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I sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office with Valerie as the doctors milled about and other patients waited for help. My brain was still buzzing from the night before when Giselle had… done that thing to me.

I had never seen that side of her before. That aggressive… no… that firm MommyDomme type. The words she had been used had been humiliating. Calling the Magic Wand a vibrator. Saying I was going to cum like a girl.

I felt a shiver go up my spine thinking back to that moment. The entire experience had been hot, no doubt. But where had that version of Giselle come from? I didn’t expect any of it at all.

I shook my head slightly to try and level myself. I was here for a reason, to see the urologist so I could be proven as not incontinent. I suspected Dr. Vicker would do some sort of ultrasound and ask me about my bladder issues. I had planned to simply say that over the past few months things had been getting better and that I think I no longer needed the diapers. I’d then be able to wiggle my way out of this situation for good.

No more Valerie, no more forced double diapers, no more locking plastic pants. At least, not forced anyway.

I stole a glance around the waiting room and observed the other people sitting around me. The room felt a bit empty, with only a few chairs filled. One person was wearing a mask and looked slightly green, while a younger adult was clutching his stomach. Right, when I was about to reach for a magazine, the waiting room door opened and a man, wearing baggy sweatpants and a hoodie walked in, looked nervously around, and approached the front desk.

“I’m here to see Dr. Vicker,” the man said. His voice sounded pained as if he were struggling against something.

“It looks like your appointment is for noon today sir?” The receptionist responded calmly. I glanced at the clock. It was only 10:45. Five minutes past the start of my appointment.

“I know I’m early,” the man said quietly nervously shuffling around, “but I can take the test now. I can pass it this time.”

I tried not the stare at the man who obviously needed some sort of medical intervention, but it was hard not to. Despite him trying not to draw attention to himself, he achieved the opposite.

“Sir, the program requires that you follow the schedule. Please take a seat until it’s time to take your test.”

The man smashed his hand onto the counter and growled, but proceeded to fling himself into a chair anyway. For the next few moments, the man gave his phone a serious side-eye, as his leg continued to bounce up and down.

“Andrew?” The nurse called from up front. “The doctor can see you now.”

I stood up and gave Valerie a slight nod and followed the receptionist into the hallway. I was doing my best not to waddle. Much to my dismay, Valerie has insisted that I wear a diaper to the doctor's office. I did have bladder issues after all. But I agreed, insisting that I could just play this game a little while longer before I could put this whole issue behind me.

“What seems to bring you in today?” the nurse asked checking my chart. “Looks like you haven’t been here before…”

“Ahh yes,” I nodded, sitting on the table. “I need to see Dr. Vicker. I have been having some light bladder issues and wanted to double-check to make sure everything is okay.”

“Have you seen a doctor about this before?”

“Uh… no,” I blushed slightly.

“Then what makes you think you have bladder issues?” the nurse raised an eyebrow.

But I had practiced for this earlier because I knew the question was coming.

“I had been wetting a bit during the day in extremely stressful situations.” I shrugged as if it were natural. “So I bought some briefs just in case.”

“And your bowel control?”

“Shouldn’t the doctor be here for this?” I asked.

The nurse nodded. “The doctor will be back soon, I just take the notes for him.”

“Okay cool.”

“So… bowel control?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” My face turned slightly red. I hadn’t expected that question.

“Are you sure?” the woman asked checking some more boxes off of her chart.

“I think I’d know if I’d shit my pants.”

The nurse laughed bitterly and proceeded to take my blood pressure. After a few moments, she asked me to disrobe and handed me a gown. “The doctor will be in soon to chat with you. He’s running a little behind so it could take a second.”

“No problem,” I responded.

After the nurse left, I proceeded to disrobe (everything besides my diaper) and put the gown on. Yes, I know, I was wearing a diaper. Valerie insisted and there was nothing I could really do about that now anyway, I’d just explain to the doctor that I was wearing them for protection until he could give me a solution. A solution to a problem that was fast resolving itself.

I sat on the table a bit, wiggling my legs around in sheer boredom. My heart was pounding rapidly. This was the last step to finally vindicating myself in Valerie’s eyes. I couldn’t wait for the doctor to declare me “cured” and then I could move on for good. It was even worth the mild embarrassment that would come with this doctor seeing me with this plastic padding.

But this man was a doctor, he was used to seeing all sorts of people with different medical conditions and stuff. A diaper wasn’t going to phase him. If anything, he’d appreciate me trying to “manage” the problem on my own. Heck, he’d be proud of me for working on my health. He didn’t have to know about Francis or Valerie.

While waiting I glanced down at my diaper. Everything was still dry as expected. I just needed to keep this up until the doctor arrived, which as it turned out, wasn’t that long.

The door swung open startling me a bit. I felt a little bit of wetness escape me and quickly prayed that there wasn't enough to be noticed by this doctor.

“Hello Andrew,” the doctor said aggressively, while another woman walked in behind him. The first thing I noticed was how large the woman’s breasts were. I did my best to look away, I wasn’t a pervert after all. But the doctor seemed like he wanted to move on and get this over with as quickly as possible. He put on his gloves and sat down in a chair next to me. “How can I help you?”

“I have been having bladder issues for a few months, but I think I am all better now.”

“Then why are you here if you’re all better now?”

“I wanted to make sure things are better.”

The doctor who was a hulking six foot four and looked like he fought bears during his time off nodded slightly. “Are you the one who Valerie was talking about?”

I grimaced slightly. But after a brief nod, the doctor just moved on and wrote a few more things down.

“Valerie tells me you have absolutely no bladder control?”

“I mean for a while that was the case but-”

“Did that extend to bowels as well?”

I paused for a moment.

“Look man, you need to be honest with me so we can make an assessment.”

My brain was telling me that if I admitted to the loss of bowel control, I could say, that was the past, it wasn’t the case anymore. But I didn’t want to set myself up to have a track record of past diaper dependency.

But then again, wasn't the whole point of this to show progress?

“Slight,” I said in response. “But not so much anymore.”

But Dr. Vicker continued his questions.

“What type of diapers have you been wearing to control this issue?” the doctor looked up at me and motioned toward the one I was currently wearing.

“Well, before I got things under control, I had to wear pretty thick… um… briefs,” I said quietly.

“Are you sure you have it under control?” The doctor asked.

“What do you mean?”

The doctor motioned towards my diaper. “The wet strip shows that you’re wet.”

I blushed heavily. That was probably from the shock from earlier.

“Did you not realize you were wet?” the doctor frowned.

I tried to cover myself more with the gown, but the fact that it was slightly too small and shorter than it needed to be was not boding well for me. “Well, yes,” I said clearing my throat. “I knew that I was wet.”

“Wait a second,” the doctor looked at me. “Did you knowingly wet your diaper? Because if you did, that would mean you’re wetting the diapers on purpose?”

I paused for a second. I had not been prepared for this. “No, it was an accident.” I insisted. “I’ve been here for a while and-”

“So you’re still having accidents then.” Dr. Vicker stood up and reached for a bottle

on the shelf.

Why wasn’t he letting me finish my sentences? It was almost as if this doctor had an agenda. But then again, most doctors are arrogant, always jumping to conclusions. They must learn that shit in medical school.

But the doctor seemed to be ready to move on. He squeezed some gell into his hand and began rubbing it around his fingers. The nurse he was with approached me next to the table.

“We are going to take your diaper off just a little bit and do some quick tests.” The nurse had me lay on my back as the doctor continued speaking. “You’re lucky that Valerie is a doctor, it means you can have access to the help you need right away. I wish you had come to me sooner. Your incontinence didn’t have to get this bad.”

“Hold on a second, I’m not -” I started to protest, but the nurse had already begun to untapp my diaper. She peeled back each tape and pulled the diaper forward exposing my crotch to the rest of the room. The doctor was right, I was wet. In fact, I was a bit wetter than I previously thought.

The diaper was heavy and now I could feel it.

“So I am going to test your sphincter tone really quickly okay?” the doctor said

Before I could react, I felt a lubed glove hand insert my sphincter causing me to gasp slightly. “Can you squeeze for me please?”

I did my best to clench, but it was difficult to do so on command.

The doctor then withdrew his hand and removed the gloves, switching them for a new pair.

Next, he grabbed my penis. I gasped, having not been touched intimately there in a while. I was embarrassed, especially with the nurse watching.

“I want you to urinate for me and stip when I tell you too.”

I followed his command.

“And stop.”

I did my best to stop, but stopping while peeing has always been a difficult task. I’m pretty sure I did it correctly because Dr. Vicker nodded, took the gloves off, and had a seat in the chair.

“Keep the diaper down,” Dr. Vicker instructed the nurse who nodded.

I kept quiet, knowing the diaper was saturated because of my lack of control earlier.

Dr. Vicker then wheeled his chair closer to me. It felt awkward, lying there, with my diaper down while he spoke to me. I felt like an infant.

“We need to run another test,” the doctor placed a hand on the table. “This is normal, it’s the final part of the test.” The doctor motioned for the nurse to come over. “When I asked you to pee right now, you had a hard time stopping. What we need to do is go in there and stimulate your bladder to get things right back on track.”

“Wait, is this going to hurt?” I asked feeling quite nervous all of a sudden.

“It’s not,” the doctor pulled out a set of wires with small little pads on them and handed them to the nurse. She placed them on my abdomen. I looked down with curiosity as the doctor pulled out a pad and hovered his finger over the button. “This is going to feel slightly tingly.”

He pressed the button and I felt a tightness and then a release. More urine poured from my body and into the waiting diaper.

“Odd…” the doctor said. “I thought you said you had regained your bladder control.”

I nodded quickly. “I can control myself.”

The doctor glanced at the nurse. “Most people who can control themselves, clench their bladder shut when I press this button. You released instead.”

“Hold on a second, can we try it again?”

“We’ve already done the test. I have reached my conclusion.” The doctor stood up and wrote a few things down on the chart. He motioned for the nurse to tape the diaper back up. She complied, and I felt the heaviness against my crotch.

“I suspect you’ll need to wear diapers for a while longer,” Dr. Vicker said matter-a-factly.

“Hold on a second…” I fumed. “No fucking way. Run the test again.”

The doctor looked and the nurse exchanged sympathetic looks. “I know this is hard to understand. But this shouldn’t be unexpected, should it? You told Valerie you’d been experiencing bladder issues for a while now anyway.”

“That was a lie,” I stuttered out. “You’re my doctor, you can fix this. I didn’t have bladder control.”

The doctor frowned. “What?”

“I can use a toilet,” I insisted. “I know how too. I can use a toilet.”

“Then why are you wearing diapers?” the doctor folded his arms across his chest, while the nurse looked onwards skeptically.

“I just wear them for fun sometimes, they’re comfortable, okay.” I grabbed my pants from the corner of the room and pulled them over the soaked diaper. “I just got caught up in all of this shit and now it’s gotten out of control okay.”

The doctor looked slightly taken aback but then settled down a bit. “So you did this to yourself?”

“Did what?” I asked pulling my shirt over my head.

“You realize, your bladder control is pretty much non-existent at this point.” The doctor pointed to the chart and handed it to me. I looked at the chart where there was a list of tests, all of them indicating failure.

“I think I was just nervous,” I said. “Let me take the test again.”

The doctor and the nurse just looked at each other and laughed. “That’s not quite how it works. Scientifically speaking, we can only do the test once every forty-five days to make sure we get accurate results.”

I stared at the two of them, shocked at that statement.

“What do you mean, every forty-five days?”

The doctor stood up and walked up to me. “Andrew, what did you think was going to happen if you stopped using the bathroom for a month?”

My mouth dropped open. “But I… didn’t…” I stuttered.

“Valerie told me that you’ve been using diapers for the past thirty days around the clock, non-stop? But she told me it was because you were incontinent, not because you wanted to.”

“Hold on a second…”

“No, you hold on,” the doctor pressed a button on the desk and a voice on the other side answered. “Can you send Valerie back here please?”

My brain was reeling. The doctor was suggesting that I did this to myself. No fucking way. There had to be a way out of this. I needed to calm down a bit and think about this clearly.

“Doctor,” I said calmly. “This is only temporary right?”

The doctor smiled a little bit, “You think you can un-potty train yourself and it’s temporary. It’s not like riding a bike, Andrew.”

I clutched the side of my head and chose my next words carefully. “There has to be a way out of this? Right, like how do I fix this.”

“You need to be potty trained,” a voice behind me said.

I jumped when I heard Valerie’s voice.

Valerie entered the room and leaned against the doorframe with a smug look on her face.

“Well, I want to do that then,” I said. “I did it once before and I can do it again.”

“Not so fast,” Valerie said smugly. “You really think you deserve it.”

“Excuse me?”

“You lied to me. And you’ve been lying to me since you first walked in my door.”

My mouth dropped open. “What?”

“I don’t like little boys who lie to me,” Valerie said quietly.

“Oh come on.” I was virtually yelling at this point. “Let’s just get this over with.” I turned to face the doctor, “How do I get potty trained again. Surely, there’s some sort of program I can enroll in, right?”

But the doctor just motioned towards Valerie who sat down by the table in the room.

“I’ll allow you to be potty trained only after you serve out your punishment for lying to me all this time. You tried to play me like a fool all this time, making me think that you needed diapers when the reality was you were getting off to wearing them around my house.”

“Hold on second, I was just too embarrassed to admit it…” I tried to cut in, but Valerie was not done.

“So I will make you a deal, since you wanted to wear diapers so much, you’re going to enjoy wearing your diapers.”

I went quiet. What was she talking about?

“In fact, you’re going to keep wearing diapers until I decide you’re done wearing diapers.”

“The fuck I am!” I yelled. I turned to the doctor and the nurse who were both watching this conversation. “There’s gotta be another place I can get potty trained, right?”

“Don’t look at us.” The doctor said pointing back to Valerie, “She’s the one paying the bills here.” The nurse shrugged in agreement.

Valerie kept going. “Sure, you can find someone else to potty train you. But programs for adults are expensive and not covered by health insurance. Think about how humiliating it must be, having to go to doctor after doctor, begging someone to help you use the toilet properly. But you’re going to find out that I own this town. No doctor in the state is going to potty train you without my say-so.”

I started to shake. This woman had me beat.

“You’re going to enroll in a little program that we’ve been testing. A diaper service. You’ll actually be the second person to test the program.”

“Why type of program is it?” I asked, my heart speeding up. “And how long till I can be potty trained again.”

Valerie smiled looking me dead in the eyes. “It’s the type of program that I think you’re going to like. Because you felt the need to lie to me about loving your diapers, you’re going to test our newest program, designed for diaper lovers. You’ll give us feedback. And because it’s designed for diaper lovers like you, I’m sure you’ll have no problem with it.”

I stood there dumbfounded.

“Please no,” I said hoarsely. “I’m sorry, I’ll do anything. Just, please. I…” I was stumbling over my words. I couldn’t believe what was happening. All I had to do was knock on her door, and tell her what the mix-up was and I could have avoided all of this. Instead, I had to break in and seal my fate.

Valerie stood up. “You’re going to complete this diaper lover program to the fullest and when you’re done and only when I say you’re done, will I allow you to be potty trained again.”

I just stood there as Valerie stood up and walked towards the door. “And your diaper is leaking, you might need to change your diaper before you leave here. I’ll see you at home.”

And with that, she shut the door.

I glanced down at my pants leg to see a wet streak slowly moving towards the floor. If only I hadn’t broken into the house where the girl next door lived. If only.


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