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John lay in his bed, diaper free for the first time that day.

He had, the moment he entered the threshold of his home, made a right, darted up the stairs, and untapped the plastic padding that trapped him to a day of wetness. John was lucky his roommates were off doing whatever they had to do that night.

Luckily, right before he had left the car, Rachel had removed the plastic pants, using a type of card to loosen them and then take them off all together.

John felt hot when he untapped the diaper and dumped it into the trash, his cheeks blushing furiously. If anyone else had seen him, anyone besides Sid, he’d be in serious trouble. John had stepped directly into the shower and after scrubbing his body for about ten minutes, finally toweled off.

This entire day had been bizarre.

John hadn't expected the crash to appear in his life again. He thought they had done a good job of keeping their tracks clear and tidy. No one besides the car's occupants knew what had happened. But clearly they had a mole. Rachel and this mysterious Ashley knew what had happened. The next step would be to see Rachel again and find out what she knew and try to figure out who had snitched.

John got a sneaking feeling in his mind. Figuring all of this out would mean wearing a diaper again. And sitting in that god awful car seat. John rolled over and stared at the poster on his wall of Mad Max and grimaced. This was the worst situation to be in since he was caught cheating in the tenth grade.

John put on his headphones and fell asleep listening to music.

John’s eyes snapped open and he was in the car again, driving quickly at night. He was tied and slightly drunk so his command of the wheel was slipping slightly. John took a few deep breaths as he tried to stay close to the shoulder, but not too close as to drive off the road. But in the rain and fog, this was proving quite difficult.

Was there always fog?

“Turn the music up JJ,” Sid from the backseat this time. John glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Sid hit a drag of his vape pen and then smother the woman next to him with kisses. Ashley grinned back at him and bit him on the lip. She looked John directly in the eyes as she flipped her hair back and let it ride with the wind that was coming through the open windows.

Why were the windows opened if it was raining? John thought.

The rain vanished and instead the road was clear as day, no fog, no nothing.

John jammed his foot on the accelerator as Sid, Ashley and Mike made approving noises. Yes, that was the other guy in the car. Mike Micklishefski. The flat foreheaded rugby player held his right hand on the rollbar and was furiously texting with his other hand.

“You’re going to crash if you keep doing stupid shit,” Mike didn’t take his eyes off the road. But John did. The next thing he knew, he was hanging upside down as water filled the cabin of the car. Mike groaned. John heard his cell phone ring. Ashley screamed.

Wait… was it Ashley or Melanie?

John’s cellphone rang again. If he could just reach it. But his seatbelt was too tight. The water was going to cover his eyes and then his mouth. He was going to drown.

His cellphone rang again from under the water.

And suddenly, John flipped over and found himself waking up in bed in a cold sweat to the sound of his cell phone telling him it was time to meet Rachel.

John shook his head and stared at the ceiling. He wasn’t confident that he had had that dream every single night since the crash, but the feeling of dread he woke up with seemed to suggest that he had. John pulled the sheets off his body and walked to his bathroom.

He stared at himself in the face and splashed cold water on himself. John looked normal enough. There were no outward signs that he’d just revisited, even if inaccurately, one of the most traumatic nights of his life. John glanced at his phone and saw he only had a few minutes left before he was to meet Rachel and considered for a moment just bailing on the meeting.

But John remembered he needed to find out what this woman knew so he could plan his next move. John picked a pair of baggy shorts and an oversized hoodie, reasoning that this would be the best way to conceal his diaper. John laughed to himself, he was talking about the diapers as if they were his. Dummy.

For a moment John wondered how exactly Rachel had gotten the first diaper on him in the first place, until he remembered that he was a deep sleeper, his most recent dream pushing proof of that into the front of his mind.

John exited his apartment with his backpack and waited at the curb for the white SUV to arrive. Every fiber in his being told him that he needed to run. But John wasn’t some animal, guided by instinct. He knew what he had to do. Find out what Rachel knows and then figure out what could be done about it. By the time Rachel’s SUV pulled up in front of his house, John was ready to face the day.

Only, he really wasn’t. Because today was going to be dreadful.


Rachel smiled when she opened the trunk of the SUV to reveal an extremely large flat bed in the back. Instead of the typical weather tech flooring or rubber SUV floor that most cars had, this looked like someone had gone into a toddlers nursery and pulled up the floor and placed it here instead. It was soft and gentle.

“Climb on in,” Rachel said, patting the floor of the SUV. “Let’s get that diaper on you Johnny.”

I bristled at the name Johnny. No one called me that. But I didn’t want to get change in the backseat of the car, in my neighborhood. “I’d rather not. Can I just go inside and change?”

Rachel just stared at me. “Climb on in Johnny. You’re in no position to argue with me.”

Rachel had a point.

She was right.

No one was going to argue with her.

So John did the only thing he could do. He climbed up into the vehicle and ducked down into the backseat. Like most large sport utility vehicles, there was no way for him to stand up in the back end. It was quite obvious there was only one thing for him to do: He lay down in the backseat. Rachel immediately pulled down his shorts and underwear.

John was feeling extremely vulnerable at this moment, his privates just hanging there for this woman to see. He instinctively cupped his hands around his penis in an attempt to hide himself. But Rachel just took his hands and moved the back to his sides and warned him that that’s where they should stay.

Next Rachel had him lift up and she put what looked like an impossibly thick diaper underneath him. But John’s ears perked up. He heard his chatty nextdoor neighbors, two extremely nosey women coming down the path. Rachel was in the middle of powerding him when she glanced over to the two women who were coming from the otherside of the vehicle.

From their position, they could not yet see him. However, if they continued walking down that consistent path, they would see him, naked from the waist down with a diaper underneath him. There would be no way he’d be able to explain that to anyone, let alone live down the humiliation.

“Hurry up.” John hissed, realizing that if these women saw him, he’d probably die of a heart attack. That sounded like a good way to get out of the entire situation.

But Rachel just frowned at him and left him lying there with his crotch open and powder on his balls.

All and all, John felt a little bit silly.

“Hey girls,” Rachel said to the two women who stood on the other side of the car. They could not see what was happening in the flatbed due to the tinted windows and John’s silence. John knew if he made too much noise, they would come and investigate.

“Oh hello there,” the first woman said while the other one remarked on how clean the car was. “Do you live around here?”

Rachel responded that she was just picking up someone as part of her ride share program.

While she spoke, John reached down slowly to try and pull the diaper up between his legs. He’d have an easier time explaining to these women why he was in a diaper as opposed to why he was Donald Ducking it in the back of the car.

But the powder caused the diaper to be slippery and John found that there was no way he was getting this diaper taped up without serious help or making some heavy noises. He tried to wipe the power on the side of his tee shirt to make it easier to work the tapes, but the damage was done. John would simply have to lay there, his penis hanging limply between his legs hoping, praying this would be over soon.

John needed Rachel to come and finish the job.

The woman continued talking for a few more moments about nothing. John squirmed around a bit, comfortable, but embarrassed alone. Finally after what seemed like forever, the women began walking towards the other side of the car to continue their walk. John saw Rachel’s face appear around the car, her body physically blocking John and his nakedness from view.

John watched as the two women, both of them wearing leggings and tank tops, the clothes hugging their bodies. One of them had a crop top on as well, baggy and oversized. But what really caught John’s attention was that while they were dressed like mature adult women, in their prime, ready to attract men their way, John was wearing the most infantile of garments.

As Rachel pulled the crinkly diaper between his legs and fastened the tapes in the front of the diaper, John realized no matter what today held, there was a stark difference between him and the world around him. John was a grown adult, but you wouldn’t know that looking at him. All you’d see was a little boy, dressed as a baby, waiting for Rachel to change his diapers.


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