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Welcome to Dungeon Court! Join Justices Murphy, Tanner, Axford and Honestly Kinda Sexy Bailiff Hurwitz as they convene to pass judgement on your trials at the table!

Get tickets to our upcoming shows at Naddpod.com/Live!


Sound Mixing and Editing by Grace Harper ( IG: @chorlesborkley) and Trevor Lyon

Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller




Fun way to solve the car case is to make the car hot wheel sized. Can only cast two cantrips, or could be a heal bot that can also give advantage


There is a cave called "The Shaft" in a random paddock in South Australia that has an opening barely big enough for a single person (divers' gear needs to be winched in separately) that is hundreds of feet deep AND it was first discovered by a horse putting it's hoof through the opening while walking across it. Fortunately the horse was too big to fall in the hole, and they put a bit of corrugated metal over the hole when people aren't diving in it, but there ARE just random max-damage holes out there in the world.


When rhe fj section came up was right when I parked next to a fj cruiser lmao


MY FAVORITE VIGGO FACT IS THAT HE BROKE A TOOTH DURING A SWORD FIGHT AND THEY HAD TO FORCE HIM TO GO GET IT FIXED INSTEAD OF FINISHING THE SCENE i have no idea if caldwell finds this Viggo fact later during the episode, i was too excited to comment about my favorite one.


when i feel sad i watch the return of the king scene in front of the black gate and cry, so to that person, i see you, i respect you, maybe get headphones <3


Man, if someone ordered my food for me after I bought them whatever dumb food they wanted the week before, I’d be so bullshit. Not everyone just eats anything and a lot of people have good allergies or food sensitivities. I have a lot of texture issues and truly, getting something that I couldn’t eat, even with sides, is not the thing. The hardest of passes. Not everyone eats the same way you do. Bleh.


The dice devil rolls spin down dice for d20’s and uses the d4’s with the numbers on the bottom


I would absolutely love to go see dungeon court live


i'm spoiled now and keep hoping for another video court case XD


I have to say, I voluntarily randomized my food orders for *years* in college. Asian restaurants were the best because everything was already numbered, so just put the highest number in a random number generator. Excellent way to order, I recommend to everyone. (I can't anymore as I've been vegetarian for 6 years). On a separate note I also would flip a coin to make major life decisions. Also in college, I had two offers for internships, one in Wisconsin and one in California. Couldn't decide so I flipped a coin, and ended up meeting my wife in California. She doesn't like thinking about how a different coin flip would have meant we never met. I will say, if you decide to live like this, *NO REROLLS.* You must accept to outcome, or bail out before you see the result. Many times just flipping the coin makes you realize what you want before you see the result. In that case don't look at what it would have been.


yuncles and yaunts made me laugh out loud on the bus at rush hour 💀


I have to workshop the rolling for dinner pitch: everyone orders what they want, and the group also rolls for one random dish to taste together. That’ll be 10k eggs or 13 brown leaves. (Is there an established exchange rate?)

Summer Tribe

i love that right off this bat this isn't even DnD related having your grave filled in with dice is a great idea. I intend to have my organs donated to science or w/e so maybe those could just be replaced with dice


@Caldwell, if you're curious about tomatoes in Chinese food, try asking for fried tomatoes and eggs sometime. It's a pretty common dish