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Victor was certain everyone at work knew what was going on. He had walked in with jeans, a loose t-shirt and his laptop and hidden himself away in a conference room near the back.

He had decided on the uncomfortable ride in that he was going to do everything he could to force this app to give him a change. And that meant drinking water as fast as possible.

Victor didn’t like the idea of changing his diapers at work, but he had a sneaky suspicion that had he taken the diaper off earlier he’d suffer some additional consequences. After that incident with the horny pills, he wasn’t fancying what else the power of science and technology could do. Who even came up with that shit anyway?

Victor brought with him his water bottle, chugged it at the water fountain and proceeded to refill it. He could do this. He was smart. He could beat the system.

So Victor banged away at his keyboard trying his hardest not to move while dribbling pee into his diaper. Each time he peed, the diaper kept expanding and bulging outwards. He was certain that had he had to walk around the office he’d have a pronounced waddle. But he kept working anyway in the conference room declining any meeting invite that came his way. Victor insisted on doing conference calls instead of face to faces. He didn’t even leave the room for a mid morning snack.

A knock at the door startled him.

Standing outside the conference room was Rachel, one of the firm's partners. She gestured to the door asking if she could come in.

Victor gritted his teeth and nodded.

Rachel hung out near the door and mentioned that there was an emergency client meeting that day and asked if he could join. He was an expert in this type of issue after all.

“I’m sorry, can someone else. I’m not feeling 100% today,” Victor responded.

“Chris requested you.”

Victor fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of course Chris did. Chris had this bad habit of getting other people to do his work for him.

“Fine. What time?”

“It’s at noon. They’ll be serving lunch.”

Victor nodded and wet his diaper again. It was 11:45. But something else happened. His phone served him a notification.

Time for a Diaper Change, it said.

Victor stood up with relief. He couldn’t believe it. He’d finally filled his diaper. After a slight fist pump in the air, Victor executed the plan he’d been harboring since he first came in the office. He’d have to go to the gym downstairs. They had huge private changing areas. There he’d bring his diaper bag and get change. And then discard the evidence and be good for a while.

Victor glanced at the clock. It was already 11:46 so he needed to be quick.

Victor grabbed his things and made a beeline for the elevator. He cringed at every step. His overzealous water strategy meant that his diaper protruded intensely. He held his gym bag in front of him and pounded on the button to the elevators.

When he finally arrived at the gyms locker rooms he was pleased to see things were pretty empty. Seizing an empty changing shower he dropped his pants and couldn’t believe his eyes.

The floor to ceiling mirrors in the changing room showed his diaper from all sides. It was completely used. Absolutely saturated. The wetness I dictators had all but vanished and the rear of the diaper was round and full. The front was swollen. He looked pathetic.

Victor slowly untaped the diaper and rolled it up placing it into a plastic bag. Next he washed himself off and made sure he was completely clean. He couldn’t enjoy the moment for too long, he had a feeling the clock wasn’t doing him any favors. Next he grabbed a new diaper from the bag powdered up and started the process of getting it taped on.

He looked at the clock. He had two mins to be upstairs. So he moved faster. Victor checked the fit and pulled up his pants and tossed the used diaper bag in the trash chute and sprinted to the elevators.

When the elevator opened up, this woman smiled at him. Her eyes were bright green and seemd to eat him up.

“Hello?” She did that half wave.

“Hey.” Victor smiled a bit with relief. He wasn’t going to be late.

As the elevator rode up the woman tapped him on the shoulder.

“I think your diaper is showing.”

Had Victor been full he would have messed himself I shock. She reached over and gave his tee shirt a tug so his diaper was no longer showing.

“Um… thanks.” Victor said not making eye contact. “I had surgery.” He tried to explain it away.

“Don’t worry. I know you’re in the program.”

The elevator dinged and she got off.

Victor just stood there, stunned.


Victor encountered something he had never considered, he had to use his diapers over and over in order to ensure he could strategically get a clean diaper when it mattered the most. He had to consider what he was supposed to be throughout the day, what he was needed to be wearing. Every time Victor peed his diaper, it would swell, causing whatever he was wearing to fit tighter to accommodate his diaper bulge.

Take his client meeting for example. Victor had on a clean diaper, he had been able to change after all in the gyms locker room. But as the meeting went on and he continued to pee his diaper, he found himself sitting more, he found himself less likely to speak up and offer his opinion. It was hard to feel like an adult when you were sitting in a wet diaper like a child.

But the diaper continued to bulge more and more so when he had to move around the office, or walk to his car or the grocery store, his diaper was clear if you were looking at him. He felt like his waddle was pronounced, as if at that very moment anyone knew his stupid secret.

Victor felt like a slave to the app, beholden to its every whim and decision. Before he left his house, he’d check the app, begging for the opportunity for a clean diaper. But too often he’d see the icon, greyed out refusing to allow him to untape himself from his soft, plastic prison. This frustrated Victor because he couldn't always tell if he could earn a change before it was time to go out.

Take the issue of going to the gym in the morning. Victor had assumed he would naturally be able to get changed in the morning. Victor made a mistake once of waking up and thinking he’d get a change before it was time to hit the gym. He did not like the idea of going to the gym with a full diaper, but he also didn't want to miss a workout either. He was on a strict workout routine and his buddies gave him hell everytime he missed a workout. So to save face, it would be easier if he did his workouts diaper free.

But on Wednesday he woke up and the app told him his diaper was not saturated enough to earn a change meaning that he had a pretty wet day at the gym. Chugging water before the gym did help his predicament because he found himself peeing during his workout, meaning he generally “earned” his change when he was on the stairmaster. Finally. But by then the locker rooms were full which meant that he had to want to get changed when we got home.

Finally everything was compounded by the fact that during the day women would randomly approach him and demand that they be able to check his diaper. Victor couldn’t understand what these women were getting out of it. At one point he was at the local grocery store, shopping for a few items when he was approached by a woman in a business suit. She asked him if he could help her for a moment.

Victor, always willing to help nodded and reached for the cans that were on the top aisle. In the process, his shirt rode up and the woman slid her hand into his pants and over the back of his diaper. She gave it a few pats and spun him around and squeezed the front of his diaper.

“Nice and wet,” she said smiling while causing his member to twitch.

Victor wanted to die inside, looking up and down the aisle to see if anyone noticed.

But no one did. He wasn’t granted a change either.

But what was worse was what would happen if he was granted a change and didn’t have a diaper on him.

On Friday night, Victor stood in line at the local grocery store waiting for a self checkout to become available. But the line was moving slow. He had messed his diaper earlier while in the store and was eager to return home and get changed.

Victor had learned his lesson and was wearing a pair of loose sweatpants just in case he had to go. He had learned that it was better for him just to mess instead of holding it in, because it would get him closer to the change he deserves.

Once at the register, Victor moved gingerly, fully aware of the mess in his diaper. He was glad the diaper was doing its job, because he couldn’t smell anything.

After bagging his groceries, a store worker approached him.

“Excuse me sir?” He said blocking Victor from leaving. “The manager would like to see you.”

Bewildered, Victor waddled over to customer service where the person on duty pointed him to a small door to the right. No doubt where the manager was. Entering, Victor saw a large woman sitting behind the desk shuffling papers.

“Victor right?” She asked giving him a stern gaze.

“Um… yes.”

“Your diaper has needed changing for the past half hour. Why haven’t you changed yet?”

Victor almost let out an audible groan. He couldn’t seem to escape these women even if his life was at stake. They were everywhere.

“I was shopping,” Victor explained holding up the reusable grocery bags for her to see.

“A good diaper boy must change his diaper often,”The woman insisted standing up. “You wouldn’t want to get a rash or skin irritation.” She hobbled from the other side of the desk and grabbed the bags from him. “Come on now. Let’s get that diaper changed.”

Victor was mortified. “I don’t have a diaper right now. I can just do it when I get home.”

The woman shook her head. “Not a good answer. Part of my responsibility is to ensure you’re wearing your diapers, like a good boy. And that includes making sure you’re changed on a regular schedule.”

Victor’s face burned as the woman set his grocery bags next to her desk and produced a changing pad from her desk drawer. She then handed him a package that looked like a medium sized box.

“You’ll find everything you need in here. Make sure you put the old diaper in the sent proof bags please.”

Victor nodded.

“Now if you excuse me, some of us have work to do.” The woman brushed past him and shut the door behind her.

Victor stood there for a moment, sighed then opened the package. Inside was one of the thickest dry diapers he had ever seen in his entire life. It had to be probably an inch thick. It crinkled loudly when he unfolded it. Had Victor not been in the middle of a grocery store, he might have gotten excited at this, but to his dismay, he realized he just needed to grit his teeth and get this over with.

Victor pulled the other items out of the box. Looked like there were baby wipes, some sort of gel and baby powder. Victor sat on the changing pad with a squish, grimaced and began to do the work.

He unfolded the diaper and started the clean up process with the wipes. Once he was pleased that he was clean in all the right places, Victor lifted up and put the ticker diaper underneath him. It was then that he realized there was one more thing in the box.

A booster.

Victor groaned and pulled it out and placed it underneath him and between the comically thick diaper. Then he rubbed in the baby oil, drizzled some powder over himself and began the process of taping himself shut.

He had to admit that standing with a loud crinkle that these diapers felt great. They were soft and crinkly. The leg gathers cupped his lower body in the most perfect way. The only problem was it’s sheer size. Pulling up his baggy sweat pants didn’t seem to help the issue either. His rear end was bulging, as was his front. If someone was paying attention they’d wonder why when walking he’d have a waffle.

Victor picked up the box and tossed it in the trash. Then grabbed his groceries and then waddled towards the front door.

But the manager was standing there waiting for him. She put her hands on her hips.

“I see you’re finally wearing a clean diaper.” She sneered looking at him. Victor felt himself blush. “You need to make sure you change your diaper on time. You can’t be walking around with a messy diaper. That’s what the app is for.”

Victor nodded just trying to make this conversation speed up. People were walking by and he was sure they could hear the conversation.

“I’m going to tell the app that you need more frequent checks to remind you of your responsibility.” The woman pulled out her phone.

“No, please!” Victor panicked for a moment. More checks? He could barely keep up with them as it was.

“It’s part of the rules.” The woman pressed a few buttons on her phone and then stuffed the device back in her pocket. “When you don’t get a rash you’ll thank me. Also you should be thanking me for that thick diaper you’re wearing. It’ll absorb more liquid so you won’t get a rash as easily.”

Victor just stood there silently.

The woman crossed her arms.

“I’m waiting.”

Victor sighed. “Thank you for the diaper.”

“Very good. No go home and make sure you change your diapers like a good boy from now on.”

Victor nodded and waddled to his car. Thank god the week was almost over. But in the back of his mind he had this sneaky suspicion that just like this week there were some hidden secrets waiting for him with the next level of service. Things he wouldn’t think of or anticipate.

But nevermind that now. Victor had to focus making it through this complicated week. He was noticing some side effects of this non stop checking and diaper wearing. He found he was peeing more often without thought. Victor started to notice he had to use the restroom after he was wetting. It was great for making sure he used his diapers like a good boy, but it also meant he was constantly having a wet diaper on. But he needed to fill them to capacity, so he found himself chugging water throughout the day. So he was trapped between a rock and a hard place in that respect. Finally there was the issue of bringing the diapers with him everywhere he went. He had to carry a backpack with all the supplies with him so he could change when appropriate, but that also meant he had one eye on that damn bag hoping no one would see it and look inside.

Victor really enjoyed wearing diapers. It was fun. But being forced to wear them 24/7, even at the gym was taking a toll. He felt like a fucking child all the time. Waddling around in diapers. The constant reminder that while he had the exterior of a hardened executive, deep underneath he was a diaper boy.



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