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Laura stared at Victor from across the table, clutching her coffee in her hand.

“Are you sure you want out?”

Victor nodded. “It’s too much. It’s like my whole life is governed by these fucking diapers. I never wanted it to be that way.”

Laura took a sip and leaned back. “You know the consequences right?”

Victor nodded. He figured he could just find someone on his own. Not everyone in this town was going to be tied into Mommy Time Plus or the League of Mommies. “I don’t need to pay for a partner.”

Laura nodded. “That’s not what we are offering. But if you think you’d be better off on your own-“

“I do.”

“Fine. You have my number if you change your mind.” Laura stood up and stalked out of the coffee shop.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief. The long two week nightmare was finally over. He could wear normal underwear again.

After paying the tab, Victor went home and spent the rest of the week working on projects, in and out of the office. He went to the gym, hung out with his friends. He even got some diaper time on the weekend.

Things felt normal again.

After a few weeks he had forgotten all about his Mommy Time Plus experience and felt like an adult again. Like a real man.

Because he was.

Victor noticed his stash was getting low, so he logged onto Rearz’s website to buy some more. He tended to like the Rearz Inspire+ because the legs were more generous to make up for his body builders frame. Other diapers just seemed to be waiting to cut his circulation.

After Victor loaded a case into his cart and typed in his payment information he clicked order. But something strange happened. Instead of receiving an order confirmation screen, he received a message saying the order couldn’t go through. It said: MTP Error - Unlisted.

Victor shrugged and figured he’d try again the next day.

But the same error appeared.

So he sent an email to Rearz hoping he could just order over the phone instead. Rearz emailed him back a few days later explaining that: Due to unforeseen circumstances he could not order from Rearz in the future. It said he’d been flagged by another provider.

But that’s all the information they’d give him.

Wait a second. There had to be some sort of mistake. Flagged by another provider? What kind of bullshit was this?

Victor closed his laptop and decided he’d deal with this another day. He did have three diapers left after all.

But after a few days that was down to one, and then one night after he used that last white diaper to capacity, Victor just said fuck it, he’d order from another company. He went to ABU to order, gritting his teeth as he pressed the Large button. But he got the same message. He had been flagged by another provider.

He tried Little for Big. Same answer. He even tried Northshore and while the customer service rep was more than kind, he received the same message.

After weeks of trying and exchanging emails, it was clear: no one would sell him diapers.

Victor glanced at his laptop and saw he had another notification on Fetlife. It was from CapCon. They’d revoked his ticket to attend the latest conference. They too cited him being flagged by another provider.

Victor kicked over his chair in frustration. What the fuck was going on? Surely this was all a mistake. He hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d have to find some way to fix this.

Victor spent weeks emailing the convention staff, but as expected, they were hard to reach out too, very unprofessional and wouldn’t give him any more answer than they already had. Eventually, he was worried, he was going to get blocked and gave up. Or did they stop responding to him? All he knew was that he was stuck.

Now, completely out of diapers (his major form of stress relief) Victor was just on edge all the time. His work was all out of sync, he felt antsy all the time.

Victor needed his diapers again.

After three months, he grew desperate and made a Reddit post. He made it clear he needed diapers and was willing to pay cash. He said he’d be willing to pick up near the city.

Surprisingly he got a response.

Hey there,

Saw you might need some diapers. I’ve got plenty at my place. If you want, we can play too. I have an entire nursery and everything and lots of boys come over and enjoy the comforts of childhood. Feel free to swing by sometime next week and we can have fun together.


Victor paused for a second. This looked like a girl based on her profile and she had an entire nursery to herself. His mind tingled a bit. The woman had a full nursery, diapers and was offering him a chance to come over and perhaps have some fun.

Victor knew that there was a chance that this was a scam or that all of this could go wrong. But he was a man who liften weights, if this was a bad situation, then he could get out of it. Easily. Plus he needed this. He was going to go insane otherwise.

After exchanging messages for a few weeks, Victor decided he was going to go for it. So on Friday he took a day off work and hopped into his car for the long drive to the countryside. After many twists and turns he finally arrived at a house on a hill. It was in an odd location, as if it were permanently removed from the rest of the suburbs on purpose.

Victor took a moment, collected himself and knocked on the door.


When the woman answered the door, Victor instantly realized that he’d seen her before. This was the woman in the office who had told him his diaper was showing in the elevator.

He did his best to pretend that he didn’t know who she was and instead smiled.

“Hi!” Victor did this awkward half wave as the woman ushered him in.

“Welcome.” She closed the door behind her and led him to the kitchen. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable.”

Victor nodded. Just his luck. She was cute. With dark hair, deep green eyes and a soft round face, Victor wondered if he could stay the weekend. His member tingled with excitement.

“So there are a few rules.” The woman handed him a sheet of paper. She also hands him some water l, which he took eagerly.

Reviewing them Victor found them all pretty straightforward. Typical rules about respect and the like. But what he found odd was the last rule.

“What’s in the back bedroom?”

“My baby.” The woman said smiling at him.

Makes since. She was a mother and kept her kinks away from them. Very responsible of her.

“Ready for some diaper time?” The woman grinned excitedly. Victor nodded. It had been months since he’d had been caressed by the soft interior of a diaper.

The woman handed him another glass of water. “Don’t forget rule number three.”

Victor nodded eagerly and chugged the second glass. Rule number three clearly said, “No dry diapers in the house.”

As Victor walked up the giant staircase and past the baby gate, he couldn’t help but feel a little tired. That drive had taken a lot out of him. The woman put a hand on his shoulder.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just a bit tired.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get a nap soon.” The woman swung open the door at the end of the hall and Victor couldn’t help but grin. On all the walls were stacks and stacks of thick diapers. They were all bright white waiting to be used.

The carpet was thick and soft. Standing in the corner was one of the largest cribs he’d ever seen. It looked like a California sized mattress fit inside of there, with bars nearly scraping the ceiling. Once you were in there and the crib doors were closed you most likely weren’t getting out.

The woman led the now tired Victor to the changing table and gently pulled off his sweats and underwear. Next she helped him take off his shirt. She unfolded a diaper and had him lift up.

Victors heart was racing. This was it. The moment he had been waiting for… no needed since that fucking app had him trapped all those months ago. The woman took great care and powdered him causing a cloud of baby powder dust to rise up around him. Then she pulled up the diaper around him. Victor felt the softness, he heard the crinkles and found himself about to doze off right there.

“Not yet baby.” The woman said. She had Victor stand up and lowered a t shirt over his head. The shirt barely reached his diaper but kept him warm. Next she walked him over to the crib and opened the doors.   Victor climbed in and closed his eye.

“One second.” The woman put a pair of cuffs on Victor’s wrists. And then Victor felt a tug around his legs as he was rolled onto his back.

Odd, his brain said. But Victor was too tired to do anything. The last thing he heard was the crib clicking shut as he vanished into dream land.


Victor jolted awake instantly noticing something wasn’t right. His hands and feet were restricted. Victor tugged hard, but the soft pull of the ropes kept him tied to the bed.

“What the?”

Victor shook the fog from his brain and looked around. He was still in the room. The room with the giant crib, the soft diapers and carpet.

“Hello?” Victor yelled loudly. “What the fuck is going on?”

But no one responded. In fact, Victor could have sworn the room was swallowing his noise. Instead of echoing around, it was as if the sound was caught in the very walls closing in around him.

Victor looked down at his diaper which was now wet. Clearly he had wet it overnight. The captive made a mental note to remember to try and hold it longer from then on. The last thing he needed was to be dependent on diapers full time.

Victor struggled a little more and then decided he needed to calm down. This situation wasn’t all bad. He was in a giant crib, something he really enjoyed, and he was in this extremely thick diapers. It’s what he wanted for several months now.

But the alarm bells in his head were ringing. Even though the woman was extremely attractive, consent was important. He didn’t want to be tied up, this wasn’t his speed.

Victor noticed one of the cuffs seemed to be slightly frayed so he began to move the ropes back and forth over and over. After about half an hour of crinkling and movement, he finally got the cuff to break.

Victor grinned and quickly undid the other cuffs. Next he reached through the bars and pulled the latch and stumbled out of the crib. Falling to his knees, he staggered to his feet and saw his clothes, duffle bag and keys neatly stacked in the corner.

Victor, knowing time was of the essence, grabbed his jeans and jammed them over his full diaper and shirt and shoved everything else into his backpack. Then he pulled a few diapers from the shelf.

While he was here… he might as well.

But Victor kept hearing this banging noise faintly through the walls. A rhythmic soft dull thud over and over again. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. But as he tiptoed to the door, the noise got louder.

Victor prepared to fight whomever it was outside, but when he squeaked open the door the landing was clear. But he heard that banging even more.

Victor’s curiosity got the best of him. He headed toward the noise. He noticed the door from yesterday that had been closed was now ajar. The banging was coming from inside.

Victor stood outside the door and heard the muffled sounds of something struggling. Victor took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

His jaw dropped to the floor.

In front of him was an odd sight. There was a humongous crib in the corner of the room similar to the one he was just in. But this one was enormous, anyone who was inside would feel like a complete baby. But that wasn’t what shocked the man.

On the floor was someone with a large pacifier in their mouth hanging from what looked like a baby bouncer from the ceiling. Underneath them was a treadmill thag kept their legs moving. But the cruel part was the person had on blindfolds and impossibly thick diapers forcing them to walk bow legged on the treadmill.

As Victor starred, he discovered what was causing the banging.  Everytime the person stopped they’d squeak causing the bouncer to bounce. The banging was their feet hitting the treadmill each time.

Victor stepped closer and saw that it was a woman who was trapped like this. She looked so tired and had clearly been crying.

Victor ran over and unplugged the treadmill. The woman looked relieved. Victor then grabbed the pacifier out of her mouth.

She gasped, shaking.

Victor tried to grab the ropes to begin untying her. But the woman just kept shaking her head. “You have to go.” She said. But she was speaking quietly and as Victor tried to speak to her, it was as if she were deaf. She kept gesturing to her head with her padded mittens.

Suddenly Victor heard it. The noise of someone in the hall.

“You need to hide.” She said, noticing Victor’s panicked eyes.

“I can’t leave you!” Victor hissed.

But for some reason, she clearly couldn’t hear him.


Victor scrambled away and waddled behind the door.

In stalked the woman, who did not act happy.

“Who told you you could stop running on the treadmill?” She said. The girl in the giant diapers just whimpered.

“You know why you’re being punished?” The woman pressed a button on the wall and eased the diapered girl to the ground.

She whimpered.

“Calm down baby.” The woman with the green eyes cooed. “You got yourself into this mess by trying to run over and over again. You decide to run, then you can run all you want on the treadmill.”

The woman then had the diapered girl crawl to the other side of the room, patting her on her butt as she crawled. The girl crawled bow legged, her thick diaper swaying behind her as she moved.

The diaper, as far as Victor could tell, was fully used. The woman with the green eyes confirmed this when she forced the girl to lie on her back and pushed, hard on the front of the diaper.

“You’re such a messy baby.” The woman with the green eyes cooed rubbing the front of her diaper.

The diapered girl started crying softly as she grimaced. “Please… I want to go home.”

“But you wanted this…. remember?”

The girl kept crying.

“You wanted to be kept in thick diapers and forced to do what Daddy tells you.”

Victor had seen enough. He waddled slowly out of the bedroom, down the stairs and made a left to the front door.

Fumbling with his keys, he made his way to the car and started the engine and drove off.

As he drove away from the house, he started breathing a bit easier. This was way too close for comfort. He didn’t like what he’d just seen. This was the creepier… scarier side of the adult baby community. The predators. The monsters that lurkered on Fetlife, reddit and alll those other unregulated places.

But what could he do? He’d fallen into this position because he’d been pretty much blocked from the community. But that’s only because that fucking app testing had gone way to far. He didn’t want to wear diapers 24/7 like a fucking baby. He just wanted to have some fun, have a woman change his diapers, play with like minded people, and maybe get a little bit of humiliation in the process.

In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but keep hearing his brain tell him that he’d made a commitment. And he should have followed through. He was the one who thought that Mommy Time Plus was going to be an easy situation where he’d get to be diapered all week and then get unlimited diaperings. It turned out things were much more complicated than that.

But he could not live without the diapers. Victor needed them to stay sane.

So Victor faced a devastating choice. He could just give up the diapers. Live a vanilla life, away from what he really cared about. Or he could fulfill his commitment.

Victor parked his car in his driveway and sat there for a moment. He looked down between his legs at the bulge clearly showing through his shorts.

He needed to finish Mommy Time Plus. Whatever it took. This wasn’t happening again.



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