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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 25: A Shocking Strategy. 




Omg Caldwell watches Letterkenny! I know very very few people who watch that! Amazing


There are a couple universities in Montréal that have buildings and dorms named after Molson

Julie V Eckert

🌹The visual of the rain stopping for a moment as the massive dragon flew above them was 🤌 *chefs kiss*


Just realized that the boobs are jocks, the 3rd mates are nerds, and the duck troupe are (obv) theater kids. And I think the triplets are bullies.


I always check the fridge first when I lose my phone


The Dag Swaniels joke is 10x funnier for me as an Australian, because here "dag" is friendly slang for someone that is essentially the opposite of swag. Like an unfashionable, uncool person is "a bit of a dag", or "daggy". So there's a whole extra layer to this joke for me


Jake is Sweetums! The giant monster muppet that's just a guy in a suit. In the original movie he chases after the main group shouting :Hey! Wait for me!"

Tom Bruynell

I NEED a dinosaur office one shot

Nicole Jordan

I’m surprised no one said Caldwell has Gonzo energy!

Nicole Jordan

Really It’s that Zirk has Gonzo energy, but is that not a facet of Caldwell


My dad has "I am Canadian" tattooed on his forearm, with the Montreal Canadiens logo as the letter "C". No word of a lie.


I’ve never felt more seen than by Emily saying “where is my phone? Did I leave it in the fridge again”


I don't know Rizzo the Rat for Jake? Side kick, straight talker, likes to eat, Rats are also unable to burp. Just saying.


Cum muppets the lot of them