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Jared spent most of his time at the gym training for a fitness competition and after a while had grown extremely popular in gym circles. Every time Jared would walk in the gym, everyone would turn and look. Women would give him serious looks as he’d strut to the weights and perform his morning rituals.

But of course he was taken. Never far behind him was his training partner. She’d walk in a few minutes after he did and do her own thing. But if you looked closely, she’d always go and check on him, giving his bicep a light squeeze or slightly grazing her hand on his butt. She’d remind him (and the ladies or men) who were ogling that they were a pair.

They were the ultimate couple, equally strong, both gods in their own right.

But when he’d return home around 6PM she’d pull out a blender bottle and ask if Jared wanted to keep his muscles.

The conversation was always the same. He’d have to say yes. Because the last time he said no, she reminded him what the consequences were.

His muscles vanished. His waistline grew, his chiseled features vanished and his hair grew thin and wispy. He became weak and unattractive. His voice became weak. He looked like a shell of the man who was at the gym just that morning.

She’d push him out the door and say, “Good luck.” She wasn’t cruel, she’d let him back in if he said the magic words. Jared could decide if he wanted to really live life as an average person. Live life as someone unremarkable. Someone who didn’t turn heads.

Within an hour Jared would come back and beg.

“Please let me back in.”

She’d tell him to say the words.

“Please.” He’d beg. “Put me back in diapers.”

And so she’d bring him back inside, undo her top and place the nipple of her breast in his mouth. He’d suck gently and with each sip, his muscles would return. The chiseled confident man all the ladies at the gym knew would return.

Next she’d have him crawl to the shelf and pull a plain white diaper out. Lying on the floor, she’d sprinkle powder on his balls, lotion him up and wrap the soft caressing plastic around him.

But this time before she pulled up the diaper, she pulled out three suppositories and inserted them inside of him.

“Someone needs to be punished for rebelling.” she’d say matter of factly. “You came to me all those years ago a weakling. A pathetic man, and I gave you self confidence. I gave you power. So I’m going to remind you, no matter how strong you get, you’re still pathetic.”

Jared held still as she placed a few stuffers inside the diaper and tape it shut.

“And this time, it’s diapers all the time. Not just at home. Seems like you need a reminder of your place.”

Jared started to whimper. “Please no… can we go back to the way it was before?”

“You’re the one who decided to act out. Each time it’ll get worse.” She patted the front of his diaper one more time. “Now it’s time for bed.”

So there he’d lie, in the nursery, special made for him. The shelves were adorned with colorful diapers, soft music playing. Containers of protein powder were on the shelves, weights in the corner next to plush toys and bottles.

And there was Jared, in the oversized light pink crib, on his back, preparing to mess his diaper for the second time that night. Each time he’d rebel, she’d make sure he spent the night in a messy diaper, to remind him that he was hers. She’d up the stakes. He’d now be wearing his thick crinkly diapers to the gym because he rebelled.

She looked down at him smiling. “You’re so cute in diapers.” She gave him another squish and said darkly. “Next time I’m taking your bladder control. So unless you want to start wearing diapers to the gym, I’d try to be good from now on.”

Jared let a few tears escape.

His vanity trapped him in this plastic prison of his own creation. He couldn’t leave when he wanted. He was trapped.

He had made this deal. She’d give him muscles. She’d make him a god and in return he’d be her baby at home, where no one could see them.

That deal could last as long as he accepted his place.

He wanted to be a god in real life, he’d be a baby when he was with her.

Make sure you check out Padded Matt on JFF! Watch his journey in the gym and in diapers... 


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