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Victor woke up and stretched and instantly realized his diaper was still wet from the night before. He squished the padding for a moment and then wet it again.

Victor stood up and right when he was about to take off his diaper, remembered what the woman from last night had said. He needed to get permission from a mommy or his app for a diaper change.

Sighing, Victor padded back to his phone and opened the app. He noticed a new button that said “Request permission for diaper change.” Cautious, he jammed his finger on the button and waited a moment.

The screen said: “Sorry, diaper not full enough.”

Puzzled, Victor hit the button again. But the app repeated the message.


Victor thought about taking the diaper off before the gym, but decided he didn’t want to suffer the consequences. So he grabbed his baggiest pair of shorts and a hoodie and headed to the gym. Then pausing for a moment, he shoved the diaper bag into his gym bag.

While sitting in the car his stomach grumbled. Victor usually made his morning movement right about now. But because he was wearing the diaper, this made things insanely complicated. Victor cringed and hoped he’d bump into Gina when he got there and get her to authorize a change.

But when he arrived, Gina was nowhere in sight. Victor’s stomach growled again. So he checked the app, but no dice. It still wouldn’t authorize a diaper change.

As he worked out, he kept looking around. Looking for any sign of Gina, but she never appeared. Victor was getting increasingly uncomfortable. He started to get cramps. Victor tried to crank out a few pullups when he felt a hand gently slide into his shorts and over the back of his diaper.

“Do you need a diaper change?”

Gina’s voice was so loud in Victor’s ears as he jumped down from the bar. There Gina stood, with a pair of black leggings and a crop top starting at him with pure amusement on her face.

“Yes.” Victor said quietly.

Gina pulled out her cell phone and looked at it. “Are you sure you want a change now?”

“Yes.” Victor insisted.

“Have you thought this through?” Gina asked quietly.

“Please, I need a change. I have to… “ Victor paused.

“Go on.”

Victor looked around and noticed that everyone was preoccupied with their headphones.

“I need to mess.”

Gina nodded then visibly sighed. “If you insist.”

Gina nudged Victor towards the changing room and after locking the door behind the two of them, told him to remove his pants. She looked at his diaper and then pulled out her phone.

“You’re close to the threshold for needing a change, but honestly you could fill this up a bit more. Next time make sure you’re drinking enough water okay.” Gina pressed a button on her phone and Victor’s phone buzzed.

“Diaper Change Granted.” The notification read.

Victor tore off the tapes and rolled the diaper up and tossed it into the trash. Then, his stomach cramping he walked towards the toilets.

“What are you doing?” Gina asked causing Victor’s heart to freeze up.

“I’m headed to the toilet.”

“You can’t use the toilet.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s off limits.”

“But I have to take a shit.”

“Then you need to use your diaper.”

Victor just stood there looking stupid. He couldn’t believe he was back in this locker room again, having this stupid conversation about using his diapers. Why was this week so difficult?

It was because he didn’t ever wear diapers 24/7. And this week the mommies seemed intent to make that happen rather he liked it or not.

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Victor was shaking. The combination of the cramping in his gut and his anger was causing him to be upset. “You should have told me.”

“You know the rules.” Gina sat down on the bench and pulled Victor's gym bag closer to her. Reaching inside she pulled out a thick white diaper. “Come on. Let’s get this diaper on you.”

Victor just stood there. If he refused, he’d never find an AB Girl in the area to indulge in his fetish. But if he accepted, he’d have to mess his diapers like a toddler and then wear that diaper until he “filled his diaper up, like a good boy.”

Victor hated these choices. They didn’t make any sense to him. They forced him to comply at every single turn. He had maybe two more weeks of going through the stages but at this point was unsure if he could continue.

But he had too. Lauren had promised him he’d be able to use the app as often as he wanted too, for free. Unlocking an entire community he’d only heard whispers about.

Victor returned to Gina who handed him the diaper. Feeling hopeless, he powdered himself and made sure the diaper fit snug around his waist. Gina leaned over and checked the leak guards and confirmed that it was a good fit. Then she patted his bottom a few times laughing to herself.

“Don’t forget, you need to fill your diaper all the way up to qualify for a change.” Gina grabbed her water bottle and left.


Victor was in the car when he felt himself losing control. He had to raise himself up a bit as the mess shoved its way out of his body. He felt the mess drop into his diaper and with a grunt he pushed harder. It was an odd sensation, he was so used to doing this on a toilet. But sitting in his car in the parking lot of his building, it felt horribly wrong. The worst part was that because he hadn’t used the bathroom in a few days (at least not number two) the mess pushed its way to the front of the diaper causing his legs to expand slightly to make room. Finally he finished up with some pee tricking between his legs.

Victor felt foolish as he relaxed a bit and let himself sit down. Only this was such a bad idea. The mess just smashed into his behind causing him to feel like he was sitting in mud.

Victor groaned and summoned the courage to leave the car. Every step he took to the elevator felt like hell. The mess cause him to waddle slightly and he was pretty sure anyone who was watching him would think he was walking funny. Victor was certain he had a pronounced bulge in the back of his pants.

But when he got to his apartment and ate breakfast standing up, he soon grew used to the feeling. And the diapers seemed to work pretty well. There was no smell and they seemed like they could take even more liquid. Victor found himself dribbling more pee into his diaper. He also started checking the app frequently seeing if it would grant him a change before work.

But the app said no. It said his diaper was only halfway full. Victor pounding the table in frustration. That stupid grayed out button made him seethe with anger. But when he stamped his feet on the ground, all he could feel was the mess hugging him, forced to by his diaper. He had no choice. He had to get dressed and go to work.

But he was forced to pause for a moment. In front of him was his full length mirror. There he stood naked except for a bulging, messy diaper. If you had glanced his way, you would have seen someone who clearly worked out, someone who was clearly a man's man with tousled dark hair and broad shoulders. But the stark white diaper with faded wetness indicator strips bulging in both directions that invaded his midsection ensured you’d know the truth. There was no doubt, Victor wasn’t a real man, he was a diaper boy.


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