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Liam and Becky had been walking for at least fifteen minutes when Liam’s stomach started giving him some trouble. He assumed it was because of the picnic they’d had earlier. He wasn’t a big cheese guy usually, but Becky was just so pretty, it was hard to resist devouring the delicious, delicates she had prepared. To be frank, the cheese might have upset his stomach. To make matters even more complicated, Liam was doing his best not to wet his diaper the rest of the day, so he couldn’t give Becky an excuse to remind him of how much of a baby he was.

She seemed to really like doing that. It annoyed him.

Liam had assumed at this point that Becky was playing some sort of game with him. Testing to see how far he was willing to go for a taste at what was between her legs. If he passed these simple tests, he could have an incredible night in the sheets where she became his plaything, where he was the boss.

But the gurgling in his stomach only grew louder and more insistent. As Liam could see the train station in the distance, his stomach started doing flips and jumps. There was this boiling sensation that he was all too familiar with. A sensation that would have been fine had be not been wearing his toilet. Liam was slightly confused as to what could have caused this sudden urgency in the need to move his bowels? He usually had a pretty regular schedule so this stomach cramping happening late in the afternoon was unusual. Liam kept pushing forward, determined to just hold it. If he could only make it to tonight.

Meanwhile Becky just kept jabbering on and on about how much she was looking forward to the time they’d spend together later that night if he passes his tests of course. Liam just nodded, grimicing slightly.

Suddenly another cramp rolled through him forcing him to stop and grab his stomach.

Becky, who didn’t notice, kept walking forcing Liam to catch his breath and hurry forward to keep up with the determined woman. Liam felt himself let out a little bit of pee. He had been so focused on his bowels he’d forgotten about the other dam waiting to burst. Not surprisingly, his diaper took care of the slight spill, absorbing it in just seconds.

Now at the train station, Becky patted Liam on the shoulder reassuringly. “How are you doing?”

Liam grimaced as another cramp rolled through him. “I’m fine.” He said breathing heavy. “Here, I have our tickets.” He dug into his backpack and found himself having to steady himself on his knees for a moment as another cramp rolled through him. Shaky at this point, he managed to hand the paper tickets to gatekeeper who asked him if he was okay.

“Just stomach issues,” Laim responded accepting the tickets back from the gatekeeper who pointed them towards the elevator that would take them to the platform below to catch the train.

At this point Becky had caught on. “Stomach problems?” She inquired? “Is everything okay? Is your stomach upset?”

“I’m fine,” Liam grimaced letting another squirt of urine escape into his thirsty diaper.

“Are you sure.” Becky asked, patting his diapered bottom. Becky kept asking him over and over forcing him to accept the humiliation that she knew his stomach was in trouble. She seemed to be extremely interested all of a sudden in Liam’s well-being. 

For some reason that very sensation, the thud of her hand on his diaper caused him to nearly lose control on the spot. He couldn’t even squeeze his legs together because of the sheer bulk between his legs. His diaper continued to crinkle and flex as Liam was hunched over again, clenching his stomach and his bottom at the same time.

“Oh baby?” Becky said with a hint of laughter in her voice. “It’s okay if you have to make a mess, we can find a bathroom for you.”

Liam’s ears perked up. Was she actually going to let him use the toilet?

“Excuse me?” Becky flagged down a worker and asked for directions to the restroom. Liam, with the knowledge he could use a toilet now, found he suddenly had more willpower to Hold the mess that was threatening to explode into his diaper.

“I’ll show you where it is,” the worker extended a hand and began to lead them through the maze of the crowded train station. But when they reached the first restroom, there was an out of order sign blocking the entrance.

Liam’s abdomen gave another horrible cramp as he doubled over. Luckily nothing came out of his rear but the worker took notice.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

Becky responded awfully quickly, “He’s fine, nothing his diapers can’t handle.”

Liam’s face burned at those words. He didn’t want to use his diapers and here was some random person in the train station now thinking he couldn’t control his bowels. How could she?

“Oh… he’s still in diapers at his age?” The man asked. “My cousin had similar issues, let’s hurry so we can get you some relief.”

But Liam couldn’t focus on this for too long. They finally reached a restroom right when Liam knew he was going to lose this battle.

Becky led the way and opened the restroom door and Liam rushed inside the handicapped stall with her. He pulled down his pants as his stomach gave one final push and he could feel the mess working its way down his sphincter. He could still make it if he got this diaper off.

But his hands slipped across a barrier. Looking down in shock, he saw the exact reason why. The plastic pants Becky had put him in earlier were in the way. Liam tried to pull them down, but failed horribly. He felt the lock on his backside rattle sentencing to him what was about to happen next.

“Becky… the lock!” He gasped as he felt this rush of relief flood across his body as the mess made its way into his diaper. It kept coming too, first oozing into his backside, then when it was out of room mushing over the side of his butt cheeks and then another cramp and oozing towards the front of the diaper.

Becky stood here, her mouth open in complete surprise as she abandoned her search for the key in her purse.

Another cramp rocked Liam’s body as he continued to fill his diapers. In the back of his horrified mind, he was keenly aware that Becky looked as attractive as ever in her sundress and hat, fully dressed, while he stood there, with his pants around his ankles filing his thick, crinkly and now messy diaper.

To put the final nail on the coffin, Becky had walked up to him and was stroking his lower back as he continued to push through this infantile act.

Liam wanted to cry. This was a disaster.


Liam wanted out of this diaper ASAP and was completely unsure of how he was going to go about making that happen. Becky rummaged through her purse looking for the key.

“I know it’s in here,” she kept saying over and over.

Liam was getting impatient and angry. How could she not know where they were? She literally had that morning and that fucking purse was so small.

But Becky kept mumbling to herself until they both heard an announcement blare through the restroom announcing this was the last call for their train.

“Omg Liam, we have to go or we’ll miss our train.”

“But my diaper!” Liam hissed to Becky

“We’ll have to deal with it later.” Becky closed her purse and the last option for Liam’s freedom and headed for the door. “Pull your pants up. Come on!”

Liam pulled his pants up and sighed. The act of pulling up his pants caused the mess that was confined in his diaper to mash up against his backside creating this constant reminder that he had indeed messed the diaper. But not just any diaper, his diaper.

Thankfully Liam didn’t have to think about it to much because he had to hurry to keep up with Becky who was flying through the terminal. Laim rushed as much as he could, but wearing your first messy diaper in several decades meant he had a lot to learn.

For starters, the extra mess in the diapers meant he couldn’t run normally. His legs were pushed apart by the sheer mass in his diapers. He found himself waddling harder than ever. To make matters worse the messy diaper seemed to weigh him down, where generally the non-athletic business man could run to catch a train, he felt as if he had five ponds along his midsection pulling him towards the grown. Liam couldn’t be sure, but he was certain his diaper had also ridden above his waistline meaning anyone watching the two of them rush to the train would see the plastic pants and white diaper as clear as day.

Finally, they reached the train and found their seats. Becky and Liam collapsed into their rail car gasping for air. Liam grimaced as relief was quickly replaced with dread. The mess when he sat down had squished up into his groin causing more discomfort. Liam needed a change badly.

As the train began to move forward Liam was about to ask if Becky had found the key when another man entered their car and sat down across from them.

“I thought we had the car to ourselves?” Laim hissed to Becky.

“I couldn’t finagle it for the way back,” she said quietly. “Things were booked pretty tight.”

Liam signed and stared hopelessly out the window. This was bad news. It would mean he’d be in this messy diaper for at least another hour and a half at this rate.

As the train bumped along the countryside, Liam found himself getting more comfortable in the diaper. He reasoned to himself that had he not been wearing the plastic prison, he might have messed himself in the train station. Clearly this was the result of an allergic reaction. Thankfully he was well protected. But this logic didn’t make him feel completely better. It was just a placeholder.

Liam found himself yawning and rested his head on Becky’s shoulder. He could feel her rhythmic breathing calming him down. For some reason, even in all the anger he hoped he had passed her test. The one that would result in him being in her bed tonight. She was a stunning woman who he’d die just for a moment inside of her. He’d show her who the real baby was. It would be her. She’d be crying when he finished with her. Tears of joy of course, because she’d never experience anything like it in her life.



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