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“What the fuck are you doing?”

My eyes bolted open in shock at Valerie’s voice. I did my best to shake sleep out of my eyes as her blurry figure appeared over me. There I was, lying on the couch in just a tee shirt and diaper. And to make matters worse, I was suffering from an intense bout of post nut clarity.

This was embarrassing.

“Huh?” I mumbled sleepily as I blinked a few times.

“What the hell are you doing?”

And that’s when my brain caught up with what was going on. I raised myself up onto my elbows and flipped over so I was sitting up straight looking at a very angry looking Valerie.

“Do I have to repeat myself?” Valerie asked, taking a step forward.

“I was taking a nap,” I insisted half heartedly, trying to make things seem completely casual. I mean, who didn’t take naps in the middle of the day after a long day of chores? So I threw that in for size. “Who doesn’t take naps in the middle of the day after a long day.” I left out the chores part because I was having my moment of defiance.

“Do you think now was the best time to take a nap?” Valerie looked angry, but I knew I needed to hold my ground.

“Yes.” I shrugged feeling powerful now. “I didn’t feel like doing anything else.”

Valerie left the room and came back a second later. During the process of her walking out of the room, I quickly grabbed a blanket and put it on top of my legs. I was starting to feel a little cold during this conversation. I would prefer to be warm when challenging authority.

“I had a number of things on this list,” Valerie continued. “And for the look of things, none of them got done.”

I shrugged, “Guess not.”

Valerie stared at me then shook her head. “What the hell is wrong with you? You know you’re in my house because you decided to break in and steal from me.”

“I wasn’t stealing from you.” I insisted. “You had my packages. You should have given them back to me.”

“Instead of breaking into my house and deciding to steal from me, you could have knocked on my front door and asked for your diapers back. Like an adult. Instead you snuck into my house, in the middle of the night.”

I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. Valerie went on and on and on about how disappointed she was in me and how me being in her house was her doing me a favor. So far, this conversation was going just as planned, all i needed her to do was say the magic word.

“Maybe this isn’t working,” Valerie said.

I tried hard not to smile. This is the moment I was waiting for.

“Maybe it’s not,” I responded.

I let the silence hang in the air for a moment urging Valerie to make up her mind and send me on my way. But instead Valerie looked down at her phone.

“I need to think about what to do next,” Valerie said, glaring at me with disappointment. “Come back tomorrow and I’ll let you know what I decide.” Valerie then took two more diapers from the stack of diapers that stood tall in her living room and tossed them onto my lap. “It would be in your best interest to return tomorrow. I’d hate to call the police and give them your name.”


The next day I did what was asked of me. I returned to Valerie’s house. Of course I was in my soggy double diapers from the night before. I began to realize that I was getting used to trekking across the sidewalk to her house with a pronounced waddle. At this point it was not unusual that I would leak during the night, so I started putting a stuffer in the double diapers to make sure I was safe.

I took my pants off, as I had gotten used to at this point, as soon as I entered the apartment and dropped them into the bin by the door. I squished my way into the living room where Valerie was sitting taking notes on her tablet.

“I’m glad you did the right thing,” she said, not even looking up as I entered the room.

“I really didn’t have a choice.”

“Your diaper is saturated.” Valerie glanced up, giving me a sharp eye of disapproval.

“I know.”

“Good. You can change after I tell you what we need to do today.”

I nodded, fidgeting slightly.I was hoping to be able to change the moment I walked in. My diaper was extremely heavy and gave me a pronounced bow legged feeling. For a second, I wished I had been wearing a onesie, worried the tapes would give out and my diaper would plop on the floor. The last thing I wanted was to get in trouble for my diapers falling off. Or give Valerie the idea that I’d need the locking diaper cover to keep my diapers from drooping.

Valerie set her tablet aside and stood up. “So today I have my party with a few business associates. It’s the one you were supposed to help get ready for yesterday. I was going to give you the day off, but you had to go and be a big baby about your punishment yesterday.

“Today you’re going to prepare for the party. I have groceries you need to buy and a few other decorating items that you’ll need to get ready for tonight. Finally, tonight you’ll need to help serve light appetizers and keep things tidy while my guests are here.”

I scoffed at that last comment. She wanted me to serve her friends at her party. Couldn’t she hire someone to do that? I opened my mouth to protest but Valerie held up a finger.

“Trust me, you do not want to cross me today.” Valerie grabbed her purse from the table and beckoned me to come with her as she walked to the door. I squished after her. I figured to myself that I could just do what I did yesterday, just dick around and she’d eventually toss me out and say she was over this. I wanted to stick to the plan.

But a knock at the door startled me. I noticed Valerie didn’t look surprised at all.

“Oh good,” she said. “Francis is here.”

Wait? Someone is here?

My eyes darted around my surroundings. My pants were in the bin by the door, so I couldn’t grab them. Instead I turned around quickly and waddled back to the living room. Due to the minimalist nature of the house, I realized I couldn’t just hide in the living room. So instead, as I heard voices in the foyer, I dipped into the bathroom in the hallway and closed the door behind me.

Valerie and the mysterious woman, Francis, were speaking in low tones. I sat down on the bathroom floor, figuring I could wait for this new woman out. They were probably just catching up before work and she’d leave without knowing there was a diapered man in the house.

But to my horror, the voices came closer to the bathroom.

“Where is he?” I heard Francis ask from beyond the door.

I heard Valerie unlock her phone and then silence. Then… the bathroom door swung open.

Standing next to Valerie was a short woman with brown hair with an extremely wide grin on her face. “You must be Andrew.”

I gasped, my mouth hanging open at what was happening. But there wasn’t a lot of time to absorb the gravity of the moment because Francis squatted down at my level. “I’m Francis,” she said, patting me condescendingly on the head.

I nodded slightly as she continued.

“And you are Andrew,” she said pointing to my diapers.

I continued nodding.

“And your diaper is completely full.”

Then Francis did the unspeakable. I watched as she reached her hand out towards my bulging diaper and stretched her fingers over the plastic padding that was stretched to the max. She squeezed the plastic on the outside of the diaper and shook her head disapprovingly. “You even leaked all over the floor. Valerie was right, you really are a baby.”

I was shocked at this remark, because it seemed like something out of a cheezy Patreon story that you pay for monthly. But what also shocked me was that I had leaked on the floor. I looked down and back up. It had only happened because I had been sitting on the floor in a full diaper and the over-saturation caused it to leak. There were no leak guards that were set up to contain that kind of wetness.

But that kind of diaper knowledge was only the kind of thing a diaper lover would know (or someone with serious incontinence). There’s no way Francis and her extremely inappropriate groping of the diaper would know this. And I wasn’t about to tell her that.

“I told you.” Valerie said standing up and walking out of the bathroom. “He’s kind of a baby with how much he wets his diapers. I really need to get him in to see Dr. Vicker.”

But Francis looked at me with a strange look in her eyes. It was as if she were hungry and was looking for something to eat. She kept looking at me and back at the swollen diaper.

Valerie poked her head around the corner again. “Andrew, I have to go, but Francis is going to take care of you while I’m away.”

“Take care of me?” I stuttered from my perch on the floor.

“Yes.” Francis said. “She’s here to make sure you do all of your chores so we don’t have a repeat of yesterday.”

“I don’t need a babysitter!” I protested. “I’ll just put in the work. It’s fine, I will do the chores as requested.”

But Valerie had already left the room and I heard her close the front door and drive away. I realized I had been sitting in a puddle on the floor, so I stood up and tried to explain to Francis that she didn’t need to be here.

But Francis pulled out her phone and began to speak. “I knew I recognized you.”

“I live next door, but you really don’t need to be here…”

“Oh no, not just that…” she swung her phone around and showed me the screen. I squinted as the page finished loading. “You’re AndersBby89.”

I felt this extreme tightness in my chest. There on the screen was my Fetlife profile.


I’m not sure how I ended up in this situation, but my heart was beating rapidly inside my body as Francis grinned at me.

“I knew exactly who you were when Valeire told me you had been caught breaking into her house in the middle of the night to steal diapers.” She laughed as she looked at my shocked face. “You’re lucky I haven’t told her everything I know about you.” Francis tapped her thigh as she left the bathroom. “Come on now, we’re headed to the kitchen, there’s work to do.”

I didn’t budge. This was bizarre. How the hell did Francis find my Fetlife profile and how did she know it was me? But I didn’t have time to think because Francis came back in the bathroom and threatened to send my profile Valerie if I didn’t move. “Then she’ll know you’re not incontinent.” Francis said with a laugh. “She’ll know you’re a little diaper pervert for real.”

I shakily stood to my feet and grabbed a town from the rack and clean up the puddle that was on the floor between my legs and tossed the towel in the sink. I then proceeded to waddle after Francis who was busy putting veggies into the sink to be washed.

“Before you get started today,” Francis said wiping her hands on a towel, “ I suspect you’ll need those pampers of yours changed.”

I nodded quietly, feeling absolutely embarrassed. I prayed to God that Francis had not read everything on my Fet. That would make things extremely embarrassing for me real fast. All of my fantasies were there for the world to see, but I didn’t want her to know.

Francis tilted her head towards me. “Do you need your pampers changed?”

“Yes,” I mumbled.

Francis smirked. “Oh no, that will not do at allll little baby.” Not only did Francis elongate the all so it just hung in the air like stretched taffy, but she seemed overly excited for some reason. “You need to answer me in complete sentences or you’re going to have a long soggy day. Tho…” she glanced at the cell phone. “I know someone is (she dramatized this next part) into being kept in wet diapers.” She giggled.

My face was flushed. I had indeed written that on my Fet… along with other humiliating things that I didn’t want the public to know.

But then I thought for a moment. There’s no way Francis wanted to be here babysitting me on a Saturday. Surly she had better things to do with her time? I figured I’d try and strike a deal with her if at all possible.

“Francis, what if we just forget about this whole thing. I can go home for the day and you can just hang out and actually spend time doing what you’d rather be doing.” Then for good measure, I added, “The last thing you want to be doing is hanging out with a guy who can’t hold his bladder over the weekend. That’s no fun.”

But Francis looked me dead in the eyes, the hunger appearing around the edges. “Oh no baby boy. You have no idea what’s in store for you today. I’ve been watching you and other little boys just like you and I’m not going to miss this day for all the money in the world.” Francis held the diaper that she’d retrieved from the pile in her hand in a menacing way. “You don’t know it yet, but you’re about to experience a day you wont ever forget. And you want to know why?”

I frowned realizing that at this point, I was completely willing to nope on out of there, police be dammed. Francis pressed a few buttons on her phone and turned it around so I could see what was on the screen.

“I bet you didn’t know Valerie kept Ring Cameras inside the house. She’s… pathetic really, nervous about people breaking in. But she never checks them.”

I stared at the screen in horror.

“Valerie hasn’t seen this yet. But she will if you don’t be a good little boy for me.”

There on the screen in front of me, was an image of me thrusting as hard as I could on the couch the day before before shuddering to a stop in my full diaper. What made matters worse was I could hear the crinkling of the diaper as I rubbed hard against the couch. I watched as I passed out after doing my disgusting deed.

“Have I made myself clear?”

I wanted to cry. I wanted to run. But I glanced down at my swollen diaper and realized I had no choice in the matter. I was stuck. So instead, I simply nodded.

“Good boy.”


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