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Right away, I could tell that Francis wasn't messing around. She was different than Valerie in many ways.

For starters, she had made it very clear that she knew exactly what was going on with the stacks of diapers that were sitting in the living room. For a moment, I was uncertain how familiar she was. Sure, many people had Fetlife profiles. They said they were into things like handcuffs and spankings. Honestly, anyone who had seen 50 Shades of Grey once was into that sort of half-baked crap. The real challenge was seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes. Can you handle a diaper or a humiliation fetish?

But Francis seemed well versed in what it took to make me feel smaller than small. She knew how to make me feel pathetic. For a moment, she made me wish I had never had this stupid fetish to begin with.

She started out by tossing me the diaper and stuffer that she had gotten from the living room. "Put these on," she said, her eyes never once leaving me as I fumbled with the slippery plastic.

I turned around to go back into the bathroom, but she shook her head. "No, Andrew. You're not leaving my sight today. You clearly can't be trusted."

"Hold on a second. This is going too far…"

"Too far?" Francis stepped right in front of my face. "Was masturbating in your fully packed pampers too far yesterday? Like a dirty, dirty, dirty boy?"

And that was the second thing. Francis kept speaking to me like I was a toddler. Who used words like 'dirty, dirty boy' to describe someone? This was insane. She had to be enjoying this.

I had a lot of thoughts as I lay down onto the cold floor in the kitchen. First, I wished I had a changing pad. But I did my best not to dwell on that too much. That's the kind of thing a baby would think about while getting their diaper changed. But the second was that Francis just stared at me, unblinking as I unfolded the tapes and fluffed up the diaper. During the process, she kept making these comments, like "Oh look, baby has a stiff pee-pee. And, might want to hurry before you piddle all over the floor."

Indeed, even in my misery, my manhood was betraying me. And to hear Francis refer to the head downstairs in such a condescending way, to treat it like it was just a useless, pathetic toy between my legs was humiliating.

In that moment, I was keenly aware that I had never had my diaper changed in front of anyone. In fact, actually had never even changed my diaper in front of anyone. Yay for milestones, I guess.

When I finally taped on the diaper and stood up, Francis looked me in the eyes, grabbed the front of the plastic, squeezed and said, "You'd never know there was anything underneath all this padding. I don't have to worry about being around you when you're in diapers because you're effectively harmless. Your little dickie can't do any harm while safely nestled in your thick padding."

My face was burning at this point. But my dick was jumping at the idea of this woman teasing me in this way. I wanted her to keep going, but on my terms, not as a prisoner in the house of the girl next door.

As I disposed of the used diapers, Francis patted my padded bottom and laughed, "Don't have to worry about anything today, no men in this house, only a baby."

"Don't you think you can turn it down a bit?" I asked, the anger boiling up inside of me.

Francis ignored me and pointed me towards the kitchen, where veggies were waiting to be cut.

Clearly, she was not going to turn down anything today.

While I cut the veggies that were going to be used for the veggie tray later in the day, Francis stood next to me, reminding me how impressed she was that I knew how to hold a knife, let alone use one. "Maybe you are a big boy after all," she said with an evil smile. "Maybe you are an adult who knows how to take responsibility for his actions."

But she was just fucking with me of course. Each time she did it, while I was baking the bread for later in the day, while I was baking the cookies, she'd dangle the idea that I was an adult in my face, only to withdraw the idea instantly putting me back in my place.

By noon I was starving and regretting not eating breakfast that morning. My stomach growled, and playing sous chef was not helping. As I began to prepare a dessert, I snuck a bit of the Apple filling that went inside the pie.

It tasted pretty good for being made from scratch. Say what you want about the humiliating nature of the day, Francis had shown me how to make a really good Apple Pie filling. It was just sweet enough to make you want more and sticky enough to cause me to quickly lick my fingers.

"What are you dong???" Francis suddenly was in my ear, sounding quite annoyed.

"I'm sorry," I responded. "I'm hungry. I figured I'd try a bit of the…"

Francis shook her head. "No, this food isn't for naughty babies like you."

She smacked my hand and grabbed her purse from the kitchen bar. Next, she pulled out a pacifier, demanded that I open my mouth and plopped it inside.

"Maybe you need some time to learn that you shouldn't be putting things in your mouth without permission."

I shook my head and instantly froze. The ring on the pacifier clinked loudly against the pacifier. The noise was startling.

"And you should have told Miss Francis that you were hungry. Once you finish with the pie, let it sit and we can go out and get some food. By the way, how are your pampers?"

I felt Francis reach between my legs again, squeezing my soaked padding. My diaper and the stuffer were getting uncomfortably full. My legs were also getting tired from standing all day as well. My whole body was starting to ache from the strain food prep was putting on my body.

"Go on," Francis said once I had put the pie on top of the oven. "Get another diaper and stuffer. Time for you to get changed."

I nodded, the ring of the pacifier clacking against the mouth guard again.


After I got changed, a process I was quickly getting quite efficient at, Francis handed me a pair of shorts and told me we were going to go get some lunch. I eagerly pulled the shorts up and then stopped. The shorts were nearly a size too small; there was no way I could wear these without someone seeing the bulge in my pants.

I pulled the pacifier out of my mouth.

"Are you fucking insane?" I tried to stay calm, but Francis wasn't innocent Valerie. She was Francis, she knew what was going on. She was clearly getting her rocks off on my misery. "I can't wear this outside."

"You can and you will. And if you want to keep running your mouth, you can wear the pacifier too," Frankie glared at me.

"I'm not wearing these fucking shorts. There's even," I stretched the waistband. "Elastic in the waist. Like what the fuck?"

Frankie held her ground. "Do you want me to send the video to Valerie?"

"Oh come on," I was yelling now. "You can't keep holding that over me forever."

Frankie looked at me mysteriously. "It won't be forever. Just do what you need to do today, and I'll delete the video from the server."

I was quiet for a second. I really didn't need that video getting out to Valerie. It would make the rest of this diapered sentence worse. "Fine, but you have to promise me."

Francis took a step forward. How could someone so small feel so large? She held out her pinky finger. "Okay, little one, I'll pinky promise."

I glared at her.

"Oh come on, does the little baby not know what a pinky promise is?"

"I'm not a baby."

"You sure look like one to me. Diaper bulging from your shorts, pacifier in your hand." Francis giggled then got serious. "If you follow my directions today, I'll delete the video from the server. You have my word."

I nodded.

"Now put that pacifier back in your mouth, baby; we have some shopping to do."


Francis insisted that I sit in the back while riding to pick up lunch. Of course, she had said babies need to sit in the back and buckled me in. My jaw was getting a bit sore from sucking the pacifier for the last hour or so. I had never sucked on one before. It felt weird. I was having a hard time believing anyone would find this comforting.

Luckily, Francis had tinted windows. That meant while I could see outside, the world could not see the adult baby in the backseat of the car inside.

Francis eventually drove to the drive-through and ordered some food. I almost had a heart attack when she rolled up to the drive through, and the woman behind the window peered into the car. But then I remembered, the windows were tinted. I was fine.

I glanced down at my bulging crotch that was barely obscured by the denim that hardly covered my lower half. I was tired from this day already, and it was only lunchtime.

But Francis just hummed away to the noise of her iPhone in the cars speakers and drove them to a quiet seating area and got out of the car.

"Are you ready to eat?" Lizzy asked, holding the fast-food bag in her hand.

Suddenly, my growling stomach wasn't famished anymore. Instead, I just felt nervous.

"Um…" I let the pacifier fall from my mouth. "I don't… "I paused. "I feel like…."

Francis smiled and patted my head. "Of course you are. You said so yourself a few hours ago that your little tummy was hungry."

Francis reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt and helped ease me out of the car. I looked around. The area we were in was pretty deserted, but I still couldn't help feeling like everyone could hear the crinkling in my pants at this very moment.

One benefit to getting fast food was that it was designed to be eaten by your hands, so I didn't have to worry about Francis piling on the humiliation much further. Though, she did cut up the chicken sandwich into very small bites for me and then proceeded to spend the rest of the meal on her phone.

I noticed that when she wasn't finding ways to torture me, Francis was quite beautiful. She had this clever and attractive air of authority about her that I looked for in a partner. At one point, she took a phone call and told the other person on the phone that they had asked for this and that she wasn't sure why they were complaining at this point.

I was taken aback at how stern she could be in one moment and then switch into this buttery kindness in another moment. I was finding myself wishing that she'd stay on the nicer side. But even that wish had consequences.

Francis kept congratulating me for eating the cut up food. Each time I'd stick my fingers into the bag and pull out a cut up piece of food and eat it, Francis would clap her hands and tweak my cheeks in the most "baby" of way. Each time I'd do the most simple of tasks, it was "good baby" this and "good baby" that. Being told your a good baby for wiping your mouth for the fifteenth time gets pretty demoralizing.

Right when I grabbed the last French fry, Francis grabbed the soda and pulled out a bottle, poured the soda into the bottle and passed it back to me.

"You don't seriously expect me to…?" I stammered. There was no way she expected me to drink from this bottle. There were so many cars driving by, what if someone decided to pull off the road and park near the same place we were sitting? There was no way I was going to be caught drinking a bottle in public.

Instead, I just stood up and waddled back to the car.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Francis said.

I paused and looked back.

"You seem to forget I still have your fet profile."

I froze. She wasn't wrong. Dammit. I shook my head. "Can we just go home? We have more work to do."

"Oh now you want to do your chores?"

"Come on Francis," I begged. "Please!"

"I'll just send this to Valerie."

"Please don't."

"Then pull your cute little shorts off."


Francis crossed her arms and glared in my direction. "I told you, you're mine today and you're going to follow my instructions. This (she glanced me up and down) insubordination will not be tolerated."

She then narrowed her eyes. "I'm waiting… and the longer you wait… the more likely someone is to drive up and see you."

I sighed and pulled the shorts down. It wasn't like they did much to hide the diaper anyway. I reasoned all I needed to do was pull them off for a few minutes, drink the bottle, then get back into the car.

But Francis had other plans.

The moment I waddled over, she gestured to her lap and instructed me to sit down. I reluctantly sat on her lap, the thick padding squishing as it made contact with her pants. Francis wrapped her arms around me and handed me the bottle.

"Drink up baby," Francis said grinning. "We'll leave once your bottle is empty."

I took the bottle and tilted my head back onto her shoulder and started drinking. Francis grabbed my other hand and wrapped it around the other side of the bottle. I had to admit, drinking the bottle this way did make it easier to hold while giving me the effect of looking like a complete baby. That I wasn't a big fan of. But once I had tipped the bottle backwards, Francis gave me little room to stop drinking. She placed a finger on the other side of the bottle and held it in place, causing the quick flow to keep forcing water into my mouth.

I swallowed as fast as possible to keep up, but some of the soda spilled over the side of the bottle out of the corner of my mouth. Finally, after the bottle was empty, I gasped for air. Francis took the bottle and put it down on the bench and then pulled me forward so I was resting on her shoulder. She patted my back a few times causing me to burp loudly. Some of the soda came up with it.

"You are such a baby," Francis said, wiping my mouth with a few napkins. "Next time you eat, we'll need to get you a bib."

"I'm fine." I mumbled out as we began packing up for the car. I was still in just a diaper that was now wet as a result of all of the soda I had been forced to drink.

"And you're talking too much," Francis popped the pacifier back in my mouth as she tossed away the trash.

I stood next to the car awkwardly while Francis took her sweet time. My diaper crinkled aggressively as I kept pulling the door handle in an attempt to open the car door. But it would not budge.

Behind me, I heard a car drive around the corner and to my horror, it came to a stop one parking space away behind me. I pulled the door handle again then yelled for Francis to hurry up.

But the short woman was on the phone again chatting away in that aggressive tone she always had, while switching back to the sweet tones she used with me.

I heard the car door open up as two young women got out of the car. The first woman pulled off her sunglasses and stopped in her tracks, just staring at me, while the second seemed oblivious to the entire scenario.

But things got worse. The first woman yelled at the second woman to look over. The second woman stopped in her tracks, stared and then burst out laughing, clearly shocked to see a grown man, in this thick, crinkly diaper.

"Hey ladies, everything okay?" Francis scared me as she walked up behind me, attracting the women's attention even further.

The first woman burst out laughing, grabbed her friend and they both dashed away.

My face burned with embarrassment.

But as Francis helped me get back in the car, giving my diapered bottom a soft pat, she whispered in my ear, "That's just a preview darling."



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