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James woke up and rolled out of bed a crinkle shattering the silence around him. His diaper, usually wet when he woke up, was probably going to be the only good thing that happened today.

He would have to visit his girlfriend and her parents today. Despite what the CDC had said about restricting home visits during the holiday season, James had decided to ignore the warnings. After all, no one else was paying attention to the warnings, he wasn’t about to be the only one stuck at home by himself on Thanksgiving.

James quickly changed into a new diaper and ran through the day in his mind.He had to be strategic about all of this. First, he would wear this diaper to the airport, but had to be careful to only wet it after he went through security. Then and only then could he relax and settle in for the five hour flight. The diaper would be helpful for several reasons. First, it was hella comfortable, but second, James didn’t relish the idea of having to use what could be a COVID infested restroom on a flight. Losing your sense of taste was not that appealing. Sadly, in 2020, COVID was real and he had to take as many precautions as possible.

James tossed the old diaper into a plastic bag and took it to the community trash bin. After a quick look into the mirror to make sure his ABU Simple wasn’t noticeable, James grabbed his mask, hopped into the Uber and left for the airport.

But that’s when everything stopped going smoothly. He instantly noticed the line was wrapping around the terminal. Forget six feet, people were crowded near the checkout counter trying to get their tickets so they would not miss their flight. James, who was generally used to just breezing into the airport and quickly getting through TSA precheck discovered not only was the Pre Check line not open, but the monitors indicated he'd have to wait almost an hour to get to the gate.

This was also a problem, because since getting into the Uber, James had to pee. He was used to relieving himself right after walking through the TSA line. There was no way he’d be able to wait an entire hour. James, gritted his teeth and decided he’d just have to hold it as long as possible.

The line moved slowly as James started to shift on the spot where he stood. He figured if he focused on his iPhone and the latest news he could avoid thinking about the fullness he was feeling in his abdomen. Already it had been 20 minutes and he thought he could see some progress, but the reality was, James still had a long way to go before he reached the checkpoint. James was regretting just not going to the bathroom when he arrived, and just ditching the diaper all together. He could have always changed into another diaper after security, but at this point, he had been in line so long, to do so would have forced him to miss his flight.

That’s when the woman behind him tapped him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me?” she asked, muffled through the simple floral mask she was wearing.

James swung around and faced her.

“I think you dropped your jacket.” She gestured towards James’ hoodie that lay abandoned on the floor a little behind him.

“Thank you.” James responded, scooping up the jacket. The woman took a slight step back to accommodate his movements in a responsible, respe way.

“Would hate for you to lose it.” She said gently, laughing a little. “Airplanes are usually cold.”

“Totally,” James responded. “Though, I am not sure if I am going to need it where I’m going.”

“Where are you headed?”

“To Nevada.” James moved forward a little with the line.

“Same here.” The woman gestured towards the checkpoint that seemed forever away. “If we ever make it to the checkpoint.”

James laughed a little as they continued their conversation. She was from the DC Metro area and was headed to Nevada to visit her sister who was having a rough time during quarantine. She too agreed with James, that the quarantine restrictions around the country were needed, but she was simply sick and tired of sitting around the house doing nothing when everyone else was out filming TikTok videos with their house parties.

But as James continued the conversation, he couldn’t help but feel his bladder getting ready to burst. If he could last just 20 more minutes, he’d be able to get past the checkpoint and to his flight. But it was a losing battle. As the woman was going on and on about election stress, James felt a slight pinch in his diaper and then the flood gates opened.

James felt the relief as the warmth spread throughout his lower regions and he tried his best to hide any reaction on his face. He didn’t quite want to be peeing right now during this conversation with this extremely attractive woman. I mean… if she was attractive. After all, all he could see was her eyes and gorgeous dark hair. But everything else about her seemed to fit the bill… maybe she had fangs or something like that. Either way, James absentmindedly looked down to make sure he had not leaked. It turns out that he had not, which was always a relief, especially in a public airport.

But something felt off when James took a few steps forward.

Usually when he wet, the diaper stayed the way it was. No extra poof. It would take a few wettings for it to swell. But this time, James could feel it. The diaper had swollen considerably, pushing his legs out a little bit. So much in fact, that James had a slight waddle each time he moved forward in the queue.

James’ heart skipped a beat. Fuck. He couldn’t go through TSA like this.

His brain spun thinking about how this had happened. Did he grab a Simple Ultra by mistake? There’s no way, he was out of those. If this was the case, there’d be no way he could continue to hide this diaper from all these people. The pants he was wearing would start bulging any moment now. The woman next to him would surely notice this suddenly round butt and pronounced waddle.

“I think you’re up next.” The woman said behind him, pointing to the TSA agent who motioned for him to come forward.

James swore a little realizing it was too late to go to the restroom and fix this and waddled forward to the agent.

Yes, James thought, he was waddling. It was so obvious.

Scanning his boarding pass and holding his identification up to the light, the TSA agent let him pass and James waddled to the security line.

His heart was pounding in his chest. But for some reason, as he stood there, he noticed the agent was just waving the wand in front of people and letting them pass. James placed his TSA card onto the belt and approached the agent with relief. He’d just be wanded, so it’d be no big deal.

But the man stopped him and a woman, who looked like her glare could curdle milk took his place.

“You’re going to have to go through the scanner.” she said gruffly pointing toward the round scanning machine.

“Wait but I’m pre check!” James panicked gesturing to his TSA Card that was now going under the x-ray.

“Sir, we have so many people to get through. I don’t need this.” The woman responded pointing again to the scanner.

James grimaced and stepped into the giant circular scanner. Inside there was an image of a person, raising his arms above their head. James followed suit as the lights flashed and he stepped out. The TSA agent held up his hand, looked at the iPad and told him he’d need to come with him for further screening.

James, now starting to outright panic, tried to play it cool.

“Excuse me sir?” He asked innocently.

The agent grabbed his bag from the belt. “Don’t worry, it’s normal. We’ll take you to the back for an additional pat down.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” James sputtered out.

“If we don’t, you can pat you down here, or you don’t fly.”

“Fine.” James said glumly, now thinking about what he could possibly say to the agents in the back.

But when he entered the well lit room, there was a cheery man sitting behind the desk who seemed extremely happy to be there.

“Hello sir. I am Dwight with TSA and I’ll be doing your additional screening today.” The agent adjusted his mask for a moment and continued. “Now before I start, I have to ask if there’s anything that will stick or hurt me as I begin your patdown?”

“No.” James responded feeling quite calm suddenly. This guy was a total zen garden.

“Great.” The man looked at the screen in the office and then frowned. “Looks like there is something here on your groin area.” He then picked up his walkie talkie and said, “DB-02.” Then he looked back at James, “No worries, it happens all the time, we’ll have you on your way in a moment. Are you wearing a diaper sir?”

James’ jaw fell open. He didn’t expect to be asked outright. But he recovered quickly. He had though about this on the way here. He had an answer.

“Well, I suffer from incontinence.” James said it with all the confidence he could muster.

“Ahh, that probably explains it.” Dwight said cheerfully. “We get a lot of people like you back here. Our scanners just have a rough time picking things up sometimes.”

The door behind him swung open as a woman walked in. She didn’t seem as cheery as Dwight. She motioned for Dwight to proceed.

“So I am going to remove your pants sir.” Dwight said. “We’ll scan them and then you’ll be on your way.”

“I mean, can’t I keep them on?” James asked nervously.

“Sadly no.” Dwight still sounded like he was on some sort of upper. “ Gotta scan them so you can make your flight on time. No worries we’ll give you a ride to your gate and get you on that plane.”

James sighed and reached for his belt.

“Nope.” The woman said who had entered the room earlier. “I will do that for you.” And without warning, she lifted James’ shirt and had him hold it up and unblocked and pulled down his pants.

James wanted to die.

She had him step out of the pants and walked back to the other side of the room where a small scanner was. James just stood there stupidly, in his diaper, a small breeze blowing on his legs. He stole a look downwards and noticed with horror that the bulge was obvious. His diaper looked completely full. On a normal day, James would have squeezed it slightly to enjoy the poof, but today was not going to be that day.

“James?” The woman said coming back from the scanner. “Do you find yourself leaking often?”

James, realized he needed to go all in if he was going to get out of this situation. “Yes,” he responded. “That’s why I wear the… briefs.”

The woman frowned… “The briefs?”

James nodded.

“Diapers right?” The woman clarified.

“Yes,” James said, feeling smaller by the moment. “The diapers”

“That makes sense.” The woman motioned that James could put his shirt down but didn’t return his pants. “It seems you’ve leaked on your pants a bit young man.

James stood there quietly, feeling like an idiot for holding his shirt up for so long like a child. But there was no way he had leaked into his pants. His diaper wasn’t even full. But the woman continued.

“Do you travel often?”


“Has anyone offered you a Incontinence Card?”

“A what?” James froze.

Dwight who seemed to still be on whatever high he was on from earlier interjected. “Oh the IC! It’s great. It lets you skip the TSA line so you don’t have to come back here. Like medical problems are the worst. It’ll let the agents know that you’re wearing a diaper and they’ll wave you through. Discretion is key you know?”

James nodded slightly.

“You mean I could get a card and wouldn’t have to come back here next time?”

The woman nodded. “Boys like you come through here all the time. We want to do our best to accommodate them to make their travel safer and easier.”

James thought about it for a moment. This could be great. He traveled all the time before the pandemic for work and this meant he could wear his diaper through TSA without worrying about the dreaded pat down everytime TSA was busy. His diapers would go unnoticed.

“How much does it cost?” James asked tentatively.

“It’s free.” The woman said, picking up a tablet from the desk. “All you have to do is answer the questionnaire and we’ll let you know if you qualify or not.”

James took the tablet, still aware that he was standing pantsless in this backroom in just his diaper and looked at the table. It was “IC CARD APPLICATION.”

“All you have to do is answer a few questions and we’ll get you your card today.”

James clicked continue on the screen and started reading the questions. There were five of them. The first asked how often he wore. Wanting to make sure he qualified for the program he clicked the option for 24/7. The last thing he needed was to suggest to the people in the room that he only wore now and then after saying that he had problems with leaking in the past. Besides, it didn’t mean that he had to wear all the time, who the hell was going to check?

The next question asked him about the absorption of the diapers he wore. He clicked maximum and on the next said it was for both urinary and fecal incontinence. Whatever that meant. It was option C and when in doubt, always go with C.

The next question asked him if he traveled alone or with friends more often. He clicked alone. And finally it asked him if he agreed to the terms and conditions of the program. James clicked yes and another window popped up with the terms and conditions. Fucking TOC’s James thought to himself. THey’re so long no one reads them anyway. James scrolled down, jammed his finger on the accept button and handed the table back to the woman.

She accepted the tablet, looked at it and pressed a few buttons. Her eyes narrowed for a moment. “Looks like you were accepted into the program James. Congrats.”

James nodded and then gestured towards his pants. “Can I have my pants back now please?”

Dwight chuckled behind him, “Of course not man, they’re wet from before.”

James’ heart skipped a beat. “What am I supposed to wear then?”

The woman smiled warmly. “Don’t worry we’ll have something for you to wear in just a moment. We can’t let little boys at the airport walk around with wet pants now can we?”

Why did she keep calling him a little boy?

Her walkie beeped and someone said something unintelligible into it.

“Time to get your new clothes,” the woman said. “You can’t fly with wet pants.” She opened the door to reveal a GoKart waiting for them. “We’ll use this to get to the next room where you can select a new pair of pants.”

“I can’t go outside in just my diaper.” James sputtered stubbornly, suddenly feeling quite dizzy.

“Young man, of course you’re not going out into the airport in just your diaper. We are taking you down to another room to get clothes. Airport protocol says you need to ride in the car because it’s a while away and you can get lost in these tunnels.”

James looked at Dwight for help who shrugged and looked back down at the desk. Then figuring it was just a ride in a go cart picked up his backpack and walked to the go cart. He’d put his hoodie on his lap and no one would be the wiser.

The woman helped load his luggage on the luggage rack in the cart and then instructed him to sit down in the passenger seat. Then before James could react, she pulled down the four point harness that clicked in between his legs. The harness pushed out his legs even further as James protested.

She held her hands up at James shriek. “Everyone has to wear a harness. Look. Even I am wearing one.” The woman pulled hers down over her shoulders. But for some reason hers didn’t click into the middle of the seat. When James pointed this out she responded that she was the driver and needed to be able to get in and out easily.

James couldn’t help but feel infantile as his legs seemed to be pushed out allowing anyone who’d be in these hallways to see his diaper. It was like a baby seat you’d see in the carpool lane. To make matters worse, the woman took his hoodie and placed it in the backseat saying, “I’d hate for you to lose it.”

James tried to cover his face as the GoKart lurched forward, but instead found himself clutching the safety bar for dear life. The shock of the small car lurching forward caused him to pee a bit more, making the diaper swell up even more. The car traveled for what seemed like ten mins. The woman wasn’t joking. These maze of tunnels underneath the airport seemed to go on endlessly. He found himself being grateful to be in the car, even if the wind blowing on his legs made him feel like an infant in a car seat. But the harness was proving to be a good idea, as the woman sped around turns and treated the brake like a brick, James felt himself sliding forward from time to time, each instance causing his diaper to squish slightly between his legs.

Finally the woman stopped the cart and hopped out. James, dazed, clearly didn't move fast enough. “Leave your luggage in the cart,” the woman barked unbucking the harness from between his legs. Then she stopped and squeezed his diaper. “Looks like someone has been dribbling in their diaper all morning.” She shook her head and mumbled, “No wonder you’re in the IC program.”

James hopped out of the car and waddled behind the woman who opened the door to the room.

Inside were rows and rows of clothing. James instantly began looking around.

“What size are you?” The woman asked.

“I have a 32 waist.” James said absentmindedly.

“What color do you think you want?”

“Black is fine.” James said going to the next rack.

An announcement blared over the loudspeaker.

“That my flight!” James hissed.

“Here are a pair of shorts.” the woman handed them to him quickly. “Quickly, put them on so we can get you to your flight.”

James quickly pulled up the shorts and noticed the bulge of the diaper was crystal clear through the shorts. Anyone who looked at him could tell he was padded, without a doubt.

“I can’t wear these.” James cried about to pull them off.

“If you pull them off we won’t have time to find another that fits you.” the woman said. “Now back in the cart we have to get you to your gate.

James grounded and allowed himself to be pulled back to the card. He let out a little more pee and was harnassed back into the front. It didn’t matter, he had another pair of sweatpants in his bag. He could take off the diaper and put on some underwear once he got on the flight.

The woman started the kart and they whizzed through the airport. James was worried people would be staring at his bulging crotch, but to his surprise, no one noticed him. Instead they were all rushing to their gates, no doubt delayed by TSA . When James arrived at the gate, he was surprised to see that the attendant at the gate was waiting for him.

“James.” The woman said cheerfully. “You just made it. We were about to close the door.”

Without waiting for a response, the gate attendant unbuckled him and helped him waddle out of the cart.

“James is a member of the IC Program.” The woman who was driving the cart said quickly.

James’ face flushed as the gate attendant nodded.

“Come on now little one. We need to get you on the flight.”

James tried to ignore the condescending nature of “little one” and reached for his bag.

“No worries.” the gate attendant said pushing him towards the skybridge. “We’ll put your bags on the flight for you.”

James nodded and waddled down the SkyBridge.

“Oh and one more thing.” the woman said cheerfully, “We got an upgraded plane, so there should be more room on the plane for you to spread out. Enjoy the flight baby.



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