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It seemed to Liam that Becky was simply overjoyed that he needed his diaper changed. She kept squeezing it over and over testing the wetness with her hands, squeezing the bulging plastic.

But first things first, he needed to find a way to clean up his seat. But to his surprise, Becky had him stand up and the seat was completely dry.

“Your seat is dry, silly. You’re wearing a diaper after all, it’s going to keep your seat dry.”

As much as Liam hated to admit it, she was right. The diaper had done its job keeping his seat completely dry. In fact, it had done the job so well that when Liam moved, all he felt was wetness.

Liam instantly felt relief. This was excellent. His diaper had done the job. Now he wanted out.

But Becky seemed to have other ideas. She began to check the areas around Liam’s legs, running her hand under the leak guards, brushing against his more sensitive areas. Liam felt himself get a slight erection during this. He had expected to be treated like this later tonight. Well, not exactly like this, without the diaper of course. No one wanted to make out with Becky wearing a diaper.

Becky stepped back looking mighty pleased with herself. “It looks like this can take a few more wettings,” she observed to Liam’s shock. “We can find a place to change when we are in the castle.”

“Wait a second…” Liam started, but Becky had already grabbed her backpack and sunglasses and began hustling out of the train. Indeed, the train had stopped at their final destination. Liam grabbed his baseball hat and sunglasses and waddled out of the train car after her.

Liam found himself waddling significantly more, now that his diaper felt saturated. While Liam had to admit “saturated” wasn’t the right word for what he felt (Becky had after all said the diaper could take more, which means, by its definition it wasn’t saturated), Liam noticed he was spending an awful amount of time concentrated on his padding. It felt foreign to him, the way it made his thighs push out slightly when he walked, the slight crinkling noise it made. He also felt slightly hot down there and when he tried to adjust the diaper, discovered he couldn’t exactly touch his member even if he wanted to. It was as if this diaper was a prison for his penis. Like a soft chastity.

“Come on, keep up.” Becky said to Liam who had paused for a moment to let another stream of urine into the thirsty diaper.

Liam must not have been moving fast enough because Becky actually grabbed his hand and led him through the crowds of people. Becky pulled hard, causing him to trip and stumble a bit. He wasn’t as graceful as he usually was. It’s hard to be graceful when you have this infantile garment under your shorts.

Eventually, they reached the line for the castle and Liam could catch his breath.

“Are you okay baby?” Becky asked softly, patting him on the back.

Liam nodded and grabbed his water bottle. “I’m not an athlete at all,” he wheezed. He had grudgingly made it through physical education when he was in high school and was relieved to discover in college he didn’t have to run a single lap.

Becky patted his padded bottom for a moment and gave his diaper a squeeze through his shorts. “Did you wet some more while we were walking?” She laughed slightly. “I guess the baby couldn’t hold it.”

Liam’s face flushed as he realized what was happening. The more water he drank in this impossible heat, the more would no doubt wind itself into his diaper. If he stopped drinking water, he’d feel sluggish and slow and probably pass out from heat stroke. But if he continued at this pace, he would no doubt need a change when they reached the castle and would waddle even more and prove Becky’s point that he needed protection throughout the day.

But there was another thought lingering in the back of his mind. These diapers were awfully easy to wear and made it so he didn’t have to stop by the restrooms here in the countryside. As they hiked up to the castle, he saw scores of people heading off the trail into to the woods, men and women alike to relieve themselves. As someone who didn’t like germs, Liam didn’t fancy having to relieve himself in the woods. The diaper, while soaked in his urine, wasn’t much better, it did mean that he and Becky reached the castle first and were able to claim a spot high up, with wonderful views of the countryside.

Becky placed her backpack down on the ground and pulled out a blanket and a few snacks. Liam did the same with his and began setting things up for their picnic. Usually this was the time when he’d be making his move. He’d move closer to Becky and their lips would touch and that night they’d be twisted up into each other. But Liam was in a diaper, she wasn’t going to kiss him. If anything, she would be more likely to change him instead.

“Um… Becky?” Liam spoke quietly as the slightest noise echoed around he empty chamber they were in.


Liam blushed. There she goes again with the pet names. “I really need to change. Can I take this off?”

“Let’s see.” Becky motioned for him to come close.

Liam waddled over to Becky who instructed him to remove his shorts. “I need to check you out fully to see what we are working with.”

Liam followed her instructions. He needed a change badly. He was pretty sure he’d be leaking down his leg at the slight mention of condensation.

But he didn’t want a change. He wanted to take this infantile thing off for good and become an adult again, not a pathetic toddler who wet himself during long trips into the countryside.

But Becky was taking her time. She had him sit down on top of the blanket and handed him one of the sandwiches. “Eat up,” she said. “You’ll need your strength, we have a long day ahead of us.”

So Liam did what he was told, bewildered as to why this woman would want him to spend any more time in a diaper than he had too. Maybe she was just having some fun with him, at his expense of course. Yeah, that had to be it. No one in their right mind could find this attractive.

But as Liam ate, he found Becky gently wiping sauce off his cheek when he ate a bit too fast. The sandwich turned out to be a messy affair with all of the fixings and the loose nature of the bread that actually seemed to exaggerate Becky’s point a bit. He was eating like a toddler (based on the state of his face) and as a result the diapers were completely necessary, right? But what made matters even more difficult was when Liam let out a little more pee into his diaper and he felt wetness on his leg.

He had leaked for real this time.

Liam was having a small heart attack in his head as Becky collected the picnic supplies and put them back into the bag that she brought with her. Liam stood up gingerly and noticed far too late that there was a wet spot of the floor of the castle.

“Omg, baby!” Becky chuckled. “You leaked.” Becky reached into her other bag and began to pull out supplies. Speaking to herself, she begun shaking her head. “I was thinking if you managed to keep everything in your diapers, then we’d be able to put you back in your big man clothes, but I guess that wasn’t the case.”

“Hold on a second…” Liam protested. That wasn’t part of the deal. To be honest, the deal was completely separate. It was a promise of fantastic sex later that night. But had he known he needed to make sure his diapers didn’t reach capacity, then he would have held it for longer. How was he supposed to know that very act would doom him for an evening in diapers?

Becky began spreading the supplies out on the floor. First, a changing mat with unicorns and rainbows on it, followed by a container of baby powder and baby lotion. Finally, she pulled out one of the thickest diapers he’d ever seen. And to be honest, he hadn’t seen many. But this one was bright white, juxtaposed against the grey walls of the castle. It was already fully fluffed out, the center of the diaper rising high against the leak guards. It screamed baby at Liam, bit just because it was a diaper, but because in the front, where the tapes would meet were little blocks that said B A B Y.

“I can’t wear that.” Liam stuttered.

“Oh you can and you will,” Becky said smiling. “You proved to me that you couldn’t keep yourself dry today.”

“But it was only because you made me wear the diapers.”

“No one told you you had to wet them.”

“But I had no choice.”

Becky tapped her finger on the mat underneath her. “Do you want out of that wet diaper or not?”

Liam’s face burned. It was hard to argue when you had a completely saturated diaper clinging to your waist in full display. To make matters worse, he could hear a tour group down below meaning they didn’t have much time.

“Fine.” Liam laid down on the changing mat. “Can we just make this quick… I don’t want anyone to see me.”

Becky nodded, but proceeded to move slower than molasses. She lifted up Liam’s shirt so his belly button was exposed, then slightly undid the tapes one by one. The ripping noise echoed throughout the castle walls. Liam was certain everyone could hear what was happening.

Nex, Becky unfolded the diaper, exposing Liam’s member to the soft breeze blowing in the room from the bare windows that faced the countryside.

“Wow,” Becky remarked. “You’re soaked.”

Liam just lay there and scowled trying his best to look anywhere but up at this woman who just days before had been the object of his sexual desire.

Becky had Liam lift up and removed the diaper, setting it aside for the moment. Next, she pulled out the wipes and began wiping around Liam’s groin area getting deep into the cervices. She then had him lift his legs, placing them on her shoulder and wiped his bottom. Liam shivered slightly as the wipe touched his more sensitive areas, feeling quite humiliated in the moment.

Finally, Becky took the new diaper, the one that appeared much thicker than the rest and had him lift up and placed it gently under him. When his bottom hit the thick padding below, he could swear it felt like an extra crinkly, soft pillow on his bottom. Becky began to slather baby oil on his intimate areas, spending a lot of time stroking his member. He tried his hardest not to get hard during the process, but her silky soft touch felt so good. Liam found himself gasping for air as she continued stroking and even stole a glance upwards at Becky, who to her credit just looked like she was all business.

Next Becky pulled out a jar and began fussing with it for a moment, then lifted his legs again and slathered Vaseline into his butt crack. He felt her finger enter his hole a few times, causing him to shudder, but he did his best not to think about it. The Vaseline was so thick he could have sworn something was left up there a few times. But before he knew it, Becky was taping him up, and patted him on the front of the diaper for good measure.

“Good boy,” she said.

Liam stood up checking the diaper and to his horror discovered this diaper was indeed thicker than the one he wore before. It was already bulging out and he was completely dry. He took a few tinder steps and cringed. It was like a crinkle fest. Maybe his pants could help cover the noise. Liam had to remind himself, that if he continued this path, he’d find himself in her bed later that night. He’d done worse for sex.

But it appeared that Becky was not finished yet. She pulled out a pair of transparent plastic pants and had Liam step into them. “There to hold any accidents you might make,” she insisted, rolling them up his legs and then reaching behind him. Liam heard a soft click. “You saturated your other diaper so this will catch any leaks.”

Liam wanted to pout, but instead just went with it. The sex would be worth it.

“Now we’d better hurry, the train station is half an hour away and we need to get this big baby back to the train before he messes his diaper.”

Liam laughed. “I don’t have to mess tho. And that’s not happening. I know how to use a toilet.”

But Becky just smiled back at him, “Of course you do sweetie.” She patted his thickly padded backside and led the way out of the castle. But Liam couldn’t help but hear that condescending tone of voice echo in his mind.



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