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I wish I never took Gina to that party.

Because she could never turn down a challenge.

We had always been adventurous, exploring everything we could. It was Gina after all who had suggested we hike Mount Kilimanjaro and even explore the glaciers in the South Pole. Gina was always on the move. They called her a Giant.

But it wasn’t because she was tall. No, she was five foot four at best, preferring to use her personality and loud voice dominate before she was seen. Indeed, everyone knew Giant Gina and many of us wanted to be just like her.

We had gone to the party. The one Will had invited all of us to. He’d insisted to us that it might be a little weird, but everyone was friendly. Gina, in her typical fashion, had jumped on the opportunity to try something new and everyone knew Will threw wild sex parties. The type where you need to leave your keys in a jar, sign an NDA and push your limits as much as possible.

In other words the perfect party for Giant Gina.

The party was wild and we enjoyed every moment of it. But then she saw it. The display in the back room. The back room with a sign on the door that warned people not to enter because the baby was sleeping.

I don’t know why she went in there. But I’d seen it in her eyes; she was curious. Nothing ever escaped Giant Gina’s gaze for too long. She was a curious woman. One who would never step back from a challenge. So when she pushed open the door and saw what was inside, she kept investigating further.

There was a nursery in the back. But not just any nursery. It was one that was clearly designed for adults. The floor was a soft white carpet. A mat with the alphabet stitched in soft, rounded lettering lay in the center of the room, while a few blocks lay scattered around. There was a wall where diapers sat on shelves. Soft white, light pink and soft blue dotted the shelves, while glass bottles and baby powder containers stood proudly facing the room.

But what drew her main attention was the soft noise she heard in the giant crib. As she crept closer to the bars, she could see a woman bundled in the crib. Her legs and arms were strapped down with soft straps that gave her no chance to move. There was a pacifier in her mouth, held in place by an equally large strap. She was wearing a pink tee shirt that said baby girl and to Gina’s surprise, a thick diaper was between her legs, clearly soaked from the hours she had spent in the crib. Sweat dotted her forehead as she could only look up at Gina and whimper.

Those eyes looked panicked and desperate.

When Gina told me about this I thought it was a fascinating scene to play out during a kink party, especially by yourself in the back room.

But Gina cut in. “She wasn’t alone.”

She described the man who had closed the door behind her, startling her. The click was tremendous in the room where only soft sounds could be heard. But it sent a jolt down Gina’s spine. A feeling that she had not felt in a long time.

The man who entered the room had spoken plainly and in simple terms explained that he was there to take care of her. “She’s my baby.” He had said simply and pointed to the clock. “And she has 10 hours left.” He explained that he’d successfully tamed her. She had been wild, a woman who was out in the world tackling mountains. But now she was helpless. For the last 17 hours she was completely his.

Gina felt the shiver run up her spine again.

An hour later, Gina had returned to the main room where everyone was milling around laughing in various states of undress. She had found me, but her eyes were wide and silent. She kept glancing back to the back room, intrigued.

Then she gasped. The man emerged from the room and stepped to the center of the room. He held up a glass and clinked it several times. The room grew silent.

“It’s once again that time of year for the annual challenge,” he said grinning with glee. If you looked closely, you’d see his intelligent eyes darting around daring everyone to listen clisely. “Who will dare beat the record of being the baby girl of the year?”

The room clapped wildly. The room knew of the challenge, they’d seen people step up. But never had anyone made the full year.

The man grinned to the consenting crowd. “Right now, the longest anyone has made it is one month. But to win the money, the glorious prize money., you’ll need to make it a full year.”

One hundred thousand dollars was nothing to laugh at.

But was it worth it. Being under his full control, to have no control at all.

As the night went on, Gina snuck back to the room several times. She’s creep into the room, peer into the crib. Gina would see her. The woman looked desperate and she had only been there for several hours. What would it be like for a week, a month, twelve of them?

Gina had returned back to the party room and sneered to herself. A year was nothing. She spent longer exploring the tundras of Russia. You just needed discipline, you needed to have grit. Gina had plenty of grit. This was easy money.

“Who would dare enter the challenge this year?” The man finished as the room stayed silent. “You have one week to decide.”

Gina felt the jolt again and the stirring of excitement.

But for the next week, Gina couldn’t shake the idea or the feeling. “We’re always looking for the next challenge,” she Insiteed to me over bagels slathered in cream cheese. “He offered a challenge.”

I shook my head. “If what you saw was real… then it sounds like a lot.”

But Gina was not going to be deterred. For the next six day she kept bringing it up, over and over again until one day she sent me a text.

I’m gonna do it.

I didn’t see her much after that.

The first two weeks I didn’t hear a thing.

And then three weeks and then four until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I went back to the house. The house where the party was and knocked on the door.

The man answered.

“I’m here to see Gina,” I said quietly. “I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“Who is Gina?” The man responded, smirking.

I opened up my phone and pulled up a photo. It was of the two of us, climbing some path in Utah. Gina was grinning, holding onto the ledge, a grin on her face.

“Oh.” The man grinned louder. “You mean Baby?”

I swallowed hard.

“Come on in,” he said opening the door wider. “It’s lunch time.”

He led me down the hallway into the living room where seated in all her glory was Gina. Except, it wasn’t Giant Gina, this was something else. She struggled constantly against the bonds that kept her locked to the chair. Her legs were spread wide open and I could see a bulging diaper in between her thighs. I couldn’t tell if her legs were spread because of the restraints or the mass that was between her legs.

In her mouth was a large tube, attached to a pacifier that was currently forcing food into her mouth. The mush, at least that’s all you could really call it, was oozing down the side of her mouth as she desperately tried to keep up, swallowing as fast and as hard as she could. He wore a bib that said, Daddy’s messy eater.

“Is she..?” I tried to ask, but couldn’t find my words.

“She’s fine.” The man responded. She’s lasted just about a month now, which is awfully impressive. “Would you care for some chips?”

I rejected the offer still unable to take my eyes away from what had been a formidable woman, locked up and looking helpless.

But this is what Gina wanted. She had wanted the challenge. Even after the feeding, she had nodded with a that determined grin when I asked if she was okay.

A few weeks later, I went back. This time I bumped into Gina in the living room, lying on the floor, a bottle in her mouth the man preparing something in the corner for her.

I kneeled down on to get to Gina’s level. She was sucking furiously on a pacifier with a look of sheer terror on her face as the man took a pair of boots and put them on her feet. The boots were these soft squishy things that attached with magnets, meaning they couldn’t be taken off.

What was confusing to me was why they needed the magnets. But Gina’s face was fearful the moment they were put on her feet. She started to whimper as tears rolled down her face.

“It’s a good thing you stopped over right now.” The man said ominously. “It’s about time for Baby to make pushies.”

“Pushies?” I asked suspiciously.

“Of course. Just watch.”

Gina’s face filled with pure terror as she clutched her stomach and tried to stand up. Perhaps it was to get momentum to expel the mess from inside of her, or maybe it was so she could run and hide from this humiliating moment. But the moment she stood, she fell sideways and promptly began to wail clutching her feet in pain.

Then her face went white as she whimpered and I saw it happen. The back of her diaper began to poof out massively as the mess flooded her diapers. Gina’s face, once as white as a shit was now bright red.

I couldn’t believe it. But Gina who used to be larger than life, has just messed her diapers in the room.

Things only got worse because the man told her to go to her crib, because it was time for bed.

“Naptime,” he said. As I watched Gina rolled over into her stomach and crawled out of the room and the man and I followed. He helped her into the crib where he strapped her down and then turned around and opened the window. I gasped, because outside was a busy street where cars were driving by. I could see Gina was scared.

But the man insisted she was okay.

A few months later I had heard they had gone on vacation where she was forced to be a baby the entire time messing and wetting her diapers on schedule. There was a rumor that some people had seen the two of them out at the park, Gina in her diapers, forced to play in the sandbox alone. Another rumor said that within 10 months, surly Gina was going to tap out. There’s no way she could survive another two months.

But then it had been a year and there was Gina standing in the middle of the room, receiving applause for having endured the year. She was handed a check and soon the room emptied out.

Gina rushed to the back of the house and I followed.

I found her in the bathroom struggling with something. And I gasped. Gina was desperately trying to take a diaper, a clearly used diaper, off of her. She was sobbing quietly as she lost control. I watched as the back of the diaper became discolored and heavy.

“Gina are you?” I asked quietly.

“No,” she wailed. “I… I….” She sobbed. And then she told me.

When the year was up, she had gone home but discovered she could no longer hold her body functions. She found herself drooling often, wetting herself without knowing she had to go. And worst of all, she had messed herself overnight. The year as a fully submissive baby had wracked havoc on her bodily functions rending her fully incontinent.

Her doctor had examined her, and told her that she was in for an uphill battle. Her doctor said she’d need to be trained again in how to use the toilet. Speech therapy. But for the time being, it would be diapers for at least the next six month.

Gina wept into my chest as I held her.

I had a sickening thought. All this, for $100,000.

Poor Gina.


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