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I sat in my bed and did my best to try and take off the locking plastic pants, only they wouldn’t budge. This was expected though. They never ever came off without the magnet.

Giselle peered at me from the other side of the room and looked concerned. “Andrew, maybe you should just… use your diaper. I’m worried you’re going to hurt yourself.”

I glanced over at her and for a moment wanted to lash out. She hadn’t done anything to help me while at Valerie’s house but now she wanted to be helpful? I laughed bitterly in my head. This was rich.

Only, she was being nice. After spending a few moments being a complete whimp while crying into her lap, Giselle had gone into the other room and after a few moments came back saying she’d walk me home. I knew I should have thanked he for making it so I could end the night early. But I felt like I was thanking a prison guard for sneaking me a Tastycake. Guards were still guards after all. They were still imprisoning me. They were still my overlords.

“I think I can just hold it until tomorrow,” I said stubbornly.

My brain laughed at me.

Fat chance of that happening.

Spending the past two weeks diapered non-stop had wreaked havoc on my bladder meaning it was getting harder and harder to control. I was destined to have an accident rather I liked it or not.

“Come on Andrew,” Giselle said calmly approaching my head and placing a hand on my knee. “You wouldn’t be the first person I’ve seen mess themselves.”

I looked at her. “Wait… what?”

“Yeah, all of us have seen this happen before.”

“Oh, cause you’re a doctor?”

“Well yeah, but also, because of the League.”

I stared at her.. “The league?’

“Of mommies?” Giselle said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


“Yeah, the Leageue of Mommies. We’re like a union or trade association who meets monthly.”

I just stared at her but then realized as my stomach performed another flip that this might be my only time to get information out of her.

“Oh yeah,” I lied. “Valerie was telling me about it but we never finished chatting because we got too busy.”

“Valerie isn’t in the League. We were just using her house. Shouldn’t you just use the diaper already.” Giselle looked extreemly concerned for me as I doubled over again.

I gritted my teeth. “I can wait.”

“Look, if you want, I can go into the other room while you mess if you want. And I’ll tell you about the League if you just relax and stop this childish behavior. Even babies just go when they need too.”

I glared at Giselle. But she had a point. If I could figure out what the League was all about, I’d be able to figure out why exactly Francis and Valerie seemed intent on punishing me. Well, Francis anyway, Valerie was still mad at me from breaking into the house.

I nodded.

“Do you need help pushing?” Giselle asked.

“I know how to use the bathroom.” I snapped.

“You mean your diapers?” Giselle corrected.

“You know what I…”

And then I lost control. My body rolled one last cramp though me and forced me to bend over at the waist. Giselle looked fascinated as I fell on all fours and my sphincter opened up. I felt my stomach contract and push downward. To my horror, I felt a massive log slide its way down into my diaper. Because of the plastic pants, the mess had no choice but to push forward, filling every square inch of plastic padding completely. Right when I thought I was finished, I felt another cramp roll through me and the process started again, this time being more difficult because of the resistance inside the plastic prison that hugged my bottom.

Giselle just stood there, with a look of pity on her face as I shook and pushed harder and under until I collapsed onto my stomach and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wow,” Giselle remarked grinning. “You really had to go.”

I was quiet. What do you say when a hot girl sees you mess your diaper? There wasn’t anything I could say to make this situation cool, there wasn’t anything I could say to make this better. Nothing I could do would make me recover from this in any way or form. So instead, I jumped back to our main conversation.

“Tell me about the League of Mommies, or whatever you called it.”

“Do you want to sit up?” Giselle asked peering down at me with amusement in her voice.

“I don’t want to sit in in,” I grimaced. “It’s gross.”

“Aren’t you used to it, with your bladder issues and all.”

“Giselle,” I asked coldly, “Do you really think that I need these?” I pointed back at my packed pampers. “Like why would I have a lock on these if I were actually disabled? Why would I also be cooking in nothing but a diaper for a meeting full of women?”

“League meeting,” Giselle corrected. “And if I remember correctly, aren’t you being punished?”

I stared at her. “Tell me about the League.”

Giselle sat on the bed and signed. “It’s a pretty cool organization. Remember the pandemic that happened many years ago, when we all had to stay inside? Well during that time a lot of people started using OnlyFans and stuff like that to sell content to make ends meet. It’s tough when you don’t have a job. Heck, even my job put me on hold for a bit.

“Anyway, once the pandemic started to go into year two, a lot of women began to notice that more and more men were requesting their services. But with that demand came consequences. Many of these women started noticing an uptick in violence and just people being unreasonable…men and women, but honestly it was mostly shitty guys.

“So a few of them got together and created a registry specifically for those who were in the community that catered to adult babies, little and caregivers. All you have to do is pay a monthly fee and you get access to ton of resources, including a blacklist where you’ll know if people have been routinely abusing their providers.

“Believe it or not, there are tons of people out there who really enjoy wearing diapers in their spare time and they’d be glad to call up a mommy on short notice for a quick baby sitting session. But the reality is, it’s dangerous for many women. But as the pandemic ended, the violence wasn’t as bad and the app was doing its job.

“So then, it began to become more of a service, a way to connect clients to providers. You could go into the app, Mommy Time Plus and order a mommy or daddy on demand. The cool thing was that it comes with all of these other features so people can get the most out of the experience.”

“Wait…” I asked trying to stay comfortable while on my stomach. “So you’re a mommy?”

“Lol, no.” Giselle actually said “LOL” that time. “Not at all. I’m actually a consultant. There are a few experiences that I help train other women in how to make sure people are getting an authentic experience. Because I’m a doctor who works with patients, I can tell you exactly what a patient would look like if they had bladder issues and the like. We’ve actually come pretty close to developing a pill that will render someone’s bladder as weak as a newborns, but we are still testing it out.”

My mouth dropped open. This was more complicated than I could even imagine. “Wait… so is Francis a mommy?”

“Oh absolutely.” Giselle laughed a little. “But she’s more of a Dommy Mommy. She specializes in clients who want strict punishment and want to be controlled. She’s actually one of the founders of Mommy Time Plus.”

So that’s why Francis was such a sadistic bitch. She was getting her rocks off humiliating me. Now that I thought harder about it, this actually made perfect sense. Valerie just conscripted me into her home to do chores and told me to wear a diaper because I had lied to her and told her I had a medical condition. But Francis, ha, Francis was a sadistic monster. She is the one who had somehow convinced Valerie to let her babysit for her and taken me out and forced me through all of that suffering. She was then one who had pushed Valerie into all the things that had made my life a living hell.

“She’s a bitch.” I growled towards Giselle. “She’s made my life a living hell and she’s done it on purpose.”

“What do you mean, didn’t you volunteer?’


“You’re not part of the program?”

“The program.”

“Mommy Time Plus.”

“Fuck no.”

Giselle went pale. “Oh, I thought you were. Francis said you were part of the evening entertainment. Most of the girls there were looking forward to the group changing session.”

I sat up and grimaced. I had forgotten there was a load in my diaper and upon sitting in it I felt the mess ooze around my backside and squish near the front.

“No, I didn’t want any of this. They’re still punishing me for trying to get my stuff back.”

“Your stuff?”

“Yes,” I explained to Giselle that I had only broken into Valerie’s house because she had stolen the diapers that I had delivered to her place. Had that not happened, we wouldn’t be here.

“Hmm…” Giselle sat next to me. “Why would Valerie keep the boxes?” Giselle then looked at me and wrinkled her nose. “Lol, you smell. Maybe I should come back tomorrow.”

I looked down at the ground. Giselle was attractive and here I was, in the least sexy outfit of the night. “Can we talk tomorrow?” I asked. “I need to find a way to get out of this.” My brain was moving miles at a time. Giselle could be the key to my freedom.

“Yeah,” Giselle stood up and tussled my hair a little bit. “Make sure you get a change in the morning first thing. You don’t want a rash.”

And with that she walked to the door. Then she paused and turned around. “I’m usually not this forward, and I’m really not into this stuff usually, but seeing you get changed on the table was hot.”

Then she vanished down the hall and I heard her close the front door behind her.

I sat there and smiled to myself for a second. Maybe there was hope after all.


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