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Victor sat silently in bed thinking about the events of a few nights ago. Francis had given him a ruined orgasm and for the next three nights had proceeded to stroke him over nad over again, but not let him cum. At this point it was obvious she was doing it on purpose. To make matters worse, Francis seemed to always be around, which meant Victor didn’t get any privacy to actually get his sexual needs fulfilled. He was tempted to rent a hotel room for a night and claim he had a work trip, but he had a sneaky suspicion Francis had a plan for that too.

He needed to orgasm badly. His balls were hurting. Victor felt this constant ache in his lower stomach as he walked around the office padded. It was a weird twist of fate to be trapped in the object of your fetish and not be able to actually get off in it. But there was one thing that kept him going. Today was Saturday, and that meant that he was only in the program for one more week and then he would have fulfilled his commitment to Mommy Time Plus. Victor’s heart pounded excitedly, it would mean he would be free to go back to normal.

He could wear diapers again on his terms.

If he wanted too that was.

Francis had insisted that he needed to be away all day on Saturday because she “needed to get things ready in the house” for the next week. In the meantime, he should run some errands and pick up some things she’d need from various places around town. She had given him a long list of items and told him he could return at 9PM to start his final week in the program.

Victor was slightly nervous, the app had told him that the next week was called: Full Baby. Victor remembered what the start of MDLB was like. It had been a culture shock to say the least. It was not fun to be supervised during the week, let alone having to take a water pill everyday.

Victor grimaced slightly, feeling the padding that was tucked between his legs. His diaper was pretty full. During his errands he had been wetting consistently and soon he’d need to check the app and see if he could get a change.

Victor pulled out his phone and clicked the “I need a change button” and the app granted him one. It even gave him a spot where he could meet the person who would be changing him. It said Tyler.

“What the fuck?” Victor said out loud. “Tyler?”

He had told Laura that he was into women not men. But he noticed the app had put up a disclaimer saying that no mommies were available in the area so they’d matched him with a daddy instead. The app did say that if he was uncomfortable with this then he could wait two more hours until he got home at 9PM for Francis to do it.

Victor checked his padding again. There was no way he was making it another two hours. But he also didn’t want to meet whoever this Tyler guy was. Victor groaned and said, “Fuck it,” One meeting wasn’t gong to kill him.

Victor checked his location again and pulled his car over to the grocery store and waddled his way inside. The grocery store was pretty empty for 7:30 pm, which made sense. It was the weekend after all. Victor was about to start canvassing the aisles when a man approached him from his left.


Victor looked over to see a man with a barrel chest wearing a suit and tie, tap him on the shoulder.

“Tyler?” Victor asked nervously.

“Yep!” The man was cheerful in his voice, but based on his posture, it was obvious he didn’t like playing games. It was also the fact that he was wearing a full suit as if he had just returned from the office. Victor, in his sweatpants that barely concealed his diaper couldn’t help but feel grossly inadequate. Maybe it was the suit. “Ready to get changed buddy?” He motioned to the diaper bag Victor had carried into the store with him.

Victor nodded slightly and Tyler grinned. “Great,” He patted Victor’s padded rear and walked him to the cash register where the bored looking checkout guy was on his phone. “Do you mind giving us the key to the family restroom?”

The man nodded and handed him a key. “Be sure to bring it back when you’re done.”

“Thank you, I need to get this little one changed.”

But thankfully, the comment didn’t have the added effect he intended, the customer service rep was back to looking at his phone.

The man led Victor to the back of the store and unlocked the room. Victor caught sight of a changing table next to the mirror and a standard toilet. He stood around awkwardly waiting for Tyler to finish unpacking his supplies. He noticed the man seemed to be taking a longer time than usual considering Francis and the other women who usually unfolded his thick diapers were ready to go in a matter of moments.

“Go ahead and get up on the table.” Tyler grinned. “Looks like you start your next stage of the program tonight in a few so I’m going to help get you ready for the first step.”

Victor climbed onto the table and laid back. “What do you mean, first step?”

“You’ll see.” Tyler said unfolding the diaper and laying it under Victor’s saturated diaper. Victor had to admit it was clever, that way his bottom never had to hit the pad that was underneath him. Tyler flinched a little as the man’s strong hands ripped the tapes off his diaper and pulled the sogginess that was his diaper from underneath him. Victor shivered slightly as the man drug a cold wipe between his balls. Despite the fact that he never considered himself attracted to men, he felt himself develop an erection. Victor instantly realized it was most likely because he hadn’t cum properly in over a week at this point. Francis had seen to that.

“Looks like someone really loves his diapers.” The man lifted up Victor’s ankles and slid two boosters underneath him and then set another cold wipe on top of Victor’s member. Victor could feel his previously excited penis wilt in response and try to escape the cold.

Victor began to zone out, staring at the ceiling, wishing for this change to be over. Having a man change his diaper, a man who looked like he had a high paying job and was successful was humiliating. But then he felt a tug and tightness around his penis.

“Hey what?” Victor looked down and winced slightly, just in time for see the man click the lock on the tiny chastity cage shut and then pull the diaper up between his legs.

“Welcome to the Full Baby Experience.” Tyler said, giving the front of his diapers a few pats. “On your way home you should really read the app and see what you need to do in the next week.”

Victor sat up slowly shaking now as the man left the bathroom. Read the app?

Indeed, as Victor sat in the parking lot trying to get his legs to now bow out because of his thick diapers, the app had an update for him. On the screen were the two people from week one smiling and looking at the camera.

“Hey there!” The man said grinning while the extremely attractive women smiled next to him. “Welcome to the full baby experience. We are so glad you chose Mommy Time Plus to execute this experience. Now we know you’re eager to get started, but let’s go through the rules.”

The woman took over from there. “There are a lot of rules this week but it’s okay, babies have a hard time understanding complicated things. So I am going to make this simple: This week you are going to be diapered with plastic pants and a booster at all times. I know last week you were abe to wear whatever diaper you wanted, but this week you’re only going to wear baby print diapers. That way you can remember your place in the world.”

The man took over. “Everyday you’re getting a water pill and a mess pill to ensure you don’t have any control over using your diapers and, because you’re a baby you’re in permanent chastity for the entire week. Babies don’t cum, so neither will you.”

The woman laughed a little and continued, “You’ll also be given a pacifier you are to keep in your pockets at all time and when you’re at home you’ll be in your onesie only or just a diaper and tee shirt. This is to make sure changing you is easy. Your mommy wants to see her little baby in diapers.”

“Finally, you will take a nap every day at noon and be in bed by 8:30. Finally, you’re going to have custom baby food made for you each day based on your dietary needs. Look we know this sounds like a lot, but we know how much you want to be a baby, so we are so glad to facilitate this. And we can’t wait for you to see the surprises we have in store for you.”

With that the video on the phone shut off and Victor got quiet. This was a lot. And this might be the thing that broke him. He felt himself pee in his diaper a little bit and started the car... it was time to see Francis.


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