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I can’t say it wasn’t completely my fault what happened. But I didn’t deserve this. Not by a long shot.

But my girlfriend always had a way of remembering the things that had happened a while ago and then dragging them back to the surface when I least expected it.

But sometimes she needed to be in charge. Like today.

“Keep hiking baby,” she said firmly from behind me as I waddled up the side of the mountain. This was a difficult hike on a good day when I was wearing the right clothing. But today as I forced myself to climb higher, my thick diaper and stuffer was slowing me down. Each step I took, the white plastic would crinkle loudly, restricting my movement, forcing me to work harder. The plastic leak guards gripped my inner thighs as my quads flexed against the thick, bulky plastic.

Liza ignored my ragged moans of stress. I could hear her hiking boots crunching behind me. “I would keep moving if I were you.” My girlfriend looked behind her, smiling slightly, “Otherwise the other hikers will catch up to us. I’m sure the bachelorette party would love to see your thick diapers.”

Liza knew what was going on. She knew when we started this hike that because of quarantine we all had to hike in separate groups that climbed ten minutes apart. As my wife had explained it, we had to hike a consistent pace to ensure the group behind us didn’t catch up. We had seen them, the bachelorette party chattering loudly in the parking lot. They had tried to speak to us in the waiting area, but I couldn’t talk back. Instead, all I could do was swallow uncomfortably around the large pacifier that invaded my mouth, hidden by the face mask that was not signature for everyone nowadays.

I had to be careful, the pacifier could make me drool. If I tried to speak too much, I’d be in trouble.

“My baby and I are just going hiking,” Liza had said, patting me on my then hidden diapered rear at the time. “We have a lot of great plans today.”

Little did they know “baby” wasn’t just a term of affection, it was a sentence of humiliation today.

I had nodded, wincing slightly. Her patting my diapered bottom had reminded me that I had already been dribbling pee into the diapers all morning. A Megamax and stuffer will do that to you. Not to mention the chastity cage that caused my member to throb painfully.

But now as we were hiking, it was clear that Liza had intended for me to suffer.

Once we were on the trail, she had taken my pants and put them in her backpack.

Next she had set a cadence timer to keep our cadence as we climbed to the summit. Then, to my relief then horror, she removed the lid of my pacifier and inserted the tube of my hydration pack saying by the time we reach the top of the hike I’d better be completely out of water. All I could hear was myself sucking and swallowing the infantile contraption she had rigged up.

As we climbed I could hear Liza making comments.

Keep climbing diaper boy, she kept saying. That bachelorette party is gonna catch up to us. Maybe they’ll want to change your diapers. Your diapers are so thick. Why is a bug strong man your age still in diapers?

In my embarrassment I kept quiet, determined to suck down more water from the three liter hydration pack that was on my back. Drinking this much water made me feel bloated and full. But to make matters worse, it meant my diapers were getting heavier and heavier. It meant that my diapered bottom grew rounder and rounder. It gave Liza more reason to laugh. She was determined I learn a lesson.

A lesson was an easy way to put this. We had been working on communication in our relationship for several months and I hadn’t done my part. I’d shut myself off from her saying I wasn’t in the mood. In all honesty, I was feeling down because of the social distancing and stressed because of work. But one day I was masturabting with her magic wand in the front of my diaper while looking at a photo of a diapered couple on a hike, when she opened the door.

Gasping in surprise, she turned the computer to face herself and said, “So this is what you want?”

I fumbled for words, but couldn’t respond. I was embarrassed. She had smirked and said that this could happen sooner than I knew.

I shook my head and insisted it was only a fantasy.

But she got that look in her eyes. I was in trouble.

Months had gone by, until finally one chilly fall day, she told me to diaper up because we were “going on that diapered hike I had wanted so badly.” Oh and I had to use a stuffer.

I told her it wasn’t what I wanted. That it had been a mistake all those months ago. Just a fantasy.

But she just handed me the Megamax and the stuffers and told me my “little siffy clearly suggested otherwise.”

So that’s how we ended up at the top of this mountain, me tired, peeing constantly with my diapers bulging in the autumn air. I wanted to sit, the swollen diaper was making me bow legged.

Liza squeezed the front of my diaper causing me to shiver slightly. My cage let out a little pressure wincing at the compression. To make matters worse, because it was so chilly, my diaper was getting cold too. I needed a change badly. The plastic had expanded on all sides, making me look like an overgrown toddler standing there in a hoodie and these thick infantile diapers.

My girlfriend insisted on stopping for lunch a little ways away from the main trail. Naturally she demanded I keep my pacifier in. Thankfully she removed the water hose and insisted I keep my mask off.

“There’s no need to wear a mask when we are socially distanced.”

She fed me lunch, baby food of course. She pulled out a comically large spoon and fed me, being sure to smear the cold applesauce on my cheeks and mocking me each time I complained. She insisted I had to eat a lot because surly baby used a lot of energy during the hike.

Then she issued a warning.

“If you talk too loudly I’m sure that bachelorette party hiking around the corner would love to see what’s going on.”

Indeed I could hear the girls chattering a short distance from us. Their cheers and laughter invaded our space.

So I kept quiet. Even when my girlfriend pulled out two more thick diapers and said it was time for a diaper change. My ears were sensitive as I listened to the group of chattering women nearby. If I was too loud they’d hear us and come and investigate.

Liza untaped my diaper murmuring about how soaked I was. I shivered a little, the air was cold. Slightly colder than my stale wet diaper.

When she removed the stuffer, my tightly caged penis was there. Looking harmless for her to see. She gripped the cage and laughed a little.

“Look at this harmless little thing. Can’t threaten anyone while it’s all locked up.” Liza then balled up the diaper and handed it to me. “Hold on to this baby. They’re your diapers after all.”

I complied, holding the heavy mass in my arms as I rested on the ground. Even if I weren’t naked from the waist down, I’d still be shivering. The lock on the cage rattled slightly.

Liza pulled out her mini yeti cooler from her back and pulled out something I couldn’t quite see. Then I felt it. It was like ice cubes on my groin. Extremely cold wipes were being used to clean me up.

“Ahh,” I gasped in shock as my girlfriend continued her methodical wiping. She got every nook and cranny, lifted my legs up and the icy wipes invaded my crack as well. I wanted to cry, but was doing the best I could to stay quiet. Even if I didn’t have a chastity cage, my penis would have shrunk to nothing.

Liza just looked at me wickedly and continued the task until I was shivering. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Liza asked innocently? “You wanted a diapered hike?”

I kept quiet, a few loose tears streaming down my cheeks.

“I bet you’d like to jerk off to this moment right now,” she insisted. I felt her push her fingers in my bottom and I squirmed again. Liza didn’t say anything but she did continue to grin.

Liza did give me some mercy powering me excessively and then adding two stuffers and a Mexamax back on my shrunken groin.

I felt better with my diaper on and breathed a sigh of relief. I instantly wet my diaper again. All the water was going right through me.

Liza patted the front of my diaper. “Okay baby you ready to head down the mountain? We have a long hike and I suspect your fiber filled lunch and the little surprise I put in your diaper really wants to get moving too.”

I gulped, feeling my stomach grumbling. As I gathered my things and hoisted my backpack on my shoulders, I knew I deserved this. I began to crinkle my way down the trail. This was going to be a long walk back to the car. I had gotten the diapered hike I deserved, not the one I wanted.


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