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The night had been going a bit easier than I thought it was going to be. For some reason, I had expected the evening to consist of women moving in and out of the kitchen, each one of them laughing at my diapered state. But instead, I had been locked away in the kitchen in my diaper, prepping food and ensuring dishes were getting washed throughout the night.

I was actually alone.

It was an odd feeling, the thick diaper gripping my lower body, while the apron brushed up against my legs. I felt naked, without being completely naked. Ever since the gaggle of women had entered the other room, Valerie hadn’t entered the kitchen. I thought about this revelation for a moment while putting together another cheese and cracker tray. Between the two of my captors, I much preferred Valerie. At least she spoke to me like an adult.

Francis clearly enjoyed humiliating me every chance she got, I thought bitterly. I was certain in the end women like her would get their comeuppance.

Or would she? This was technically my own personal hell of my own making.

I looked up as the kitchen door swung open to see Francis walk in. I was busy cutting some cheese into cubes and did my best to pay her no mind. But Francis had other plans. She placed her glass of wine into the sink and reached down and slid her hand down on my padded crotch, squeezing as she went along.

“What’s going on down here little boy?” Francis taunted. Her breath reeked of wine and steak from the evening’s meal. “Is your diaper full?”

I didn’t answer. I refused too. Sure the diaper was full, I had been peeing in it for the last hour thanks to her.

But Francis wasn’t going to be put off. She frowned in my direction and squeezed again. “I’m waiting for an answer.”

“Yes,” I grumbled, continuing the slice the cheese cubes aggressively.

“Yes what?” Francis giggled. She was enjoying this way too much.

“Yes Miss. Francis, my diaper is full.”

Francis smiled and let go of my diaper and then stalked out of the kitchen after she had thoroughly humiliated me.

I couldn’t help it. I wanted to cry at this point. These women were treating me like I was their plaything, just fondling me, pushing me around. They were treating me like I was an infant. I guess that was the point after all.

Why did I have to get caught stealing diapers of all products? I wished more than ever that I had just left the package of diapers at Valerie’s house and just driven to Baltimore and bought some more diapers and just eaten the cost.

I heard the door open again. “Can you just leave me alone please?”

“Oh I’m sorry, is everything okay?”

My head jerked up. That wasn’t Francis, it was a woman’s voice. A young woman at that.

My face turned a deep shade of red as I looked down to make sure the apron I was wearing covered up my diaper. But I had a sneaking suspicion that if I even moved, she’d hear the crinkle.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I mumbled looking down and trying to hold still.

The woman pushed her hair backwards and adjusted her headband. “Are you sure, you seemed pretty upset. I could leave if you want.”

“That would be great. I just… want to be alone.”

“Okay,” the woman took a step back, but dropped her phone in the process causing it to skid across the floor and come to a stop behind me.

We both stared at the phone for a moment and then she took five steps toward me, dropped to the phone and then gasped.

She turned red at the sight of my diaper. Why would she be the embarrassed one in this situation? I was the one trapped with my toilet around my waist. But she stood up quickly and blushed, making eye contact with me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were the one they were talking about.”

“Talking about?” I was mortified.

“You’re the one who wears the diapers.” The woman giggled slightly and gestured to the living room. “They were talking about you earlier. Val said you need them?”

I blushed. “I don’t need them.”

“Then why are you wearing them?”

“Valerie made me.”

“But, you’re wet though. Look. You leaked.” The woman pointed to the floor between my legs where there was water. What I didn’t realize was that the floor was already wet because I had spent the evening in the kitchen cooking. But I could only imagine how this looked to this woman. She thought I was lying to her about a medical condition. “You don’t have to be shy about it, most of the people in the next room over know about people with medical conditions, so they totally understand. Have you tried plastic pants, you know, to stop leaks?”

“I don’t need the diapers okay.” I shot back leaning over with a paper towel to mop up the water. In the process, by diaper crinkled and the apron fell forward, revealing my padded posterior to the woman.

“Oh my. It’s really full. You need a change.”

I quickly stood back up to try and cover myself, but only succeeded in slipping on the water and falling backwards with a squish. In all the excitement, I felt myself flooding my diaper causing it to swell up even more.

I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to go home. I wanted to cry. For a second, I thought I just might, but then the woman did something remarkable. Unlike Francis who seemed to take pleasure in my pain, this woman reached down and grabbed my hand and helped me stand up. After helping wipe the water off my legs from the fall, she gave me a hug.

“I know dealing with bladder issues is hard,” the woman said, smiling slightly. “Do you have another diaper you can change into?”

I shook my head. “They’re all in the living room and I don’t want to go out there like this.”

“Why don’t I get you another diaper and we can go from there.” She glanced down at my bulging padding. “I mean, it’s weird that you’re wearing these cartoon print diapers, but I guess they are kinda cute.”

The woman left the room leaving me standing there feeling quite silly. That interaction wasn’t so bad. The woman had entered the room, seen my diaper and then left. She didn’t do the whole “Francis routine” or have the baggage that came with Valerie. That actually wasn’t a pretty bad deal. I rubbed the back of my diaper slightly where I had fallen, grateful that my diaper was full enough where I didn’t do any damage.

One thing I did notice was this woman didn’t react poorly to the cartoon print on the diapers either, which made me wonder if I needed to reconsider my entire dating strategy. Maybe this wasn’t as big of a deal as I was making it. Maybe my days of taking this secret to my grave and living forever alone would be over.

I felt a slight twinge in my abdomen and looked at the clock. I needed to use the restroom, like really use the restroom. When the woman returned, I’d be able to take the diaper, head to the bathroom and do my business and then change. No one would have to know. To make matters even better, I was getting the hang of prepping this food here in the kitchen and wasn’t feeling too bad about myself anymore. Believe it or not, after my interaction with the mystery woman, I was actually feeling confident.

I found myself grinning as I helped myself to some water and focused on holding my bowels. Maybe enduring the rest of this night wasn’t going to be so bad.

But then I head my name.


I kept quiet. There’s now way someone was calling me to come out into the dining room right now. Francis had promised. She had said I could stay in the kitchen.

“Andrew??” Francis yelled again. “Can you come out here please?’

My eyes darted around the kitchen searching for something to cover up with. This apron was not going to do me any good. The entire back was open. The towels in the kitchen were too small too, they were only hand towels.

“Andrew?” Francis again, closer and angrier.

I did my best to tie my apron so it wasn’t open in the back and I slowly crept into the dining room. Each step I took seemed to thunder around me. My breathing was shallow and fast. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way they were going to make me walk out in front of this room of women with just an apron and diaper on.

My mind kept reminding me over and over that I had caused this. If only I hadn’t broken into the house of the girl next door…

“Nice apron diaper boy,” Francis said as I entered the room.

The room was brightly lit and around the table, sitting, standing and lounging were a little over a dozen women of all shapes and sizes. One woman wore thick black glasses and looked quiet confused to see me emerge from the kitchen. Another, rounder than a few of the rest, seemed to have been entertaining half the table with a gregarious story when I emerged from around the corner and quieted down when I showed up. She acted as one would do when a toddler walks in the room where you’d quiet down in case you were speaking about “adult things.”

Every single woman, rather tall or short, no matter if they looked shy or outgoing had one thing in common. They all looked fiercely intelligent. I had seen this look before, this look that indicated that the world around them was theirs to take and manipulate as they saw fit.

And right now, it looked like I was their target.

“Do you need your diaper changed?” Francis just came out and said it.

“I’m fine.” I mumbled out. The women were just staring at me, this was intimidating.

“That not what Giselle said.”

“Who is Giselle…” But then I saw her. The woman I had been speaking with eariler in the kitchen. She was standing by the sofa that framed the seating room and holding in her hand one of the diapers from the stack. She had clearly been serious about getting me a diaper to change into. Only, I wish she had been more discrete in her movements. To her credit, Giselle looked confused.

“I’m sorry…” she mouthed in my direction.

“Let’s take a look and see then.” Francis stood up and walked around the long table towards me, her hands outstretched like a toddler pining after candy.

“You know he doesn’t always know when he wets,” Giselle said helpfully. “He has bladder issues. Right Andrew?” She nodded towards me. “Tell them,”

Valerie noddd while Andrew looked mortified. “That what he told me.”

Francis took a few more steps forward and in one swift motion untied the apron and lifted it over my neck. There was a slight breeze that caused me to shiver slightly in that motion. I was, for all intents and purposes, completely naked.

“Wow,” the girl with the dark rimmed glasses gasped. “He’s soaked. That’s bulging considerably.”

The rest of the room nodded in agreement.

“Hey don’t make fun of him,” Giselle said defensively waving the pink unicorn diaper she had selected for me in the air. “He can’t help it.”

“Really?” Francis asked looking towards me and grinning a wide grin. “Are we sure about that?”

“What do you mean?” Valerie asked.

“Oh nothing, just an interesting choice in diapers that’s all.” Francis motioned to the diaper that Giselle was holding in her hand. “How many guys suffering from bladder issues voluntarily wear unicorn print diapers?”

The room laughed as my heart sped up again and my cheeks burned. My stomach also did another summersault and felt hot. I needed to take this diaper upstairs and change imideatly. While I had probably messed every single night since Valerie had caught me breaking into her house, she had saved me the dignity from having to get changed in front of her. In fact, say what you want about Valerie, at least she treated me like someone who had a medical condition, even if she was pretty strict.

My stomach grumbled again and Francis mentioned that the table needed to be cleaned and instructed me to take the plates into the kitchen.

“What about my change?” I asked, still shivering slightly due to my nakedness. Giselle looked over at me sympathetically, crinkling the diaper absentmindedly in her hands.

“As soon as the table is clear,” Francis said patting me on my squishy bottom. “It’s not like anything is gonna break in there.”

The table roared with laugher. Except, I noticed Giselle simply looked away and placed the diaper on the edge of the bar.

Was it possible I had a sympathetic person in the room who could stand up to the cruelty of these women? As it turns out, I did. More sympathetic ears than I would ever know.


I squished my way around the table grabbing glasses and plates and dumping them into the sink. The process itself wasn’t that bad, I had never bussed tables before, but I suspected that this was the type of work that you just kept moving forward. Some of the women would fondle the back of my diaper, but a few others made a clear point to thank me for bussing their plates and glasses. They made it a point to either look away when I approached or helped stack some of the plates.

They weren’t all that bad. In fact, when I finished, a few of the women had cleared thier own plates to make the job go faster.

Only, as it turns out, a handful of women behind nice to you doesn’t mean shit when you have Francis to contend. My stomach was gurgling something awful at this point and I was having a hard time standing up straight.

I reenetered the living room and the table had been washed and dried off and it was spotless. To my horror, I saw the woman had laid out a changing pad and the diaper Giselle had been playing with eariler was sitting on top of the pad.

I reached out to grab the diaper, but Francis seemed determined to make the night a night from hell.

“I don’t think so.” Francis said shaking her head. “You know the rules. You’re supposed ask when you need a change. Instead you sent Giselle to grab a diaper for you so you can change behind our back. That’s not how it’s supposed to be done.”

“Wait…” I said frowning. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve done everything you guys have asked tonight.”

“Not everything,” one of the larger woman pointed out. “Aren’t you supposed to ask to get your diapers changed?”

“Well yes, but…” I blushed. “Like she offered.”

“Yes,” Giselle cut in. “I did offer.”

“Then you were supposed to get mommy to change you;” The larger woman insisted.

Mommy? What was that supppsoed to mean. But I looked around the table to see many heads nodding in agreement.

“What are…”

“He sure does talk a lot,” a thinner woman insisted.

“He’s bad at following instructions,’ Valerie sneered.

“He’s a boy, he was breaking into his house, honestly he needs to see the Corrections Team.”

I shook my head. “Please can I just get changed and go.”

But Francis was determined to make me suffer and instead one of the larger women grabbed me from behind and another grabbed my legs, hoisting me up onto the table. I tried to struggle, but a few women joined in laughing as they held down my arms and legs.

I looked up to see Francis hop up on the table and keel in front of me. She towered over me and then reached for the tapes on the front of the diaper and began to pull them back one by one.

They ripped apart and soon she lifted the diaper off my front, exposing me in front of all of the women in the room. My heart was beating wildly out of my chest as a result. I couldn’t breathe. There was no way this was happening.

This was one of those fantasies that people talk about, only instead of it being a highly erotic situation where I was a positive center of attention, I was their plaything and completely helpless to fight back. I didn’t like feeling this way. After struggling for a moment, I went limp, my body overcome with shock.

One of the woman began wiping me down with extremly cold wipes, taking care to get every noook and cranny down there. In my fear, I didn’t even get an erection, only adding to the humiliation of the moment. When she finished, another woman sprinkled power on my crotch while another began fluffing out the diaper and slid it under me. Soon after a few moments, I was safely tucked into a new diaper as the women checked the fit and the leg bands. Another woman even checked to see if the leak guards were standing.

They helped me off the table, while another had me step into a pair of locking plastic pants. And with that, the change from hell was over.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment as the women just laughed and began to talk among themselves again. Giselle approached me and led me into another room of the house. She sat me down next to the couch. In my overwhelmed state, I sat down next to her, dropped my head into her lap and silently cried.

I hated this. I just wanted to go home.


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