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These people kept calling James baby. He’d get to his seat and sort it all out. He needed to change his pants, his diaper and just sleep for the next five hours and eventually forget about the whole thing if he could.

Indeed the airplane was the largest plane he had ever been on. It seemed like nowadays every flight was a small jet, but today… wow.

The plane had two aisles, but it seemed like each side of the plan had booths. Soft captains chairs were nestled between what looked like a sliding door. There was a wide screen television in front of each seat with a large window showing the outside. This had to be one of the most luxurious flights James had ever seen.

“Do you have your boarding pass sir?” A flight attendant approached James as he stood in what could be called a corridor.

“Ahh yes.” James pulled out his phone and handed it to the woman who scanned the card and smiled.

“Yes, little James.” The flight attendant handed back the phone, the word little causing James to wince internally.. “Your cabin is right this way.

James waddled behind the flight attendant, his diaper crinkling at each step that he made. James thought anyone who looked his way would be able to clearly see a grown man waddling in his diaper down the aisle, but it seemed that everyone was preoccupied with preboarding. This was a good thing, because it meant that for now, his secret was safe.

The flight attendant led James to one of the booths near the center of the plane. James smiled when he saw his accommodations. It was the same as what he had seen near the front of the plane. Seems like this entire plane was suited for first class.

“This is a concept aircraft,” the flight attendant said, noticing James’ shocked look. “It’s headed to Australia next, but we needed to make a stop in Nevada then Los Angeles.”

That explained things. The woman pulled open the sliding door, fluffled the seats and then turned back to James.

“You need to scan your boarding pass to access the flight entertainment.” She said pointing to the scanner. Then, motioning to a button on the wall, “That call button allows you to call for your flight mommy to come help you if you need a change or anything.”

“Excuse me?” James screwed up his face in confusion.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the flight attendant smiled. “I am Maddie. It’s nice to meet you.”

“No. What does that button do?”

“It calls for help if you should need it.”

“Oh…” James shook his head. He could have sworn he had heard something about a flight mommy…

“Finally, because you’re enrolled in the IC Program, your flight mommy will be sitting next door to you.”

That’s it, James had heard it again.

“Wait a second.”

But the flight attendant had walked away before James could react. James stood there stupidly for a moment and decided he’d better sit down before the plane took off and would get changed the moment the flight reached its coasting point. He did, however, need to know where his bags were. They had told him they would store them on the plane for him.

So James sat down with a squish and noticed in this cabin the seatbelts were shoulder harnesses like he had encountered earlier. He pulled down the straps and fastened them between his legs (where his diaper bulged comically with the wetness) and tried to move his seat up a bit. But the seat would come to a ninety degree position. So he was stuck leaning back slightly, his legs dangling over the edge of the seat like a toddler. A 5’ 11 James was not used to this happening to him. Maybe there was another lever he needed to push before he sat down to adjust the seat.

James tried to unbuckle the harness, but the buckle would not budge. It seemed locked down. In fact, he noticed no locking mechanism at all.

He had to be looking at this incorrectly. These fancy seatbelts were killing him.

So James did the next obvious thing he could think of. He pressed the call button.


“How can I help you little James?” Maddie’s calm voice came from the speaker on the wall.

“It’s just James.” James hissed back, jamming his headphones into the receiver to make sure the rest of the plane couldn’t hear.

The soft hum of the engine started up as the plane began to move backwards. No doubt the tow was happening at this point. The jerk backwards had the effect of causing the seatbelt harness to press closer against his diaper, causing him to feel especially infantile.

“That’s cute.” Maddie responded back. “Did you need something little one?”

James decided to ignore Maddie’s… comments and instead said, “I can’t get my seatbelt unbuckled. I need to adjust it.”

“Of course you can’t adjust your seat, babies can’t do that.”

“I’m not a baby.”

“Of course you’re not. Nevermind though, your flight mommy won’t be able to adjust your seat until we are at cruising altitude.”

“But can you just tell me how to do it?” James was trying to keep his voice down.

“If you keep up that sass your flight mommy will need to punish you when we are in the air.”

Jame’s mind spun for a moment as the plane's engines started to rev up as the plane ached to get into the sky. James tried to lean back in his seat, to just sit up just a little bit. But it wasn’t working. When coupled with the newfound tinge in the back of his stomach, James was feeling quite helpless. The plane as it sped down the runway and then lifted into the sky, forced his legs to swing side to side even more.

The problem was that James was trapped in his seat, which meant his bladder which was now quickly filling up again was causing his significant problems. To distract himself, James scanned his boarding pass onto the armrest and the television popped on.

Cartoons filled his headset. James scowled for a bit and changed the channel. But when he clicked the channel button, a message popped up on teh screen saying, “Need authorization from Flight Mommy to process request.”

This was utter nonsense. What the hell as a flight mommy anyway and why was he seemingly trapped in this horrid situation? James gritted his teeth and decided then and there that he would force himself to get through this as quickly as possible. He’d have a conversation with this “flight mommy” and straighten everything out. He wasn’t some baby after all.

James pressed the call button again.

“How can I help you little James?” Maddie’s voice came to life in his headphones.

“We’ve reached cruising height now, can we please fix my seatbelt now?”

“Of course,” she replied. “Your flight mommy will be with you shortly.”

James was used to scowling by now.

But in an instant, the privacy door swung open and there stood the woman from the TSA line earlier.

“What are you?” he gasped his legs wiggling in surprise.

“Oh yess…” She squealed to his face. “I really liked you when you were in line. I didn’t know you were in the IC Program.”

“I’m not.” James said darkly.

“But you are.” the woman responded. “It says so on your door. But nevermind that now.” The woman slid the door shut behind her and leaned against the television that was still flashing cartoons. “It looks like you need some help with your seatbelt?”

“Erm… yes please.” James responded getting red in the face. “I think it’s jammed.”

“Oh it’s not,” the woman responded. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a square disk and leaned forward and tapped the harness between James’ legs. The harness came undone instantly leaving his diaper to expand further between his legs, bulging against the black shorts he was wearing.

“Oh my.” the woman said reaching between his legs.

“What are you doing?” James hissed.

But the woman ignored him and James heard a tug, then a snap from between his legs. Looking down with horror, he realized the shorts he was wearing were not indeed shorts, they were snappable shorts, where the legs could give someone easy access to his diaper. The woman had unsnapped him and revealed his saturated diaper in all its glory. The while plastic showed a slight yellow tint. She squeezed again, causing James to gasp slightly as a consequence she grasped his cock in the process.

“It looks like someone needs a change.” The woman said.

“I can handle that myself.” James said a little too loudly.

The woman smiled slightly, “I’m sure you could. But you don’t have any diapers.”

“I have some in my bag.” James did not like talking about his diapers and was quickly getting over this conversation.

“But sweetie, there aren’t any bags up here.” The woman had left the cabin and looked into the overhead bin. “It’s empty.”

“No, they told me they’d put my bags up there.” James said startled.

“Well, there’s nothing here…” The woman was doing a good job pretending to be confused.

James snapped himself back up and stood next to her and checked the bin. It was empty! While standing up the woman pulled his pants down and squeezed his diaper again.

“You need to let me change you,” she said.

James tripped trying to get his pants back on and fell back into his cabin. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked. “You can’t just pull my pants down like that…”

“Baby, you can’t talk like that.” The woman reached into the compartment underneath the television and in one swift motion, pushed it into James’ mouth. James tried to spit it out, but to his horror discovered there was some sort of adhesive attached to it, leaving him effectively gagged.

Panicking now, James tried to run past the woman into the cabin and get some help, but the woman pushed him back into the chair. She then pressed a button and the chair fell backwards horizontally. James, now effectively stuck on his back, was forced to watch as his flight mommy removed his pants and discarded them to the side. She then put her finger to her lips and told him to be quiet.

“Let’s get something straight.” She said quietly. “While you’re in the IC program, you’re under my control okay? So you might as well get used to it.”

James’ eyes bulged from his head as she removed his shirt as well. Then as another act of humiliation, she left him in the chair with the door wide open. Just hours ago, they had chatted with each other as equals. This was causing his cheeks to burn red with emotion.

James just sat there as the plane moved through the sky wondering how he could ever get out of this situation. Somehow this IC Program was a bit more than he bargained for. What he thought would be a quick way to get out of having to revisit TSA each time he flew, clearly came with more stipulations than he thought. The next chance he got, he would be sure to tell this woman that this was all a misunderstanding.

The woman returned with a pink bag in her hands and reached forward, untapping the diaper from underneath James. The airplane air felt cool against his damp privates. Then in a gentle motion, the woman pulled out a diaper and placed it underneath him. She then coated his genitals liberally with sweet smelling baby powder. She then guided his feet down and, after making sure they were spread apart enough to accommodate the thick diaper, guided the diaper up between his legs and taped it shut. The woman then checked the diapers fit, running her hands around the leg guards, testing the pull of the diaper. She bent his legs again, checking the back of the diaper. All while she was doing this, James felt a fire in his stomach, an intense humiliation welling up inside of him, coupled by deep regret of ever putting on the wrong diaper that morning.

James started to cry.

“Be quiet baby. Be a good boy for Mommy Maya…” Maya urged James to be quiet.

Next she reached into the bag and pulled out a shirt and pulled it above James’ head and pulled it down.

The shirt barely reached his diaper meaning that he’d be trapped in this room for the foreseeable future.

There was no way he was going to walk around the airplane like this.

Then, after patting his diaper Maya said, “Just hit the call button if you need me for anything.”

Then she closed the privacy panel and left.

James, just whimpered.



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