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Laura was extremely skeptical when Victor asked for a meet up. At least that’s what her face said. She had her arms crossed and she was taping her foot impatiently.

“What makes you think we can trust you this time?” They’d been arguing for about twenty minutes at this point. Victor had explained to her about the woman trapped in the house up in the country, how he’d been just so stressed ever since he’d left the program and how he’d be better. He just didn’t realize the gravity of his decision.

Laura had reacted without flinching about the woman with the green eyes. Evidently she’d heard of her and was one of the reasons she’d started the League of Mommies to begin with.

“Please,” Victor was throwing himself at her mercy. “I just want back into the program. I’ll do better. I’ll leave reviews and help you with QA and everything.”

Laura just started at him. Then: “Fine.” She looked at her laptop and pressed a few buttons. “You’re back into the program.”

Victor tried to look stoic. But this huge night had loosened in the back of his neck. He felt relief.

“But we need you to test the last two weeks of your commitment, then you’re free to go.”

“Absolutely.” Victor’s phone buzzed as his re-enrollment into MTP was processed. “When do I start?”

“Tonight,” Laura closed her iPad. “A mommy will be by your house later tonight for level three.”

Victor nodded.

“And one more thing.” Laura stood up and loomed over Victor. “This is your last chance. If you screw up after this, you’re out. For good.”

“Don’t worry, I’m gonna do this right.”

But she had already turned around and left the cafe.


Victor nervously paced around his apartment waiting for his mommy to stop by. He cringed a bit at that thought. Victor was never a little, just always someone who wanted to wear diapers for fun. He remembered this week was called something like MDLB, whatever that meant.

The app didn’t give him any help either. That section was blank, but he also noticed that this experience was a bit more expensive than the last service they’d tested on him.

Suddenly, Victor's door swung open.

“What the?”

In walked Francis carrying a large bag that was clearly a diaper bag.

“Good evening Victor.” She set the bag on the table and demanded that he follow her into the bedroom. Victor paused because three more people entered his apartment as well.

“Who are these..?”

“Don’t worry about them,” Francis said dismissively. “I’ll explain.”

Victor decided he’d rather follow directions on, instead of jeopardize his standing in the program.

Francis was moving fast. She had already set up a diapers diaper changing pad on the bedroom floor.

Victor laid down as Francis removed his pants and had him lie down. He noticed that the gentle fun he’d been used to from a few months ago had all but vanished, replaced with a stern air of arrogance. She rubbed lotion into his balls causing his penis to stir to attention.

“None of that!” She snapped at Victor who just whimpered. “This week you’re not going to get any enjoyment out of this.”


Victor wasn’t quite sure what to make of that comment and kept quiet.

After powering him, Francis brought the impossibly thick diaper over him.

Victor sat up when she was finished and flexed his legs back and forth. The diaper was thicker than he was used too but it wasn’t something that couldn’t be managed.

“Come with me.” Francis led Victor back to his living room where she told him to sit down. It was a weird moment. Francis was towering over him causing him to feel extremely small in the chair. Victor then realized that this wasn’t his old table because the chair he was in was tall enough to cause his legs to swing back and forth and not touch the floor.

The table was so tall that it came up to his chest, meaning he’d have to work to get anything off the table. He felt like a toddler. But maybe, that was the point.

Victor started to look around at the other changes these people must have made to his apartment, but Francis had started speaking and Victor decided he had to pay attention.

“This week you’re testing out the Mommy Dom / Little Boy service offered by Mommy Time Plus. This is one of the more extreme services we offer, but we find clients really ask for this.

“Starting today and through the rest of the week Mommy will rule your life. For all intents and purposes; you are to be reared with a strict hand, which is mine. That means whatever I dress you in, that’s what you will wear for the day, no complaints, no excuses.

“You will be expected to wet your diapers every single day like you had to do the last time you were in the program, but you need to make sure you are wetting your diaper every single hour. Mommy pays a lot of money for these so you’d better use them. If you do not wet, we have ways of making sure you do. And you’ll regret those moments.

“Don’t worry though, there will be times you will not have to wear diapers. During these moments, mommy will choose your training pants for you.

“Because Mommy is in full control, you will not masurbate or have an orgasm without mommy’s permission. Only naughty boys touch themselves without mommies permission. Trust me, you do not want to violate this rule. Naughty little boys pay severe consequences and regret ever touching themselves. Don’t worry, mommy will give you a few cummies if you are good, at my discretion.

Remember, this week you are mommy’s little boy. This is our lifestyle. You asked for this.”

Victor sat there with his mouth open. “What’s with this furniture?” He asked stupidly.

“It’s really for next week, but we decided to move some of it in today.”

“Some of it?”

“Don’t worry about that right now. I need you to tell me you understand please.”

Victor stared at her. Then nodded. “Fine.”  It was only another seven days. He did it once before, he could do it again.

“Very good.” Francis smiled and rustled his hair causing Victor to visibly flinch. “Now let make some dinner.”

“Aren’t you leaving?” Victor asked a bit rudely. He didn’t want Francis in his house any longer than she had to be. That spelled trouble no matter how you looked at it.

“No silly, I’m here for the next two weeks.” Francis had already entered the kitchen and begun fiddling with the oven. “Mommy Dom/ Little Boy means I’m in charge this week and you’re listening to mommy.”

Victor's stomach never untied the knot it had tied itself in earlier. She was staying for two weeks? How had managed to give these women full control over his life again. He began to remember exactly why he had decided to leave the program in the first place. But he didn’t want a lifetime sentence to just underwear. That was unbearable.

The rest of the evening Victor kept walking the dotted line of obedience and silence. He figured if he kept his distance he'd give Francis nothing to complain about. She made dinner (Macaroni and Cheese along with chicken and broccoli), and seemed to just be enjoying herself. After deciding that there was no need for Victor to wear pants in the house (mommy little boy didn’t need pant, especially since he was still in diapers), Victor constantly felt exposed. Everywhere he walked it was like he was a walking reminder that this is what it would be like to live someone’s weird twisted fantasy.

To make matters worse, Francis had been clear. Victor was to wet his diaper every single hour. She maintained her side of the deal, constantly invading his personal space to see if his diaper was wetter than the last time she checked it.

The thing was. It was obvious. Victor spent the evening drinking water and sitting at his computer at the table trying his best to ignore Francis. But every time he peed, the diaper expanded considerably. Indeed, these “pampers” as Francis referred to them, had no discretion attached to them, which meant before long, Victor was visibly waddling around the house. Finally when he was about to explode, Francis checked his diaper again and decided he needed a change.

Because it was time for bed by then, Francis double diapered him with a stuffer and said that “mommy’s leaky boy” would need the protection. Plus she didn’t want to ruin the mattress. Lying down, Victor could feel the bulk between his legs and couldn’t help but flex his legs a little. The bulk felt good. And crinkly. And it all made him feel slightly helpless. In a good way.

After Francis turned out the light, Victor rolled over and went to sleep. He remembered that Francis seemed to have something against masturbation, so he decided he needed to play things safe for now. Later this week he could enjoy this moment.

Victor drifted off and fell asleep.


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