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Liam and Becky finally reached their hotel room after a long, eventful day. Liam, after setting his bag down, got straight to the point.

“Becky, please tell me you found the key?”

Becky nodded pulling the key out of her purse and holding it up. Liam noticed she found it awfully quickly all of a sudden.

“Come on Liam, let’s do this in the shower.”

Liam nodded and gingerly walked to the shower with Becky who stripped him of all his clothing and started the process. Because of the fanciness of the hotel there were several mirrors in the bathroom so Liam could see the discoloration of his white diaper the moment he entered the room. Once the plastic pants were removed the dropped into the shower, Becky had him lie down on the floor. She pulled off the tapes and started the clean up process.

“Wow, you really made a serious mess huh?” Becky smirked from above him. She left him there for a second and returned with some baby wipes and began getting him clean. His dick twitched when she touched him there.

“Easy boy, only good babies get that.” Becky winked.

Liam rolled his eyes just desperate for a shower at this point. Becky finally had him lift up and had him step into the shower. He felt great, the hot water running over him. Liam lathered himself off and after a generous helping of soap stepped out of the shower. He dried himself off and walked into the bedroom area where Becky was sitting.

To his suprise, on the bed was another thick, white plastic diaper.

“Hell no,” he said. “I’m not wearing another one of these.” Liam had had it. It was after six. He wasn’t wearing another one of those diapers. Today had been a disaster because of them.

Becky held up her hands. “Hear me out Liam.”

Liam shook his head. “Fuck no.” He said. “I’m not doing it. You made me shit myself today. All for what?”

“I didn’t make you do anything,” Becky said. “I just made suggestions to keep you safe and protected during the day.”

Liam considered this for a moment. There’s no way what she was saying was true. She had forced him to wear diapers all day.

“You woke up wet this morning and I suggested a little extra protection,” Becky stated.

Liam thought about it a little more. She wasn’t wrong. Becky had made the suggestion then followed it up with an incentive to make him feel better. In fact, everything she’d done that day was actually to help him. Liam calmed down. Either way he wasn’t going to wear a diaper tonight. His stomach twinged slightly, giving him a familiar sensation from the train station. It was then that Liam considered his options. Was he in danger of messing himself at dinner tonight? Becky seemed to be one step ahead of him.

“Tonight’s dinner will be on the high rise building. There won’t be a restroom on the top floor. Do you really want to risk it after what happened at the train station earlier today?”

Liam’s stomach pained him again. She had a point.

So he agreed. Laim lay on the bed and let her put him in the thick diaper and the stuffer. As she taped him up, she smiled at him. “I know this is tough for you, but tonight it’s gonna be sooo worth it.” And then she swooped down and gave him a kiss on the lips. As much as Liam hated to admit it, he let out a little pee in his diaper in surprise.

She was so fucking hot.

At dinner it turned out wearing the diaper was a good idea. Some of the movements from earlier were running through him still and Liam actually felt safer in the padding. The show that came with the meal was brilliant and throughout the meal Becky kept grabbing his hand at key moments and giving him knowing looks. Liam enjoyed himself and in the tradition that had become all to common that day, ended up wetting himself several times without thought.

Once the meal was over Becky led Liam back to the apartment where the first thing she did was order a glass of champagne for the room and demand Liam lie on the bed. Liam’s erection was pulsing at this point, ready for the moment this would become a reality. He wanted to fuck her so badly.

But Becky seemed content dragging it out. She untaped him and wiped him down with a cold baby wipe causing his errection to deflate pretty rapidly. Next she asked him if he was ready to have the orgasm of his life.

“The what?” Liam propped himself up on his elbows as Becky approached the bed with her purse.

“Are you interested in trying something new and having the orgasm of your life?”

Liam nodded. “I’m game.” He figured after the day they had tightest this woman was at least some sort of kinky.

“Okay,” Becky put a blindfold over Liam’s face and then proceeded to tie his arms to the bed in the hotel. “You’re going to feel something cold on your little guy down here.”

Liam’s heart was pounding out of his chest as he felt Becky put the the cold champagne bucket between his legs. Next he felt her fondling his privates a pinch and the feeling of something around his member. Then a click.

“Okay,” Becky said. “You ready?”

Liam nodded feeling Becky’s breasts rub on his chest as she straddled him. But for some reason he couldn’t really feel his penis. In fact the erection he so badly wanted to have just resulted in pain in his balls.

“It’s called edging.” Becky growled into his ear, nibbling on the lobe slightly causing more pain in his groin. “The more horny you get, the better the orgasm.”

She removed the blindfold from Liam’s face and he looked down to see his penis encased in what looked like a cage. He saw a padlock dangling from the cage meaning for all intents and purposes, he was trapped for the time being.

Liam couldn’t help but feel excited at the potential for what was happening next. Becky kissed his balls. Nibbled on his chest. She whispered sweet nothings into his ears. He was sure, with all this pressure he was going to break through the cage. But instead it held firm and solid. She fed him the champs they had ordered. They kissed. She continued to tease him relentlessly. She even put him in another diaper and gave him a strip show.

The next thing Liam knew Becky was crawling towards him on the bed asking him if he was ready to be unlocked and cum inside of her wet, tight, pussy.

Liam nodded eagerly. Now drunk and excited. The diaper crinkled as he flexed his legs in preparation as to what would come.

But Liam didn’t know what happened next. All he remembered was waking up the next morning, in a completely soaked and wet diaper and his alarm ringing telling him he was going to be late for his flight.

Huh? Liam sat up quickly. What the hell?

He had a massive headache. Liam glanced around the room and the first thing he noticed was how clean everything was. In fact, it looked like room service had come in and tidied everything up.

Liam looked at his phone in time for the app to tell him his plane was boarding in 20 causing his heart to jump out of his chest. Holy shit, he was going to miss his flight.

Liam pulled the covers off him and jumped out of bed and then froze. He heard two noises. First a defending crinkle of the diaper he was wearing. But the second noise is what bothered him. It was the sound of a loud plastic. Liam looked down and saw he was wearing pink plastic pants. To his horror, he reached to his back and found them locked onto his waist meaning he wasn’t getting out of this diaper any time soon.

“Becky??” He yelled tentatively across the hotel room. “I gotta get going, can you unlock me?”

But he was only greeted with silence. Liam had half expected a good ribbing for falling asleep before the climax of lady nights festivities, but the hotel was completely silent.

Liam rushed to the bathroom and saw it was empty. Every corner of the hotel was empty save for his bags which for some reason were already packed and had been brought to this hotel room. His slbusienss suit was even pressed and hanging in the closet, ready for a day of travel.

Liam was baffled. How was he supposed to get out of this damn diaper if he was locked in it?

But he didn’t have much time to think. He pulled on his travel clothes and grabbed his bag, all while calling an Uber from his phone. He’d text Becky from the car, there had to be some explanation to all of this. Maybe she had gone to get breakfast and hadn’t come back yet.

Victor checked Instagram in the Uber as they sped towards the airport and saw Becky was not just getting breakfast. In fact there she was, with her fellow flight attendants under the caption, “Headed to California.” Liam sent her a DM asking her where the key was and then began to sweat slightly. He’d have to stay locked in this infantile garment until he could get a key to release him.

But after passing through the rudimentary airport security and sitting in the waiting area sweating and thinking of his options, he received an email.

It was from an email address that said Becky’s Service and it sent a chill down Liam’s spine. Had it not been for the fact that he was in a public airport where sudden outbursts were frowned upon, he would have cursed out loud.

Dear Liam-

I had so much fun with you this week and I know you had fun with me because last night your little pee pee nearly bust out of its little cage. I have to say I was extremely surprised when you agreed to wear diapers so quickly during our time together. Once you agreed after night one, it became clear to me that you craved control, that your craved an authority figure to guide you, that you craved someone like me.

It might not look like it right now, but I’m exactly the mommy you need right low as you spend the next few months on the road. I work with dozens of men who are in the same pradicment as you. Wild travelers who need something to ground them. I am that grounding.

So here’s what’s going to happen next. You might have noticed when you woke up this morning, you’re still locked in your plastic pants and diaper from last night. You are going to stay in that diaper until you follow my instructions. You’re going to prove to me that you can be a good boy, even while on the road in the big scary world.

How will I know if you’ve followed my instructions? It’s simple. There’s a random serieal number on the plastic padlock that keeps the plastic pants together. If you break the lock and put on a new one I’ll know the moment you check in for the night.

Today is your first day if tough love and because you need to understand how things are going to operate from now on, your first task isn’t going to be easy. You’ll need to stay in that diaper all day. You will only be able to change after 1800 your time and after you’ve made a mess in those pampers of yours. If you don’t mess you won’t get the green light to change which will make it so you end up with a diaper rash. That won’t be fun.

Right about now you might be thinking about going to the police or doing something else pretty reckless. The enclosed photos will make sure you do otherwise. Also the chastity device you’re still in is wirelessly enabled which means only I can unlock it. This is a simple program that you’re in. You’ll learn to be a good boy while you travel. You’ll learn discipline. You’ll learn to be good for mommy. After you complete all the tasks mommy has for you, you’ll graduate from the program and you’ll be free.

If you agree to be a good boy for mommy, then respond back to this email with a selfie of yourself in the airplane bathroom in just your diaper. Make sure you write: I’m yours mommy.

Yours truly,


Enclosed in the email were photos of Liam in bed the night before in what was clearly a saturated diaper in various positions of sleep. There was even a video of him messing his diaper from earlier in the day in the bathroom s Becky looked on. A photo of him getting his diaper changed in the castle. The collateral was endless.

Liam put his hands in his head and flagged down the flight attendant for a quick drink. He took the two shots of vodka and shakely grabbed the coke and chugged it. This couldn’t be happening. Who was this crazy woman?

He could probably go to the cops but they’d dismiss him, telling him he was just there having kinky fun to get his rocks off. Liam sighed and got up and trudged his way down the airplane aisle to the bathroom and followed the instructions in the letter. He took his clothes off with much difficulty and faced the airplane mirror and took a selfie.

After returning to his seat he sent it to Becky with the words: I’m yours mommy.

Liam felt himself wet his diaper slightly as the plane continued to fly across the sky. At this point he wished he had never met Becky.

He needed to find a way out… soon.




I love your stories after reading mama time plus I came here and I was not disappointed another great series I can't wait for the next part and other stories where a strong woman humiliates men in diapers