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Ricky spent the rest of the day feeling numb. How had she done this to him? This had to have been against the rules, right? Every time he felt his diaper grow warmer and warmer with the more liquid he consumed, he instantly tried to clamp down, but with no success. For all intents and purposes, he'd be peeing his diapers for the foreseeable future. He needed to see a doctor and figure out how to fix this.

Part of Ricky's mind burned in Ally's direction. She's the one who said to go along with this. Peeing your pants for the rest of your life wasn't worth $8K in his mind. It wasn't worth any sort of money. He was a fucking adult for crying out loud.

Ricky sat dazed as he went through breakfast lost in his own mind. His nap time had him restless. Lunchtime was frustrating. He found himself noticing that his diaper was continually getting larger and larger as the day went on, where he had no control, no say. No input. Like a real baby.

This was what the Woman wanted all along. She'd do this thing where she'd enter the room and act surprised to see his diaper as full as it was.

"Oh baby," she'd say, leaking the sugar of the sugarplums. "Your diaper is soooo full." Then she'd leave the room and return with powder and wipes and baby oil and diapers so thick there was no way he could walk on them if he tried.

Ricky assumed after the first two days that she'd get bored of this whole routine. But she kept it up. Each feeding seemed to bring Mommy more joy than the last one. And what really made Ricky repulsed was his daily bowel movement.

Ricky had started holding it as much as possible because he never wanted to miss a day in his life. But by the third day, it seemed like the Woman had caught on. Ricky looked visibly uncomfortable. He winced every time he sat down.

That night at dinner as Ricky was locked in the high chair as he usually was. He hadn't yet gained the freedom to feed himself and at this point was unsure if he ever would. But mommy put a bowl in front of him of oatmeal, prunes, and a few other fiber-rich foods.

She started feeding him as usual rapidly, ensuring the oatmeal smeared all over his face and chest. Next, he choked down the fruit, followed by a thick milkshake. Then, when it seemed like Ricky was going to burst, Mommy looked at Ricky dead in the eyes.

"I know you're holding your poopies, Baby."

At this point, Ricky was wigging in his chair, his bowels screaming to let go. He was sweating, squirming, praying to God that he wouldn't miss his diaper. He didn't want to do it. He had to find a way to get back to the toilet.

"Tonight, you are going to learn why you shouldn't hold it. You're a baby after all; you need to let it out when it comes." Mommy helped Ricky down from the chair and into a crawling position.

He felt extremely infantile, with his swollen stomach bubbling every time he moved. His thick diaper crinkled, eager to accept the mess that was brewing inside of him. Crawling up the stairs was a challenge, but Ricky did it and soon they were back in that dreaded nursery.

But this time, instead of heading to the crib, she instructed him to turn onto his back on the floor. Mommy carefully kneeled down and untaped his diaper revealing his penis which let out a small squirt of pee upon contact with the air. Next, she reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a small container, from which she pulled a few clear round pills. She put on a glove and told Ricky to relax and plunged her fingers into his anus.

Ricky squirmed horribly and felt like he was going to mess at that very moment. But he gripped the carpet. Because he closed his eyes, he felt something else be pushed up his sphincter, but couldn't see what it was.

Mommy quickly taped him back up and then, with very little fanfare, said that he'd be spending the night in the room, so he should be free to play with his toys.

Mommy then removed a key from her pocket and locked the cabinets in the room. All of the diapers and bottles were now locked away.

Ricky was too busy trying to clench to notice that Mommy took a seat in the corner and pulled out a magazine. Puzzled, Ricky just sat on the floor.

That's when the first wave hit him. He'd been holding it for two days straight, and now his bowels were ready to burst. Ricky tried to look for a place to hide, but the room wouldn't allow him too. He spotted the crib, maybe if he crawled in there he could hide under the sheets to spare himself the embarrassment of messing in front of this Woman.

"Mommy…" he said tentatively.

The Woman looked up from her magazine and smiled, "Yes baby?"

"Can I please get into my crib? I'm cold."

"Of course." The Woman strode across the room and unlatched the crib and allowed him the crawl inside.

Ricky quickly climbed under the covers, but the Woman, sensing his plan pulled them off the bed entirely and then took her seat and stared at him again.

She was doing that thing again where she didn't blink. Her green eyes just stared at him, boring into his soul at a moment that was his most vulnerable.

Ricky did his best to clench, but he eventually lost his battle; falling onto his knees and bending over, facing away from Mommy he began to push.

But nothing happened.

In fact, it felt like something was blocking his bowels from moving.

"Baby?" Mommy said gently. "Can you please look at mommy and tell her what you're doing."

Ricky started crying. "I'm trying to mess my diaper mommy."

The Woman smiled. "Do you need to make pushies?"

Ricky turned back around, trying to push, but the Woman insisted he turn back around and look her in the eyes.

Then Ricky noticed she had her cell phone out. Once they locked eyes, she smiled and said, "When you make pushes in your diaper, look me in the eyes, or you won't be able to."

Ricky sobbed as he looked her in the eyes and nodded.

She pressed the screen of her phone.

Ricky then felt a release in his bottom as the mess oozed its way out of his bottom and into his diaper. Looking at Mommy while he messed caused his face to burn with humiliation. She was watching him execute on one of the most infantile of acts while he was in a crib, the soft blankets and plushies juxtaposed against his muscles, his quads. The diaper ballooned outwards as Ricky leaned forward to accommodate more space for the mess and no doubt, more space for the pee that he had consistently been dribbling throughout this ordeal.

"Is baby finished?" Mommy asked, taking her hand and cupping the front of his diaper.

Ricky stayed silent.

Mommy squeezed the thick pillow padding and then mushed the mess in the back causing it to ooze between his legs.

"Good baby." She said, smiling at Ricky from the other side of the bars. Then after closing the lid on the crib, she said quietly, "Make sure you mess everyday or mommy will make you. Good night baby."

"Wait, aren't you gonna?" Ricky cried. Surely he would get a chance.

"I think the diaper can hold more, don't you think?"

And with that, Mommy shut the door and locked it behind her.


A week later, Ricky had pretty much learned his lesson. After being forced to mess in the crib then spend the night in it, he had learned a few lessons about his life with Mommy and the ever scarce Terri.

First they had full control over everything. He already had lost his ability to hold his pee, only because Ricky broke the rule about using his diaper for everything. Sure, using the toilet was obviously off-limits, but he couldn't fathom having to mess his diaper in such a humiliating garment. Ally and he didn't even do that at home.

Mommy's rules also seemed to forbid him from holding his messes too. After spending the night in the messy diaper and getting the changed the next morning, Ricky proceeded to hold his poop in again, but after 48 hours, Mommy scolded him and said that he'd lost his chance. Bewildered, Ricky ignored her, and for the next 24 hours, it seemed like messes just went through him. Every hour more mess was dropping into his diaper. The worst part, it was without warning. Ricky had found himself playing on the floor with one of those awful television shows on with the cartoons, the next, he felt his diaper filling in the back.

He had begged Mommy that if she only let him mess on his own… well, he had actually begged her to, "Let him make poopies in his diaper without help." But she had laughed and said they'd try again in a week. Which led to his next lesson; there was no room for error.

It seemed like Mommy had some unspoken rules that Ricky didn't know about. He was expected to act like a baby at all costs, at all times, without exception. That meant no walking, no adult talk and always use the word Mommy when possible.

But that was difficult. After two weeks, Ricky wanted to go home. He missed his adult life. He missed Ally…. he missed sex with Ally.

Indeed while he had been under captivity, trapped in the object that ruled his fetish, he hadn't cum in two weeks. Usually he'd perform the deed every single day. Sex five times a week was not uncommon. But now, Ricky was biding his time, seeing when he'd have a free moment to… release himself.

Ricky learned the Woman's… Mommy's, routine. She'd wake him up with the sunlight hit the window, change him, take him to breakfast, then leave him alone to play in the living room after what seemed like a million bottles. Then she'd give him more milk right before lunch, followed by an agonizing two hour nap. Then he'd be left alone in his nursery to play before dinner time. Which he would then be allowed an hour to watch cartoons before being bathed, changed and taken to bed.

Ricky knew the only space he would have to cum would being during that period of that two hour nap. He had been carefully studying the baby monitor and noticed the battery was getting low. To make matters even better, the battery compartment had been cracked, meaning if he could just tip it off the shelf during his nap, she'd be none the wiser. The monitor was audio-only, so as long as he could tip it off the shelf and then get it back, it would look like nothing happened if Mommy came in to check on him.

The other problem was the mittens. Ricky hadn't used his hands since arriving at the Woman With the Green Eyes House. He had been stuck in these infantile mittens. Thick and infantile, they made it so he couldn't use his hand for anything. After his incident with the toilet, she'd replaced them with a more slippery version, which meant that he had to use his elbows to pick anything of substance up. This new fabric caused everything to slip.

Ricky knew however he couldn't wait to cum. He was a full-grown man after all, not a baby. He hardly paid any attention to the Woman's warning, because what else could she do to him? He was already diaper dependent while he was here. The worst she could do was spank him right? And that's only be if she found out. With the state his diaper was in constantly, there would be no way she'd know.

Besides, Ricky needed this moment of rebellion. He needed this to remind himself and the world that he was still a warm-blooded American man. He was still in control, and in two weeks, he'd be back with Ally as if nothing happened.


Ricky put his plan in action at the start of week three. He was particularly good during the morning change and meal and was obedient when she asked him to "open wide for the yummies." He grinned when she mentioned how sticky his face was and at noon crawled into his crib like a good baby.

The Woman even remarked at his behavior, saying that he'd be able to go out that week because he was so good. Ricky, so focused on his goal, completely ignored this statement and focused on making sure she didn't close the lid of the crib when it was time.

Lucky for him, Mommy didn't close the crib. In fact she hardly did anything to restrain. All she did was pat him on the back of his diaper and remind him to be a good baby during his nap.

Ricky's heart was pounding like crazy as she locked the door behind herself. He waited silently on his back to make sure she wasn't going to return. Once it was obvious she was gone, Ricky sprang into action.

Climbing out of the soft crib, Ricky wobbled to his knees and then to his feet. He was weak from the three weeks of constant feeding and crawling. Not quite used to being on his feet, Ricky wobbled for a moment, falling on his padded butt. He held his breath to make sure Mommy wasn't about to run back into the room. But the Woman with the Green eyes stayed away, clearly undisturbed by the soft noises.

Ricky approached the baby monitor and used his tongue to move the dial to off, then promptly knocked it off the table. Like a charm, the battery box popped out. Ricky, breathing heavy now, kicked the battery under the cabinet in the corner and managed to use his elbow to get the monitor back on the table. He couldn't quite get the back of the battery pack back on there, but he decided it was worth it if he could cum before this was all over.

Ricky climbed back into the crib to get himself into position. Because his hands were still in the slippery mittens, he had to rely on the next best thing, which was stacking the stuffies and pillows that were in the bed on top of one another. Anyone who walked in would laugh at the desperation at which Ricky was grinding his diaper into the soft padding of the pillows that moved between his legs. He moved back and forth, slowly gaining an erection in his soaked diaper. Every thrust Ricky made was like shouting a giant fuck you to the Woman with the Green eyes. He kept pushing harder and harder, panting at his point. He thought of Ally and her body, he thought of how he loved being diapered by her. How his deepest diaper boy fantasy involved her fondling his diaper and patting the back of his padding in the most condescending of ways.

Soon he was getting close. Ricky started to feel the fire build in his loins. He was drooling at this point. His diaper kept crinkling faster and louder until…

Weakness. His legs shuddered as he had one of the most explosive orgasms of his life. He felt his penis leap several times, spasming as cum rushed out of him. And his thirsty diaper ate it right up. Weak now, Ricky rolled over on his back, smiling, sweating and recovering and dozed off to sleep.


"Wake up baby!" The Woman with the green eyes had returned and was fondling the front of his diaper as she tended to do when she woke him up. She pointed out that he was extremely soaked and remarked that he must not have been able to hold his pee.

Ricky scowled at that remark. Of course he couldn't hold his pee. She saw to that.

The Woman flipped him on his back and began untaping his diaper. But she paused for a moment and looked at her fingers. Then she looked at the diaper again, running her finger alongside the front of the waistband.

Mommy frowned.

She reached under the table and put the headphones on his head and said, "If you move at all, the headphones will paralyze you for an hour."

Ricky nodded.

Then she got quiet and left Ricky lying there with his diaper open. She returned with a small bottle and placed it on the crib next to Ricky.

"I am going ask you this once, baby, and if you lie to me, there will be more consequences than you already are about to face." Mommy sounded furious as if she were trying to control her voice. When she said consequences, her voice wavered slightly.

Ricky though was feeling the adrenaline of what he'd just done course through his veins. He was not going to back down now. He was tired of this baby shit. Tired of how she was treating him. He was going to win this war if he died trying. Okay, that was a bit dramatic, no one was going to die… that'd be crazy. But Ricky was determined now, more than ever, to make his last week and a half here as difficult as possible. She had already taken so much from him…

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ricky spat in her direction, glowering at her from his position in the crib.

Mommy left and returned back to the cabinet with another bottle of some sort of gel. Putting on gloves, she started her monologue.

"You didn't think I'd notice when baby made stickies in his diaper did you?" She uncapped the first bottle and squeezed some of the gel in her hand. "You know what the stupid part is, you're just a baby, you can't outsmart mommy." She then grabbed Ricky penis and started to rub the gel into every crevice. Between his testicles, on the head. Every part of his member.

Ricky winced a little. The gel was warm and seemed to grow warmer by the moment. Ricky was confused, because the sensation was pleasure. This was like the first night he was here when he had started thrusting his hips in an "unauthorized" fashion. Ricky lay still, his breathing quickening slightly as she expertly rubbed the gel into his penis.

"Since you can't seem to control yourself like a good baby, Mommy is going to do it for you." Mommy removed the second bottle and squeezed some of the gel into her hand. She then rubbed the next gel into his penis as well.

This gel was cold. Like ice. He could feel himself shrinking at the touch. Ricky winced as the Woman with the green eyes stared at him, her eyes adopting that greedy look that constantly haunted him.

"You seem to love cumming so much, so the first gel is going to make sure that's all you do over the course of the next 24 hours. But you're not going to enjoy it, no." The Woman started taping his diaper back up. "That's the second gel, it makes sure you can't get an erection. A friend developed it for me, she's been testing it on a few of her clients who also seem to have a hard time controlling themselves."

Ricky panicked and tried to sit up, be the headphones screamed at him causing him to fall backwards in a daze.

"What's going to happen is the second gel keeps you flaccid. There are some side effects that you'll discover at your next diaper change. But the first gel keeps filling your baby balls with cum. Those little guys have to come out, so you'll be cumming every few minutes. It'll feel like you are about to cum, but you won't get the relief. Maybe after a day cumming in your diapers, you'll learn why being a baby is preferable."

The Woman stood up and closed the bars of the crib. "You are going to learn. One way or another, that you don't fuck with mommy."

She got to the door, but right before she closed it, she pulled out her phone and pressed a button. Ricky felt the back of his padding grow warm with mush.

"I think I'll leave this on overnight." She sneered. Then shut the door.


Ricky's mind was ablaze, he couldn't move because the headphones had paralyzed him. He struggled, trying to roll over, so he could get some traction to see what exactly the Woman had done to him.

But he couldn't move.

He wasn't going to be able to move.

The Woman with the green eyes had thought of everything.

Ricky felt a tingly sensation in his groin. It was as if he was buzzing with hornyness. This warmth was spreading through his groin. He felt like he was going to cum, but for some reason, he simply couldn't. He wanted badly to reach down, to rub his diaper and get himself off as he had done earlier, when he was in control and when he was in charge, when he could get himself off on his own.

The tingling and warmth was unbearable at this point. He needed to cum now, at all costs. But suddenly, he felt this subtle dribbling in his diaper. He felt the ruined orgasm push through him, denied the pleasure of an actual orgasm. He felt the hot cum dribble onto his balls as he desperately wanted to thrust his hips to enjoy the sensation.

But he couldn't.

For the next few hours, he'd have the same experience happen over and over, just broken up by moments when he had to mess his diaper and dribble more pee into the thick padding. The diaper grew thick and swollen and even though after a few hours Ricky was able to move, he couldn't investigate what had happened to him. The mittens kept him away.

So he rolled over and tried to go to sleep. But the buzzing in his groin kept him awake. Every fifteen mins, he'd have a rise and fall, where the pressure would build up in his groin and he'd then feel himself dribbling uselessly in his diaper. He got no pleasure. This was the worst way to cum.

Ricky started to cry.

This was hell.

Eventually the Woman returned into the room, and rolled Ricky onto his back. She then slid in behind him with a bottle and let him rest on her chest as she fed him the bottle. Ricky spassamed over and over as she shushed him. Ricky couldn't stop moaning to himself as he kept leaking cum and dribbling more pee into his diaper.

Eventually, Mommy left the room again and Ricky was able to get some sleep, still buzzing from his punishment.


The next few days, Ricky was wiped out and felt like he was in a haze. The Woman with the green eyes changed his diapers in silence and did all the things they had been doing before.

Ricky, however, wasn't just in a daze from the cumming punishment, he was in a daze because of the aftermath and consequences of that punishment. The Woman was right…. he was no longer able to get an erection. His penis didn't move in his diaper anymore, no matter how thick and squishy his diaper got. But the worst part, the thing that horrified him the most was the impact of that. She had managed to shrink his penis.

Where before it was a respectful size, one that made Ally happy, his penis was now maybe two inches. It rested harmlessly on top of his balls like a harmless piece of string. Mommy just smiled when he noticed and said that had he not been trying to act like a "big strong man" his penis wouldn't now be a "baby penis."

Ricky was shook to his core over the fourth week of his captivity and tried to be on his best behavior. Every chance he got, he tried to ask her when she'd let him "grow up again." But she'd just laugh and hand him another bottle.

This caused Victor to fume. But he felt like he couldn't do anything about it. He'd run out of leverage. At night he'd lie in the crib dying of boredom, willing himself to get hard. If he could just have an erection. But every morning, the Woman with the green eyes would return, rubbing that cold gel on his cock and balls. Little did he know, she was making him even smaller as vengeance.

As the days ticked by, he knew he had lost. Ricky focused on just making it out and going home. He knew that on the last day, the Woman with the green eyes would reverse the damage she'd done.

But what if she didn't?

The next week, the final week of his stay, was just slow and dragged on and on and on. Ricky would lie in his crib, filling his diapers throughout the day. He'd be relegated to the high chair for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He'd have to take two naps a day. He'd think of Ally. Then he'd go to sleep. Then it'd repeat.

But then the last day arrived and the Woman with the green eyes opened the door to his room.

Ricky was ready to go. He sat up in the crib and looked at her.

"Last day baby!" She chirped excitedly.

Ricky nodded quietly.

"I bet you're ready to see your real mommy again."

Ricky glared at her. "She's not my mommy."

The Woman stopped and leaned over the crib, a menacing look in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to play this game today baby? After all you've lost?"

Ricky just glared back. She had a point. He had filled his diaper earlier that morning and had to lie in his mess. The sad part was, he was used to it by now. But he was angry. Ricky had nothing to lose at this point.

Or so he thought.

The Woman with the green eyes took her hand and squeezed the back of his diaper, pushing the mess closer to his skin.

Ricky stayed quiet as the Woman let down the edge of the crib and helped him out. He felt the mess oozing in his diaper as he gingerly moved. To his surprise, the Woman handed him his basketball shorts from day one and his shirt.

"Get dressed," she said. "Then meet me downstairs. Ally will be here in fifteen minutes."

Ricky's heart skipped a beat as he let out a little urine. Ally was back! He had missed her terribly.

"Can I take a bath first?"

"There's no time for that." The Woman said dismissively.

"Come on! I can't let her see me like this."

For some reason, Ricky was suddenly concerned that he looked like a baby with his full diaper. He'd never messed before in front of her and he was worried she'd think he was an actual baby when she arrived.

"If you want to reverse any of the side effects of your stay here, you'll be downstairs as fast as possible."

So Ricky complied. As he bent down to put on the basketball shorts, he felt the mess press up against his body. He grimaced but then got down on his hands and knees and crawled down the hall and bumped his way down the stairs.

He entered the dining room where the Woman was sitting at the table. In front of her were three pill bottles. She smirked at him from the floor.

"Still crawling huh?" She sneered.

Ricky quickly stood up, embarrassed. He wasn't used to wearing clothing that was covering up his diaper. He took a seat in one of the chairs and grimaced again. The mess pushed up against his skin again. He felt a little more pee escape him.

The Woman looked Ricky in the eyes.

"Did you enjoy your stay here?"

"No" Ricky was honest.

"That's okay baby. I loved you being here."

Ricky was quiet.

The Woman pushed the pill bottles towards Ricky.

"These are pills you are going to have to take to restore to bladder., bowel function and penis size."

Ricky grabbed the bottle with his clumsy fingers. His hands felt unfamiliar to him because he hadn't used them in so long.

"Not so fast, Ricky." The Woman said.

Ricky paused.

"You have to take one a day for ninety days. You can't skip a day, and you can't take them all at once."

"You mean to tell me, I have another ninety days of this bullshit?"

The Woman nodded. "That's the consequence of you acting out when you first got here."

Ricky closed his mouth. He realized that Ally was going to knock on the door at any moment. He opened the pill bottle, grabbed a pill and tossed it into his mouth.

She handed him a bottle, which he accepted and drank some of the water.

"You'll notice there are only fifteen pills in the bottle."

Ricky inspected the pill bottle. She was right. There were now fourteen pills inside the bottle. "Can I have the other pills?"

"You can come back for a weekend and I'll give you the next fifteen."

Ricky just stared at her.

"And then come back fifteen days later for the next fifteen. You'll spend time as my baby, but you'll get all your faculties back."

Ricky slammed his hands on the table.

"Nope…" The Woman said. "None of that. Now you can wait thirty days till coming back."

"But I don't want to come back," Ricky yelled. "This isn't fair."

The Woman looked at Ricky, with continuing greed in her eyes. "That's 45 days."

Ricky felt a little more mess enter his diaper from his range.

"Baby… You have to learn you're stuck with me until you figure out how to be the perfect baby." The Woman stood up as the doorbell rang.

Before answering the door, the Woman stared at Ricky. "I'm going to make you work hard for those pills, baby. You decided to fight me for the last thirty days. And now, you'll be messing your diapers for the next forty-five. Maybe when you come back, you'll have learned your lesson."

Ricky stood up.

"Please, mommy, please. Just give me the pills."

The Woman approached the front door, where Ally was waiting on the other side. "I don't think so." She said unlocking the door from the inside. "Prove to me you can be a good baby when I see you in two months, and we'll talk about it."

With that, she opened the door.

Ricky swallowed hard and walked into the hallway towards the outside.

The next 45 days were going to test him… but he needed to stay strong. His new mission was to get those pills. And he'd have no choice but to complete this one.

The End


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