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Victor’s face burned.

He felt like no matter what he did, he was being set up for failure. Victor was convinced that Mommy Time Plus wasn’t designed for his pleasure. No, this entire program had to have been designed for these women who get their rocks off humiliating men who have a diaper festish. Those who are desperate enough to want to hire someone to make their fantasies come true. It was as if they were taking these men and putting them into impossible situations. Victor thought about the woman who was trapped in the house where the Women with the Green eyes lived and shivered slightly. He understood that the League of Mommies had their place. You don’t want just anyone preying on the men and women who have this fetish, but why couldn’t this program ask him what he wanted and then follow his lead? Why did he have to commit to testing out all four levels. While it was still early in the week, Victor was still thinking about the next week that was ahead of him.

But as Francis made him lie down on the changing pad and began her work, one thing was clear. He was still extremely horny. In fact, this entire experience, where he had been controlled by the women around him had been so arousing that he was living on the edge. He was certain he’d cum at any moment if he were touched the wrong way. The worst part, he was never left alone. Francis was always there overseeing him, watching him. He doubted that masturbating around her would be a good idea. He needed to get her out of the house at some point so he could take care of his needs.

Victor absent mindedly lifted up so Francis could put the diaper and booster under his bottom. She did this lovingly as usual, sprinkling way too much powder on his balls but also rubbing in baby oil lovingly. Of course Victor’s penis get excited and insisted on growing even harder. But  either Francis didn’t care or didn’t notice, because she treated this change as if it were clinical and taped the diaper shut.

But this diaper felt different. It felt heavier. It reminded him of the diaper he was forced into at the grocery store.

Standing up, the bulge was confirmed in the mirror. There was no way he would be able to put pants on and pretend that this wasn’t going to be seen by everyone in the office. But as Francis helped him step into a pair of pants, she confirmed his fears.

“I put you in thicker diapers because it’s obvious that you need them at this point,” Francis gestured to the wet pull ups that sat in a plastic bag now, mocking him with their wetness. “Your water pill will last a few more hours so you need to make sure you keep drinking water.”

Victor looked closely in the mirror as she finished buttoning his pants. Sure his butt looked bigger, but was pretty sure he could play this off by saying he’d been working a little extra had in the gym. As he tested out his gait in the restroom, he was walking a little funny, but he could just make sure he stayed seated a bit more. The extra padding would help keep him comfortable.

Without realizing it, Victor felt himself pee in his diapers mere seconds after it was put on him. He clamped down, but realized it was a bit too later. He had flooded the diapers. He could feel his padding swell a little bit. But Francis ignored him and continued packing up the diaper bag that she had brought with him. After cleaning the floor, she patted him on the butt and declared him good to go for the rest of the day.

Victor would think back to this moment and notice this exact moment was the slippery slope he needed to have avoided in order to avoid what would happen over the course of the next week. He should have fought back, had a conversation with her, told Francis that the water pill was a step too far. Victor would realize as he slightly waddled his way back to his desk that had he spent more time focusing on his bladder control, instead of resigning himself to his fate, then he would have avoided what would become of his life after the next week. But instead Victor was focused on making it through the day so he could go home and take care of business.


When Victor arrived home, his diaper was swollen and saturated to the max. He was walking bowlegged when he entered the house and extremely grateful that he didn’t take public transit that day. He had been worried all day that he was going to leak in his seat or even in the car on the way home. But the diaper just kept drinking his pee as the day droned on and on.

Victor could sense the irony of all of this. The water pill made him have to pee more and more, but if he didn’t drink he’d become dehydrated and ill. But when he did drink, it was like the water pill took all the liquid in his body and forced it into his diaper. Victor was pretty sure he even sweated less when taking this stupid pill.

When he shoved oven his apartment door and set his backpack down, he was greeted with a message from Francis.


Make sure you pull your pants and shirt off when you get home. There’s a new shirt here for you to use that I think you’ll love. Mommy will be home soon.


Victor grumbled to himself and noticed a crop top sitting on the table. But upon closer inspection, it was actually a tee shirt featuring his favorite band that had been cut short for the occasion. Victor took his clothes off and put the shirt on over his head. As it turned out, the shirt and combination made him look like an absolute toddler.

Victor grumbled a bit but then realized with glee: Francis was out of the house! This is the moment he had been waiting for. What a good deal.

Victor felt himself wet his diaper a little more and instantly felt the plastic expand a little bit more as he waddled to the bedroom.Closing the door behind him, he felt his penis stir a bit, no doubt excited for what was about to happen.

Victor lay down on the bed and pulled out his cell phone. He navigated to his favorite site and began flipping through a few photos. Finally, when he found the one he was looking for, he carefully added some lube to his hand and then stuck his hand into his diaper.

Victor had thought about this. He didn’t want to take his diaper off, no doubt Francis would be upset with him if he did so. Instead he had to ensure this awkward situation where his hand had to find his penis in the wet padding. He couldn’t lie, as he stroked his member up and down, it felt great. He hadn’t cum in so long this was his chance. Victor continued to stoke as his breathing sped up, he closed his eyes for a bit and tried to focus.


Victor stopped, jerking his hand out of his wet diaper.

“What are you doing?” Francis was standing at the door looking at him with curiosity.

Victor’s face burned. “Nothing.” He mumbled pulling the covers up over his thick, bulging diaper.

But Francis was determined. Walking up to the bed, she pulled the covers off of him. “Were you trying to make stickies in your diaper?”

Victor was quiet. But Francis’ eyes bore into him.

“Were you?”

Victor nodded.

Francis got this glint in her eye that scared Victor to death.

“Well,” she said sitting on the edge of the bed and picking up the phone that Victor had dropped in surprise. “Don’t let me stop you. Might as well get it all out before I put you in your nighttime diapers.”

“I don’t think…” Victor started to say. The idea of masturbating in front of Francis seemed humiliating enough. He’d rather wait for another day to come. But Francis looked at his phone and just giggled.

“Look at all these adult babies.” She said, “They’re adorable.” Then looking at Victor. “I’m waiting.”

Victor just sat there.

“It obvious you can’t control yourself when mommy is at the store, so I am going to sit here and watch you do your thing. Come on, roll on your stomach.”

“No thanks,” Victor said stiffly.

“I’m waiting. Or do you want this to get worse for you. I’m sure your office would love to know what you’re doing wearing diapers at your age.”

Victor shook his head but complied. He rolled over on his stomach. Francis giggled and patted his bulging diaper a bit and then told him he could hump the bed whenever he was ready.

“Come on baby, you can do it.”

Victor felt vulnerable there, his wet diaper on full display to Francis who kept patting the plastic and scrolling through the pictures of diaper girls on the phone.

“You’re not getting a change until you do number threes in those diapers,” Francis giggled showing Victor the phone where more women were playing with a poor guy who had on thick diapers. “Look, it’s just like you.”

Victor didn’t want to be sitting in a wet diaper the rest of the night, and his erection was not going away, so he began to hump the mattress. He felt like a naughty child caught in the act as Francis kept giggling and smacking his diapered bottom. He could barly feel the smacks, because his thick diaper was saturated, but he was deeply aware that he was humping the bed like a desperte, stupid, drooling, baby.

The more he humped the louder the diaper crinkled. Victor couldn’t help but realize that this gorgeous woman was the one who was making him do this. And while his cheeks burned in humiliation, he penis was harder than ever.

To make matters worse, Francis kept stroking his diaper, founding the center and saying things like, “Is baby going to cum for mommy,” and “Can baby even make cummites?”

Victor cringed at that last one, but decided he needed to get this over with.

But this was taking longer than he thought it was. And Francis seemed prepared for this. She told him to lie on his back and she did the unthinkable, she ran her fingers down his stomach and into the diaper.

“I’m surprised for someone who has been wetting their diapers all day, that baby can’t come.” Francis began to stroke his rock hard penis, Victor's member slipping through her fingers. “Come on, let me know when you’re ready to cum.”

With her other hand she cradled his head stroking his ear, his cheeks and making sushing noises at his slight moans. She kept saying “good baby” over and over and over agan, and right when Victor was about to cum, he raised his hips. He began to thrust harder.

“I’m gonna cum,” he gasped.

Suddenly, Francis took her hand out of his diaper. The cum kept coming however, it boiled over and spilled into his diaper. Victor tried to reach into his own diaper to finish himself off, but Francis blocked him. The orgasm, or lack of an organism startled him. He had been ruined.

Victor felt unsatisfied, he felt as if the pleasure he had been looking forward too all week had been cheated out of him.

He glared at Francis.

“What?” She asked innocently. “Babies don’t have organsms.”

And with that she left the room.



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