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Victor woke up to a knock on the door. Groggy, he checked his phone. 5:30.

Fuck. He had overslept a little. Trying to rub the sleep from his eyes, he grabbed a pair of shorts, put them on and went to the door. When he pulled it open, he was shocked to see a short woman with brown hair staring right back at him.

“Victor!” She said brightly. “Good morning!”

Victor smiled and let her in. “Sorry it’s so early…” He croaked out, the husk in his voice still fresh considering he woke up moments ago.

The woman smiled and walked in. “My name is Francis. It’s so nice to meet you.”

Victor nodded.

Then, without warning, “Guess it’s time to get that diaper changed huh?”

Victor shivered. She was just so nonchalant about it. As if it was no different than just doing a few loads of laundry or heading to the grocery store. But maybe that was the point… the girlfriend experience as if he had a girlfriend that didn’t mind that he wore and actively participated in his fetish. Francis was just playing the part here and the enthusiastic nature she brought to apartment 17C was supposed to make him comfortable.

Francis reached her hand into his shorts and gave his soaked diaper a squeeze. She let out a squeal and squeezed again. With a shocked look on her face she said, “You’re soaked.” She then grinned as she moved her hand in between his legs and with her other hand checked the back of his diaper. “No messy though.”

Was that disappointment in her voice? Was she actually upset Victor didn’t mess his diaper overnight. Victor shook his head. This was all an act, a fun one, but an act nevertheless.

“You ready to be changed?”

Victor nodded and she led him to the bed. In the lightest of fashions she pushed him backwards so he was laying flat on his back and then she pulled off his shorts. So there was Victor lying on the bed for the first time in just a diaper while Francis smiled at him from above.

She reached for the tapes, pulling them off one by one, the noise sounding defending in the apartment. Then laughing, Francis pulled the diaper off, revealing his penis that was literally rising to the occasion.

Francis took a moment to study it while wiping every crevice of Victor’s crotch.Victor smiled to himself and said to himself, is this what heaven is like? Is heaven a diaper change by Francis?

Francis rolled up the diaper and put it in the trash and then after blowing a kiss left Victor lying on the bed completely naked. The whole process had taken all of five minutes but Victor felt pure bliss. He had always dreamed of what that would be like and now he had his answer.

Victor stood up and got himself dressed for the gym and locked his apartment door behind him.


While at work Victor spent a little time thumbing through the app. Turns out Francis was an Economic Major at the local university and was a big fan of diaper lovers. According to her profile, she loved nothing more than “putting strong men into diapers.” Seems like she was really into this, which was cool. Victor wondered if there was a chance to ask her out on a date, she was cute.

There was a strange option on the app, you could swap your mommy if you wanted and you could set your changes for the next day as well. Besides that, the app didn’t do too much. Victor wrapped up and went home for the day, just in time for his 5:30 with Francis.

She was perky as usual saying how excited she was to get Victor back into his diaper. She even powered and rubbed baby oil all over his cock, which once again sprang to attention. She was gone as quickly as she arrived.

Victor chucked to himself as he pulled his sweatpants back up, this time over his crinkly padding. This was a pretty cool app and fun experience. He went ahead and confirmed his changes for the next day and, after getting some late night work done, peed his diaper and went to bed.


The next morning Francis was back right on time, at 5:30 for his morning change and after spending a lot of time cleaning him with baby wipes said she’d see him at 5:30 for his nightly diapering.

Victor headed to the gym to meet his usual gym crew. After lifting a ton of weight, he and the group were swapping stories in the locker room.

“You still down for tonight at 5:00 pm? Our happy hour?” Devin asked the group. Everyone nodded in agreement. Victor did too suddenly remembering he should probably update the app. Turns out he had forgotten about it. But it shouldn’t be a problem, he’d just tell the app he’d have to push the time back.

While on the subway, he tried to move the time to 10:30, or when he knew he’d be home, but for some reason the app had greyed out the box. After force quitting and opening the app one more time, he shrugged. Francis would probably show up to his apartment at 5:30, see that he wasn’t there and move on. He’d simply apologize the next morning and straighten everything out. Clearly it was a bug. Laura would have to get her developers to fix it. Maybe she was the developer.

Victor packed his bag at the end of the day and net his buddies at the bar. It had been a while since they could all be together massless and in such a tight group. The pandemic had lasted two years and while some people had played fast and loose, after losing his grandmother to COVID, Victor thought it was best to listen to the public health experts and keep his distance.

The music was loud as the group migrated to the dart boards. Victor tossed a dart missing the board entirely as his friends laughed their heads of and went to the bar to get more drinks.

Then suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw Francis? She was cutting through the crowd with was unmistakably a diaper bag slung over her shoulder.

What the fuck is she doing here? Victor decided then and there he was going to ignore her. She’d just vanish. If he didn’t look, she wouldn’t exist. But she then tapped him on the shoulder.

“Victor baby?” She said awfully loud. The music was forcing her to yell.

Victor shyly turned to face her.

“It’s time to get you in your nighttime diapers!” She chirped as if she were offering everyone free shots.

Victor pretended not to understand her and tried to turn away. But that only had the added effect of causing Francis to actually think he hadn’t heard her.

She waved the white diaper in his face. It looked odd. An item so babyish, contrasted against the grunge of the bar where adults were getting drunk and dancing.

“Your diapers Victor.” She said louder. “Time to get you in your diapers.”

Victor's face burned. She couldn’t possibly be doing this now. Victor started to notice he was drawing a slight audience and he saw his friends returning with a pitcher. So he grabbed her arm and led her to the back.

Once in the back corridor, he leaned in close. “What are you doing?”

“You missed your diaper change.” Francis said matter-a-factly. “So we need to get it done now. I have other boys to see before the night is over.”

“Tonight’s not a good night-“

“No, Victor.” She cut him off. “You signed up for 5:30 pm and you’re getting your diapers on whether you like it or not. That was the deal.”


“But nothing. You refuse and you’re out of the program. You’re banned permanently. Then you’ll be changing your own diapers from now on. I’m sure Laura will love to hear how this worked out.”

Victor grew silent. He did make a commitment. He had agreed to do this. Besides, he didn’t like the idea of breaking a promise. But even worse, he didn’t like the idea of being cut off from the only professional network of mommies in his area.

“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Victor growled opening the bathroom door.

Francis clapped her hands with glee and kissed him on the cheek. Victor suddenly felt warm. It was like he had been craving that validation and didn’t even know it.

Francis was moving pretty slow. She laid a changing mat on the floor and straightened it out. She clucked something about not wanting him to get dirty. Next she put the diaper on top of it and then pulled out the powder, wipes and baby oil from the bag.

“Come on down mister,” she said smiling.

Victor sat on the mat and pulled off his pants and underwear. Francis pushed him so he was lying flat and folded up his pants and set them aside. Victor hadn’t felt this exposed in a while.

After lathering him with the baby oil and sprinkling a generous amount of powder on his groin area, Francis then stood up and locked the door.

“Man, forgot to lock the door. Would hate for someone to walk in on us.” Francis said this so simply that the fire in Victor’s stomach boiled. What if someone had walked in?

Next she pulled out the diaper and, after having him lift up, placed it under him. It was odd because the diaper felt a little thicker than usual, but before he could really react, she had taped it shut.

Then the diaper change was over.

Francis helped Victor up. Looking in the mirror he felt odd standing in a very adult situation in a diaper. A thick diaper at that. Francis tossed him his pants and told him she’d see him in the morning for his diaper change. Then, after kissing him on the cheek, vanished from the restroom.

Victor quickly put on his pants, noticing that she had taken his underwear with her.

He checked in the mirror to see if the bulge was noticeable… but unless you were looking for it, the bulge was subtle. Victor walked towards the sink and heard the slight crinkle of the diapers and grimaced.

He could always take the diaper off. But when she had pulled out the diaper, he hadn’t recognized the brand, meaning Francis would know if he did, and he was on thin ice already. He just needed to go home and make sure he updated the app's timing. Victor needed to make sure he moves the times for diaper changes back so this didn’t happen again.

Victor opened the door to the bathroom and returned to his group of friends.

Luckily the night was uneventful. No one mentioned the beautiful woman who had entered the bar clearly carrying a diaper bag and adult diaper in her hand. No one noticed Victor's slight bulge in his crotch and soon, before he knew it, Victor was back at home in bed shaking his head.

Crazy day. He needed to be sure on Sunday to mention to Laura that the bug caused the mistake.


When Victor woke up the next morning the first thing he noticed was how swollen his diaper was. Sure he’d woken up in the middle of the night to pee, that was obvious, but he’d never encountered a diaper this thick before. He made a mental note to ask what type of diaper this was.

The diaper squished and crinkled as Victor made his way to the kitchen to grab some coffee before Francis would no doubt arrive to get him changed so he could start his day.

At 5:30 sharp, there was a knock at the door, but when Victor answered, he was surprised to see Laura and not Francis.

She didn’t look happy.

“Come on,” she said simply. “Let’s change that diaper of yours.”

Victor started to explain as she led him back to his bedroom. “Look I tried to update the app, but the icon didn’t work to change the time.”

Laura was silent as she made him lie on the floor and started untaping his diaper.

After rolling the diaper up and setting it aside, she looked at him firmly.

“Francis was very upset last night.”

Victor felt odd, lying on his back, his private parts exposed to this beautiful, fully clothed woman.

“I know…” he tried to explain. “I apologized and everything. I should have called or something.”

“The rules are simple Victor, when you sign up for a diaper change, you get your diapers changed at that time no matter what. I am very surprised that you didn’t respect the process.”

“Hold on Laura.” Victor tried to scoot up so he wasn’t on his back having this conversation, but he slipped and fell back again. He was feeling small, his privates exposed while she was fondling him during this conversation. “I plan to honor my four week commitment here. I want your app to be successful.”

Laura looked at him, studying his face. Then: “Fine.”

Victor let out a sigh of relief.

“But you have to promise that you’ll finish the program with all four levels. We need the data and it’s hard to find good people.” She stood up and grabbed her purse from the table. “Otherwise we are blacklisting you and no one will ever change your diaper in this town again.”

Victor swallowed thinking about the threat. Was it possible she’d gotten all the dom women in town to agree to her terms. Like, was this a union? Bernie Sanders would be proud.

Victor had a lot to think about as he walked to the gym that morning. This was such a buzzard situation, it was a lot of fun, but he needed to investigate the other levels to see what was going on. He checked the app and saw next week was “The Real Diaper Lover.” I mean, he loved diapers so it wouldn’t be bad, like how could it.



