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Victor was sitting at his deck after wrapping up another day of working from home and fondled the soft crinkly padding between his legs. His diaper was usually saturated at this point. 4:30 PM usually came with a few things, including filling out timesheets and one last wetting. He’d probably have to change out of this diaper now and then put his underwear back on before he leaked on the floor. There was that one meeting… but never mind.

Before logging off for the night, Victor logged on to FetLife one last time to check out the scene. It was the usual bullshit that was to be expected. Extra needy people saying they wanted mommies, people who were promoting their OnlyFans, but pretending they weren’t. His favorite were the ultra empty profiles that claimed to want to build a relationship with someone, but then it was really just a ploy to get you to pay for intimacy. During the years of the Pandemic, it only got worse. Luckily, most people were back in their offices in some shape or form. Victor himself was working about three days a week in-house at this point.

But today was different. He had a message in his inbox.

Victor clicked on it, knowing it was going to be some guy who clearly didn’t read his profile asking him if they could “change his diapers.” Victor prepared to roll his eyes, but this time was different. The message said:


Hi there, I’ve been looking at your profile for the past few months and I love the pictures you post. The way you take care of your body but also want to be put into thick - or shall I say thicc diapers- is pretty cute.

I don’t want to be forward, but I am new to the area. And I have been running a business called MommyTime in your local area and I’m testing a new service that more intimate and more realistic called MommyTimePlus. I need a few people to test it out on and I thought you might want to try it out.

It’s free.


Victor did a double take. He’d heard of LadyLegendx and seen her around on the internet. She was one of those women you met in college, who were fun and flirty. She always had some boy or another bent over on the edge of her bed or some very ripped jock, on his knees, a thick diaper between his legs while he begged for mercy. There were other times where he’d see her being soft and motherly, caressing her boys face while he slept with a pacifier in his mouth and then giving a soft gentle kiss on his cheek.

Victor was pretty sure she was the real deal.

But he never had the courage to message her.

And yet she had messaged him.

This was too good to be true. But here they were.

Victor messaged back and said he’d love to chat first if possible, you know just to make sure she was who she said she was.

LadyLegendx agreed and they set a date to meet next week.


Victor sat across from LadyLegendx and couldn’t believe his eyes. There she was, in the flesh. Her hair, her face, her essence. She had walked into the room, her hair flung back, with boots on and coat billowing in the wind as if it were some sort of cape. She held her bag in her hand as if it were the only an accessory that didn’t have her wallet and phone and everything else that dictated her life inside. LadyLegendx looked like she wasn’t nervous at all, while Victor was pretty sure his palms were sweaty.

“Victor.” She said extending her hand. “I’m Laura.”

Victor grinned and they exchanged greetings. After a bit of small talk where they sipped coffee and spoke a bit about work, they started grinning more and more.

“Sooo… tell me about MommyTimePlus?” It was more of a question than anything.

Laura smiled. “It’s my newest creation.”

She then went on to explain that most people in this community who wanted mommies fell into a few categories. The first were those who got their wives or husbands to be their caregivers. That was the gold standard. A person who understood you in and outside of the bedroom.

The second were adult babies who paid mommies for their services. Usually by the hour, these services had a specific start and end time. And they tended to be costly. You’d have to make sure you were paying the right amount. Too little and you’d end up with a subpar session of glorified diaper changes and too much and you get no time to fully get the most out of the experience.

“Right… so is MommyTimePlus something in the middle?” Victor asked.

“It is. What I want to do is give you a light mommy treatment, where you feel loved and cared for. Your diaper changes will be done by a network of mommies, you’ll be loved by a network of Mommies. It’s how we keep the costs low.” Laura pulled out her iPad that had a few diagrams on it. Victor didn’t know what he was looking at completely, but he could tell that it looked like a profit sharing system. You’d sign up to be a mommy in the backend and then share the cash in your area.

Laura took the iPad back before he could finish reading the entire screen. Probably better off that way, He wasn’t a business major. He had been in communications.

“Look Victor, there are so many mommies who want a little to take care of, but don’t want to build a nursery in their house or want to have some creepy guy show up.” Laura smiled. “So we vet everyone and they pay via secure system. As central command, we distribute the money and when needed, handle disputes. We also vet all clients through our vetting service.”

Victor nodded. “So where do I come in?”

“We need a few people to help test out the system. Make sure it works. You’ll sign up for the service and experience it for 30 days. Every week we’ll check in and you’ll let us know what bugs there are. Hopefully we can go live in six months.”

Victor nodded. “One more thing… I am not a little. I just like wearing diapers for fun. And a mommy to change me seems like a good idea. What if I don’t want to be full baby?”

“We are not an ABDL specific company. I want to provide a service that cares for the men who need it most. You’ll get diapers and changes and coddling and all the love you want. You will just test all the levels of service for us and we’ll be good.”

“All the levels?” Victor raised an eyebrow.

“Light DL to full baby.”

“But I don’t want full baby.” Victor replied.

Laura nodded. “Right, I understand that. But if you test all the levels you’ll get the service for free.”

Victor looked up. “Free?”

“Yeah, our thank you for testing the service.”

Victor agreed and said he’d be game. After handing over his identification and signing some paperwork, he downloaded the app MTP onto his iPhone and finished his coffee. It had gotten cold at this point because they’d spent the day chatting. They kept discussing life and a few other topics when they parted for the night.

“Your subscription starts tomorrow.” Laura said smiling. “We… I… can’t thank you enough for your help with this.”

Victor nodded. “Anytime.”


Level One: The Girlfriend Experience

Later that night, Victor thumbed through the app to set up his Mommy Time Plus profile. He had to take a photo of himself, his ID and add his credit card. Naturally, he wouldn’t be paying.

After signing up, another pop up appeared asking him to select a level. The tiers were as followed:

Level 1: The Girlfriend Experience

Level 2: The Real Diaper Lover

Level 3: Mommy Domme / Little Boy

Level 4: The Full Baby Experience

Victor chucked at these markers. They probably corosponded to different types of mommies in the network. He selected Level 1: The Girlfriend Experience.

Welcome to Level One! it said. Victor clicked on the notification and a screen popped up that asked him to accept the terms and conditions before continuing.

Groaning a little and recognizing that this was way too much to read this late at night, he clicked accept. The next screen asked him to allow location tracking. After agreeing, the next screen appeared with a crafty animation.

Welcome to Level 1: The Girlfriend Experience.

On the screen came up a video of a woman and a man talking. Victor turned up the volume and listened. Both characters on the screen seemed to be extremely happy. They welcomed him to Mommy Time Plus and said they were so glad he purchased Level 1.

Victor thought this was pretty cool and the production was sleek and polished. He had to remember to tell this to Laura at the end of the week.

The man on the screen explained that this level came with diaper changes in the morning and at night. Also if you wanted, some of the “mommies” would want to go on a few outings during the week, but that could be managed later. Because the mommies (and daddies) were excited to get started you needed to set a time for your mommy to arrive and she’d change your diaper at the same time every day. The woman warned that the mommies will come at that same time, so he’d better be wearing his diapers like a good boyfriend. She also said that he needed to set a time at night for his mommy to put him in diapers too.

The man then grew serious, “Just like any fitness class, if you miss a diaper change, there will be consequences. Our mommies and daddies set aside their time to care for you, so when you make a commitment, commit to it. Your mommy will come find you if you don’t cancel 24 hours in advance. Failure to cancel results in a penalty and / or exclusion from the app.”

Victor nodded making a mental note of the cancelation policy. This all made sense and seemed pretty well buttoned up.

The new window gave him a few options to select from. How did he like his mommies, did he wear every night (of course I do, Victor pushed), did he use them for messes or just settings (Victor only wet, messing was gross). After agreeing again to the terms of the week, he set his first diaper change for 5:30 AM, when he usually woke up for the gym and then 5:30 PM when he usually got home and slipped on a diaper anyway.

After feeling pretty good, he diapered up and went to bed.




I love this premise! Can't wait to see where it goes!