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The Boobs are live from Portland! Seeking a legendary Father’s Day present, Beverly recruits Moonshine, Hardwon and Pendergreens to join him on a journey into the mythical realm of El Daddado. While there, Hardwon finds a new obsession, Moonshine becomes a pro mower and Pendergreens’s juicy past is revealed!

Thanks to everyone who attended the show! You can get tickets to our future live shows here.



Lilybet Gates

Anyone else get dungeons and daddies vibes here 😆 beautiful intersection


"Bort, me and you are gonna get a farm with a lot of rabbits, just turn around." Murph's tone of voice on 'just turn around' really elevated this I'm in tears

Micah Edmonds

Murph as a player is sometimes really focused, but man can he let his chaos out when he wants to. Man has chapters.


loving the pendergreens lore drop

Sam A.

I desperately want to know what Murph's Pendergreens build is. I know he used fire giant stats for him as an NPC but has he remade him into a fighter or something?

Brian Jones

Man, I always felt like Jens was revenge on Caldwell for his Bev goofs and shenanigans but Pendergreens in a live show takes it to a whole new level. #Respect


Saw this one live! met so many awesome sweet fans!


Give us the LA show please


I was listening to this while working. And of course I took a big mouthful of coffee as moonshine said “are you gonna fuck the magazine??” I passed my con save to not spit it out, but it was a struggle for a little bit 😂

Liam Harvey

Im going to have Night Moves stuck in my head for so long.


Oh my god! Caldwell and I have the same birthday! Taurus-Gemini cusp baby! The energy cusp!