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Welcome to Dungeon Court! Ally Beardsley joins Justices Murphy, Tanner, Axford, and the lowly Bailiff Hurwitz to pass judgement on your trials at the table. Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at naddpod.com/live.

And join the Beardsley Flower Bed Discord here!


Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller




f27: IM HERE FOR OG ODD COUPLE I have an ambulance at work with zero frills- all business- and named him Felix. i fucking love old media and there’s a point where Emily said she was watching “old movies” and then said they were from the 90s and that tripped me up so hard


Got t-boned listening to this ep


been waiting YEARS for Beardsley to be on:)))) AAAAAA


Alright I transposed a ruler over an image of Barney and Fred. If Fred is 5'10" then Barney would be like 4'7" or something. I agree he is a short friend.

Jason Ericson

In the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos case, I just want to point out that it would have been meta gaming to keep him *alive*. It makes perfect in-world sense that the characters would be happy with him gone, the only reason they would keep him alive is because the players are friends in real life. THAT’S metagaming. QED


Shout out from a TV historian for Murph's commitment to old TV.


I went back to the Amir on NADDPOD episode—forgot how funny that was. “I’m an agent of chaos, and a manager of expectations” lol


Just wanted to say that with the Dice Christ Confession: you can always just set a DC of 25 as a baseline detection of anything that seems off with Trinh (spelling assumed) Often my players try to sus out shady characters, rather than rolling constantly (and tipping my hand early for reveals just like the DM's situation) i just set a DC that's appropriate for the situation

Claud Josh



The insanity of the Barney rubble crosstalk is the hardest I've laughed in a long time


🙏 please please let this mean we are going to get a Beardsley guest arc in the main campaign. Haven’t fully listed to the sode yet 🤞

Liam Harvey

Watched a Quarry video the other day before i had finished this episode of DndCourt, and when it got to the podcast hosts i thought it sounded like Murph and Emily but though maybe i was being weird. (An Imdb searchproved i wasnt crazy though)

Lily Everett-Curwick

Where does the name Mendik come from? It sounds like an inside joke but I don’t recognize it. I’ve been listening for 3 years.

Andrey M

I could listen to Murph losing it all day hahahaha