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John stood there shocked, the thick diaper on full display, the transparent plastic covering doing nothing to hide the crinkly plastic that Sid was now gawking at.

Sid, to his credit, didn't pass out completely. Instead, he put his backpack down and asked again, "Is that a… diaper?"

John's instinct led him to say, "It's not what it looks like."

Except that was a lie, wasn't it. It was exactly what it looked like. John was standing in the locker room in just a diaper that he couldn't seem to get off.

"I mean… if you have a problem, that's okay. I mean, like people have problems, you know?" Sid was rambling at this point, his eyes never leaving the diaper. Then as if he realized his blunder, he broke his eyes away and became suddenly interested in his backpack filled with his practice uniform.

John felt the humiliation well inside him, like a fire burning through his stomach. In his haste to just end the entire moment, he yanked up his baseball pants and blurted out, "I don't have a problem,"

Sid, if he heard, just mumbled something about needing to get onto the field and darted out of the locker room, pulling his shirt down over his body in the process.

John grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder. He looked in the mirror and down where the diaper bulge was slightly visible. Luckily, it just looked like he had been a bit aggressive in the gym while hitting leg day for a while. But the front of the pants puffed out slightly, making the diaper obvious. Or was it obvious? Would people even be looking at his crotch? John resolved to play outfield today and spend as little time possible interacting with his teammates.

First, there was the matter of Sid. John needed to make sure he told no one about this encounter. There was no way he would be the laughingstock of the baseball team.

John sprinted out of the locker room and caught Sid just as he was about to start warmups with the rest of the team. As it turns out, John was late to practice, and the reason the locker room was empty was that they'd already changed and gotten done what they needed to be done. Sid was chatting away with a few of the other men on the field. John resolved that he had to be careful.

"Hey Sid?" John said tentatively. "Do you have a second?"

Sid blushed considerably. "Uh, man, now might not be a good time."

"Just a second." John grabbed Sid by the shoulder and steered him over to the side, far enough away from the rest of the team. "You can't tell anyone what you saw," he hissed. "Please, this isn't what it looks like."

"Look dude, it's all good. We all have problems. Besides, I've known you for a while now. We're good." Sid said firmly.

"But I don't have a problem," John reaffirmed.

"Then why are you..?"

John shook his head. "Never mind that now. Just promise me."

"Dude," Sid held up his hands. "I didn't tell anyone about the car crash. Why would I talk now?"

John paused for a moment. Sid was right. He was, after all, one of the five people who were in the car with John when it crashed. Every single one of the cars riders were members of the baseball team. They were bound together by the accident and as a result, would stay bound.

Sid had been in the backseat, right behind John who had been swerving on the road.

"Turn the music up JJ," Sid demanded, taking a hit of his vape pen and kissing the woman who was sitting next to him. Ashley, his fling of the night, was exhilarated by the rush of the wind that was coming through the windows.

Of course, John (or JJ as Sid had taken to calling him) complied, blasting Post Malone through the car's speakers. In the process, he pressed the accelerator even harder, coaxing the car to go faster. The next thing he knew, the car came to a grinding halt and the sound of water splashing behind them pushed each of them into a panic.

Yes, they were bound together. Because the two of them and their friends had kept quiet after seeing the car crash into the lake.


Playing baseball while wearing a wet diaper was a little harder than expected. John found himself constantly adjusting his pants to try and ensure they didn't give away what was hiding below. Every time he moved to stretch, he could feel the diaper threatening to give away his secret. But it wasn't all bad. The pants, because they were relatively tight, hid the sound of any crinkles. John discovered that they seemed to be pretty absorbent because he wet several more times during practice.

As expected, John spent most of his time in the outfield, trying to spend away from the other boys as long as possible. He shuddered at the thought of what would happen if anyone but Sid had entered the locker room and discovered his secret. No doubt they'd be calling him "diaper boy" and making jokes about bedwetting.

At least, that's what he would do anyway if he stumbled upon his colleagues wearing such an infantile garment.

After a few hours, John realized that to his horror, that horrible woman would be arriving back at the baseball complex to pick him up. Once the coach blew the whistle, John sprinted to the locker room, grabbed his stuff and called an Uber.

"Dude, you gonna shower," another teammate asked him.

"I gotta get going," John responded hastily. "I've got study group tonight. Gonna shower at home."

But I'm his haste to leave, he bumped into Sid, who had been standing chatting near the locker room door.

"You're in a hurry to leave," Sid observed as John tried to adjust his backpack to keep it from falling.

"Uh, yeah, I gotta get going."

"Are you grabbing an Uber? I can split a ride with you."

"Um… no, I'm getting picked up." John glanced towards the parking lot, praying to God he wouldn't see the white SUV pull up while standing there. His goal was to hike up the road for a bit, call an Uber to ensure Rachel would be left driving home alone. John figured he could play this game for a week, forfeit the money he had paid for this scam of a service and put this whole ordeal behind him. John had even begun thinking about how he'd get this cover off the diaper so he could finally shower and start studying for his test this week. Something sharp could do the trick quite nicely.

The diaper had barely managed to hold up over the course of practice. John had wet it several more times and he felt that the diaper, instead of clinging to him because of the strong tapes, was clinging to him in spite of the tapes. John had a sneaking suspicion that had he not been wearing the non-removable plastic pants, the diaper might have fallen off during practice. John wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. On the one hand, that meant the diaper would have fallen off, and he wouldn't have to wear it right now, but that also means it might have fallen off at one of the worst moments imaginable.

The irony wasn't lost on John.

John reached the parking lot and was about to head up the street when he saw the white SUV roll up and Rachel wave out of her window.

"Hello there!" She said in the most cheerful of voices, much to John's dismay. "Are you ready for your ride home?"

John knew this crazy woman had the blackmail over his head so he decided to just get into the car and see if he could reason with her in any meaningful way. Glancing back at the locker room where the other players still had not emerged, John quickly got into the car.

Rachel pointed to the car seat and said, "That's where you sit," and proceeded to help him remove his pants, exposing his thick diaper. The diaper was swollen entirely at this point, straining against the plastic cover that trapped it close to his body. Rachel then proceeded to pull the seat belt harness over his shoulders and snap it between his legs. This seatbelt contraction made John feel even more like a baby.

Rachel grinned at him, jumped out of the car, and closed the door behind her. Next, she proceeded to get into the front seat and begin the long drive home.


John was determined to get out of this situation. What if he apologized for what had happened that night? Or maybe it made more sense to pretend that nothing had happened?

John frowned for a moment and realized that he had technically admitted to the incident earlier, which was out of the question. Instead, he needed to be kind to this woman and see if he could elicit an emotional response from her. A positive response that would ensure she'd feel bad for him and let him go from her clutches.

John squirmed in the car seat, his legs wiggling as the car bumped along the road. His stomach growled slightly. He was hungry. Never mind that now, he needed to start the charm offensive.

"Um… Rachel?" John asked tentatively, clearing his throat.

"Yes?" her eyes never left the road.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Are you thick or something?" Rachel snapped, glancing up in the rearview mirror.

John's quick brain pointed out the only thick thing in the car was his diaper. But that wasn't funny. John cleared his head. "No, I just… what do you want?"

Rachel was quiet for a moment while turning the car onto the highway. "You need to learn a lesson," she said simply. "You and your friends."

John's stomach went funny for a moment. He wasn't a snitch, but if she knew that there were more people involved in the car accident, then they might have issues. John was stuck at that very moment debating if there was honor among criminals and tempted to just take the fall for the accident completely. But there was another fleeting thought in his head… if he insisted that someone else was driving the car, like say… Sid, then maybe she'd put Sid in diapers instead of him. Actually, he could blame Sid and then warn Sid of the crazy woman and they could both be just fine.

John reasoned that if she was going this far as to trap him in the back of a car with a diaper, then she wasn't going to the police. That would have been her first step.

But John didn't want to betray his friends. He just wanted out of the car. He needed to figure out what she knew.

"Friends?" he responded. "What are you talking about?"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I know you were in the car with five people total. All of you were complicit in the accident."

"I think you might be mistaken-"

But Rachel had had enough. "If you keep lying to me you're going to do more than wet your diapers. John I know it was you, Sid and Ashley in the car and the only way I am not going to release the photo I took of you yesterday and go to the police is if you cooperate."

"What do you want?"

Rachel stopped the car in front of John's house and turned around and faced him. "I'll puck you up tomorrow and we'll have that conversation."

"But I don't have practice tomorrow."

"We are going for a ride John. And trust me, you're going to want to be good. Because when you meet Victoria, you'll see all the damage you and your friends selfishness has caused."



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