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John would have been lying if he said that when he heard Ashley introduce herself he wasn’t slightly afraid. The woman leaned to the side in the chair, holding the cane upright while peering at John from her perch. Ashely was extremely attractive, with thick black hair that cascaded down the side of her face. Half of her face was slightly covered by her thick hair, but looking deep you could see intelligent black eyes peering back at you.

Ashley looked John up and down after poking the front of his diaper and frowned. “You look pathetic sitting there,” she said to no one in particular.

John tried to respond, tried to defend his dignity, but all he managed was a gurgle as more drool flowed from his mouth.

Ashley laughed at his predicament and leaned back in the chair. “We’ll keep that on you for a little bit longer. I have a sneaking suspicion you’re going to try and interrupt me when I explain to you why I am here.”

She wasn’t wrong. John fought the urge to speak up, understanding that the best he’d be able to do at the moment would be a muffled gurgle anyway. A gurgle that would make him feel even more like an infant than he already looked. John knew why he was there. Ashely must have known about the accident. Maybe it was a friend of hers in the car or something. But as far as John knew, no one had gotten hurt. No one even knew he was there.

John paused for a moment in his mind. He needed to stop saying that to himself. Clearly someone knew. Ashley knew.

“You remember the incident a few months ago where you drove that car off the road?”

John just stared, refusing to admit any sort of guilt. They could be recording this session for all he knew. Suddenly, John felt very foolish. If they were videotaping this moment, that means they were videotaping him as he continued to saturate his diaper while in a giant stroller. John looked like a fucking baby.

“Of course you do. How could you forget a moment that was so pivotal in your life. You nearly totaled your car if I remember correctly.” Ashley sat up straighter in her chair. “The other car, the one that I was in, that car was totaled. You can’t really fix a car that’s been waterlogged.”

John tried to convey sympathy in his eyes, but he failed miserably. And besides, Ashley was on a roll so he didn’t think she’d pay him any mind even if she noticed.

“The moment you sideswiped my car, I lost control of the wheel, I swerved to the left, then to the right and fucking overcorrected. I ended up hitting the shoulder, flipping my car and diving headfirst into the water.

“I thought I was going to die. I came too, completely underwater. Luckily, I had managed to hold my breath as I went into the water. But I was unable to unbuckle my seatbelt for about twenty seconds. I was unable to get the door open because the lock was jammed. I pounded my fists against the glass, but it was no use. I lost consciousness again.

“Luckily, my guardian angel was nearby. Rachel, who happened to be at the creek that night, with a friend of hers saw the car go in the water and dived in to help. She saved my life. Once I got to the surface, it was like breathing for the first time. Only… there was damage.

“I spent two months in the hospital. I had to be fed, I had to learn how to balance again so I could walk. I missed so much life during that time, but I was determined to move forward, take my life back. Well as much of it as I could.

“Of course, not everything went perfectly. I still need this cane because I’m a little wobbly at times. Learning to walk again is tough. You have to practice, over and over and over again. You fall a lot. But I managed to get by, with a little help from my friends. I’m nearly independent now.

“Except for one thing.”

Ashley leaned forward in her chair and glared at John. “I couldn’t control my bladder after the accident. I lost all control to the point where if I’m not near the restroom, I’ll have an accident.”

John gasped at this last revelation. That really did sound awful. He felt terrible. But besides the bladder issues, Ashley looked like she was doing well. Couldn’t she get surgery or something to correct the bladder problem? There had to be some solution. Besides, he wasn’t sure how this ended with him behind in a diaper.

But Ashley was just about to tell him. In fact, it appeared that the woman was about to throw herself an elegant pity party while John was forced to sit there and listen.

“You’ve ruined my life John,” Ashley said standing at this point, clutching her cane. “Before you smashed into my car I was an athlete. Now, I’m reduced to mobilization exercises. I used to go to the club all night and dance until the sun rose, now I have to make sure I leave an hour or so to prepare for bed. I used to look sexy in leggings and crop tops. Now, if I dare wear leggings, I have to make sure my diaper isn’t showing.” Ashley stopped then peered over John in the stroller. “Scratch that. I can’t wear leggings, because my diaper is always showing. I can’t wear light protection because I’m constantly dribbling. And who knows when I’ll have to do number two.”

Ashley limped to the other side of the room behind John who again trying to test the binds around him. He drooled onto the bib a little more, only to have Rachel humiliatingly wipe his mouth with the corner of the bib.

“Let me tell you a story.” Ashley’s voice came from behind him. “I was sitting after a long day of physical therapy. I was exhausted, but my teammates had come to see me in the rehab facility. I got dressed up, I put on a pretty dress, lipstick for the first time in months. I even did my makeup, paid someone to do my hair. For the first time I could sit in a normal chair, not one with wheels.”

John felt the spite radiating from Ashley at that last line.

“So I sat down, the physical therapist, bless her, offered to stay when my friends came. Just in case you know?

“All of my friends entered the room, they’d brought champagne. They had played the last few games in my honor. They’d won those games. And now, we were going to celebrate.”

Ashley limped her way back to the front of the stroller and glared at John.

“Stop struggling, you’re not getting out anytime soon.”

John froze, more drool falling down his chin. This time Rachel didn’t bother to help clean it up.

“We started drinking, eating and celebrating. I figured, because we had practiced, we had practiced so much - I didn’t need to wear a diaper. So I went without. Besides, there was a bathroom door just to the left of the room.

“We were having the best time, when suddenly I felt it. My pants were wet. The chair I was sitting in was wet. The floor was getting wet.”

Ashley sniffed regrettably.

“Everyone played it cool. Someone said that they’d once wet the bed after a night of drinking at their boyfriends house. Thank god my physical therapist was there to help me to the bathroom. The rest of the team chatted away pretending nothing had happened.”

John’s brain was whirring. This wasn’t that bad of a story. Her team was supportive of her disability. Sure it was embarrassing, but it seemed like they’d managed to get past it.

But Ashley wasn't done.

“The physical therapist guided me to the changing table in the bathroom and she insisted that I put on a diaper. She said it would be easier for now. She helped me onto the table and raised my dress up and pulled out the plastic white diaper.”

Ashley had tears in her eyes.

“After getting everything clean down there, she unfolded the diaper, slid it under me and right when she was getting everything in position…”

Ashley stopped and took a seat. This story seemed difficult for her.

“The door swung open. And there stood my co-capitan. She had this look on her face like what the fuck? The worst part was she left the door wide open, so the entire team saw. They just stared l, confused, shocked. One of them giggled and said, aww.”

“But what made things worse? They all had the same crushing look on their face. The look of pity. They didn’t look at me as their leader anymore. They looked at me, like I was a child. Like I was someone that needed to be cared for, protected. Not their leader.”

John could feel the pain in her voice. He could hear the hurt from her loss of stature and for a moment felt something creep up in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a while. At least, not since the accident. John, sitting in the stroller, his swollen diaper bulging for everyone in the room to see, felt guilt.

John, for the first time since he thought he had gotten away with the accident, wished in his heart of hearts that he had not gotten into the car and ruined this young woman’s life.

But there was nothing he could do about that now. And besides, no sob story justified the treatment he was receiving by these horrible people. Rachel had no right. Ashley had no right. He wanted to get out of this situation now and go home.

John tested his bonds again, but found they were just as strong as before. He continued to drool all over the bib on his lap. So he tried to speak.

“Wha goo youuu gawnnnt eee goooo wooo awaout it?” Speaking with authority was probably not going to happen right about now. There was probably no use trying.

But Ashley motioned towards one of the men in the room who had been standing guard and the man reached over and removed the device from John’s mouth.

John searched his mouth up and down for a few moments and savored his freedom.

“I am really sorry to hear about what happened Ashley, right?” His arms twitched as he tried to remove them with utter failure. He was a total hand talker.

Ashley just stared at him.

“I understand how difficult this must have been for you.” John chose his words carefully. He had a sneaking suspicion that the power to talk wasn’t going to be granted to him for very long. “And I am really sorry that you were hurt in a car accident. But I’m simply not sure what this has to do with me.”

John wasn’t stupid. This woman was probably recording him at this very moment to catch him in a confession.

Ashley let out a sigh. “You can keep lying all you want, but you are mine.”

“If you let me go, maybe I can find you some help. My family knows a lot of doctors and stuff, maybe we can help you.”

“If you keep lying to me, it’s only going to get worse!”

But John was determined not to take this lying down. He wasn’t going down without a fight. “Let me go, please. You have the wrong person. I wasn’t even driving that night. I was home, studying. You can ask Sid and Melanie. They were there with me…”

“That’s enough of that.” Ashley said motioning to one of the guards, who instantly placed the drool gag back into John’s mouth. “You’re speaking too much.”

John struggled with no avail.

“So this is the part where I am going to tell you what’s going to happen to you.” Ashley eased herself back into her chair. “I am going to make sure you know exactly what it’s like to feel the eyes of your friends look at you with such pity that you want to die. When we are finished with you, you’ll never recover, and you’ll think twice before ruining another person’s life, like the way you did mine.

“John, when I am through with you, you’ll never be the same.”


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