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The apartment was cloaked in an eerie silence, punctuated only by the occasional flicker of the TV screen, casting that weird flickering dim light around the room. She sat on the couch, her eyes fixed on the screen but her mind being eaten away by the resentment that was flowing through her. It was like a tumor… only it wasn’t malignant. It would grow. And fester. And at this very moment, she’d reached the point where no amount of intervention from anyone but herself would solve the problem.

Despite the noise that was cascading in her mind, there was a missing sound from the room.

The normal gunfire of call of duty that tended to permeate the house wasn’t echoing around the room this time.

Instead it was just stillness.

Stillness she had created.

It’s because he had a choice to make in the other room, and he wasn’t leaving that room until the decision has been made.

In the beginning, they had been a team. Partners.

But in the last few years something had changed.

It could have been layoffs or the state of the economy, but as things changed and she took her time to pick up speed and earn more money, he sunk deeper into his hole. She did her best to pull him from that darkness, sending him job offerings, reminding him while they were together that he was man enough for her entire life.

But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the man had changed. Suddenly, there were budget discussions. Suddenly his edges softened. He started to wander. He sat in front of the television, jamming his fingers on the controller, cursing loudly, and spending more time with the boys.

He was acting like a fucking child.

He wandered through their home like a lost soul, his once vibrant eyes now dull and vacant. He misplaced keys, forgot important dates, and his once-brilliant mind was now a foggy abyss. It was as if a sinister force had descended upon him, reducing him to a bumbling, clueless stranger.

Not a man.

A baby.

So she made up her mind.

The conversation had been frank.

And she had offered him a choice.

The room had been silent.

The tension like the C String of a cello.

She stood there, her eyes locked on him, the man who had once been her boyfriend, her confidant, and her lover. The years of their relationship had led them to this moment, a moment that felt like the the collision of their dreams, heartburn, their future.

His expression was a mix of confusion and defiance as he met her gaze. The air between them crackled with unresolved anger and unspoken words. They had been here before, but this time, it was different. This time, she had reached her breaking point, and there would be no turning back.

She didn't need to speak; her eyes said it all. They were resolute and powerfully solid, a reflection of the unwavering determination that had brought her to this point. Her message was clear, and he knew it. It was a choice he had to make, a choice that would define the rest of his life.

His eyes darted around the room as if searching for an escape, a way out of the physical and metaphorical corner he had painted himself into. But there was no escape, no easy way out. The weight of his actions, his betrayal, hung heavy in the air.

She saw the moment of decision in his eyes, a fleeting glimpse of realization that he had pushed her too far, that there was no more room for excuses or apologies. It was a stand-off, a battle of wills, and the seconds stretched on like hours.

In that tense silence, he had to decide whether to accept his fate, to acknowledge the consequences of his actions, or to blow her off one last time, to walk away from the wreckage of their relationship without a backward glance.

His jaw clenched, and a muscle in his cheek twitched. He took a step back, breaking their locked gaze, and sat and stared at the object that was sitting on the side table that was in the room between them.

There was a diaper on the side table. Bright, thick and white.

Her boyfriend reached for the package she saw the look in his eyes: fear. She doubted that he’d ever seen a thick adult diaper before, and the very sight of it would no doubt send a shiver down his spine.

The same way that it had sent a shiver down her spine when she was first handed the diaper while in the store that morning.

The shopkeeper had nodded towards her, recognizing her request and handed her the package. She had opened it and inspected the thick, folded, white infantile garment.

The outer layer of the diaper, made of an eerie, crinkly plastic material, seemed to shimmer ominously under the dim light of the shop. It appeared to be designed to keep something contained, something that was far from ordinary. Its textured surface gave it an unsettling, almost sinister appearance.

As she gingerly inspected the diaper, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled over her. Adjustable tabs adorned the sides, like restraints meant to hold something in place. They were a stark reminder that this was not a typical undergarment; this was something designed for a specific purpose. Designed for babies.

But what filled her with the most terror was the thickness of the diaper. It was unnaturally bulky, unlike any ordinary underwear she had ever seen. It was as if it held a dark secret within its layers, a secret she was afraid to uncover. The sheer weight of the diaper in her hands felt oppressive, as if it carried the weight of a sinister presence.

She couldn’t bring herself to open it fully, to reveal the layers within. She couldn't bear to confront how exactly this would work.

But what she did know, is that it would punish the man who had let her down so deeply.

This diaper was designed to shrink her boyfriends penis to the size he deserved.

“But you have to be careful,” the shop keeper said. “I have the medicine that will reverse this… but it takes takes time. Every time he wears the diaper, each time he uses one, he’ll loose size.”

“How much each time?” She didn’t want to sound too eager. But she needed to know how long it would take for the punishment to sink in.

“Within six month, he will not be able to enter you.”


“He won’t be big enough to get inside of you.” The shopkeeper placed a package of diapers on the table and nudged them towards her. “Do you want the bag? I can ship them directly to your house.”

She had agreed.

And now the moment had come.

He had agreed too.

He didn’t want to loose her.

The rules were simple. He could earn back his pants when he started acting like an adult.

She made the rules very simple.

Every day, her boyfriend would meet her at the door each time he came home and would take his daily diapering. She’d have him lie down on the floor and pull the diaper underneath him and then wrap the tapes around his middle.

The first time her boyfriend tried to put pants on over the diaper, she laughed at him and pointed to the mirror.

“No,” she said standing right next to her boyfriend, her blazer open and pencil skirt hugging her body. Her boyfriend was wearing a tee shirt and thick diaper bulging around his waist. “You will look like a baby until you act like an adult.”

It was not an easy first few weeks of the diaper treatment. He tried his hardest to use the restroom when she was not looking, ripping the diaper off and heading to the bathroom.

But she was more clever. The first time this happened, she started locking the toilet.

One day, she heard a wail from the bathroom and entered the room to see her boyfriend on the ground in front of the toilet filling his diaper to the brim.

For a moment, she felt sorry for him. It was a humiliating display. He was tugging at the bowl, trying to get the lid open, while this legs quivered and the white, nefarious diaper expanded. The diaper was now discolored as it grew and became packed to the brim.

She took a second and watched as he finally accepted his fate and then reached down and squeezed the back of the diaper, squelching the mess inside.

It was gross, but the shopkeeper had told her. Once he accepts his infantile status, he’ll be closer to improving his behavior.

“He should be desperate to get his masculinity back when this is all over,” the shopkeeper had said.

But as the weeks went by she told her boyfriend this. “You can get out of the diapers when you start acting like an adult.

But she didn’t tell him about the real side effects of the diapers.

Each diaper change, each time he used the diapers for their intended purpose, the diaper did its job.

His penis would shrink.

She was skeptical at first, not noticing a change.

But one day, when she unfolded the diaper, she could tell his penis was smaller. It didn’t instantly spring to life as it usually did.

She didn’t say anything to her boyfriend. Just sat there and let him waste more time, more hours not hunting for jobs, not pulling his weight. She let him dictate how small his penis would become, without him knowing.

Until one day he noticed.

“What the hell is happening?” He cried during a diaper change one day when he finally glanced down and saw what looked like two inches poking out between his legs. She had called the two inches to his attention by casually suggesting that his penis was looking smaller the longer he was in diapers.

It was the honest truth. But he didn’t need to know that.

“Who knows, it might look bigger if you stopped wearing diapers, if you found a job and were able to wear big boy pants again.”

Her boyfriend raged, trying to grab at the diaper to remove it to see if his penis really was shrinking or if it was a joke.

A month later he put the two things together.

“Please babe,” I can’t keep wearing these diapers anymore. I think they’re…”

She looked at her boyfriend. “They’re what?”

“I think they’re shrinking my penis,” he said what fear in his voice. “Babe, what’s happening?”

She just looked confused and said he was being silly. “Let me take a look at your next diaper change.”

But this was the moment she had practiced for.

This time, she’d brought a friend of the diaper change.

Francis and her bright red hair entered the room as she was untaxing the diaper, nearly causing her boyfriend to spurt pee into his saturated diaper.

“What’s she doing here?” He demanded trying to sit up.

But his girlfriend pushed him back down and told him that he didn’t have a say in what happened next. “You are just a baby after all and you can change this if you just start behaving properly.”

He grew quiet.

But the humiliation was already on its way.

The moment she opened the diaper, Francis made a noise.

“Oh my goodness. He actually wears and uses the diapers.”

“It’s part of his punishment.”

Her boyfriend just lay on the ground, the thick diaper open between his legs.

But then he heard it. The laugh from Francis. It cut through the air like glass and it was directed at his penis.

“Has it always been that small?”

He didn’t hear the answer.

“It’s adorable,” Francis said. “That’s like what? One inch. How did it ever?”

Her boyfriend sat up, this time trying his hardest to see what had happened to his manhood.

And then, he felt something cold on his penis that confirmed his fears. The hands felt large, commanding in control. They covered his entire penis as if it were only an inch large, as if he were just a small, humiliated, small portion of a man.

“Wha… wha… what happened!” He stuttered.

And then she said it. “It must have been the diapers.”

The silence hung in the air.

“Maybe if you acted like an adult, you wouldn’t have to wear the diapers and your manhood would grow back.”

She laughed.

Francis and the girlfriend proceeded to wipe, powder and place the thick, crinkly diaper on her horrified boyfriend.

When the new diaper was on, she knew what was going through his mind. He’d need to change his behavior if he would ever get things back to the way they were before. If he’d ever regain dignity in the eyes of the woman he actually cared about and loved. He didn’t need a mommy, he didn’t want to be a baby.

He needed to be a man.

And then maybe… once he did all of that, she’d let him grow again.

The diapers could fade away… but rather or not he got the cure to his new, small penis would depend on his behavior.

Only time would tell.


John Doe

Love love love. This would be a great one to continue.