? The player who took pack of the blade could summon their weapon. Pact of the tome & of the chain are both spells and didn't work. Invocations that aren't spells are fair game as well. This was the conclusion I made afterr reading a lot of other' thoughts on the matter and cross referencing books. If it doesn't say magical or a spell, it's not magical. Nothing about psychic damage is inherently magical either.

Michael Singer

Jake for the love of palor please put your left overs in the fridge, don’t risk food poisoning for over night counter pizza


Super late to this, but I kinda got a taste for out of the can ravioli after having to eat it following hurricanes. That's not to say I have it regularly, but if I just don't feel like warming it up, then I have no problem just grabbing a fork and eating from the can


Same honestly, sometimes you just dont feel like adding another bowl to clean to the pile


I think the issue of whether the wail is magic or not is irrelevant because didn’t they say the spell isn’t concentration? Even if the bard went down in the hut, it should not dissipate.


Just a fun fact that the water in cans of chickpeas is called aquafaba and you can use a mixer to turn it into an egg white soft peaks!


the worst part of cold boyardee - it is somehow gritty in mouthfeel

Gregory Mason Hallman

Look there's nothing wrong with a cold can of ravioli, chilli, Campbell's soup, or potted meat when you're hungry. ITS TOO HARD and too TEDIOUS to put it in a bowl and heat it up.


Anyone else with the issue that the episode said it was two hours long but ended around 45-50 min? My episode progress said less than half way through but wouldnt play anymore

Zerum Sparklez

In my homelessness, I have discovered a love for cold Chef Boyardee


oh my god a fellow plain can of garbanzo bean enjoyer. found my people


Chef Boyardee didn't die on the cross for folks to eat cold ravioli


Hope your bring back video for court cases one day! Was so fun getting to watch vs just listening


I know I'm a bit late, but off the shelf ravioli is perfectly fine, because it takes so much less energy to just open and fork out. But if you heat it you have to put it in a bowl, microwave it, and then wait for it to cool before being able to eat it, and let's be honest, it doesn't taste much better warmed. It's a mid food and eating it unheated doesn't lower it by enough to matter

Summer Tribe

that rogue whining about failing a save should just not be playing this game if that's how they feel. if you want to never lose then outside of the obvious answer of "don't play then" (thanks war games), you could at least not be playing the worst class in the game