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The start of the next week began with a meeting between Laura and Victor. He talked over a few bugs that were in the app and made recommendations to how the interface was. She shows him a new feature that allowed Mommies to rate their clients and clients to rate each mommy. He noticed there were over 100 in the app with bios and ratings. Victor wondered how many people had the app in beta on their phones at this very moment.

Anyway, Victor was eating dinner Sunday night, diaper free for the first time that night when he pulled out the app. For some reason it didn’t let him select what time the woman would come to change his diaper. In fact the toggles weren’t even on the app anymore.

Victor shrugged and went to bed. No change times meant he was probably diapering himself for the week. He wasn’t really sure how this app was going to come into play if an attractive woman wasn’t putting him into diapers.


Victor jolted awake because he felt movement on his body. Groggy he looked up to see that he was spread eagle on his bed and Francis had just finished taping him into a diaper.

“Wait… huh?” Victor asked, his words slurring considerably.

“Omg, you’re awake?” Francis squeaked. “I was trying not to wake you dear.”

She stood up after giving the front of his diaper a pat.

“Wha?” Victor looked down to see what looked like a thick white Megamax staring back at him.

“Welcome to week two Victor!” Francis said, grabbing her purse. “As you probably know you’re getting “The Real Diaper Lover” experience. I haven’t done this one yet, so I’m so excited to see how it goes.”

Victor was confused. “Who let you in?”

“It’s in the contract for this week. We can come and go as we please.”

“Who is we?”

“The network of mommies.” Francis said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Anyway, I stocked your diaper stash for the week and in case you need to go out, your diapers bag is on your living room table.”

“Wait what?” Victor was finally awake. “Diaper bag?”

Francis stopped while grabbing her purse.

“Yep! For you to carry your diapers in of course.” Francis smiled and then walked back to Victor and gave him a peck on the cheek. “See you later today! You’ll never know when though. Omgggggg…” she squealed. “This is so exciting.”

Then she was gone.

Bewildered, Victor crinkled to his feet and walked into the kitchen where a medium sized cooler was sitting there. It had a strap on it, but upon closer inspection, you probably couldn’t tell it was a diaper bag unless someone told you.

Victor opened it. Inside were about six plain white diapers, Northshore wipes and baby powder waiting to be used. He also noticed a stock cardboard card inside.

Victor pulled it out and read it.

Welcome to The Real Diaper Lover Victor!

We are so excited that you’ve decided to join us for this amazing subscription service. There’s a network of mommies in your area who simply can’t wait to make sure you’re wearing your diapers this week.

As we promised, we’ve stocked your diaper closest with new fresh high absorbency diapers. We’ve also provided you your mobile diaper changing kit for use when you’re on the go.

The rules are simple. For the duration of your subscription, you are to be diapered 24/7. You do love diapers after all and our network of mommies love the good little boys who love their diapers.

How will we know if you’re diapered? Well it’s simple, our network of mommies will diaper check you whenever they see you, and because we know sometimes a little boys tend to get in trouble, when they do, they’ll scan your diaper bag to let other mommies know you’ve been checked.

There are consequences to not being diapered as promised. After all, imagine how sad your mommy will be if she checks you and discovers you’re not wearing your diaper as you promised! But we are certain you’ll be a good boy!

Welcome to the Real Diaper Lover experience, we can’t wait for your first diaper check.


Victor read and reread the card stunned. This wasn’t what he signed up for. Wearing diapers 24/7 this week. Who the hell could do that?

Disgusted, Victor looked down at his diaper and shook his head. He’d just tell Laura he was out when he saw her next. What was he going to do, go to the gym in these thick diapers. Victor laughed and tore the diaper off, tossing it into a nearby waste bin. He glanced at the clock and decided he might had well arrive early to the gym since he was already awake.


Victor finished his set, when his buddies arrived. Just as loud as they were at the bar, they joked around and started doing a round of barbell squats. They were trying to be focused but there were a group for women on the turf field below pushing around heavy weights that kept catching their attention.

Finally after staring for what was way too long, the women migrated upstairs to the rack next to them. As the two groups started a conversation, Victor finished his lift and the next guy started his work.

One of the women, a tall brown haired woman had introduced herself as Gina. After rounds of introductions the group continued working. Gina motioned for Victor to join her by the plates.

Victor headed over, grabbing his water bottle.

“Victor right?” Gina asked, smiling.

“Yep.” Victor smiled. “What’s up.”

“How’s your diaper doing?”

Victor felt ice in his veins. “Wait what?”

“Your diaper. Surely it’s wet by now?”

Victor tried to play dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Gina laughed and pulled out her phone. She pointed to her screen where a photo of Victor was in a diaper from that morning. In fact he was asleep and looked quite peaceful.

Victor froze.

“I guess you’re not wearing your diapers then as you promised.” Gina looked sad. She then pressed a button on her phone. “That’s one strike for you I guess.”

“A strike?”

“Yeah, when you get two, there are consequences.”


Gina nodded. Then she grabbed his hand. “Let’s go. Gotta get you diapered before you wet yourself.”

Victor pulled back. “Fuck no.”

Gina rolled her eyes. “Look I don’t know who you think you’re talking to little boy, but you don’t talk to your mommy like that.” She then opened the app back up. “That’s two strikes.” Gina then pulled Victor’s arm and half dragged and half led him to the family locker room.

Victor's face was burning at this point as Gina shut the door behind him.

The family locker room was a medium sized room with an entire wall of mirrors on one side of the wall. In the middle were benches where you could sit while drying off from the showers that were around the corner. The room was designed to be used by up to four people.

Gina looked at her phone again.

“Looks like you were put in a diaper this morning and took it off. You know you’re not supposed to do that.”

“I didn’t agree to this bullshit.” Victor shot back fully aware that the way Gina was probably telling Laura right now about his antics. “I said I’d test the app out, but I’m not going to wear diapers 24/7 for a week.”

“Fine.” Gina rolled her eyes. “You want everyone to know you’re a little diaper boy.” She clicked a few buttons on her phone. “We’ll just post this photo to our Instagram account to advertise for the service and we can call ourselves even.”

What? She wouldn’t… But she had nothing to lose at this point. Only he did.

“Wait…” Victor said quietly. “Please don’t post the photo.”

Gina glared at him. “Are you going to be a good boy and get your diaper changed?”

Victor nodded. “Can we do this when I get back home? I have a whole other half of my workout to do.”

“You can do it in your diapers.” Gina patted the hard table and handed him a diaper from her gym bag. “Now put this on before you get another strike.”

Victor signed and dropped his pants. “Aren’t you going to…”

Gina shook her head. “Nope. You are responsible for your own diapers.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Victor was confused. Last week he had gotten changes twice a day, that was the point of this entire app right?

“This is the Diaper Lover Experience.” Gina pointed out. “We are here to make sure you wear your diapers, not put you in them.”

Victor sat stupidly on the floor for a moment, thinking this over. This was stupid. Who would ever opt into this service if they didn’t change your diapers for you. He made a mental note to let Laura know that this idea needed some work and then snapped out of it, realizing he was naked from the waist down on the locker room floor.

Victor, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible, quickly spread out the diaper and sat on top of it. Checking the alignment of the tapes, he began to pull the front up over his crotch. But Gina held up a hand.

“Don’t forget the lotion and powder.” She said.

Victor turned red and grabbed the bottle of baby lotion Gina had brought with her and squirted a little on to his wilting genitals. But evidently he hadn’t done enough because Gina leaned over and unscrewed the lid and dumped a giant dollop of lotion between his legs, then proceeded to pour a mountain of baby powder on his crotch.

“Can’t even see you pee pee through all this powder.” Gina laughed causing Victor to quickly tape the diaper up.

The lotion felt great against his genitals and when he stood up to adjust the tapes he felt Gina pat him on the butt a few times and give him a squeeze. Next she pulled out her phone and to Victor’s dismay, took a few photos. Then she told him to hold still.

She put a little circle label like item on one of the diapers tapes and scanned it with her phone.

“I think we are all set.” She said. “When you take this diaper off, make sure you scan the barcode and put a new one on and scan the next barcode. That way we’ll know you’ve changed your diaper and we can check it. This little dot will track how full your diaper is and let you know when you can change. I think it requires that you have filled it up at least ¾ of the way.”

Gina smiled to herself while looking at a bewildered Victor. It was odd, these guys always committed to a week or a month in the program but for some reason were surprised when their fantasies actually came true. “Don’t let one of us catch you out of your diapers again.”

Then she shut the door behind her and left Victor scrambling to pull his pants up.

But there was a problem. His shorts were stretched over the diaper, and the bulge was pretty obvious, not matter how you spun things. Victor looked in the mirror and tried to squash the diaper down a bit. He pulled his shirt down, which seemed to help some. But as he walked to the locker room door, he couldn’t help but be self conscious at his predicament.

Victor never wore diapers to the gym. This space was supposed to be reserved for performance, and nothing else. But here was, having just put on a diaper underneath his gym shorts. Victor had to correct himself, he was actually forced to do this. He wouldn't have done it by choice. No fucking way.

But then his mind drifted back to what Gina had said earlier, he needed to fill up his diaper three-fourths of the way, whatever that meant. And that he needed to scan his diapers every time he changed.

No, he wasn’t going to wear this diaper until it was filled up. This was stupid.

But then Victor remembered what had just happened. This woman was part of the program and had “found him” at the gym. What if there were others? What were the punishments supposed to be anyway. Victor knew he had one coming already. The last thing he needed was a second one looming over the horizon. He only had one choice, he’d need to leave the gym as quickly and as quietly as possible before anyone saw him.

But when he left the locker room Gina was standing there. “Let’s go bud, squats today.”

Gina led a petrified Victor back to the rest of the gang who were making an awful lot of noise for this early in the morning.

“Do you need a spot?” One of the guys asked, motioning towards the bar. It was clear Victor was expected to push some weight next. Victor decided he was not going to do it. He had the image of his diaper bulging from his shorts, and the guys asking what the fuck was going on.

But Gina shoved him forward.

Victor got under the bar and did a deep squat. He could feel his shorts tighten around his diaper. He could have sworn he heard a crinkle as loud as the music that blasted through the gyms speakers.

After five reps, Victor knew exactly why no one ever really worked out in diapers. They felt bulky. He felt like he was pushing through each moment extra hard. He could have sworn that the diaper was peeking over the edge of his shorts.

But no one said anything as he racked the weights back and breathed heavy.

That weight was heavy. These diapers felt heavier.

The rest of the workout proceeded in the same fashion and soon Victor started to get used to the diapers that hugged his lower body.

This isn’t so bad. He caught himself thinking. I could probably get through this. Even on the stair master where he felt himself let out a little pee into his diaper, he remained optimistic. Besides he wouldn’t be wearing a diaper tomorrow at the gym, he’d just skip the rest of the week.

Modern problems call for modern solutions.


But when Victor arrived back at his apartment he saw that his diaper bag was fully stocked for the workday. And sitting at his kitchen table was Francis from last week.

“We aren’t going to have to fight you on this are we?” She asked simply. Victor just signed and hopped into the shower. After he was all clean, Francis watched him re-diaper himself and stick a new barcode on the new diaper.

“Remember, three-quarters full. And for everything,” She chirped before patting him on his behind and watching him leave for the day.

Victor grimaced and kept looking at his reflection. On the train he checked to make sure no one could tell. In the office, he did the same. Usually someone who would be standing Victor chose to sit the entire day so he’d avoid any stares at his clearly diapered rear end.

But if anyone noticed they didn’t say anything.

Victor felt so self conscious, he only sipped water throughout the day. He was going to avoid using his diapers at all costs.

But despite his reluctance, his stomach was ready to release his morning bowel movement.

Victor cringed inside as he held it in for as long as possible. Then, after sending one last email, he went to the restroom.

Locking the door behind him he entered the stall. He pulled down his pants and carefully tore off the offending garment. And then, after paper toweling the seat, sat down and did his business.

After he was done, he wiped himself up and then began the progress of reapplying the diaper. Luckily the tapes still stuck and he was certain he’d placed that mini barcode back where it was supposed to be. No one would be any wiser.

Victor washed his hands and exited the bathroom grinning to himself. If only they could just go back to the way things were last week. Sure this week's antics might work for someone, but it wasn’t for him. As long as he could take the diaper off and reapply it as needed then this week would be a breeze. Plus, as far as these women could tell, he hadn’t taken off his diaper either.


Around lunchtime, Victor was sitting at the local diner eating lunch trying to figure out if he could hold out all day without needing to change when he caught the eye of a woman on the other side of the counter.

He looked at her and smiled in her direction.

She smiled back. Her hair was on fire.. at least it was red anyway. She was eating what looked like a roasted chicken with mashed potatoes. Finally after making doe eyes for what seemed like half the meal, she motioned for him to come over to her side of the table.

Victor, like everyone else at this time, was starved for attention. Ever since the pandemic had ended, people had been partying non stop, looking for hookups and generally treating the world as if it would break tomorrow. People were taking more chances, they were risking it all in new short relationships.

They began to speak back and forth for a bit and when she laughed Victor’s heart jumped. They began to speak about work and a few other things.

“Do you really now work in an office?”

“Yep,” Victor nodded.

“I’m at one of those co-ops in the city. Lovely outdoor garden with desks. You should swing by sometime.”

“I’d like that...” Victor smiled and exchanged information with her.

“You headed back to work?”

“Of course.”

“How’s your diaper?”

Victor’s entire stomach twisted into a knot at those words. Another mommy? What the fuck? How many were out there anyway?

As his mind was reeling, she squeezed the front of his pants and felt the diaper there. She then pulled out her phone and looked at the screen for a moment.

“That’s odd.” She said.

“What?” Victor was annoyed.

“You didn’t use your diaper earlier today.”

“What do you mean?” Victor gritted his teeth.

“You’re supposed to be using your diapers Victor.” She looked upset. “The app says you’ve had three changes so far, yet all of your diapers have been dry.”

Victor froze. How did she…

“The indicators tell us what’s happening in your diapers. It’s how we ensure compliance.

Victor was quiet as she flagged down the bartender. “Mind getting us a few glasses of water. Poor guy is hydrated.”

The barman smiled and nodded. After the tall glasses of water were placed in front of the two of them, the woman pulled out a tablet from her purse and handed it to Victor.

“You need to stay hydrated.” She said simply. “These electrolytes will help.” She then turned to the glasses. “Now you’re not leaving till you drink these to glasses and drink that entire pitcher of water.

Victor took the pill and began chugging the water. Whatever it was the end of the day anyway, the worst of it was over. But the moment Victor finished the second glass he felt extremely full. He got to his third l, then finally fourth, and felt like a blimp. Finally he choked down the last bit of water and sloshed his way back to the office.

On the way back, he let out a little pee into his diaper, shocked at how fast that happened. But when he did, he felt this tingling down below. As someone was a DL it was not unusual for him to pop a boner from time to time when in diapers, but he promptly ignored it for the sake of today.

He peed again and the tingle returned.

Every fifteen mins or so, Victor felt himself peeing. It was all that fucking water. But the tingling in his crotch just kept getting worse and worse. Everytime he walked his penis leaped at the soft padding. He found himself putting his backpack in his lap on the train so no one could see the bulge he no doubt had in his pants.

Victor took off the diaper when he got home and pulled out his iPhone. He pulled up his favorite video and came almost instantly.

Damn, he thought. My sex drive is on fire. Lol.

But as the night went on and Victor sat on his bed he found this irresistible urge to put on another diaper. His brain yelled at him. Victor needed the diapers to scratch that itch that deep inside. The more Victor tried to ignore it, the louder the voice yelled at him.

Finally he gave up and grabbed a diaper from his closet. He instantly felt relief. The tension he was feeling released instantly. Had Victor been touched in the right place, he probably would have cum on the spot.

But now that he was calm, he could focus. He found himself being extremely productive that night and soon peed his diaper. At about midnight, he drifted off to sleep.


In the middle of the night Victor heard a knock at his door. He quickly put on a pair of pants and looked through the keyhole. It was the woman from the bar earlier.

Confused, Victor opened the door and let her in. She was wearing a long black coat, but when she waltzed in she dropped it to the floor to reveal she was wearing nothing underneath.

Victor’s jaw dropped open as she pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him deeply. Coming up for air, she looked down at Victor who at that point was fumbling with his sweatpants revealing the swollen diaper underneath. She touched the outside of the diaper and before Victor knew it, he felt a rush in his loins and felt himself cumming hard in his diaper.

Victor collapsed backwards in his diaper in shock. He’d never done that before, but she didn’t seem too worried by it. She just smiled and kissed Victor on the cheek. “Good boy.” She said before, suddenly, Victor found himself waking up in the middle of the night.

It had all been a dream… a hot one, but a dream nevertheless.

Victor grasped his diaper and felt its fullness. He clearly needed to change. Feeling slightly embarrassed at the fact that he had a wet dream, something that had not happened since he was in middle school, Victor tossed the diaper in the trash and climbed back under the covers.

But he couldn't go back to sleep. He kept feeling like something was missing, like there was an itch he just couldn’t scratch. He tossed for hours, gripping the sheets feeling uncomfortable. When Victor’s alarm rang at 4:30 in the morning, he was exhausted. Still he powered forward and went to the gym, deciding if he played his cards right he’d avoid Gina and he wouldn’t know he wasn’t wearing a diaper.

But it was a double edged sword. His gym session went horribly. He failed on his first set of squats. He tried some upper body movements, but he felt terribly sore. Victor was sweating before he even walked in the gym and he felt just plain clammy. Within 20 minutes, Victor decided that it was time for him to leave.

Grumbling and sweating at this point Victor hobbled home and chugged a glass of water. Maybe he was just dehydrated. But the “thirst” he felt buzzing around his body wouldn’t quiet down. In fact it simply intensified.

Victor flung himself on the couch and tried to distract himself. But he felt this longing. This need inside of him. He felt incomplete. And horny. That was the worst part. He needed to take care of this.

So he went over to his bed and pulled out his phone and pulled up some traditional porn. But as he waited for a reaction, nothing happened. In fact. He was as limp as a noodle.

Puzzled, Victor pulled up a few photos he had saved on his device.


This had never happened before. But the tension, the non stop ringing in his ears just pounded him over and over. Victor went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and chugged it trying to think about what was happening.

But he couldn’t even focus on thinking.

Victor stumbled to the closet where all the diapers were and grabbed one. Shaking at this point, Victor lay on the floor and kicked off his underwear and sat on top of the padding. He powdered himself and pulled the diaper around him. The moment he put the diaper on and taped it shut, he felt instant relief.

The buzzing stopped, all of the tension he was carrying vanished.

That’s when Victor figured it out.

Something had happened over the past 24 hours. His brain was craving diapers. Like an addict, he needed them at this very moment.

But how had that happened? He’d been wearing them for a few years now and he’d never felt this way before. Standing up, Victor waddled over to his table and grabbed his phone and opened up Mommy Time Plus.

He’d remembered reading something about this. The other day at lunch when he wasn’t wearing his diaper. She’d said “he’d need them sooner or later…” Victor scrolled down his diaper checks throughout the day and found the woman from the bar earlier and jammed his finger on her phone number.

“Hello?” Her voice rang out over the phone.

“What did you do to me?” Victor spat out into the phone.

“What do you mean? Who is this?”

“It’s Victor.” Annoyed, Victor nearly slammed the phone on the table. When the fuck else wold it be???

“Oh hi! What’s wrong?” She was acting like she didn’t know what was happening. But he knew this was bullshit.

“Cut the bullshit.” Victor snapped. “What did you do to me?”

“Victor, you need to be more specific if you’re gonna get an answer.”

“I can’t focus without my diapers. I’m so fucking horny all the time now.”

“Oh…” she was quiet. “It’s almost as if you really love your diapers now.”

Victor was quiet. Of course they’d done that to him. The real diaper lover experience. If you don’t wear your diaper then they’ll make sure you love them.

“When will it wear off?”

“It only lasts 24 hours.” She responded. “Unless you’re a bad boy and don’t wear your diapers 24/7.

Victor let out a sigh. “I’ll wear them, just don’t give me another of whatever this is.”

“Well that’s totally up to you now, isn’t it.”

“I didn’t choose this!”

“But you did. We had a deal. You wanted to try the service and those of us in the league of mommies want good little diaper boys to check during the week. It’s not worth our time if you’re never going to wear your diapers.”

“But I don’t want to wear to the gym.” Victor said stubbornly.

“Not sure you’ll have much of a choice.” The woman laughed a little. “Remember, you have to fill up your diapers until the censor tells you it’s time for a change or your mommy checks you and tells you you can change. That’s for number one and number two.”

Victor banged his fists on the table. “NO!”

“Then you’ll never get your diaper changed in this town again.”

Victor was quiet. He didn’t want that.

“Fine.” He snapped. “I’m only doing it because I made a commitment.”

“Doing what?” The woman asked.

“Wearing diapers.”

“You mean making pee pee and poopies in your diapers?”

“Yes.” Victor said quietly.

“Say it.”

Victor’s face burned. “I’ll pee and poop in my diapers.”

“Great! I’m sure your mommy can’t wait to see you at the gym tomorrow. Make sure you’re wearing your diapers.”

Victor was quiet. He felt defeated.

“And don’t forget. You’re not changing until a mommy gives you authorization. The punishments can get worse. You haven’t even tried the water pill yet.”

Then she hung up.



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