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When Victor arrived home, his diaper was completely full. As expected, Marissa had come back to change him midday and looked disappointed when his diaper wasn’t filled up. But shortly after she had changed him again and left, Victor had filled his diaper completely. It was an agonizing process, each time he messed his diaper. But the sad fact was clear, Victor had gotten used to this process by now. HIs diaper would push outwards as he felt intense relief down below. And then he’d have to inevitably sit back down causing the mess to mush around his groin, a sickening sensation. The messing wasn’t the worst part of it though, it was the waiting for a change. Before when he could just change himself, he could time it correctly, but now as he entered his apartment, he prayed to God that Francis would be home so he could get a change.

Victor knew what he had to do when he walked in the house. He stripped down, removing his adult clothes and revealing the infantile onesie. Victor put his clothes into a basket by the door that said Big Boy Clothes and popped the pacifier in his mouth.

Then, wincing slightly, he went ahead and got onto his hands and knees and crawled to his bedroom and sat on the floor waiting for Francis to come home. She had made it clear to him that this is where he needed to be when she arrived home. The first time he had refused and she’d spanked him so hard that he could barely sit down the next day. But today he had learned his lesson and sat on the floor next to his bed/crib, pacifier in his mouth, awaiting his torturer.

He looked down for a moment, his diaper had gotten warmer. This was one of the more puzzling developments. Ever since his subscription with Mommy Time Plus had entered Full Baby, he was having a harder and harder time noticing when he wet. Victor suspected this was because he had been wearing diapers for quite a while now and his body was just getting used to the diapers. He was fully trusting his diapers to do their job. And in all fairness they were. Victor was after all sitting in a wet and messy diaper and nothing was leaking.

Victor realized that he would have to start focusing on this so when the week was over, which would be the case in a few days, he could return back to normal. But Francis was making this hard, constantly feeding him, giving him the water pill every morning (and the brown one) and making his diapers swell with liquid. When she came home, she praised him, congratulating him on trusting his diapers and reminding him of how good of a baby he was. Once again, Victor felt this warmth inside when he heard those words, but brushed it off as she fed him dinner in the high chair.

For some reason Victor began to crave the praise he was being given. As a man, it was so rare to receive a complement from someone… so this newfound bliss made sense. Men just don’t get complements. They’re told to be hard, to suck it up, to be a man. But it wasn’t the kind of bliss he wanted. He didn’t want to be baby. That was far from his interests.

But he had no choice this week. Victor felt himself squirt more pee into his diaper and resigned himself to a squishy evening and had a seat on the floor.

Victor had to admit during the course of the week he had learned that the life of a baby was quite dull. The television was only on for half an hour a day, usually to some channel with some animated characters teaching him to count. But the rest of the day, was bizzare. Sure he was able to go to work where he had to operate as an adult but the parental controls of his phone were on. He couldn’t browse TikTok or send snaps. He couldn’t even make a phone call without messaging his “mommy” first. And he didn’t dare do that.

But he was also learning to get used to constantly being wet or messy at all times. Victor was constantly reminded over and over again that he was wearing a diaper. When he first started with Mommy Time Plus it had been the winter time, but now it was getting hotter and hotter which meant these thick plastic diapers were not only feeling cumbersome, but clothing was getting looser and thinner. His diapers were bound to show at some point. When Victor glanced at the calendar he only had two days left of this treatment and figured he could just hide out at home for the next two days, but Victor was about to discover that Francis had other plans.


On Friday night Victor sat in his high chair eating strained carrots with his hands. He wasn’t struggling as much as he usually did. But Francis had a big grin on her face.

“You’re so cute,” Francis said, poking his messy cheek. “I bet you’re excited for this weekend.”

Victor froze. Surly not…

“We need to figure out what you’re going to wear and make sure you have enough diapers for a long day.”

“No.” Victor yelled loudly, aware that he was locked to the high chair. “That’s not going to happen. Hell no, this is where I draw the line.”

“But why not?” Francis was grinning broadly. “You’re supposed to give a speech at the company field day. Who would want to miss that? I can’t wait to see my little man acting all grown up.” She did that thing again where she managed to turn a grown up activity into something that made him feel like a toddler doing something to impress its mother.

Victor was shaking. He thought he had done an effective job of hiding this event from Francis, but clearly she had found out somehow. Victor’s tech focused brain assumed this was because that fucking app, Mommy Time Plus on his phone was connected to everything else.

Victor felt his diaper grow warm.

“Besides, what’s the difference? You’ve been wetting and messing your diapers all week at work and no one knows.”

Victor wasn’t stupid though. At work he could park himself at his desk and in the conference rooms and could wear a sweater inside, hiding his diaper. But field day was an athletic, company picnic. It was hot, wet and grimy. Someone was bound to find out he was wearing a diaper before the day was over.

Victor’s mind was racing, but he couldn’t think of a way out of this. So he decided to do the only thing he knew how to do, he decided to fight back.

The moment came a few moments later when Francis unhooked him from the high chair. Victor sprang up, shoving Francis over and ran to the door. Without thinking, he pulled the door open and ran down the hall, his heavy wet diaper swaying behind him as he moved.

Victor reached the elevator and paused for a moment, there were more likely to be people in the elevator, if he could just get to his car, he could rip off this diaper and put on his gym clothes. He had considered for a second taking the diaper off, but he figured he could say it was a bet he lost or something, and hope no one noticed how wet it was. So Victor decided to take the stairs.

Victor stepped gingerly  down each step, to make sure he didn’t step on any of the ridges that were on each step. It was an odd sound, hearing the diaper crinkle at each step. In his nervousness, he felt himself pee a little bit more. He tried to clamp down to avoid making his diaper bulge worse, but no success.

Victor got lucky, no one saw him in the stairway and when he reached the parking garage, he began to run faster. He tapped the door handle of the car and the car unlocked itself, recognizing his fingerprint. Victor sighed with relief as he stepped into the front seat and squished as he sat down.

He turned around and reached into the backseat to ran his gymbag and pulled into the front seat. He opened it up and gasped. It was filled with baby clothes, pacifiers and baby toys.

“Ughhh!” Victor yelled, slamming his fists on the steering wheel. He heard a noise next to him and before he could move, he saw Francis opening the driver side door with a look of anger on her face.

“Are you kidding me Victor, bad baby.”

Her voice echoed across the garage. Victor yelled back. He was fucking done. “You aren’t going to make me wear diapers anymore,” He complained. “I’m done, it’s not worth it. You can’t make me wear them to the community picnic tomorrow.”

But Francis wasn’t going to be deterred. He pulled out her cell phone and pressed a few buttons. Victor was breathing heavily, slightly nervous at what she was doing. But he held his ground. He needed her to understand there were limits to what he would tolerate. She turned her phone around and showed Victor a video.

Victor was sitting in a high chair, shoveling baby food into his mouth. His chest and face were completely messy from the feeding. It was understandable, it was difficult for anyone to eat runny carrots with their hands. Victor’s blood boiled. She wouldn’t dare.

But Francis kept going. She pressed a few buttons on her phone and showed Victor another photo that made his stomach drop. He was in the office gym, getting his diaper changed. A messy diaper at that. Clearly taken a few weeks ago, it made it look like he was some sort of pervert, getting his rocks off at work. If this photo leaked, he’d be fired for sure.

“I can either post these photos or you can come back upstairs with me.” Francis said simply. She knew she had won. There was no doubting what had just happened. Victor was stuck.

Victor’s stomach gurgled slightly as his body grew more and more nervous. He hung his head. He was going to need to mess very very soon. He’d rather do it upstairs than down here and have to walk with his diaper in that state back up to his apartment.

Victor pouted. “Fine, I’ll come back up.”

Francis smiled her diabolical smile. “Excellent choice baby.” But she did something odd, she walked to the other side of the car, opened the passenger side and sat down.

“But we need to wait here for a moment. I hear your stomach. Sounds like baby needs to make pushies?”

Victor felt light headed. Surely she wasn’t going too…

But Francis folded her arms. She was prepared to wait.

Victor sighed and tried to clench down to avoid messing, but the weeks of untraining was working against him. He felt the runny mess run out of him and into his diaper, forcing him to lift himself up slightly. It was like runny mud running down his backside, a warm mess filling his diaper completely and moving up towards his chastity cage. After a few moments, he was finished and forced to sit down fully, causing his diaper to squish even further.

He felt dirty sitting in the car like this, as the smell wafted up towards him. But Francis wasn’t done. She looked at him and asked him what he had just done in his diaper.

Victor looked at his lap refusing to make eye contact. But Francis was stern, asking again.

“Baby, what did you do in your diaper?”

Victor’s face burned with embarrassment. He didn’t want to say it.

Francis asked it again softly. “I’m waiting baby? What did you do in your diaper?”

Victor wanted to cry. He didn’t want to say it. For some reason verbalizing what he had just done just made it worse. It made him feel like a petulant child who was being taught that he shouldn’t be messing his diaper, as if he needed to learn how to control himself. As if somehow saying it out loud would teach him a valuable lesson in control, control that he had but wasn’t able to exercise simply because he was forced to wear the object of his fetish 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“I messed my diaper.” Victor said quietly.

“I’m sorry baby, I can’t hear you. Please look at me when I speak to you.”

Victor looked at Francis in the eye and spoke a bit louder, a tear dripping down the side of his cheek. “I messed my diaper.”

She shook her head. “At this rate you won't be out of diapers at the end of the week if you’re not careful.” She feigned ignorance and opened her car door. She walked to the other side of car and opened his door.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs and get you changed.”

Victor stood up, feeling the weight of the diaper ooze between his legs. He looked around the empty parking garage as Francis grabbed his hand and started walking him slowly back to the apartment doors. But instead of walking him to the side doors, she dragged him towards the street. Victor’s heart sped up because Francis led him to the Main Street where people were walking, living their lives, unaware that a man in a clearly messy diaper was going to appear in front of him.

“If you make a scene, this will only get worse.” Francis sneered.

Victor began to cry as she marched him along the side of the apartment and onto Main Street.

The cars were louder than usual as people who rushed by were gawking at him as he clutched Francis’ hand with his tennis shoes on. There was no doubt that Victor’s diaper was full, because it bulged around his midsection, the plastic crinkling at every step. A woman looked at him and raised her eyebrows and scoffed as she clacked off in her heels. Another couple snickered as Francis marched him past the bus stop.

Each step, the mess in his diaper clung to him, trapped inside his diaper as the plastic padding did its job. His diaper reminded Victor that even though he thought he was an adult, he wasn’t. He was like any other toddler wearing his toilet because he didn’t have self control of his bladder and bowel. He needed this woman… his mommy to change his diaper because he couldn’t control himself.

Victor was a baby, who only looked like a man.

Francis pushed open the doors to the lobby, which luckily was pretty empty. A woman just stared at them as they walked by and pressed the elevator button. Victor just looked at the floor, his diaper fully within his peripheral vision. The white plastic mocked him, tinted slightly from the mess within.

The elevator doors swung open  and they rode to the top, Francis patting his diaper over and over as they went higher and higher. Finally, when they were back in the apartment, Francis told him he wasn’t going to be changed until tomorrow morning and that it would be time for bed.

Francis pulled out the locking plastic pants again and guided him into the crib. This time she cuffed his arms and legs to the crib so he couldn’t move to ensure he stayed all night without escaping. Babies need to be kept safe after all, Francis had said.

As Victor stared up at the ceiling in his messy diaper, trying to tug at his restraints, the plastic in the diaper crinkled loudly. The mess clung to him. A feeling rose up inside of him. One he had been feeling for a while. He was completely helpless. Because he wasn’t a man. He was a baby.



I can’t wait to see how the weekend goes!!!