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I am usually brought in when the diaper training isn’t working the way that it should.

Things always go the same way. 

There’s a husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend who needs to teach their significant other a lesson or two and out come the diapers. Diapers have been getting more popular over the years as more people are finally realizing a slow descent into infantilization, even if just for a week, could straighten up the most disastrous of relationships.

I think that the reality show, The Klein’s helped.

By the end of Season 2, the Klein's partner had become the perfect boyfriend. And now they are getting married. Rumor has it he'll be wearing diaper to the wedding.

No one could forget the “House Party” incident.

Diaper training is a pretty simple concept.

You have someone who is practicing a behavior that is less than ideal. 

It can be as simple as leaving dishes in the sink or leaving the lights on in the apartment even though you know that’s going to cause insects or bugs to infest the home. It can be more complicated, like a cheating partner (like in the case of the Klein’s) or someone who had been thumbing their noses at the law. Either way, the people who received diaper punishment or “the punishment” as media had been taking to call it, usually deserved it because they’d been derelict in their duties as an adult.

When you have someone who refuses to act like an adult and instead behaves like a child, like someone who can’t be bothered to think about the long term consequences of their actions, then it helps to manifest that behavior into something physical.

Most people don’t realize they are acting like babies because they are still living in an adult environment where they can be reckless without consequences.

Diaper punishment changes that.

The first time your tiny girlfriend who can hardly hurt a fly that’s wandered into your house pulls out the thick diapers and demands that you lay on the floor for your first diapering, is scary for a lot of people.

Some are complacent, deciding they might as well get this over with. The ultimatum is usually along the lines of divorce or breaking up if you don’t comply after all. Sometimes, your partner threatens to show the entire company that you’ve been embezzling for the last five years which could send you straight to prison. What is worse, wearing diapers for a week, a month or a year or rotting away for a decade in financial prison?

I did once read of a story where a man told his wife it would be six months of thick diapers and bottles and baby food and then decided he liked the change. She’s still shitting and peeing herself to this day sadly. But that happens sometimes too.

But for others, they are defiant. They rage against the diapering, indignant that they’d stoop so low in life. Wearing your toilet, everywhere you go is humiliating. No one wants that.

That’s where the “enforcement companies” come in.

They are usually former military or law enforcement, trained in getting uncooperative people to cooperate. They can come in and make sure your cheating husband lays down and accepts his diapers like a man.

Sometimes, people get hurt.

I remember one man fondly, an executive at a communications firm. He fought hard.

“Calm down, sir,” one of the enforcers had said, instantly dodging left from a paperweight that was thrown his way. The paperweight shattered the glass railing behind him and dug into the wall.

But the executive was not to be calmed. His company's Human Resources had entered his condo and told him he’d be getting the Punishment for a week after he’d been late to a new business pitch.

“Do you know who I fucking am?” the man raged darting for the door.

But before he reached freedom, one of the enforcers grabbed him and pinned him to the floor. Then, speaking into his radio, another one of the enforcers called me into the room.

I always made a show of entering. The door would swing open and I’d just walk into the room, all the power in the world under my feet. I have excellent posture, usually staring straight ahead with steel, lifeless eyes.

I practice in the mirror when I’m bored.

You see, I have to make sure I get this part right. I need these people to be afraid of me so the punishment will take.

I walked in the room and squatted next to the man who was struggling underneath the two enforcers who had him pretty well pinned down.

“Thomas,” I said curtly to the man whose chest was heaving in a rather haggard and strained way. “Do you know who I am?”

Yes, I was mocking him.

“Never heard of you,” the man spat, glaring at me with the hate of the universe.

I told him my name and that I was the one they called when clients were being difficult. “And…” I said looking directly at Thomas. “It looks like you are being difficult.”

“You’re not making me wear… that thing,” Thomas said looking towards the woman who was standing in the corner holding a large black diaper in her hands.

I smiled at Thomas. “Oh but she is going to make you wear a diaper. Tho…” I paused for a moment, “It won’t be that one exactly. We are past that at this point.” I pointed to two police officers who had entered the room.

“You have two options Thomas,” I said, my voice low as I looked down at the whimpering man. “You can either take your punishment like a man, or you can sign your exit paperwork today. And (I raised my voice, the man was starting to protest again) you wont work again in the next five years. I doubt you’ll enjoy living on the streets.”

Thomas seemed to consider his options for a moment, but eventually gave in. He would wear the diaper for a week. Fine. He could do that. No one wanted to be homeless.

But that’s not how this works.

I explained to him that I was glad that he was willing to take his punishment like a man, because that’s what all good citizens do. He would learn his lesson and do better next time. They always promised to do better next time because of the humiliation they were going to face for an entire week.

But for his insolence, because he fought back and caused my enforcer so much grief, the black diaper wasn’t going to work anymore. That was for good babies who followed directions. No, instead, I had the woman retrieve a bright pink diaper with rainbows and unicorns all over it.

The front panel had balloons and a childish unicorn frolicking through the fields, as hearts, rainbows and stars adorned the rest of the diaper. The bottom of the diaper, where the man’s ass would be said “Daddy’s little princes.”

I usually reserved these… more eccentric diapers for women, but when I had hard headed executives, I made sure they would suffer for a week in these extremely infantile diapers. There was no way that you can take yourself seriously looking in the mirror while wearing these. The lesson would be burned into your mind.

I took my sweet time diapering the man while the enforcers held him down. Being regressed back to the state of your birth is humiliating. It reminds you that you are not an adult, that you are now controlled by someone else. The very private act of using the restroom is now something someone else controls. You’re regressed back to a time when you are completely helpless.

I always made sure to remove all of their clothes first. The suit jacket, collared shirt, pants and boxers were taken off.

I shaved him.

I powered him.

I lotioned him.

I unfolded the diaper and positioned it under him and - all while telling him he was a good boy - took it and let it envelop his entire lower region, trapping him inside.

After the job is done, we always ask them the key questions afterwards.

Do you promise to wear your diapers 24 hours a day for the next month?

“Month?” the man gasped.

“It was going to be seven days until you decided to fuck this up for yourself.”

The checklist went on and on. He had to keep his genitals free of hair. He needed to use baby lotion everyday. He needed to submit for hourly diaper checks at all times. And most of all, he needed to make sure he used his diapers for everything.

Most people understood that we were serious.

But others didn’t always seem to grasp what we could do to them to force compliance.

It only took two days for us to be called back to the penthouse to find that Thomas refused to wear his diapers as instructed.

As the agent would tell us, the moment we had left, he’d ripped off the diaper and went on about his day. He had declared that he was not going to comply and that we’d be hearing from his lawyer.

“Is that right?” I asked, smiling in his direction. My team had him held down by his shoulders so he was kneeling in front of me.

The man was completely naked.

“Tell your lawyer he can call me when you are done here.” I squatted in front of the man and looked him dead in the eyes. “I am going to ask you this once, and you should think very hard about your answer because it will determine how the next three months go for you.”

The man sneered at me.

“Are you going to wear your diapers like a good little girl or am I going to have to force you to keep them on.”

“You won’t win,” the man growled back and then spat in my face.

One of my agents handed me a handkerchief and I wiped the spit off my face. “Very well,” I said quietly and then nodded towards one of the agents.

They hoisted the man up and slammed both of his arms onto the table in the center of the room. As I stood up, I spoke quietly.

“Here’s the thing. As of now, your diaper punishment has been extended by three months. Which means that by the time your hands heal, you’ll be able to get out of those diapers, maybe.”

“Wait what?” the man gasped.

But before he could react, the guard proceeded to break both of his hands.

The screams always hurt my ears, but it was a necessary part of the job.

“Good luck taking your diapers off if your hands are broken.” I sneered as the man fell on the ground weeping. Another member of my team began to rediaper him with the aggressively pink diaper. “Claire will stay here with you and tend to your needs. There’s no need for you to suffer needlessly.”

As the man wept on the ground, I leaned over his writhing, diapered body. “And unless you want an enema so you can pack those pampers and not be able to take them off for 24 hours, then I suggest you treat my colleague with respect.”

The diapered man was still moaning as I walked out the door.




This ending is too extreme, diaper him, humiliate him, make him a sissy, but don’t start breaking bones. It honestly killed the start of a great story.


So we started to go that way, but felt this was the perfect jarring end to this part of the story. Great feedback though!