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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Justices Beardsley, Murphy, Axford, Tanner and the lowly Bailiff Hurwitz reconvene to bring even more trials at the table.




I still come back to this episode every once in a while just to hear the beginning of deep Flintstones lore and the "fun around the house" bit, It cracks me up so hard


"it's not even halloween" is what finally broke me


“Don the pillowcase” is a regular part of my vocabulary and nobody ever gets it


I ran an alt history Greek campaign where Nordic people and creatures invaded instead of the Persians and the gods battled along side them causing massive casualties (like Ares rode over them in his giant chariot while charging Thors two sons). The campaign focused on the aftermath of the gods disappearing and the party was hired by a rich vase maker to become heroes as a business idea to restore peoples hope and sell merch. I had mechanics around fame and prestige and all these npc contacts and I set it up so they'd have attachments to the world. Then at level 5 they tracked down the big bad who was a demigod that looked like Prince Humperdink that had been starting fires everywhere so he could show up and put them out. And during the battle his lackey (or the OC invoker) was gonna accidentally blow up the whole compound by getting something flammable too close to their stockpile of Grecian Flame oils. They were all gonna wake up on the shores of the river Styx and just before they get on the ferry they (including Humperdink) were recruited by valykeries to join the gods battling against the forces of Tartarus and Muselheim. The Valkyrie kicked the lackey into the river. They then have to put aside their differences with the initial bbeg and start as grunts in the war effort and climb the ranks. The end was supposed to reveal that Loki had tricked the goddess of Fate into sealing off the divine realms from the mortal realms to prevent future annihilation when the gods next battled on the mortal plane, but that act unsealed the barrier between the divine and profane realms. They get to decide whether to restore the previous state of affairs or set up a new paradigm. I'm a Gemini.


I was eating chips and salsa and nearly died choking on a tortilla chip during the sleeping bag controversy


Ally is so much fun, please have them back soon!!

Maya B

Wow I can't believe I have the same bday as barney rubble ofc we're both Tauruses


Regarding gritty Flintstones, there was a comic put out by DC that fleshed out the world a bit and is considered to be one of the best pieces of Flintstones media out there. I'd call it an HBO version of the show. It explores the concept of marriage being a "new fad" among the cave people, early attempts at religion, ethnic cleansing (google Flintstones genocide) and if all those household animals really wanted to be there. I know it sounds dumb, but apparently it's pretty well done.


I'm watching Martin and Martin Lawrence is Klumping his ass off

David Silva

It's such a wild turn when Murph is bringing the chaotic energy and Emily is the one desperately trying to get back on the rails.


I hated the Flintstones growing up, but I still loved this episode <3

Michael Glander

Legitimately murph messing up the costume gave me a great idea. Sleeping bag plus some felt and you have an adorable hungry hungry caterpillar costume and your kid is warm all night


My birthday is also may 19th!


I've been on a walk while listening to this episode and I have been in hysterics and struggling to breathe at points. What a journey!