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John spent the spring semester playing baseball with his buddies. Because of the nature of the university's infrastructure, baseball practice was about fifteen miles away or a slow thirty to forty five minutes when traffic went bad. But sometimes, if they were lucky, they could leave at the right time and make it there a bit earlier than usual.

This college had promised to build a new baseball stadium, one worthy of the extremely popular team. But John knew the facts, that wasn’t happening anytime soon. Budget cuts had made building a new baseball stadium impossible. If there was any hope of gaining a new stadium, they’d have to win more games, drive revenue and probably get lucky. 

Thanks goodness, John had a car to make getting to the stadium easier. 

At least, he used to.

John had made an extremely stupid decision one night. After a night filled with drinking, he ended up crashing his car into an electrical pole after sideswiping a car coming in the other direction. While he and his three friends were okay, the opposite car ended up crashing into a nearby pond, while John backed his car up and forced his car to make it home.  John, panicked and seeing his career and life flash before his eyes, quickly found a body shop, paid cash and managed to convince the body shop to keep their mouths shut. Luckily, the police (after a short search) came up empty, leaving John in the clear. He didn’t even have a scratch on him. The news coverage of the incident even died down enough for John to feel comfortable that he’d gotten away with a lucky break. 

But because he got into a crash, the body shop explained that supply chain issues made it so the last part he needed for the car would not be ready for another month or so, this led to John and his friends stranded at school waiting for Ubers that were extremely expensive and draining what little money they had, especially for college students. After a month full of $85 Uber’s one way, Johnny finally determined he needed another solution.

Luckily, John spotted a solution on a billboard in the middle of the quad. There on a bright pink sheet of paper was a program called Rachel’s RideShare. It called itself a special pampered transportation experience for college students who just needed to get around. There evidently was WiFi, drinks and snacks in the vehicle, along with one of the most comfortable seats you could imagine.

John decided he’d call the number and see if he could arrange a ride to baseball practice.

“Hello?” A chipper woman’s voice answered the phone. It was soft, but John could hear a hint of excitement in her voice.

“Hey, is this Rachel’s RideShare?”

“Yes. Are you interested in setting up a ride?”

“Yeah, I am hoping I could get a cost for how much it would cost to get to baseball practice?” John explained the need and that practice was after class several times a week. He even explained that every now and then he had practice before work as well and was hoping that she might be able to help him then.

Rachel explained that she would be happy to just charge him one flat fee that he would pay upfront. That way it would be a better deal for him.

John agreed and told his friends he’d test the service and see how it was before all of them committed. No need for all of them to get scammed. Besides, John could afford the fee, while many of his friends didn’t necessarily have huge bank accounts. 

Before he knew it, John had Venmo’s the money over to Rachel and was standing outside the parking lot waiting for her RideShare company to show up to take him to practice.

Rachel showed up right on time in what looked like a bright white Escalade.

John chucked to himself, the car was ginormous.

What was remarkable was that the vehicle had tinted windows and strangely enough a baby on board sticker on the side window. John grinned to himself and realized that he was getting a really good deal if he was rolling up into practice with this stylish ride, minus the baby on board sticker. That was weird. Maybe she had a kid?

Rachel hopped out of the car and opened the door for him.

“Hey, Rachel?’ John asked, noticing the reason for the baby on board sticker instantly. “There’s a car seat back here. Any chance we can move it out of the way?”

“Just sit next to it,” Rachel insisted. “I’ll make sure it’s moved next time.”

John sat in the backseat , fastened the seatbelt and leaned back in seat. Inside, the car was just as spacious as it looked outside. The leather seats were comfortable, there were televisions in the head rests and to make things even more fancy, the windows were tinted. This was going to be a good month. John texted his friends to tell them that they should probably sign up for this RideShare before Rachel got smart and raised her prices.

John, in his usual fashion before practice quickly chugged his water bottle, and closed his eyes. It was going to be a half an hour ride. He might as well get comfortable.


John awoke with a sinking feeling that he had overslept somehow. It was an odd feeling especially because the tinted windows blocked out most of the sunlight. John leaned forward in his chair to find his phone, when he encountered resistance. He flailed around for a moment and then realized his seatbelt was providing the resistance. John tried to unbuckle the belt only to discover that the latch was stuck.

That’s when John realized why he felt so weird. 

He wasn’t wearing any pants. 

In fact, where his pants and underwear used to be, there was thick padding, almost like a pillow between his legs. 

What is going on here? 

John squinted his eyes and pulled against the seatbelt again, thinking maybe he had just missed the latch. But after a few more tugs and presses of the latch, the seatbelt didn’t budge. What’s worse was that looking around the car his pants were nowhere in sight.

Had he kicked them off while sleeping? Heck no. That wouldn’t explain why he was wearing… John paused for a moment as the plastic crinkled between his legs… yeah. It was a diaper. Someone had put him into a diaper while he was asleep. 

John was mad. What the heck was going on here? This thick diaper he was wearing crinkled every time he moved his legs and to make matters worse, John had to use the restroom. HIs habit of chugging water before practice was about to become an extremely bad idea. John’s abdomen was burning and he felt his toes tapping over and over as he realized that to his horror, he was going to wet his pants.

On another note, how had someone put him into a diaper whiteout him waking up. He was a deep sleeper, but not that deep. 

John gritted his teeth and resolved not to wet his diaper. Only, the water he chugged had another option. John was going to wet the diaper before the moment was over. 

“Rachel!” John yelled, flailing his arms, trying to hit the partition that was in front of him. “What’s going on here…” He kicked his legs some more. “Why am I wearing this… diaper?”

That sounded weird for an adult male to say.

But there was no answer. Only silence hung around him.

It occurred to John that he was probably missing baseball practice right now as he sat in the car in a diaper and a tee shirt crying out for Rachel’s help. He needed her help to get out of the car or at least this seat anyway. He reached over and managed to rattle the door handle, but the child lock was on, meaning the handle of the door wasn’t able to fully engage.

John kept calling out Rachel’s name again, but he was only greeted with more silence.

John’s bladder tinged again. He was regretting drinking all of that water earlier. Usually, right about now, he’d be on the field, hitting home runs and running drills and bases, sweating out all the water. Only right now, he wasn’t moving even remotely enough to generate sweat.

John felt another throb before finally yelling out in frustration and feeling his hot urine flood his diaper. The entire time he was peeing into his now swelling padding, John kept yelling and yelling and yelling. John began to cry slightly in frustration while yelling at the top of his lungs.

Finally, just as quickly as it started, John felt the last bit of urine leak into his diaper and he shuddered slightly. He looked down in the dark car and could see that his diaper was indeed thicker than it was before. His legs were pushed out even further now that the diaper was wet. And for a moment, there was another feeling he had not felt in a while.

John felt this sense of hopelessness. No, not hopelessness. He did feel trapped, but this wasn’t quite that feeling. This was something else. This was something he didn’t even feel on the day he crashed his car all those months ago… Shame.


John was jolted from his thoughts as the car door swung open.

“Rachel. What the hell is going on here?” John yelled.

Rachel, to her credit, didn't flinch. Instead, she just looked him up and down and laughed.

“I’m surprised you actually wet your diaper so soon.” Rachel then did the unthinkable. She reached down, grabbed his diaper and squeezed.

John pushed her off of him, hard, and tried to lunge at her. That was sexual harassment. But there was little he could do. Locked behind the seat John had few options.  Rachel just laughed, climbed fully into the SUV and sat down next to him.

“If you keep misbehaving, you’re going to just have to stew in your own juices for a bit longer.”

Eww, John thought. He didn’t want to stay in the soaked diaper any longer than he had too, so he calmed down for a moment. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing,” John snarled. “But this is not funny. Let. Me. Go.”

But Rachel just pulled out her cell phone, snapped a photo and then looked at her phone and smiled. “You look extremely adorable in that thick diaper.” She then shoved the phone into her pocket and sat down next to John, pulling the door closed behind her. “And you’re going to listen to exactly what I have to say.”

But John didn’t want to hear it. He felt foolish sitting in the car in the swollen wet diaper and now this crazy woman had a photo of him. John was beginning to regret signing up for this RideShare and would have rather paid the high cost for the Uber instead.

Rachel to her credit stayed calm while John threw his temper tantrum, looking mildly out of the window while he yelled and thrashed in his seat, his diaper crinkling the entire time. He kicked his legs, but the fact that the SUV was so large meant that his feet didn’t even reach the seat in front of him causing him to look like a petulant toddler having a fit.

Finally, after what seemed like five minutes, John’s voice blew out and Rachel looked at John straight in the eyes. Her eyes, a bright blue pierced John’s soul, especially when she said what she said next.

“Are you ready to behave now?”

John glowered at her.

“Good,” Rachel said. She turned and faced the exhausted man and launched into her speech. “You thought you had signed up for a ride share. But the reality is, it’s not the rideshare you expected. No, instead it’s the rideshare you deserve”

John frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s okay, you will in a moment, you’ll need to get it into your thick little skull that you’re under my control for now. This is indeed a ride share but not the type you were envisioning. Yes, I am going to drive you the hour to baseball practice as expected before and after school every single day. But you’re going to go to practice in a way that is representative of exactly who you are.

“I know what happened all those months ago when you decided to get drunk and crash your car. You thought you had gotten away with it, but the reality is, I know what it is you did.”

Rachel let that last sentence hang in the air. John realized that this woman knew about the accident somehow. But he was prepared for this. If the police had closed the case, then he was safe. No one else knew the truth. 

“Wait a second,” John insisted as he felt himself wet his diaper one more time. “I didn’t hurt anyone, I hit a power transformer.”

But Rachel just glared at him and continued.

“Because you’ve demonstrated that you cannot be trusted to be an adult, for the next month, you are mine. There’s a reason you’re sitting in this SUV in a thick diaper. It’s because only babies make stupid decisions like driving drunk.”

“Sorry Rachel, I think you have the wrong person,” John insisted. 

John took a mo,ent to ponder this situation that he was determined to talk himself out of.  This freak of nature was planning on making him wear diapers on his way to baseball practice? Yeah right? There was no way he was going to do that. He determined the moment he got to practice, he was going to rip off the diaper and just go on his merry way.

Except Rachel was determined to get what she wanted.

“So the rules are simple, you’ll ride in the back of this car, in the car seat. I’ll put you in your snug diapers and you’ll drink your bottle of milk and be good on the way to practice. Then I’ll meet you back here after practice and you’ll go home for the night. If you do what I say, maybe you can learn how to make adult decisions. Do you understand?”

John nodded. “You have the wrong person. Can I go now?”

Rachel grinned and evil grin. “That sass of yours is only going to make things worse for yourself.” Rachel unbuckled him. “Just make sure you keep your diapers on like a good boy, otherwise, this photo will go out to everyone.”

John snorted. This was almost too easy. He could just tell people that the photos are photoshopped and he could have a good laugh with everyone about this. He wasn’t like one of those diaper boys that were rumored to be on campus, trapped by this mysterious woman who lived somewhere nearby. He was unsure why this was even an issue. With the internet nowadays, he could say it’s fake and no one would even bat an eye.

Rachel handed John his baseball uniform and John pulled on his baseball pants while still in the car. It was a snug fit because of the thickness of his diaper, but it didn’t show too much. Besides, he was going to pull it off in a moment anyway.

John grabbed his bag and jogged to the locker room, noting that because Rachel was such an efficient driver, he had actually arrived at baseball practice a bit early. That meant, none of the other guys were in the locker room. John laughed to himself for a moment standing in the locker room as he removed his baseball pants and then reached for the tapes on the diaper to remove it.

Rachel was fucking stupid. Did she really expect him to wear diapers during baseball practice because she claimed to have evidence from his drunk driving a few months ago. Yeah right.

But when John reached down to remove the tapes from his diaper, he noticed the tapes seemed to be under some sort of thin plastic meaning he couldn't grab them to take off the diaper. In fact, try as he might, he couldn’t even get a grip on the diaper to pull it down. He’d need scissors or something sharp at least.

Before John could look around the room for a solution, the locker room door opened and in walked one of his teammates. Sid, who generally played first base, stared at John, then looked down at the diaper and back at John.

“What the fuck are you wearing?”



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