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“The captain has turned off the fasten your seatbelt sign so you are clear to move about the cabin. However, for your safety, we do recommend you stay seated with your seatbelts fastened in case we hit unexpected turbulence.”

Liam grinned to himself from first-class and stood up to stretch his legs. In all honesty, he didn’t need to move around the cabin, but he had an objective.

He had seen her the moment he boarded. Her dark brown curly hair bounced up and down when she had greeted him the moment he had boarded the plane. Her uniform, the dark purple that was standard for flight attendants, hugged her body and stretched across her breasts that seemed so full and ready to burst. But it was the fact that she had told Liam when he had sat down that she too had been reading the Economist, a wonky economic publication, earlier in the day that peaked his attention.

Smart women were so sexy.

It wasn’t as if reading the Economist made you smart. It was the fact that she had an opinion on the OPEC meeting happening later in the week and wanted to know where he stood on the issue himself. Liam had gladly expressed his opinion, noticing she leaned into his space to speak with him, lightly touching his shoulder.

That meant she liked him.

The flight was uneventful, minus a small spill of ginger ale. The flight attendant, Becky according to her name tag, gladly wiped it up causing Liam to shiver slightly at the moment.

“It looks like you peed yourself,” Becky giggled, pressing the napkin against his crotch.

Liam laughed. “I just couldn’t hold it I guess.”

Becky just grinned at him and swayed her way down the aisle.

Liam continued glancing at Becky as the plane cut through the sky on its way to their destination. Like most business travelers, Liam was constantly on the road. But this time he was lucky, he could spend three days by himself exploring the city and seeing the sights, a rarity in his business. In fact, he’d even booked a hotel room in the penthouse of the Marsh Hotel, known for amazing customer service and incredible views of the entire city. He was excited to just climb onto the balcony naked and survey the city, as if he were examining his kingdom… he was in charge.


Liam found himself sitting at a cafe later that night, drinking a bit and scrolling through his phone when he felt a tap on his shoulder. “Liam?”

He looked up. It was the flight attendant Becky.

“Hey there,” Liam smiled and pointed to the seat next to him. “You wanna have a seat?”

Becky nodded as Liam motioned for the bartender to give them another drink. Becky ordered a coke, insisting she didn’t like to drink on her stopovers.

“A stopover?” Liam asked.

“That’s what we call the time we spend in town before we go home.”

“When do you go home?”

“A lot later than you think.” Becky winked at Liam and squeezed his leg. Liam blushed slightly.

They spent two hours at the bar, Liam drinking a lot more than he wanted, Becky laughing and flirting constantly. Liam learned that Becky was single and actually enjoyed her life on the road because it meant she could meet new people all the time. Liam had a girlfriend back at home, but they were in an open relationship, which meant he had free reign on the road.

Eventually, this conversation moved to Liam’s penthouse suite. Becky was tugging on Liam’s shirt by the time they got to the door and had it on the floor before they reached the bed. Liam couldn’t tell you if the sex was good or even if they had sex, but he knew two things. First, he slept extremely hard that night, completely dead to the world. Second, he could have sworn he heard Becky wake up in the middle of the night and move around. He thought nothing of it and nestled closer into the covers and stayed asleep.


Liam felt Becky nudge him the next morning. “What in the world?” She shrieked jumping out of the bed.

Liam opened his eyes, groggily. “What’s the matter?” He was mumbling because of the early hour.

“You wet the bed.”

Liam’s heart sank. “What?” His hands instantly groped his lower body where he felt the wetness. How the heck did this happen? He had never wet the bed before, at least not since he was a small child. The worst part was, now that he knew he had wet the bed, the damp coldness assaulted his senses. He felt the cold against his crotch, he felt where the water had migrated up to his waist.

Becky could see this.

“I’m sorry,” Liam stammered. “This has never happened before.”

Becky just shook her head. “I didn’t know you were a bedwetter.”

“I’m not.” Liam protested still sitting in the puddle.

“It’s fine.” Becky walked towards the kitchen in the penthouse. “You should probably call housekeeping and get the sheets changed.”

Liam nodded, stripping off his clothes and stepping into the shower. His cheeks were burning red at the thought of Becky seeing him in the wet bed. He shook his head to himself at the thought of this infantile act defining his fling with Becky this week. He needed to regroup, remind Becky that he was a man, not some bed wetting teenager.

But when he left the shower, Becky was in the kitchen cutting strawberries. “Everything okay?” She had looked up when he entered the room and smiled slightly.

“I’m good.” Liam mumbled, grabbing his underwear and putting it on.

Becky to her credit didn’t bring the issue up again to Liam, at least not right away. Liam and Becky spent the evening at the museum, rushing through the hallways examining the art and making crude jokes about “high society.” But when they were at dinner, Becky straightened her hair and then asked him if he wet the bed often.

It was hard for Liam to feel like an adult when someone was asking him if he “wet the bed often.” What was a valid answer to that question? If you said no, you were admitting that you wet the bed more than often. And if you said yes… then you were admitting to wetting the bed. Liam tried to play things simply. Be cool, he thought to himself.

But he couldn't help but feel slightly loopy around Becky. Maybe it was because of her beauty or the way she carried a conversation. Or it was the fact that she was also so confident and simply looked him directly in the eyes and dared him to talk back. Liam was curious though. Becky acted like him wetting the bed wasn’t a big deal, when Liam knew had the shoe been on the other foot he would have made a bee-line to the door.

“I don’t wet the bed,” was his response.

Becky giggled. “Okay, sure. Your bed this morning begged to differ.”

Liam took another sip of his drink and clenched his jaw, while Becky just peered at him from over her coke glass.

“It’s okay though,” Becky put down her glass. “I have a solution to this.”

“Solution?” Liam asked.

“Oh yes,” Becky adjusted her necklace that fell softly against her very, very, gorgeous breasts. “If you’re going to spend the night with me, I’m going to make sure my bed is protected.”

“It’s not going to happen again,” Liam insisted, draining his glass.

“Sure it won’t,” Becky just grinned and asked for the check. “Maybe if you stay dry, I’ll let you fuck me.”

“You mean we…”

“Lol, you fell asleep before we could have sex last night.” Becky giggled to herself.

Liam’s face flushed slightly. He clearly needed to think about his drinking a bit more while on this trip.


Becky’s solution was far from adequate. In fact when she first pulled out the white crinkly diapers and put one of them on the bed, Liam thought she was joking. He considered bolting for the door in that instant but there was something about Becky. She was so beautiful with her knowing smile and hair bouncing off her shoulders whenever they spoke.

But it was also because she said, “If you can keep the bed dry, then you can have me.” Then after a pause, “That’s right Liam, not just make out with me, you can have all of me.”

Liam’s penis twitched at this thought. It would definitely make the last two days of his travel worth it.

“Just for the night, right?”

“If you can say dry.” Becky shrugged. “Really, it’s up to you to be honest.”

Liam reluctantly agreed, insisting on going to the restroom before they started this process. The process was long and drawn out. First Becky unfolded the diaper and rubbed it between her hands causing the padding to expand as the diaper unfolded into its full potential. Next she removed Liam’s underwear and tossed it to the side with a we won’t be needing that now will we?

Liam scowled at those remarks but kept his eyes on the prize. Indeed after lifting him up and sliding the diaper under his bottom, Becky had begun rubbing in baby lotion on his balls and member, and exercise that felt deliciously good. Liam closed his eyes softly, enjoying the moment as he felt himself move closer to an orgasm.

But to his disappointment, Becky stilled and wrapped the diaper up around his erection and taped it shut.

“There we go,” Becky grinned. “All safe and secure for the night.”

Liam nodded and then smiled as she planted a kiss on his mouth. It was an unexpected moment of intimacy he wasn’t used to experiencing as a business traveler, even in the post COVID times.

He didn’t like the way the diaper felt. It was like wearing an extra thick pillow between his legs. But if this is what it took to ensure he’d have his face between her legs later in the week, then he was willing to play ball… within reason. Liam was an analytical thinker. Becky had seen him wet the bed the night before, so it stood to reason that she’d be nervous that he’d do the same that night. It’s not like she knew him and his habit. Liam tried to put himself into her position. If a woman has soaked his mattress, he’d probably insist in some sort of protection as well. This made perfect sense.

Liam laughed to himself as he crinkled over to the bathroom to slash some water on his face. He had to admit in the full length bathroom mirror he looked awfully silly. His muscular frame stopped aggressively at his belly button where the infantile, crinkling, bright white diaper reminded anyone glancing his way that he was fully padded. Liam shrugged to himself and did his best to ignore the offending garment and returned back to the hotel bedroom to see Becky under the covers laughing at the television.

Liam glanced at the TV and saw she was watching Rick and Morty, a cartoon he actually loved himself. It was an intelligent one, that told people that the world didn’t matter because the universe was too big for it to matter. But what this signifies to Liam was that Becky wasn’t just any old flight attendant, she was intelligent, she was witty and totally his type.

Liam climbed into bed quickly to avoid being seen in the diaper and Becky automatically latched onto him, resting her head on his chest and stroking his stomach. Occasionally her fingers would slip and he’d hear the rustling of the plastic of the diapers bulky waistband, but he thought nothing of it.

Soon they drifted off to sleep and Victor dreamed that that night simply lasted forever. Because time didn’t matter when you’re with someone you think is perfect.


Liam eyes snapped open at a feeling in his crotch. Groggy, Liam started to sit up, but he could feel what was happening. Becky was already dressed and was in the process of checking his diaper. She squeezed between his crotch and to Liam’s surprise he felt a squish.

He was wet!

“Good thing we got you protection,” Becky said as if her business trip fling wetting his diapers was the most casual thing in the world.

Liam’s mouth dropped open “This has never!” His voice, cracked and dry from the overnight sleep was raspy, but shocked.

Becky handed him a cup of water. “Here drink this.” She laughed and pulled the covers off of him.

As Liam drank the water he looked down and could see the diaper was aggressively swollen. It was saturated. He couldn’t he make the case that he was slightly wet. That would be impossible. He racked his brain, trying to think of how this could have happened.

Becky was preoccupied however. “Did you make a mess too?”

Liam frowned. “Of course not,” he snapped. “I’ve been potty trained since I was three.”

Becky shrugged. “There’s honestly no shame in it. Though if you didn’t realize you were going to wet the bed we are going to have to discuss protection during our day today.”

Liam finished his glass of water. “Protection today?”

“We are headed to the countryside today, remember?”

Liam nodded. He had been looking forward to this portion of the trip for quite a while now. There was a castle about an hour outside of the city and a few mazes made over a millinea ago. He’d read about the cypers on the walls you could try and solve if you really wanted to have a nerdy vacation. Becky had… to no ones surprise… agreed to this outing.

Ugh. They were the same person.

“I’d hate for you to ruin the seats while we are traveling.”

“But I’ve never had this problem before.” Liam insisted standing up and climbing out of bed. “I’ve never peed myself while I’m awake. Like I know how to use a restroom.”

Becky giggled. “You’re not making a very good case.” She lifted her phone and took a photo of the indignant Liam and send it to his phone. “You’re soaked. See for yourself.”

Then motioning for Liam to sit down on the bed next to her put her arm on his arm. “Look, you didn’t know you were going to wet the bed the last two nights in the row. What’s the harm in a little protection today when we know they’ll ge no bathrooms and we’ll have to take the sleeper car back. The last thing we want to do is pay the cleaning fee if you do wet the bed.”

Once again, Becky had a really good point. The last thing they wanted to do was ruin the trains seats and the. Have to pay the $290 fee they tend to charge in penance. That would be embarrassing. But it’s what she said next that really got his buy in.

“Look, I know this is less than ideal. So tonight, when we spend the night in the castle, I’ll have a suprise for you. And…” Becky reached over and plunged her hand into Liam’s diaper. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to like what I have in mind.”

Liam was hooked. “Fine. I’ll wear the protection.”


After a shower and a little frisky business, Liam had pulled up his shorts and was busy examining his backside to see if anyone would notice his diaper. His shirt hardly covered things up but if he was careful, no one would notice. What compounded things was the waistband was higher than his shorts which meant bending over was going to be a challenge. But Becky seemed to think that no one would notice.

Liam was not so sure. As he walked to the front desk to get his train ticket, he could have sworn everyone could see him waddling down the hallway. He hadn’t expected the diaper to change his gait so much, but it actually made sense considering Becky had added what she called a stuffer into the the diaper saying it would make sure they didn’t have to change as often. Liam insisted this wasn’t necessary because they could always take the diaper off if he needed to use the restroom, but Becky laughed.

“Why untape you and ruin a new diaper every single time. I think you can just use this one until it’s full so we aren’t ruining the environment.”


Once on the train, they settled in for the long journey to the countryside. Becky passed Liam another water bottle and remarked at how hot it was outside. Liam nodded and fanned himself a bit. Becky rested her head in his lap and watched the rest of the city fade into countryside.

Liam started to get a little antsy. He needed to use the restroom. He had been holding it for a while at this point, aggressively avoiding this moment. The last thing Liam wanted to do was prove to Becky that he needed this protection. But he was in some serious pain at this point and Becky was fast asleep in his lap.

Liam reasoned to himself, if he could just let out a little bit of pee, maybe he could try and starve off the inevitable. Liam relaxed just a little bit and felt some urine trickle into his diaper. But like many things in life, he made a miscalculation. He couldn’t stop the flow. In fact all the water he had been consuming all day was flooding out of him at that very moment, causing the diaper to swell outwards. Liam got nervous, wondering if Becky knew what was happening. Surly she felt the warmth and the swell as he continued to pee. Suddenly he could feel it. There was no way he didn’t leak. His butt felt wet and, as he tried to discreetly check himself, the floor had to be wet. There was no way it wasn’t.

He knew he’d have to wake up Becky and ask her if she had a spare diaper so he could get changed. He couldn’t sit here all day, soaking the seat. Liam held his brreath and prepared for the worst and shook Becky awake.

Becky’s eyes opened as she looked up at him and wiped her eyes.

“I think I need a change,” Liam stuttered. “I think I leaked.”

Becky grinned. “You poor baby.”


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