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Victor was doing his best not to panic from the back seat of the car as they drove closer and closer to their destination. Francis hummed along to the radio as Victor sat in the backseat. Actually, he was in a booster seat in the backseat, his thick diaper under a pair of shorts that spread his legs apart. In his mouth was a pacifier, one that Victor was sucking on hard out of nervousness.

Victor had done everything he could the night before but all it resulted in was him being locked in a crib, trapped in his own mess for the entire night. It was a horrible fate. Besides the fact he couldn’t move because of the restraints, he didn’t want to move. Even the slightest movement reminded him that there was stinky, bulky mess in his diaper. The worst part was he still had to pee during the night meaning his diaper got more and more full leading to him feeling like a complete, messy baby.

By the time the morning came, Victor was ready to get out of the diaper. In fact, he was ready for this entire ordeal to be over. He had two more days. He just needed to make it through the weekend.

The back of Victor’s mind filled him with dread. Today was company field day.

Francis in her usual fashion had woken Victor up by squishing the front of his diaper, pressing the mess inside. Victor knew she knew exactly what she was doing, reminding him he was a baby.

Victor squirmed, not getting pleasure against the movement. Francis had still insisted on keeping him in chastity every night and dispite his best efforts refused to even run anything more than a baby wipe on his wilting penis. After releasing him, Francis was unusually cruel and forced him to eat breakfast from the high chair, mushing baby food around his face and forcing him to wiggle his legs as they dangled over the edge of the seat.

Francis kept the punches coming, constantly checking his diaper and leaving his face messy long after the feeding. Victor felt that she was doing this to remind him who she was and what she could do. This was the ultimate power move in Victor’s mind. It was difficult to get hyped for the company event of the year when you were sitting in a high chair, with a fully loaded diaper and messy face.

But Francis knew this. And she exploited it at every moment.

But the humiliation by Francis was far from over. She had undressed him from his bedtime onesie and cleaned him up. Next she had him lay on the changing table in the corner of the room where she pulled out a thick diaper and a stuffer. Victor kept quiet, doing his best not to cry. But the moment that scared him was when Francis chose his shorts for the day. They appeared to have a 5.5 in inseam and elastic at the top. When she pulled them up, to Victor it was obvious that he was diapered under his shorts. Francis tossed him the company tee shirt and to Victor’s relief, it came over the top of his shorts just long enough to make sure the diaper didn’t show.

Victor stood facing the mirror taking a look at his padded posterior. He spun around a few times and realized if he moved too fast, there was a serious risk of his diaper showing. For a day that would require vigorous movement and exercise, this was going to be difficult.

But now, as Victor sat in the booster seat in the backseat of his car, rolling towards company field day, he was nervous. Francis had packed a diaper bag, filled with additional diapers, wipes, powder and snacks for the day. All employees were allowed to bring plus ones to the retreat, but Victor had visions of Francis insisting he get his diaper changed in the middle of the basketball court or something humiliating like that. While Francis had never directly crossed the line like that before, he didn’t put it past her to purposely make the day as humiliating as possible. It was as if Mommy Time Plus wasn’t actually designed to help those who wanted to feel like a real baby, but instead designed to help those who wanted to humiliate those who loved diapers into complete submission.

But things could get progressively worse for Victor. When they parked, Francis handed Victor a bottle and insisted he drink up.

“It’s going to be a hot day baby,” Francis mocked. “Drink up.”

Victor scowled and took the bottle grudgingly. People were walking by the car chatting excitedly as they walked towards the athletic fields. Victor sucked quickly, afraid someone would see him. But people didn’t pay him any attention. The loud music and smell of hot dogs and hamburgers were too enticing.

Victor finished the bottle and was handed another one, and another one, until he felt completely filled to the brim. He felt bloated. Just as Francis had intended.


Victor found the members of his team and everyone began a round of introductions. Naturally everyone had brought their girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives.

“And who are you?” One of Victor’s friends questioned Francis.

“I’m a friend of Victors.” Francis responded, holding on to the diaper bag and shaking hands with everyone. “I’m excited to be here, should be a fun day.”

Victor squirmed slightly as he fingered the pacifier that was in his pocket, the one he had been forced to carry around with him everywhere he went. It caused him to boil with anger. But with his padded secret, there was no way he could retaliate because she could expose him at any moment. He’d become the laughing stock of the company. The diaper boy.

But as the company speeches in the morning progressed and Victor slowly wet his diaper, he began to relax a bit. No one had said anything and he was pretty sure his t-shirt was still adequate to cover his plastic diaper that threatened to expose him. Francis wasn’t making things any easier, she kept her hand at his waist and fingered the waistband of his diaper, causing him to flinch at every moment. His penis stirred slightly as it dripped more urine into the diaper from behind it’s cage. He felt the new pee push his legs out slightly.

After a few rallying cries, it was time to start the games.

First they played tug of war, everyone gathering and opposite sides of the rope. Victor hated this moment, it required him to squat down to touch the rope and then lift when instructed. Each time he squatted slightly, he could feel the gurgling in his stomach as the morning liquid and food messed around in his stomach.

“Ready!” Yelled the group leader.

Everyone squatted down and grabbed the rope.

“Set!” Everyone stood up.

Then there was a pause.


The groups pulled against each other, straining hard. People were yelling as they pulled the rope taking as many steps backwards as possible. After a giant tug, Victor’s team fell backwards and won the first round.

Victor clutched his stomach in pain slightly. He needed to find a quiet place to use the restroom and then find Francis so he could get changed. He had planned for this moment earlier in the morning and had decided that he knew he was going to mess eventually during the day and when he did, Victor would find Francis and get a change instantly.

He glanced around. But didn’t see Francis anywhere.

“Ready?” Yelled the group leader.

Victor waddled back over to the rope.

“Set” Victor stood up with the rope.


Once again the groups pulled over and over again until one of the teams won.

Victor’s stomach continued cramping badly as the group leader demanded they do a rematch. After a bit of arguing, the groups agreed and it was all Victor could do to stand up.


Victor squatted and at that moment, his body betrayed him.

He felt a rush of cramps downwards as he let out a massive fart. His abdomen felt instant relief as he felt himself filling his diaper. Victor felt like he was crouched for hours as he felt himself empty himself into the plastic padding. Victor felt relief. He felt panic. He felt gross.


Everyone around him started pulling as Victor was forced to follow suit, but he stood up too quickly and managed to trip backwards with the rest of the team as the other team let go of the rope as a prank. He fell flat on his back with a squish of his diaper.

He tried to stand back up, but someone stepped on the corner of his shorts, causing them to be yanked down as he stood. Gasping, Victor grabbed his shorts and pulled them up as he felt the mess ooze closer to his body. He glanced around to see if anyone had noticed, but in the confusion, it appeared that no one had seen. In fact, everyone was just laughing and trapped in their own little world while pop music blasted from the speakers.

To be frank, it seems that no one noticed there was one of the executives, with a clearly messy diaper on in the middle of a tug-of-war line.

Victor’s heart was pounding over and over and over. He looked around to see if Francis was nearby, but as he scanned the crowd he couldn’t see her anywhere. He waddled to every corner of the event space, but he couldn’t find her anywhere. Victor was feeling woozy in the head as he let a little more urine into his diaper. It was clear that his diaper was bulging from all sides at this point. Victor was certain anyone looking at him could see what was going on.

But no one said anything.

Victor, even though he had been wearing diapers 24/7 for the better half of a month now felt his face burning as desperation welled up inside of him. He felt like a toddler looking for his mother as he waddled around the campsite looking for mommy. His face burned as each step he took he felt the mess ooze between his legs.

He felt helpless.

“Victor!” He heard a voice yell from behind him. Victor spun around to see one of the partners advancing towards him. “It’s time for the Q&A!” She gabbed excitedly.

Dammit! Victor had forgotten in all the excitement that he still had to sit and answer questions in front of the audience about his work on various accounts.

“I’m sorry, I can’t right now.” Victor stammered still looking around to see if he could find Francis. But she was nowhere in sight.

“Come on!” The partner motioned for Victor to follow him and Victor realized he had no choices and proceeded to follow.

Victor had never felt so weak and small and pathetic in his life as he did on stage. Question after question, Victor was grossly aware that his diaper was fully loaded. Each question where he spoke about adult things he felt the squish in his diaper.

And that’s when he saw it.

Francis was sitting in the front row smiling at him. Vector could see it in her eyes. She had set all of this up on purpose. She had set everything up on purpose. She knew he’d fill his diapers during the day and be forced to stand on stage like a toddler in his messy diaper.

Francis stood there holding her diaper bag grinning at Victor. She had that look in her eyes. The look that told him that she knew he needed a diaper change. She had won, and he knew it.


Victor successfully made it out of the Mommy Time Plus Program and promptly deleted the app off his phone. Laura debriefed him the next day, thanking him for his time. Victor had told her that if he had been honest, the experience had been horrible, but he was certain that someone who was into this sort of humiliation, then it would be a good experience. It just wasn’t for him.

Victor had expected to take a break from the diapers for a while, but after spending so long in them, he managed to have an accident in his pants several times meaning he was now padded more often than not. He even felt himself start to mess on occasion, rushing to the restroom and discovering a stain in his boxers. After this happened more than once he pulled the diapers out again.

Victor hated this and he blamed Francis and that fucking all entirely.

At first, Victor had tried to wear something thin and discrete but the amount of liquid flowing through him the first few weeks meant he was leaking into his pants making for a potentially embarrassing situation. So he found himself using some of the more thicker diapers he had left over from the program and if he had to be out all day, a stuffer.

The League of Mommies had removed the crib and all the other baby furniture from his apartment and had told him if he wanted too, he could get a mommy on demand to change his diapers. They had no problem honoring their side of the agreement. But Victor didn’t want it. He preferred to deal with his own incontinence now that it was an issue.

He began setting timers to remind himself to use the restroom and after a few weeks Victor managed to get himself down to one diaper a day.

Victor was sitting at his deck quite pleased with himself when human resources asked him if they could speak to him for a moment. Victor nodded, feeling himself pee a little bit in his diaper. He clamped down as quickly as possible, stopping the stem for a moment.

Victor did a slight victory lap in his head, glad his “potty training” was doing well. The timers were working.

HR had Victor sit down and one of the women in the room began to speak.

“First of all Victor, we want you to know we fully support you.”

Victor was puzzled.

“Thank you?” He responded carefully.

“We know how difficult it can be for people with your condition…”

“Excuse me?” Victor asked. “My condition?”

“Incontinence,” the HR rep said.

Victor blinked twice.

“But I’m…”

“No worries. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Victor was puzzled. But then the woman pulled out an envelope and slid a photo across the desk.

Looking down, Victor could see it was from the tug of war match. People were falling all over themselves, laughing and having a good time. But right there in the middle was Victor with his pants on the ground and his clearly messy diaper on display for everyone to see.

Victor’s heart skipped a beat. How did someone take a photo at that exact moment?

“Look, we know you need to wear diapers and company policy is to make sure we accommodate you as much as possible.”

Victor tried to cut in, but the woman kept talking.

“Part of your benefits include a service where we can have someone track your diaper changes…”

“Wait a second…”

“And we’ll even help you get changed and make sure you have protection during the week.”

“I don’t need…”

“It’s okay Victor,” the HR lady insisted. “We know you need diapers.” She smiled and pulled the photo back into the envelope. “We’ll introduce you to your diaper liaison.” The woman gestured towards the door where in walked a woman, grinning, holding a diaper bag.

Victor gasped.

Francis smiled and sat down next to Victor.

“Meet Francis, your diaper liaison. She’s going to make sure you have the protection you need while in the office from now on.”

Victor sat quietly. This couldn’t be happening. There was no fucking way.

But Francis just smiled. “Let’s check that diaper of yours, okay baby?”

Victor saw it. The glint in her eye and shivered. A little pee dripped into his diaper. He could tell, she’d won.



time mama plus is a great series every part you read with pleasure