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James tossed the medal onto the bed and sighed.

Another show, another last place finish. At least this time he got a medal to show for it. It was embarrassing to spend all of this time in the gym and really not have much to show for it when it came to competitions. James knew that the whole thing was subjective, that the judges have a subjective say in what happens each time he rolled up to the stage. It means that one day, he could look his best, but if Judge number three was having a bad day, then he wasn’t ever going to place.

The game is totally rigged.

James spent weeks after a show obsessing with the results. The judges feedback was clear: You just need to be bigger, whatever that means. He was already five foot nine and a lean 150 pounds, most of it pure muscle. The young bodybuilder spent his days eating grilled chicken and broccoli. He spent his Sunday’s meal prepping. James even skipped the office pizza party in favor of an extra hour on the stair master.

And he always had last place to show for it.

After his second show in 14 weeks, James finally decided he needed to figure out what he could be doing differently, so he went up to Bryan and nudged him for some advice.

“What do you mean?” Bryan was pulling on a dark colored hoodie while a woman next to him navigated a trophy that he was taking home with him.

“You always win… how?”

Bryan shrugged. “I just train a whole lot man.” And then, he walked away.

Disappointed, James grabbed his hoodie and made his way to the stage door. Only before he got too far, a woman tapped him on the shoulder.

“Yes?” James asked, clearly not in the mood to speak with anyone in the moment.

“Sorry,” the woman said pushing up her glasses. “I couldn’t help but notice that you were wondering why Bryan keeps winning and you do not.”

James scowled. “I’m fine,” he kept walking to the door.

“Hold on,” the woman said, “Aren’t you tired of coming in last place?”

James slowed down for a moment.

“I make winners you know.”

James stopped.

“They don’t lose, it takes sacrifice, but it’s drug free and you’ll win. I promise you that.”

“I’m not buying snake oil from you lady.” James said a bit more aggressively than he intended.

“And no one’s selling you snake oil either. One week on my program and you’ll lift heavier than ever, you’ll run faster, but most of all, you’ll win.”

“One week?”

“It’s free. It’s just really hard. Most guys can’t do it.”

“I’m better than most men.”

“Oh I doubt that.” The woman pushed her glasses back up against her nose again. For some reason, they kept sliding all over the place during this conversation. “It requires dedication and sometimes the side effects can be quite difficult to manage.”

James laughed. “What are we talking, acne, loss of sex drive? I’ve handled it all. Even fucking sleepless nights.”

The woman laughed an angelic laugh that caught James off guard. “The things we’ll do so we can win huh? But no. No sleepless nights. In fact, many people argue that you’ll sleep like a baby when taking this. I can send you the study if you want. I’d hate for you to get into this without all the information.”

Suddenly James felt this sense of relief. If she had evidence that he methods worked, then this was probally not snake oil. James glanced at the remaining bodybuilders backstage who were busy pulling thier sweats on in preparation to grab a celebratory meal with their friends.

He grimaced. He deserved to be at the top of that podium too. “Send me the info.”

The woman smiled and the two of them exchanged numbers. “If you take too long someone else will take your spot. I don’t train people who only go half way. I only train those who go all in.”

James nodded. “I’m your guy.”


That night James read through the five case studies that Theresa sent over. He noticed her name when she signed the email she had sent over. The case studies were impressive, showing a few different guys who were flexing for the camera, in a nice before and after sort of way. In each of the testimonials, each of the men had one thing in common. They has started out as last place people, taking the L and then they had evolved into a first place winner, seemingly overnight.

James laughed to himself. This felt too good to be true, but as plain as day, the scientific research seemed solid.

But no where in the literature could James figure out what exactly was done to get them there. The brosecure promised that the tactic was drug free and that both body building federations had given thier express permission for this regimen to be used. James glanced at the email again where it said that Theresa only took on one client at a time and that she had a few more people who had expressed interest. I only take on so many of you, were her exact words.

James smiled to himself thinking that he’d be joining the ranks of some pretty impressive men and women. He typed back: I’m in.


“So are you ready?” Theresa asked as the two of them stood outside of the gym on a cold Monday morning. James had spent the better part of the weekend doing light cardio to keep his mind off of what was to come on Monday. Theresa said he would be training with her on Monday.

When he had walked into the gym with his oversized hoodie and gymbag slung over his shoulder, he grinned a stupid grin when he had seen her. She was cute in her leggings that hugged her hips and legs. Her ass looked tight and the hoodie crop top she was wearing showed that she was no stranger to training herself.

James nodded that he was ready and the first thing Theresa did was hand him a protein shake.

“You’re going to drink this during your training session,” she said. “Half now, half when you’re done.”

James nodded. “This is it?” He looked disappointed at the pink blender bottle in her hands.

“Today you’re going to hit your first of many PRs James. And this is going to help you get there.”

James nodded and chugged half the liquid. It reminded him of very thick milk, like a milkshake that had been sitting out too long and was runny. But the slightly sweet taste almost made him finish it. But he decided to listen to Theresa and only drink half. She was the expert after all.

“Okay my good boy, let’s get to work.”

Theresa kicked his ass during thier training session. She started out with mobility exercises, followed by a half hour of intense cardio. After James has sweat completely through all of his clothing during a 30 seconds on 30 seconds off at 8 percent incline run jog, they walked straight to the squat rack and she pushed him into several sets of light reps. Then she move him into heavier work.

But James could tell this training session was different. By the fifth set, he felt strong. He didn’t get the usual fatigue he generally felt when working out at this intensity. He felt like he could keep pushing his limit, like he could lift more. Before he knew it, he had reached is one rep max for three reps and collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Theresa stood over him, her hands on her hips grinning broadly. She thrust the shake in his hands and told him he needed to finish it now, before the effect wore off. James nodded and chugged the shake, savoring the sweet taste.

“Good boy,” Theresa said grabbing her towel, wiping her face, and then tossing it to him. “I’ll see you on Wednesday. Stop by the front desk to grab a case of these. They’re about $200 before tax for two weeks. We can work out the rest of the materials later.”

And with that, she walked away.

James, savored the view of her walking away for a moment and then got to his feet.

He was exhausted, but he felt strong and powerful. He looked into one of the many mirrors that dominated the walls of the gym and gasped to himself. James looked incredible. He looked like someone had carved him out out marble and then plopped him into a modern day skin. As a person of color, James always had a advantage with how is muscles looked, they popped against his caramel skin, but today, they we aggressively popping. They looked like winning muscles.

James grabbed his gym bag and approached the front deck. The attendant looked at him and placed a tub of something called “Mother’s Milk” on the counter, collected his fee and then gave him a sideways look.

“You sure you need this?” She asked looking skeptical. “You look great.”

James grinned. “Just trying to make sure I am at the top of the podium.”

The woman nodded. “Just be careful,” she said. “This stuff is weird. And it’s hard to stop taking.”

“It’s not addictive is it?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s just that…” The woman stopped as Theresa popped up at the counter.

“Oh great, you found the stuff.” She smiled at James to took the blender bottle from him. Then looking at the checkout counter, she looked at the attendant up and down. “How’s your boyfriend?”

The attendant blinked twice, shifted slightly where she stood and said, “I wasn’t doing anything.”

But Theresa just glared at her and said, “He’s still a big baby huh?’

James sensing the tension, promptly broke it and asked Theresa when they would train together next.

“See you next week. Workout as usual and we’ll check in next week. Don’t call me before then, I’ll be in Australia working with another client.”

And with that Theresa left the gym.

“What were you saying?”

But the attendant shook her head. “Nothing, you’re good.”

James, confused, grabbed the tub and left the gym.

Later that night, he took his second serving of “Mother’s MIlk,” laughed at the absurd name and then climbed into bed. Even now, hours after his time in the gym, he looked fantastic. Like any bodybuilder or power lifter to sees a mirror, James grinned. Then, with a smile on his face, James fell asleep, determined to feel like a winner in his dreams as well.


Only when James woke up, he felt like a loser.

A complete loser.

He felt tired and weak. As if the energy had been drained from his body. As if someone had hit the “off switch” on his brain.

James tried to sit up as much as possible, but he could hardly prop himself up on the pillow. James did a mental check of himself. He didn’t have a fever, though it did appear overnight that he had sweated through his sheets.

Only, when James sniffed the air, he was suddenly unsure if that was sweat. It had the odd smell that he faintly remembered in the back of his head. From when he was a child.

It was the smell of stale urine.

James shook his head. Was he that tired that he’d wet the bed without realizing it? Only, because of his weakened state James couldn’t get out of bed to change his sheets. He could hardly move, let alone roll around.

“Come on,” James said to himself outlould as he fumbled with his phone to signal to his boss that he would most likely miss work because he was sick. Finally, after managing to tell Siri to send a message, he rolled over. His face hit the urine on the bed and he grimaced. Rolling again, he slid off the bed and plopped onto the floor.

James handn’t felt this weak before.

He needed help.

James yelled at Siri to call Meredith, one of his best friends. She’d know what to do. She was a doctor after all.

Meredith was prompt and instantly went into full doctor mode. She did what she did best, she helped him sit up and then after asking him if he felt like he could walk, helped him to the bathtub where she ran hot water and told him to get cleaned up.

While lying pathetically in the warm water, James could hear Meredith busily in the next room, like a dutiful mother, cleaning his sheets and running the wash, while he let the hot water soak over him.

This bug, or whatever it was that he had, was really working a number on him. A few times, James found himself drooling and falling down into the tub, hardly able to keep his eyes open.

Meredith reentered the room.

“Let’s get you out of that tub, okay?” She said gently as she helped him stand up again. She wrapped a towel around him and help James dry off. FInally, Meredith walked him back to the bedroom and put him into bed.

When James’ naked butt hit the bed, he was surprised to hear a crinkling situation, like plastic.

“What… is… that?’ He asked as she wrapped the blanket around him.

“It’s a plastic sheet, just in case you sweat a ton today.” Meredith touched his forehead and shook her head. “You don’t have a fever or anything, so it’s probably just a mild bug you caught.” Then, with her hands on her hips she asked, “Hvae you been washing your hands?’

James chuckled, causing the plastic to crinkle underneath him. “Yes, Meredith.”

“Keep washing them, cause germs spread by weird shit getting into your system.” Then, noticing James eying the plastic sheet, “When you sweat today, that makes sure you won’t ruin your mattress.” Meredith grabbed her backpack and pulled a plastic container from it. “Use this if you feel like you can’t get out of bed in time, okay?’

“What is that?” James asked weakly, puzzled. It was a narrow plastic tube that slightly bent in the middle with a handle.”

“It’s a urinal. You put your dick inside and pee,” Meredith said crudely, propping the plastic container on the side of the bed. “It’s for emergencies. You need to at least try to go to the bathroom. Getting up will be good for you. But this is in case you can’t make it.”

James nodded weakly, sliding back down into the sheets that crinkled underneath him. “I just need to take a nap and I’ll fine.” He was fading again.

Meredith nodded, closed the curtains and turned off the lights in the room. “I’ll call in a few hours. Drink all the water I’ve left you okay?”

When James didn’t answer, Meredith walked back to the bed and grabbed his shoulders. “James, drink as much water as you can. Okay?”

James nodded, before passing out again. He could do that. And then he’d feel better and go back to the gym. Already he missed the high that came with looking like a sculpture carved from the marble only accessible to the gods.


Only when James woke up, he didn’t exactly feel any better. As James lay in the bed, he tried to speak to himself, but instead there was just a serious fog in his brain. All he could do was watch the ceiling fan slowly make circles with its blades.

“Wubhuh habhaa.” James said to himself realizing with a slight horror that he needed to use the restroom. His bladder felt like it was going to explode. Having already wet the bed once already, James really didn’t want to do it again. So he tried to roll over and reach for the container that Meredith had left for him.

Only, James felt as weak as a newborn infant. He couldn’t reach the container and he could hardly roll over. James wailed in disgust and felt tears run down his face. He had never in his adult life been this weak before. Maybe he needed to go to the hospital to get this sorted. James shook his head thinking about it. He’d rather call Meredith instead, see if she could help him.

After getting Siri to make the phone call for him, Meredith told him that she’d be on the way in about half and hour and asked him if he could hold it.

James mumbled out a yes, but back in his mind knew that was blatantly untrue. HIs lower back and abdomen were both throbbing in pain at this point. James made one last futile attempt to reach the urinal but only managed to fall flat on his stomach, unable to turn over.


James yelled for Siri to call Meredith again, but as the phone started ringing again, he knew the battle was already lost. He felt this cramp roll through his body and his spinchter laugh at him. As he stared at the white sheet beneath him, he felt the mess move towards his cheeks, crest and then fall into the boxers that he was wearing. Next came the relief of urine as he began to create another puddle that he would be siting in until Meredith arrived.

James began to sob silently. Any moment now, Meredith would be walking in the door and see him in this pathetically, weak state. She’d see him like this. At his lowest point, in the bed, messing himself like an infant.

It took about a half hour, but the apartment door finally opened. James, having lost every bit of his dignity at this point, stopped crying pretty quickly. By now, having been face down for so long all he could smell was his own mess. This was not how he had planned to spend his day.

Meredith to her credit had taken everything in stride, cleaning much of him up while in the bed, rolling him over and getting him into the tub for a nice warm bath. She didn’t seem bothered at all by the smell of excrement that hung in the air. In fact, while James was in the tub, she told him to relax, drink the water she’d brought for him and that she’d return with a solution for him that could help.

He heard her humming while he let the water take him. James was ashamed at what happened, but Meredith, while she had been running the water had said a few things that made him feel bettter.

“You’re sick.” She said after washing his back. “This happens to all of us. Sometimes our bodies don’t do what we want them to do.” Meredith run the washcloth over his shoulders. “You must be the most attractive sick person I’ve ever met though.” She smiled at him.

“Thank Mere,” James said, allowing himself to relax in front of  his friend. “I’m embarassed.” He could hardly speak, it was exhausting. The shorter the sentence, the better off he was.

James had dozed off in the tub when he heard two distinct voices in his apartment. He strained his ears and listened. One of the voices was Meredith. But the other one was unfamiliar to him,.

There was a knock at the door and Meredith entered. “Hey James, I hope you don’t mind, I brought my friend over. She’s a doctor and has a temporary solution to your problem.”

James sat up a bit. “A friend.”

Meredith sat down on the toilet lid and looked at James. “Yes, my friend from work, Hannah is a doctor too, she has a soltution to make sure you don’t wet the bed while you’re sick.”

“I really don’t,” James started to say, but Meredith had already motioned for Hannah to enter the room. Hannah, to her credit was stunning. He hair was thick enough to be endless. Hannah had this aura of confidence that radiated through even the tiny bathroom. Hannah was also still wearing her scrubs from work. James assumed that meant it must be evening. The whole day had been wasted evidently.

James, always one to attract beautiful women and openly flirt, tried to sit up straighter and placed a weak grin on his face. “Hannah, James.”

Hannah smiled at retuned the greeting. She explained she was a doctor and heard he’d had some issues. Hannah just wanted to just check his vitals and recommended he come to her office tomorrow for a formal check up.

James, who was ready to accept a checkup from this beautiful doctor, when he realized that this probally wasn’t the best idea because he was a docile as a kitten. But Hannah was insistent. It will only take a few moments.

“I’ll set up in your bedroom,” she said quietly as Meredith pulled the plug from the drain and let the water out. Soon they had gotten James back into to the room where what he saw, shocked him.

On the bed, there was a large pad and on top of that pad was one of the largest diapers James had seen in his entire life. It just lay open, like a hand, waiting to receive him.

“Hold on a second,” James was getting nervous. He didn’t want these beautiful women seeing him in that.

Hannah however, just smiled and patted the bed. “James, it’s not a big deal. It’s just for tonight to make sure you can keep your bed safe.” Hannah walked James over to the bed. She helped him lay on the bed so he was positioned on top of the diaper. But she didn’t take it up yet. Instead she put a thermometer into his mouth.

“Let’s make sure you don’t have a temperature,” Hannah said.

James felt the small cylinder fall out three times before he realized he was simply too weak to keep the object in his mouth. Hannah to her credit, didn’t complain. Instead she just reached into her medical bag, pulled out what looked like a large rod and began applying Vaseline to the end of the device.

“Wait a second…” James said noticing what it was. “I can try the thermometer again.”

Meredith leaned over, looking down at James, “Just try and relax okay?”

James let out a deep moan when the rectal thermometer entered him and felt it slide into place. Hannah held up his legs, while Meredith continued to pat him on the shoulder telling him it would be over in five minutes. Finally, the device was pulled out and James felt this hollow empty feeling inside.

Hannah looked at the thermometer, said he had no fever and then, after dropping it into a tray on the end of the bed, made some adjustments to the diaper James was sitting on top of. “The rest of the exam will be easier if I know you won’t pee all over the place.”

Meredith pulled the diaper over his front, tucked his penis down and then proceed to pull the tapes tight around the front.

James had never seen a diaper this large before and he sight made him nevous for some reason. As Meredith pulled the tapes tight, he looked up at her and saw her look of casual concentration. He felt the diaper lock his penis from the rest of the world.

Meredith then proceeded to check the fit of the diaper, patting it in odd areas, lifting his legs up and running her finger around the edges. “I need to check the leak guards,” she explained. “That way, when you have to use the restroom…. Well… your diapers, they wont leak in the bed, doing the very thing that we were trying to prevent.”

“I won’t be using these.”

Hannah smiled. “I hope not.”

She tested his strength, the dexterity of his arms and legs. She even had him memorize and say several words. What annoyed James the most was that each time he moved,  the diaper crinkled underneath him. He was fascinated by the bright white plastic where in the middle there was a blue strip running down the center. It was an odd design choice, James thought as Hannah tucked him back into bed and then took a step back.

“So you have some sort of bug that’s not giving your body enough energy,” Hannah said. “Have you managed to eat today?” She asked James.

James’ stomach growled. No he hadn’t and that most likely answered her question.

“He’s been too weak to eat,” Meredith said with plenty of concern in her voice.

“But you’re gonna have to try,” Hannah pulled out her phone. “I can order you a milkshake or something,”

While that sounded good. James had already fallen asleep.


James’ eyes bolted open. He heard snoring in the room. He looked over and saw Meredith sleeping on the chair in the corner of the room.

James pulled the sheets off himself and realized that he had energy again. Sweet sweet energy. Excited James took a few soft steps around the bedroom.

He could walk.

But he could also hear.

Crinkle, crinkle.

Suddenly the events of what had to be yesterday, came flooding back to him. It wasn’t because he had remembered what had happened, it was because around his waist was a completely full, completely used diaper.

James cringed to himself and froze. The diaper squished around him, making sure his mess clung to him at all times. It was like someone had taken mud and decided they’d make plastic underwear out of mud and forced him to wear it.

James walked quickly, determined not to wake up Meredith who was lightly snoring.

Once in the bathroom James flipped on the light. And that’s when he saw himself. He still looked very attractive, his muscles gleaming in the bathroom light, but at his waist was the diaper, an extremely large and full diaper. The previously blue strip was now completely green and fading. James turned around and looked at his behind and saw it was grossly discolored where he had no doubt messed himself in his sleep. The diaper was bulging, the plastic tested to its limits

This was disgusting. How did he do that when he was asleep? Shouldn’t he have bolted awake?

James placed his hand on the mess and squished it for a second, shivered and decided now was a good time as any to get out of this diaper.

After a long clean up, James wrapped the diaper into three trash bags and walked it straight to the trash chute. At least he was feeling better. On the way back to his apartment, James checked his phone and saw that it was indeed the next day. He’d need to call Meredith and try and schedule that check up with Hannah. He texted Meredith and let her know that he was feeling significantly better and wanted to thank her for all her help yesterday.

Meredith replied and said that Hannah was expecting him around 10 am in her office and sent over the address.

James glanced at the clock, saw it was already 9:30 and did a slight double take. Had he really spent all day sick in bed. He felt like yesterday was a complete blur, a complete waste of time.

Sighing to himself and deciding that he’d hit the gym later that evening, James grabbed his wallet, keys and headed towards the doctors office.

He needed to get to the bottom of this.



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