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My face burned all the way back home. I could hear that woman and her friend laughing at me repeatedly. I had come a long way from the poor guy whose diaper delivery was sent to the wrong house.

I couldn't help but think over and over again: I never should have broken into Valerie's house to begin with. It seemed like Francis, all five feet of her, was determined to make sure I regretted it. What confused me was how Valerie managed to get her mixed up in all of this. What were the odds that I would break into my neighbor's house and she'd have Francis in the wings waiting to punish and humiliate me?

The odds seemed suspicious to me. Improbable.

I thought about all of this after I was buckled back into the back of the car and on the way to the grocery store to pick up some odds and ends. Evidently, Valerie needed some more food for the party. My diaper squished at every movement the car made. What made matters worse was that because of the thickness of my diaper, when we made it to the grocery store and I hopped out of the car, I had to tie a jacket around my waist to make sure the bulge wasn't obvious.

But as Francis and I walked towards the front of the store, my swollen diaper caused my legs to bulge outwards. I was desperately trying hard to keep my legs together, but I had a sneaking suspicion that they'd see the truth if anyone looked close enough.

"Make sure you hold the cart, baby," Francis said, patting my thick diapered bottom.

I complied, paralyzed at the thought of what Francis would do next if I didn't. My hands felt sweaty as I gripped the shopping cart and waddled with her down the aisles. Innocent people walked around us, minding their own business as Francis put the various food items into the cart.

As I waddled down each aisle, I realized why Francis had decided that we needed to go to the grocery store. It wasn't just because Valerie needed groceries. That was obvious. But it was because I think Francis knew I'd feel humiliated walking down each of the aisles, with just the two of us knowing my diapered secret.

Francis spent a lot of her time picking out the foods that we needed in order for the evening to be perfect. But after we finished with the produce section, Francis led me to the aisle that everyone dreaded: The Baby Aisle.

In the aisle, the section that I continually gawked at when I was younger were pacifiers, bottles, diapers, and even pull-ups, just waiting for people to come swoop them. I was confused as to what I was even doing in this aisle. I was already wearing diapers that were big enough to fit me. I was years past those juvenile fantasies of being diapered at the grocery store into these baby diapers.

But Francis paused in front of the bottles and pacifiers and gestured towards me. "I wonder what kind of bottle my baby needs." Her eyes were gleaming brightly in the store lights. The people around us could hear her as clear as day. "My baby just drinks so much water, so of course he'll need thicker diapers."

My face was turning red. Even though I knew that Francis wasn't going to buy Goodnites or these baby diapers for me to wear, this kind of banter was the kind of stuff I'd spent my nights thinking about. Francis walked back towards me, patted my diapered bottom again, and thankfully, moved forward in the aisle.

"We can't forget the oatmeal and fiber," Francis said as we entered the breakfast section of the store. She began to place oatmeal and other fiber-rich foods into the cart. "I'm sure that baby needs some fiber to stay regular."

I blinked quietly back at Francis, refusing to say anything. There was no way she would make me start messing my diapers. But she kept going on and on about how her baby would pack his pampers this week under her supervision. There was no way this short woman was seriously thinking that I would be messing my diapers along with the rest of the bullshit I was going through with Valerie. But I gritted my teeth. I had only a few weeks left of this nonsense, and as far as I could tell, Valerie was only here for today anyway. Tomorrow I could go back to just doing the chores that I was supposed to be doing.

By the time we were back at the house, Francis had demanded that I change out of my soggy diapers. Naturally, my diaper was completely saturated by the time I got home. Once again, Francis just stood there and watched me from over the top of her bottle of wine as I lay on the floor and got changed.

When I pulled off the tapes, I could see her looking at me from over her wine disappointedly as I wiggled out of the old diaper and placed the new one under me. It was odd for this short woman to tower over me, even when I spent most of the day towering over her. Though, I can't say that me being taller than Francis made a difference. I was always in diapers, while she looked like a professional adult.

This wasn't fantasy. This was hell.


I was vacuuming the living room when the front door banged open. I flinched slightly, worried this could be someone else. But then I heard Francis gab excitedly with Valerie as they rounded the corner, so I relaxed.

"Has Andrew behaved himself?" Valerie asked, removing her purse and dropping it onto the table.

"The baby has done pretty well, all things considered," Francis responded. "We went to the grocery store, got some lunch, and your house is ready for tonight."

Valerie looked around the immaculate apartment that I had spent all day cleaning. "It looks nice. Do you think we have enough room for all 17 of them?"

"Seventeen?" I asked without thinking.

"Shut up baby," Francis demanded.

"No need to be rude," Valerie said. "I know you said you had the day free, but you seem to be having too much fun here."

"I'm just saying, baby Andrew asks many questions."

Valerie laughed. "Andrew, we have seventeen friends of mine coming over to have a meeting tonight. It's a small business collective of entrepreneurial women. They made an app and needed a few additional people to add more functionality. In this case, they need a few medical personnel."

I scratched my head for a moment. That sounded like the most boring thing in the world. But never mind that. It was nearly six pm, which meant that I had almost to be done for the day. I was ready to go home, eat dinner and layout on the couch, even if I'd have to do it in double diapers again.

"Well, it's probably time for me to get ready to go," I gestured towards the front door. "I'll be back on Monday?"

Valerie laughed. "No Andrew, you're here tonight to help out with the party. Did you really think you were going to be leaving? I told you, you have to help with the party tonight."

I was quiet for a moment. "I have an appointment tonight."

"Unless it's with the police station to turn yourself in, you're keeping your diapered butt here until I say otherwise."

That last line hung like a great silence in the air. It made me worried and I realized that she had not let up at all since she'd been gone all day.

"So you have about an hour until my guests arrive. In the meantime, you have half an hour to do whatever you want to do. In half an hour, I expect you to take one of those aprons in the drawer over there and start heating those pies and other bites for the guests when they arrive."

I swallowed hard. "How long do I need to be here tonight."

"Baby sure asks a lot of questions." Francis, of course.

Valerie chuckled. "Francis, please, calm down, we can have our fun tonight." She turned back to me. "Probably until 11. Tonight, you are to be seen, not heard."

I nodded quietly. "Can I at least get my pants back?"

Valerie chuckled. "I was going to let you have your pants back tonight for dinner, but seeing that you're spending all your time in the kitchen, I don't think you need them."

"Hold on a second."

"No," Valerie raised her voice. "You hold on a second. You have proven time and time again that you cannot be trusted to follow simple instructions without supervision. So Francis came up with a solution."

I groaned. Of course, it was Francis who came up with this vile solution. "Are you kidding me? I can't be in (I gestured towards my extremely saturated diapers in disgust) these all night. What if someone sees me?"

"No one will see you as long as you stay in the kitchen and do not come out. Francis will be the one coming in and out of the kitchen and letting you know what we need. As long as you stay in the kitchen, in your diapers like a good boy, then we will not have any issues."

My face was burning red at this point. The kitchen, while it was not the center of the house by any means, was still an area people tended to go to, especially if there was a party. Me, being diapered in the kitchen, where all the food and drink was, meant that I'd be just a sitting duck, waiting for one of those seventeen women to enter the kitchen and see me.

My dick twitched slightly at the thought of one of these women coming in and seeing me. But I couldn't dwell on this for too long because Valerie mentioned it was time for me to get into my double diapers for the night.

"Do I have to wear them tonight? I mean, they make it harder for me to work, and you want me to be able to work right? Let's be reasonable here? I can get into them when it's time for me to leave."

Francis rolled her eyes. "You don't have a say in this little boy. Put on the diapers already."

But I had had enough at this point. These two women, especially Francis, were determined to humiliate me at all costs, and I was about to let them. I pushed past them and started walking towards the door as fast as possible. I was going back home, I was going to explain everything to the police. I could take it. Every last moment of it. I'd go to jail if I had too. I wasn't about to be humiliated in front of seventeen women.

But right when I got to the front door, I stopped. On the table next to the door was a photo I had never seen before. It was framed and just staring right at me.

It was a photo of a man standing next to a car, a soaked diaper fully on display. And the worst part… that man was me.

"Go ahead," Francis said from the hallway behind me. "Leave. We'll just put this photo out there everywhere."

"And we'll speak to the police," Valerie said.

"Or you can take the apron and get your diapered ass back into the kitchen."

I sighed internally and trudged back to the kitchen, grabbing the apron on my way back into the bowels of the house.

And before I knew it, the doorbell rang.

The night had begun.


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