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We built a new technology that could make anyone experience anything they wanted too. It was a big hit. Imagine wanting to be an Air Force pilot and then being able to experience what it is like first hand to fly a fighter jet to make sure it was right for you.

The medical breakthroughs were incredible. Imagine getting your hand cut off and they use your old memories of your old hand to help rebuild the nerves in your fingers so your new bionic arm can seamlessly sync.

It didn’t take long for scientists to figure out fake these memories. Provide experiences that were not real, but felt real. You could have sex as a man, if you were a woamn, or vice versa. You could experience what it was like to be a dog, cared for and cuddled, all without leaving your house.

But the real breakthrough came when they could give a simple tape to watch that would make you feel like you were experiencing the moment in real time for a certain period of time. There was a limit however, spend too long and your simulation could turn to mush, forever stuck as the moment you wanted to repeat over and over.

Dwight knew this of course and he also knew that Matilda, his boss, was cruel beyond measure. Not just because she spent all her time belittling him, but because she knew it was he and his team who had discovered how to mobilize this technology into a simple pill. But Matilda told the bosses that she had done this herself. She had done this to get the promotion on her own and leave Dwight and his team behind as she climbed the corporate ladder.

“The CEO and his team are coming in tomorrow for a demo.” Matilda told the team. “Dwight, make the simulation work and I’ll take the pill when they arrive. I should be the one to test it after all because it’ll be a pretty fun experience.”

Dwight balled his fists up under the table and held his tongue. “Fine. What simulation should we test?”

Matilda studied her notepad. “How about… the action film one? We recreated Tom Cruise’s Mission impossible scene, why don’t we do that one.”

“You’ve always wanted to be an action star, Matilda?” Dwight asked.

Matilda shook her head. “Just get it done. Have the simulation last for half an hour. And be sure it works.”

Dwight nodded and he and his team left the room. He was still fuming at this entire situation. Matilda was going to get to talk to the executives and he was stuck in the background, in his labcoat another shadow in Matilda’s wake.

But for a moment, he had an idea. Matilda was going to take the pill tomorrow. So if he just changed the formula, then he’d be able to turn the tables. Dwight imagined that if he got the formula right, he could make Matilda feel as helpless as he’s felt these past few months.

He laughed for a moment as he sat at his computer, cranking out the formula for what he was dubbing, Infant 101. Dwight knew that she wouldn’t actually regress to infancy, physically anyway. And her body would still be here in the real world, but her mind… that was the killer part, her mind would be trapped as an infant for half an hour. She’d be stuck drooling and on her back, filling her diapers over and over and over…

Dwight had to work fast. But then he had a thought. Why not just remove Matilda all together. He could just say the pill backfired. What if she were trapped in limbo for a year, for three or five? Now that would be sweet sweet justice.

Dwight worked all night and right when the sun was coming up, he had put the finishing touches on two tablets. The first was one that lasted for five minutes, long enough for him to test and see if the formula worked, the second one that would last five years. Long enough for Matilda to completely lose her mind in infancy.

Dwight settled himself down into the recliner in the testing room and put the pill on his tongue and instantly his mind went to work.

He blinked a few times as he felt lightheaded and felt himself fall backwards. He flexed his legs for a moment as felt impossibly thick padding between his legs. He heard this massive noise from in front of him, the crinkle of the plastic diaper ready to receive whatever he was about to push into his diaper. He could feel the gurgling in his stomach as he felt this urge, this uncanny urge to fill his newfound padding.

Dwight tried to hold back, but he couldn’t. He tried to close his sphincter, but it was if he had been eating for days without relief. Without realizing it, Dwight tried to sit up, to roll himself into a more comfortable position, so he could expel the movement with some dignity, but it was too late. While lying on his back, the mess pushed its way through him and into his diaper. Dwight felt instant relief as he felt himself wet the front of his diaper as well. He kept pushing as he felt the padding fill completely, his legs kicked back and forth as he rolled onto his stomach, squishing in the process.

Then he heard it. Matilda’s voice behind him. “Has baby made a mess?”

Alarmed, Dwight tried to turn around, but before he could move, he felt a heavy hand on the back of his diaper, squishing the mess forward. “Oh wow… little Dwight made a mess indeed.”

Matilda’s face came into view as she continued to pat the front of Dwight's extremely full diaper. “Let’s get you fed first, then we can get you changed.”

The next thing Dwight knew, he was being made to stand up, his diaper sagging heavily between his legs. Matilda was supporting him, one hand on his loaded diaper the other guiding his chest. There was a strange sense of comfort as she held onto his diaper. Dwight was still an adult in this scenario, but he couldn’t talk, couldn’t move on his own, all he could do was drool as Matilda led him to the couch and rested his head on her chest. She continued to pat the front of his diaper making a disappointed noise.

She revealed her breast and leaned his head forward. Automatically, as if on queue, he began to suck, greedily. It was as if he couldn’t help it. His body, on autopilot, needed more. And to make matters worse, the liquid ran right through him. Dwight continued to soak his diaper as Matilda continued to rub his stomach and thick, swollen diaper.

Dwight in his head was screaming. This was the ultimate humiliation. His boss, who had already emasculated him in the real world, had managed to do the same here in this dream-like state. Dwight could feel his stomach growling again as he prepared to make another mess in his diaper. He did all he could to focus on something else, but Matilda kept patting his diaper and encouraging him.

“Come on baby, make a mess for me…”

Suddenly Dwight gasped for air and was snapped back in the real world.

“Holy shit.” Dwight gasped out loud. This pill was so realistic. And to think, this was only the five minute version.

Dwight staggered to the bathroom and splashed water in his face. While he stared at his adult reflection in the mirror he couldn’t help but feel butterflies. In just a few moments, he will have the ultimate revenge. Matilda would be

He carefully took the pill and placed it into a small container. Revenge would be his.


Matilda glared at Dwight as he and his team entered the room for the presentation. Or maybe she was just looking at him. Her face always looked like she had smelled something vaguely unpleasant and was trying to suss it out.

Nevermind that now, Dwight placed the small container on the table and took his seat. Matilda talked over everything and briefed the leadership team on the scenario. She then picked up the pill.

Dwight’s heart skipped a beat, this was it.

But then the boss stopped her.

The boss from corporate was always a well meaning guy, in fact, many years ago, he himself had been working in this very lab as a head researcher.

“Why don’t we have Dwight test the pill out this time?”

Matilda scoffed.

Dwight dropped his pen.

“Please sir, I don’t think-” Dwight tried to start, but the boss was hearing none of it. Instead he walked to the table and picked up the container and handed it to Dwight.

“I used to work in this lab, we need to make sure we are giving credit where credit is due.”

Dwight swallowed hard. “Sir, I must insist…”

But Matilda glanced at the pill and back at Dwight suspiciously.

“Go ahead, I don’t mind.” She said, passing him a glass of water. “Give credit where it’s due.”

The whole room stared at Dwight as he picked up the pill and shakily put the pill to his mouth. He was looking for some way to get out of putting the pill into his mouth. Someway to get out of the five year sentence that he was condemning himself too.

But he was stuck. And before he knew it, Matilda herself had pushed his hand forward and the pill slipped onto his tongue and dissolved instantly.

Dwight’s body fell back onto the comfortable chair as his mind rushed back into the scenario.

There he was, helpless on his back, thick diapers around his waist. The plastic crinkled loudly. He felt his abdomen cramp and he realized with horror that he was about to mess his diaper and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

The mess slowly oozed out of him, filling the back of his padding as he heard Matilda’s voice coming from around the corner. And that’s when he realized that this messy diaper was a five year prison sentence. This trapped infancy would be his life. All he could do was scream with horror on the inside as he willed himself to wake up… if he ever would.


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