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The next few days Giselle and I continued to meet up. Luckily I didn’t have to face her before I got my diaper changed the next morning. Valerie just handed me the key and told me to go take a shower. I had never felt so relieved to put on a new diaper in my life.

Sure I had messed my diaper just about everyday due to the predicament I was in, but I had never done it in front of someone who I was actually attracted to. It had been a necessary, private evil - until now.

But the thought in the back of my head kept nagging at me. The package that Valerie had kept in her house didn’t make any sense. Why had she stolen my package and all but forced me to break into her house to get my stuff back? I knew it had to do something with Francis, “the League” and all of this twisted research that was going on.

The next week I continued to report to Valerie’s house and to do my chores as instructed. In fact, it got to the point that Valerie stopped leaving me a list everyday because we had gotten into a routine. Each day when I returned home, I hopped on FaceTime with Giselle or met her for after dinner snacks. She was a lot of fun to hang out with and now that I wasn’t constantly messing myself in front of her I felt like my old flirty self again.

I kept my ears open while in Valerie’s house and as I cleaned looked for any reference I could find to the League of Mommies. Except, it was as if her house was purged from anything that could be helpful to me in the least bit.

“Why don’t you just ask her?” Giselle asked over ice cream one night while we walked in the park.

“Um… what am I supposed to say? Valerie, why did you steal my diapers?” I laughed. “Yeah, not gonna happen. She’s not going to answer the questions. Besides, I only have a few weeks left of this. Are you sure you haven’t heard anything else in your meetings?”

“It’s not like we meet every night, Andrew.”

“Aren’t you a member of the league?”

Giselle laughed then gasped. “Andrew, I think you leaked. “ She pointed to a wet spot on my pants. I groaned slightly. This had been happening more and more over the past few days. But this was to be expected. I was wearing thick diapers 24/7 for several weeks at this point and leaks were bound to happen. I resolved to work a little harder and pay closer attention in the future.

Thankfully, Giselle didn’t really seem to mind all that much. Instead she spent the next half hour poking fun at me and telling me that I needed to be more careful and suggesting that I needed stronger plastic pants.

I blushed at that feedback. Maybe she had forgotten I had been wearing locking plastic pants since we first met.

Giselle promised me she’d do some digging on her own, the next time the women got together, which would be two weeks from then. Coincidentally, that should be the exact same time that I should run out of diapers meaning my sentence was over.

I had thoughts about what freedom would look like.

First, I was hoping to further explore my relationship with Giselle. I wanted to see her in my bed, without me locked into a diaper. Because Valerie always locked me up before I left her house for the night, I was finding it impossible to get sexual relief in any form while she was around. Sure Giselle had rubbed the front of my diaper before, but that’s not going to make me feel like a man in any way. More like… manbaby.

Though, there was another option I had not yet dared to explore while she was at my house. Tucked in my cabinets was the magic wand, just sitting there unused and lonely.

I had acquired the device many years ago when I first stumbled onto Reddit ABDL. Everyone had been raving about the so-called “Magic Wand.” The way the stories had gone, if you rub it in the right place then you’d cum so hard, you’d see stars.

I was skeptical until the first time I tired the wand and I think I passed out the moment release happened. I had one of the deepest sleeps I had in a while and ever since that moment, I was hooked. Magic indeed.

To be clear, this wasn’t the only way that I’d like to get off. The old fashioned visit to Palmsdale was doing just fine at the end of the day and even better if I had a partner. But as I thought about the incident on the table with all of those women, my drive was coming back with a passion.

That was the dream, right?

Then again, the stereotypical  girl next door discovering your stash was also “the dream” too. But so far this was proving to be quite problematic. Giselle had made it clear for a few days that she was interested in me. Ever since she had made that comment about the tale, I had been looking for an opportunity to get the diaper off before I went home.

But every single day, Valerie was diligent as ever, making me change into double diapers and sending me on my way with the locking plastic pants. That meant that beneath the layers of padding was my frustrated member, just begging for contact with Giselle.

“You know we could always just wait until your sentence is over,” Giselle insisted the following week, a week before what I was referring to as freedom day. She kissed me on the forehead and then licked my neck, causing me to shiver. “Besides, waiting can be hot,” Giselle wiggled under the covers and pointed to her crotch.

“I bet…” I said, “You’re the only one getting exactly what you want.”

That wasn’t a lie.

But I couldn’t tell Giselle about the magic wand, that would be… demoralizing. It would be strange. I mean, the diapers were weird, but the vibrator. Yeah. No thanks. Because I was unwilling to let Giselle know about the magic wand, I spent the opening weeks of our strange relationship servicing her.

Not like she was complaining.


Valerie returned home a few days before my sentence was up and announced that we needed to talk.

I shivered slightly. Whenever she needed to speak, my life tended to get worse. For a moment, my mind flashed back to the dinner party.

I put away the Dyson and sat down at the table across from Valerie. She looked tired, no doubt because of a long day at the office. But Valerie passed me an envelope and insisted it was good news.

“You have done a really good job serving out your sentence here,” Valerie gestured to the lone pack of diapers that remained. They were the most embarrassing pack. They had baby animals on them wearing diapers and dancing on the plastic padding. Everything about the diapers screamed baby. “And judging by the stack, your sentence with me is going to be over soon. You’ve really served your time like a man.”

We both chuckled a bit. I was grateful she didn’t make the obvious joke.

“I know you’ve been struggling a lot with your bladder control so I got you an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Vicker. He’s the specialist I was telling you about.”

I was about to protest, but Valerie held up her hand and said something that perked my mind up. “I actually figured after you see him, you can go home for good this time. You’ll know for sure if you need diapers or not. After, if you pass the test you can go home and you won't have to wear these ridiculous diapers anymore. We’ll consider the last three days time served.”

I smiled and nodded. Dr. Vicker would just say I was cured. This would be no problem. “No problem. Thanks for getting the appointment for me.”

Valerie nodded. “You do understand that breaking into my house was completely wrong?”

“Absolutely and if I had it to do again, I wouldn’t do it.” I responded firmly.

Valerie nodded. “Go change into your nighttime diapers and make sure you come back tomorrow for your appointment. I’ll drive you.”

I nodded and almost leaped out of my chair in excitement.

Instead I just needed to play things cool.

I texted Giselle to let her know that my sentence was ending early and waddled back home. This was insane. I thought I was in for another week of this sentence, but instead, I was free tomorrow. I just needed to explain to the doctor what was happening.

As I stood in my bedroom grinning like an idiot, I glanced over at my cabinet where the magic wand was hiding and decided that I deserved a little reward.

I grabbed the wand and plugged it in. It instantly sprung to life. I turned up the vibrations and got on all fours positioning the wand beneath the front of the diaper. I had to turn the power up a bit to get some more traction and to feel the vibration under the double diapers. But after wiggling around for a bit, I managed to find the right spot.

A shiver went up my spine when I made contact and I started grinding softly. I pulled out my cell phone with my other hand and began looking at some photos I had saved on my phone. I moaned slightly as I rubbed back and forth, the plastic pants crinkling as I thrust into the wand. I kept thrusting, my diapered butt in the air crinkling over the covers, the leak guards flexing with each movement.

It had been weeks since I last did this and I was right on the verge of completion when I felt a hand on my diapered bottom.

“What’s going on here?’ Giselle’s voice asked calmly behind me.

I froze, my body surging with electric energy. I felt humiliation.

“Come on baby, what’s going on here.”

I went to roll over so I was off the pillow. I wanted to regain just a little bit of my dignity, but Giselle’s voice was firm. “No, don’t move. Tell me what you are doing Andrew.”

I stayed quiet, hoping Giselle would just leave the room if I didn’t speak. But instead she just patted my diapered bottom with a thump and insisted, “I’m not going to ask you again.”

My mouth, dry at this point and the wand still vibrating, made my words sound hoarse and raspy. “I’m just using the magic wand to…”

“To do what?”

“To… get release...”

“No sweetie,” Giselle said, a hint of a smile echoing in her words. “You’re trying to make cummies in your diaper huh?”

I closed my eyes in embarrassment. “Yes.”

“Go ahead and say it.”

I was silent.

“You’re not getting out of this.” Giselle said as the wand continued to hum beneath me.

“I’m… making cummies…. In my diaper.” I said quietly.

“I can’t hear you over the noise.”

I repeated myself, only louder this time.

Giselle laughed, “Not yet you’re not.”

I froze. What game was she playing at?

“What is this anyway?” I felt her remove the magic wand from under me and inspect it. “Oh…” She laughed from behind me. “It’s a vibrator.”

Giselle said that last word, “vibrator” in a way that made it clear that she was trying to tell me something. I flipped over on my back and pulled the covers up over me, hiding my bulging diapers.

“So you were using this vibrator to cum in your diapers Andrew?” She asked pointedly.

“Yes…” I replied quietly.

“Do you know who uses vibrators?”

I shook my head.

“Women.” Giselle said. With the magic wand still vibrating she pushed it against my diaper causing me to gasp in surprise. She removed it quickly however, and instructed me to get back on all fours.

I complied, unsure what would happen if I didn’t.

Once on all fours, Giselle took the magic wand and pressed it against me again, but this time I felt her straddle me from behind and wrap her arms around me as she controlled each and every motion.

“So you really want to cum huh?’ She taunted as my hips ground back and forth.

“Yes,” I responded quietly.

“And because you’re using a vibrator you want to cum like a girl?”


“Say it.”

“I want to cum in my diaper like a baby girl.”


I repeated it over and over again as Giselle muttered humiliating things in my ear until I felt a stirring in my loins. And suddenly I felt a rush of energy shoot through my body as I came harder than ever. My collapsed forward twitching as the vibrator continued to pulse softly. I felt the cum drip between my balls and settle in the diaper.

Giselle unplugged the vibrator and tucked me in.

“Good boy.” She said.



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